Summary: Worship is not just about singing songs on a Sunday morning; it is about the posture of our hearts and the truth of our faith.

Go! And Worship in Spirit and Truth

John 4:24 (NLT): "For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."


Today, we consider one of the most profound and transformative truths about our relationship with God: worship. Worship is not just about singing songs on a Sunday morning; it is about the posture of our hearts and the truth of our faith. As Jesus said in John 4:24, "For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."

These words were spoken during Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. In this dialogue, Jesus reveals what true worship is and who the true worshippers are. Today, we will explore what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth, examining the depth of these words and their implications for our lives.

Point 1: Worship in Spirit — The Posture of the Heart

John 4:24 "For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."

Jesus was addressing a long-standing debate between Jews and Samaritans about the correct place to worship—Jerusalem or Mount Gerizim. But Jesus shifts the focus from a physical location to the spiritual condition of the worshipper.

The Greek word for "spirit" is pneuma, which refers to the immaterial, eternal part of a person. True worship begins in the spirit, from the depths of our being, engaging our heart, will, and emotions. It is not about rituals or external performances but about a genuine connection with God.

Worshipping in spirit means coming to God with a humble, open heart, acknowledging His greatness. It requires sincerity and a deep desire to commune with Him. This is not limited to church services; it is a daily act of living in God’s presence.

Psalm 51:17 (NLT) "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God."

God values a heart that is broken and humble before Him over any outward display of religion.

Imagine a child running to their parent after making a mistake, seeking forgiveness with tears in their eyes. It is the sincerity of the child’s heart that moves the parent—not the child’s words or gestures. Likewise, God seeks our heartfelt worship.

A.W. Tozer once said, “True worship is to be so personally and hopelessly in love with God that the idea of a transfer of affection never even remotely exists.”

Point 2: Worship in Truth — The Foundation of Faith

John 4:24 "For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."

The Greek word for "truth" is aletheia, which means reality or that which is true in every respect. Worshipping in truth means that our worship aligns with the truth of who God is as revealed in His Word. It is not based on personal preferences, traditions, or emotions but on the unchanging truth of God’s character and His promises.

Worshipping in truth requires us to be rooted in Scripture. We must know the God we worship to worship Him rightly. This involves studying the Bible, understanding His attributes, and reflecting on His works.

Psalm 119:160 (NLT) "The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever."

God’s Word is the ultimate standard of truth. It guides our worship and ensures that it is pleasing to Him.

Think of a compass. A compass always points to true north, giving us direction. Similarly, the Bible is our compass, pointing us to the truth about God and guiding our worship.

John Piper said, “Strong affections for God, rooted in truth, are the bone and marrow of biblical worship.”

Point 3: True Worship Transforms Lives

Romans 12:1 (NLT) "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him."

Paul urges believers to respond to God’s mercy by offering their whole lives as an act of worship. This shows that worship is not confined to singing or specific moments but encompasses every aspect of life.

The phrase "living sacrifice" signifies an ongoing, daily commitment to live for God. This involves our thoughts, actions, and decisions reflecting His glory.

True worship changes how we live. It shapes our priorities, relationships, and decisions. It calls us to be holy, set apart for God’s purposes.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (NLT) "So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image."

Worship draws us closer to God, and as we behold Him, we are transformed into His likeness.

Just as spending time in the sun tans our skin, spending time in worship transforms our hearts. The more we worship God in spirit and truth, the more we reflect His character.


Worship is not about where we are or what we do outwardly but about the condition of our hearts and the truth of our faith. Worshipping in spirit engages our hearts, and worshipping in truth anchors us in God’s Word.

Call to Action:

This week, commit to worshipping God in spirit and truth. Spend time in His Word, reflect on His goodness, and approach Him with a sincere heart.

Invitation to Faith:

If you have not yet experienced the joy of worshipping the true and living God, I invite you to place your faith in Jesus Christ today. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and He invites you into a relationship where true worship begins.