Summary: God’s image in us as human beings is what makes us special. But, we should also bear in mind that we are the temple of the living God and He dwells within us. Only when we live in total obedience to His word will all of our confusions be turned to peace and rest.

We read in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (ESV)

The word of God counsels us as to the kind of thoughts that should fill our minds. As much as we are careful about our words and actions, the same caution needs to be exercised for our thought too. Lots of things that we perceive with our eyes, have a way of getting our attention, and making us think differently too. These thoughts that captivate our minds could be from what we see or also from things of the past that have a way of playing up in our minds. The word of God encourages us to entertain in our minds things that are true, and to let go of all those things that are false. When our mind is filled with true thoughts, our word will be honest and our actions authentic.

Man’s lofty plan that God disapproved

In Genesis 11:3-4, we read, And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” (ESV)

The people at that time premised that the way to solve the problem of being scattered throughout the earth, was for them to join together and execute a unified plan. Their intention was to build a city and a tower that would probably reach up to the heavens, whereby they could also make a name for themselves. As they thought, they planned, and it seemed they also had the raw materials to execute this scheme. With this plan in mind, they realized that stones and mortar may not be sufficient, and hence proceeded to replace them with bricks and bitumen so that they could succeed in their strategy.

Have you thought about where man derived this skill to find ways, and means to execute a plan that pops up in his mind? This is the creative genius inside of man that is not found in any other created beings on the earth. Just look around, and we will be astounded to see the wonderful things that man has discovered and designed. The answer to this is found in the verse below.

We are created in God’s image

In Genesis 1:27, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.(ESV)

Behind the creation of human beings is the hand of an Almighty and All-Wise God, who made men and women the crown of His creation. Since we have the image of God inside of us, the creative aspect of God is evident in all of mankind. Look at the variety in God’s creation for example in the vegetation around us. The assortment of trees, fruits, leaves and roots all so varied and unique, truly blows our minds.

If we were looking to purchase a car for instance, we are presented with umpteen choices. Each car is different from the other in its model, color, design, accessories and functioning. These are just a proof that we have a God who created us, and it is His image inside of us that enables us to perform just as He does.

Oftentimes when it comes to finding a solution to the problems we encounter, we try to sort them out ourselves, and don’t turn to our creator God for an answer. If we had an issue with our car for instance, the best place to take it would be to the authorized dealer who has the knowledge to solve the problem. Irrespective of what the issue or damage is, the mechanic is able to set it right, and give back the vehicle to us in perfect condition. As the manufacturers of the car, they alone have the aptitude to understand all of its details and functioning.

So also, we are created by God, and if we do not go to Him to set things right, but rather try to find our own solutions, we may end up causing more trouble for ourselves, and those around us. Let us go to the Lord every time we are faltering or stumbling with any difficulty or confusion, knowing that He has the answer to all of our problems.

These are the word of Jesus as found in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (ESV)

No matter what the burdens are that you bear, those from family, relationships, at work place or from society, to everyone who is weighed down and wearied, the Lord welcomes all and is willing to give us the needed rest. There may be those who from the wrong choices or decisions are unable to bear the consequences of the same. Even to such the Lord is willing, and able to change all those hard situations, and give a suitable solution, if you can bring them to Him.

The first and most important truth that should be ingrained in us, is the fact that we are created in God’s image. He is the creator, and He alone can counsel us as to how we should operate so as to fulfill His purposes in our lives. We can also come to Him, just as we are with all our flaws and weaknesses, knowing that He alone can set everything right in our broken lives.

Reasons why they wanted to build

We read in Genesis 11:4, Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” (ESV)

There were reasons why the people at that time in history wanted to build a city and the tower. The foremost being that they did not want to be scattered over all the face of the earth. Secondly, they also wanted to build a tower that would reach the heavens, implying that they would try to reach God who is in the heavens, thereby making a name for themselves.

The pursuit for popularity

To be prominent or get a name is the goal of many people today. In an office of say hundred employees, the majority will work for a good name. There are many who strive and labor hard just to get this prominence. This is often the case of individuals. So also when a team gets together, where they have the skill and the finances, they want to build something extraordinary. They go ahead and build these really tall structures, and their joy and fame is short lived because someone else comes along in some other part of the world, and they are able to build something much taller and better. The fame and glory then goes to the other person, and this is an unending process. We therefore understand that eminence, and distinction are temporary and fleeting.

We observe this kind of prominence seeking happening now even in matters pertaining to God. There are huge architectures that are built, which create a sense of awe and wonder. The splendor of these building are then used to create an ambience to make people believe that God is present only in those premises. There are those who undertake pilgrimages to other countries, simply because they believe that it is a holy place where God dwells.

Where does God dwell?

These are the words of the Lord in Isaiah 66:1, The LORD says, "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house, then, could you build for me, what kind of place for me to live in? (GNB)

God declares that the heavens are His throne, and that his feet touches the earth. For such an Almighty God to reside, can you imagine the kind of structure one would have to build to contain that astounding splendor of God?

God does not dwell in temples made by man

The answer to this is found in Acts 17:24, God, who made the world and everything in it, is Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by human hands. (GNB)

Here it is apparent that the God who made the whole world and all that is in it, He is the Lord of heaven and earth. God is therefore the creator of everything in this world, and He is also the ruler of heaven and earth. Hence, such an awesome God does not live in temples that are man-made. We may get a sense of awe when we enter some sacred places, but the word of God is plain that God does not reside there. This is a truth that we need to ponder on.

There are some who believe that only if they undertake a long journey to visit a holy place can they have a real encounter with God. To venture on such a journey one has to be wealthy, which implies that a poor person will never have the ability to do so. If the blessing of God are only on the rich and are unattainable for the poor, then we must ponder to see if that is true or something that correlates with the nature of God.

We are to keep in mind that God created every human being in His own image. God does not show favoritism, and there is no disparity with God based on our financial status. The Lord loves every one of us with the same love. The next truth that must be established is that God does not dwell in temples made by mere men.

In Genesis 11:4 we saw two reasons why the people got together to build the city and the tower. One was to not be dispersed and the other was to make a name for themselves. However, this was God’s command given to Noah and his sons as found below.

We read in Genesis 9:1, And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.(ESV)

God’s will as given to Noah and his sons was that they should be fruitful, multiply and also be spread throughout the earth. Nonetheless, the men of those days thought they were wiser than God, and set out to carry out a plan that was in total contrast to what God intended.

So often in life, the reason for much of the confusion and chaos, is because of our willful disobedience to God’s commands. We should therefore analyze ourselves to find out where we have rebelled, and gone against God’s word and His counsel. If we can set this right before God, all the confusion in our lives will come to an end. The world teaches us to do things that are contrary to God’s word and commands. The world has twisted the truth to call good what God declares as evil. That is why God’s word teaches us that we should know the Truth, and then we will be set free from all turmoil and disorientation.

God lives within us

If we invite the Lord Jesus, He will come into our hearts and make it His abode in us. The bible teaches us that our bodies are the temple of the living God. Have you noticed how most people treat as sacred the place of worship, and hence will not do anything that is unholy while in the premises? However, the same people when they are out of that place, live any way they like. This results in a dichotomous lifestyle. All of us are aware that this is completely insincere, and God does not approve of it. Let us be reminded that our bodies are the temple of God and therefore, we can never depart from His presence at any time. God is always with us, even until the end of the age, and He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. This is possible for anyone who believes and receives Him into their lives. When we do so the Lord comes in to bless us.

Here are the truths that God is reminding us today. Firstly, we are created in God’s image and all of our skills and creativity are from God Himself. Every confusion in our lives will be set right only when we go to our creator and allow Him to work in our lives.

Secondly, the place God desires to abide in is in our hearts if we are willing to let Him in. When we realize that our bodies are the sacred temple where God lives, we will do nothing to defile this body. We will live a consistent life that is the same every day of the week, and not only on one special day. Also we will not do anything that will displease the Lord. All our sadness, weariness and confusions that you may not be able to share even with your close family members, we can confidently bring to the Lord who is our willing burden-bearer.

Finally, instead of living in disobedience to God and His word, if we can come with a surrendered heart, and trust Him completely, all our turmoil will turn to peace, and our confusions laid to rest.

The end result of the building at Babel was complete chaos and confusion. All the people were scattered throughout the world, the Lord confused their languages, and did not let their plans succeed. If we want to avoid all these confusions, let us turn to the Lord, and He will bring lasting peace and joy into our lives.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins