Summary: Disciples of Jesus have a calling to partner with Jesus in enabling repentance-avoiders to repent by being salt and light as we live the "beatitudinal" life.

Matthew 5:1-16

“Not For Spiritual Wimps”

Do you ever have those moments when you think – this world has gone mad!

Attention spans are being reduced to sound bites … 2 minute reels … and doom scrolling.

Everyone is now an expert because they have researched it on the internet.

The super-rich do whatever they like.

Common sense is on the decline.

Everything is a conspiracy.

AI has made it almost impossible to believe what we see.

The poor just want to feel secure and safe.

The truth is just an inconvenience.

Yet everyone just wants everyone else to play nice … and get along … and be accepting.

In the words of the 1963 Movie Title … “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World.”

But the reality is … it has always been a mad world.

In Matthew 4:16-17 Jesus says:-

16 (T)he people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”

17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

This is Jesus’ assessment of the world as it was 2000 years ago. The assessment equally applies today.

It’s a world where people live in darkness and death.

It’s gloomy. It has shady characters. It brings fear.

It’s deliberately seeking to misdirect and misguide.

Frantically people are saying, “Look over here” to stop people from seeing the reality.

Death … decay … life always ends – but that inconvenient truth is conveniently ignored.

It’s also a world that needs to repent.

Repentance is simply a matter of saying, “Jesus I believe and confess that You are Lord.”

From that moment everything changes. Those in darkness ... see a great light.

Those living in the shadow of death ... light dawns into their world.

But people don’t want to repent.

People would rather complicate their lives and make it on their own in this mad world.

So instead of repentance, there is repentance-avoidance. The techniques that get used to try and make everything in our lives look good and cover the inconvenient reality of darkness and death.

Get a good education.

Have a high paying job.

Be an influencer.

Go on expensive holidays.

Get plastic surgery.

Run away so you can find yourself.

Accumulate. Accumulate. Accumulate.

Living a life which throws massive amounts of energy into repentance-avoidance.

What does Jesus think about all this repentance-avoidance?

17 God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

John 3:17

4 (God our Saviour) wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:4

9 The Lord is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

The heart of Jesus is that He wants … He patiently and earnestly wants … repentance-avoiders to repent.

In order to give action to this want …

In order to turn His heart’s desire into reality …

Jesus turns to His disciples. Disciples are those who follow Jesus – they are committed to His calling in their lives.

Now listen closely to the way Jesus describes His disciples.

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:13-16

In these verses Jesus is describing the identity of a follower of Jesus

… the identity of a disciple. Disciples are … Salt and Light.

It is not a spiritual gift …

… where only some disciples are given the gift to be salt and light.

It is not an aspirational goal …

… disciples should be salt and light, but they might not be.

It is not a behavioural description which you switch on and off.

… when disciples act in a certain way that is when they are salt and light.

… but disciples can also choose not to be salt and light because they want to go and have some fun with their worldly friends.

When you have repented and are a disciple of Jesus …

… YOU ARE Salt.

… YOU ARE Light.

That is our identity.

Spiritually, as Salt, disciples are a basic necessity for the culture in which we live.

YOU … go out in this world and YOU seek to make a real difference by having a preserving effect in the culture … and by trying to stop the world from rotting.

YOU … bring the flavour with YOU. A flavour that, when people have a taste, will be something that people like.

Without YOU this world is spiritually bland. But when YOU get out there and do it YOU spiritually spice up the world.

Spiritually, as Light, disciples show the world what it means to be in the Kingdom of God.

YOU ... reveal the darkness for all its emptiness and hollow promises.

YOU … reflect the light of Jesus that is in you onto others.

YOU … give people a shining glimpse of what it really means to have the peace of eternal life.

Salt and Light. That is our identity.

Our call is to live a life here and stand out for Jesus.

… so that the world can taste and see.

… so that repentance-avoiders can taste and see

So that they can see the transformation Jesus brings, because we have security in our eternal glory.

Jesus is looking to us, as his disciples, to be involved in His plan to bring repentance and salvation to the world.

That isn’t a small calling … in fact it is a huge calling. Perhaps even an over-whelming calling.

The wonderful truth of the Scriptures is that we are not left on our own as we go about this calling. In fact, Jesus blesses us with all we need to be those who can stand out.

Jesus blesses us with a beautiful attitude.

A Beatitude.

The attitude described by Jesus in Matthew 5:1-11.

1 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, 2 and He began to teach them.

He said:

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek,

for they will inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful,

for they will be shown mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they will see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called children of God.

10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

What does it mean to be blessed?

It means to be approved and to find approval.

It means knowing what the good life is and living that life.

It means having true contentment because you understand your destiny and purpose.

The world … the repentance-avoiders … they are searching for this life.

But they are searching in all the wrong places.

As we live this blessed life we put into action what it means to be salt and light.

In living the blessed life, we also avoid living the life of repentance-avoiders.

The beatitude driven life is a life that makes us stand out.

Jesus says:- Blessed are the Poor in Spirit.

The poor in spirit are those who have a humble dependence on God because they know they are spiritually bankrupt.

No works are good enough.

No faith is strong enough.

No life is worthy enough.

Poverty of Spirit is an attitude which accepts that all we bring to God is our baggage, our brokenness … our darkness and our death.

We have nothing within ourselves which is commendable to God so we empty ourselves of all self-righteousness and moral self-esteem.

That is why the Poor in Spirit are blessed with the Kingdom of Heaven.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Self Righteous.

They look at their lives and give it the official stamp of approval that they are good enough for God.

I pay my taxes.

I’m kind to others.

I give to charity.

I’m nice.

Why wouldn’t that be enough? And so they keep avoiding repentance because they don’t need help beyond themselves.

Not poor in spirit, but self-righteous. It’s a band-aid blessing that doesn’t lead to the Kingdom.

Jesus says:- Blessed are those who Mourn.

The mourners are those who look at this world and to see the lack of integrity, the injustice, the cruelty and the cheapness of it.

They also look into themselves and see the blackness of their own soul, and the stains of sin.

So they mourn

… weeping over the sins of this world.

… weeping over their own sin.

… weeping at how sin breaks relationship with God and others.

That is why Mourners are blessed with the comfort of forgiveness.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Carefree.

There are no rules. There are no boundaries.

They are free agents who seek to have fun without any thought for the future.

Have a smoke of this.

Put a bit of that in your veins.

Let your lust run wild.

Boast about your achievements.

So they keep avoiding repentance because they have no regrets, or guilt, as long as everything works out for number one.

Not mourners, but carefree. It’s a band-aid blessing that doesn’t bring comfort.

Jesus says:- Blessed are the Meek.

The meek look beyond present circumstances, with a heart of peace, knowing that, in the end, everything will be OK because we are God's own.

Meekness is faith with backbone.

No one can crush us because we know we have security in our Saviour.

Set-backs don’t destroy us because we trust God’s wonderful master plan.

Integrity and holiness are more important than being seen as a person who has made it.

The meek know the truth … and live the truth … that they are always in God’s hands.

That is why the Meek are blessed with inheritance of the earth.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Self Assertive.

They do not let themselves be pushed and they are never wishy-washy.

They will never step aside.

They are always in the foreground.

They keep avoiding repentance because, to them, meekness is weakness.

Not meek, but self-assertive. It’s a band-aid blessing that gives no inheritance.

Jesus says:- Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness.

These people know that everything on the earth passes away – it has no value for eternity. The only thing that matters into eternity is a relationship with God.

Their ultimate ambition is spiritual riches.

To be mature in the things of God and conform to God’s will.

To have the Word of God as our delight.

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will know the blessing of being filled with righteousness.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Spoilt

They do not want to hunger or thirst for anything … so they just get it.

We have technology.

We have pleasure.

We have success.

We have independence.

We have money. And if we can’t afford it we can go and borrow the money we need. Blessed are those with a loan.

They keep avoiding repentance because they are under the false delusion that somehow, they will find satisfaction.

Not hungering and thirsting righteousness, but spoilt. It’s a band-aid blessing that never brings filling.

Jesus says:- Blessed are the Merciful.

The merciful are those who know how much they have messed up in their relationship with God … and so they are humble and gentle with others who mess up.

Sowing mercy by being patient, and supportive, and encouraging.

Treating the sin of others with the same attitude as God treated them.

Being fully aware of our own faults and mistakes.

That is why the merciful will be blessed with mercy.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Hard-Hearted.

If people hurt then they won’t forgive, we will take revenge and get even.

They put blame on everyone else, and stand against all the pitiful fools who wander this earth.

They will not let anyone walk over them. Especially if that other person

… is in the wrong.

… or disagreed.

… or just said something they don’t like.

And so they keep avoiding repentance because, they are ruthless.

Not merciful, but hard hearted. It’s a band-aid blessing the creates and environment of no-mercy.

Jesus says:- Blessed are the Pure In Heart.

The pure in heart fight against the temptation to merely be pure in hands, or pure in external piety, or pure in reputation. The pure in heart know how easy it is to fake religion, so they devote their heart to God.

They want the people around they to know the real us, even if that means admitting faults and failings.

They are sincere and transparent.

They show the world who they really are.

That is why the pure in heart are given the blessing of seeing God.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Deceptive.

The deceptive have hidden agendas and ulterior motives.

They excel in the pretend and the pretentious.

They know exactly what to do to make people think they have pure hands and a pure reputation – but it is just a con.

They keep avoiding repentance because their fakeness is their security.

Not pure in heart, but having a deceptive heart. It’s a band-aid blessing that prevents them from seeing God.

Jesus says:- Blessed are the Peacemakers.

They want to make a difference.

Lessening tensions.

Seeking solutions.

Ensuring communication is understood.

They don’t confuse important issues with distractions, and will always lower their voice and smile even when the intensity of the argument might want them to do otherwise.

That is why peacemakers are blessed to be called the children of God.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Divisive.

They are deliberately antagonistic because they enjoy making the lives of others miserable and uncomfortable.

They always want their way no matter what … and they will not compromise. When they feel they have been wronged they loudly protest and never forget.

They keep avoiding repentance because they would rather be confrontational.

Not peacemakers, but divisive. It’s a band-aid blessing that makes them children of the world.

Jesus says:- Blessed are the Persecuted.

They are willing to take the insults and the accusations even if they are unwarranted or false.

When the world gets aggressive because of the salt and light they will not retaliate. If suffering for the name of Jesus is required … that is what will be done – without complaint.

That is why the Persecuted are blessed with the Kingdom of heaven.

In contrast Repentance-Avoiders say:- Blessed are the Sheltered.

They sit in easy street and wait for everything to fall into their lap.

They deserve to have the best and live a life that has no suffering or difficulties.

They will do whatever it takes to avoid making their own lives feel miserable or uncomfortable.

They want everything to be comfortable for them – even if it is at the expense of others.

They keep avoiding repentance because they want to remain insulated from suffering.

Not persecuted, but sheltered. It’s a band-aid blessing that doesn’t lead to the Kingdom.

The blessed are those who know Jesus and have an attitude

… a beautiful attitude.

… a Beatitude.

Which makes them stand out so that repentance avoiders sit up and take notice.

The blessed are those who know their calling is to partner with Jesus who wants repentance-avoiders to repent. Partnering with Jesus by being salt and light.

That is the calling of the blessed.

Which means the blessed are here to be agents of spiritual transformation … not advocates of spiritual wimpery.

Disciples of Jesus … we are not here to be spiritual wimps.

Where it is all nice and cosy in our little Christian bubble. And we create this illusion that we are doing something useful, but really it is all just a waste.

That is wimpy Christianity.

And we shouldn’t be satisfied with a Christianity where:-

… on Sunday we do the Christian thing, and talk the Christian talk, and act the Christian act.

… then from the moment we drive out of the carpark, to the time we next leave for church, we live a totally different life.

That’s wimpy Christianity.

Our call is to live a life here we stand out for Jesus.

Not diluting our salt … but being salt.

Not putting our light under a bowl … but allowing our light to shine.

Living the “beatitude life” and receiving the blessings that come with it.

Turning away from the life of band-aid blessing where we conform to the ways of this world.

Living a life where we are fully convicted that Jesus has called us to partner with Him in His plan to bring repentance-avoiders to repentance.

It’s going to make you stand out.

It may even cause you to suffer.

It’s not for spiritual wimps.

But how else will those in darkness taste and see … unless we are Beatitudinal disciples who are salt and light?
