Summary: Jonah was seated in the wrong place waiting for God to pour out His wrath on the city of Nineveh. There were many others in the Bible who were in the wrong place like Jonah. If we are in such a place, God reminds us to rise up and go, to fulfill His purposes for our lives.

We read in Jonah 4:5, “Jonah went out east of the city and sat down. He made a shelter for himself and sat in its shade, waiting to see what would happen to Nineveh.” (GNB)

God sent the prophet Jonah to the city of Nineveh with a message. When Jonah preached, the people of Nineveh received the word, repented, fasted, turned their face towards the Lord, and let go of their evil ways. It was indeed an honor to Jonah when the people repented, but sadly, Jonah went out of the city, made a shelter for himself, and sat down in dejection.

This is exactly what should happen every time the word of God is preached. People must turn to the Lord, and this is the greatest blessing of any preaching. There are many believers who like Jonah have stopped running the race that God has set for them, have allowed circumstances to overwhelm them, have made their own plans, and have rested themselves in one place. The above mentioned verse prompts us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the place that God wants us to be, or if we have allowed the trying circumstances in our lives to bog us down just as it did Jonah.

I personally think that once Jonah’s work of preaching was over, he should have moved on instead of squatting himself down, and waiting with bated breath as to what would happen to the city of Nineveh.

I would like to highlight to you some people in the bible who just got wearied, and sat down just as Jonah did.

1. Lot was seated at the city gate

We read in Genesis 19:1,“When the two angels came to Sodom that evening, Lot was sitting at the city gate.” (GNB)

The city of Sodom was filled with wicked people who did not fear the Lord, and Lot was found to be seated at the city gate. When God called Abram, he and his nephew Lot were from a land where they worshipped idols. Abram obeyed God’s call, and left behind his country, and his people to follow after God. Though Abram had many relatives the only one who had faith to accompany Abram was his nephew Lot. Somehow, Lot perceived that if his Uncle Abram could leave everything behind to follow after this God, there must be something truly worthwhile. Lot therefore had a change of heart, and decided to accompany Abram as he too believed the God who called Abram was the true and living God.

Abram and Lot ventured out on this faith journey, and over a period of time both of them prospered greatly in gold, silver and livestock. At one point there was a disagreement between the herdsmen of Lot and the herdsmen of Abram.

• The dispute that broke out

We read about this in Genesis 13:7, “So quarrels broke out between the men who took care of Abram's animals and those who took care of Lot's animals. (At that time the Canaanites and the Perizzites were still living in the land.)”(GNB)

The discord arose between these men because there was not enough grass for all the livestock to feed on.

If we were to compare this with the church, there are times when there is a difference of opinion between Pastor and elders or with the congregation members. We must be cautious about the way we handle these differences as it determines the way forward. As human beings we are bound to have disagreements, but we should not falter in those times. Just think about the disciples of Jesus, just twelve of them, and they too had a dispute about who would be the greatest in the Kingdom of God. In this journey of faith we will encounter times of dissent, but it is crucial that we learn to handle these wisely, and don’t let them hinder our progress.

• The amicable solution

When the discord arose, Abram perceived that there was a rift in relationship between him and Lot, and therefore decided to find an amicable solution.

This was the suggestion from Abram to Lot as recorded in Genesis 13:9, “Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me. If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right, or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left.” (ESV)

As soon as Abram suggested this to Lot, without a second thought, or trying to stay on with Abram, Lot decided to move on. Since Abram gave Lot the preference, Lot decided to choose what he thought was best to his eyes. Abram could have compelled Lot to stay, but instead he willing let go of Lot.

• The woman who chose to stay

This incident reminds us of another story in the bible where Naomi who had lost her husband and two sons, gave her two daughters in law to go back to their own family and people. Naomi was kind and realized that her daughters in law were widowed at a young age, and had their whole life ahead of them. She wanted them to find a good future for themselves, and realized that she was old and unable to help them as she should. However, while Orpah hugged her mother in law, and bid her farewell, Ruth was determined to stay on, and not willing to separate from Naomi. Ruth perceived that Naomi’s God was the true God, and she was deeply convinced that if she trusted in the Lord God, He would give her a great future, and would never let her down. When Ruth went with Naomi back to Bethlehem where God honored Ruth, her life was rebuilt, and she became the great grandmother of King David. Ruth became a significant name in the genealogy of Jesus.

We too must overcome all the hurdles that come across our way in this journey of faith. With prayer and faith we must wait on the Lord, and ask for His grace to complete this race. The decisions we take in life not only affect us, but also the future generations to come.

• Lot chose the wrong place

Lot separated from Abram, and journeyed towards Sodom which was a city filled with wicked people. As first Lot, his wife and two children resided at the entrance of Sodom, but later he apparently became a prominent man in that city. When the angel of the Lord came to destroy Sodom we read that Lot was seated at the entrance of the city gate, which was a place of eminence. All of us know that when God destroyed the city of Sodom, the very things that Lot tried to protect earlier were all completely destroyed.

Our God is gracious and merciful, and this is how he revealed it to Lot. Even before Sodom was destroyed, once when the neighboring kings surrounded Sodom, and took Lot and his family captives, Abram went with his men, fought against those kings, and rescued Lot. Even after this deliverance, Lot chose to go back to live in Sodom, and ultimately he lost all that belonged to him. Lot’s wife disobeyed God’s command when she turned back, and became a pillar of salt. The two daughters of Lot did what was despicable in the sight of God.

On the other hand, observe what happened to Abram who God re-named as Abraham. God blessed him with Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and all the descendants who truly were blessed and became as numerous as the sand on the shore and the stars in the sky.

This is the time for us to consider where we are, and to put ourselves in the place that God wants us to be. Sometimes, this may require that we set our egos aside. If we do so, the Lord will certainly lead us and bless us.

2. Hagar sat down in the wilderness

We read in Genesis 21:16,“Then she walked a short distance away and sat down. She thought her son would die because there was no water. She did not want to watch him die. She sat there and began to cry.” (ERV)

Hagar and her son were sent away into the wilderness with some food and water. When the water was over, Hagar was lost in the wilderness with no way of escape. It seemed that her future was bleak, and it was at this point that Hagar sat down, and cried in desperation. She thought that this was the end of her life for herself and her son. Strangely, she did not call on the Lord, though she was probably well aware of who God was as she stayed in Abram’s house and had witnessed all that God had done for Abram. Yet, Hagar did not have a heart to call out to God. This wilderness experience was the second one for Hagar.

• The first wilderness experience

The first time Hagar ran away into the wilderness after she had conceived Ishmael. After Hagar conceived Ishmael, she was so filled with pride that she began to taunt her mistress Sarai. When Sarai treated Hagar harshly, Hagar decided to run away into the wilderness. The angel of the Lord met Hagar near a spring of water, instructed her to go back to her mistress, and to submit herself to her. After this experience this is what Hagar declared.

We read in Genesis 16:13,“Hagar asked herself, "Have I really seen God and lived to tell about it?" So she called the LORD, who had spoken to her, "A God Who Sees."” (GNB)

After this revelation of God Hagar declared that the Lord is indeed ‘A God who sees.’

Interestingly the second time, Hagar was so dejected and her heart grief stricken that she did not remember to call on the Lord.

• The assurance God gave Hagar

Observe how the Lord noticed this in Genesis 21:17,“God heard the boy crying, and from heaven the angel of God spoke to Hagar, "What are you troubled about, Hagar? Don't be afraid. God has heard the boy crying.” (GNB)

The Lord heard the cry of the boy, and the angel of the Lord encouraged Hagar to know that God was watching, and that there was no need for her to be afraid. Hagar should have stopped to look back on the ways in which God had helped her. It was in a precisely same situation that God met with her, and encouraged her to go back. In spite of this Hagar forgot to call on the Lord in her distress. When the Lord opened Hagar’s eyes, she saw water, and she was able to quench both her thirst and that of her son.

We have a God who hears our every cry, and one who helps us in our weaknesses. If you are filled with fear and anxiety looking at everything around you, wearied in your faith, and thinking that there is no hope for the future, be assured that the Lord is one who sees everything. Recollect the wonderful ways God has led you in the past.

Like Hagar many have given up on prayer, being discouraged have resigned themselves to the inevitable. Remember that you have a God who hears your cry, one who can change every situation, and you need not fear when He is with you. The Lord’s word for you is to not fear, to rise up and to be sure that the Lord is able to change every difficult situation. God’s word exhorts us in Romans 8:28, “We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.”(GNB)

We may not understand many things until we meet the Lord, but we have the guarantee that everything works purely for our good only.

3. The brothers of Joseph sat down

We read in Genesis 37:25, “Then they sat down to eat. And looking up they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead, with their camels bearing gum, balm, and myrrh, on their way to carry it down to Egypt.” (ESV)

The ones who were seated down to eat were the brothers of Joseph. Even as a young man, Joseph was disciplined. His elder brothers were all much older to him. Often times Joseph would complain to his father about his brothers’ demeanors. To add to this Joseph also had dreams, which he elaborated to his brothers and his parents. However, the brothers of Joseph did not appreciate this. Also, since Joseph was much younger, his father also had a special love for Joseph, which was also a bone of contention for the brothers. These brothers used to make fun of Joseph and called him a ‘dreamer’ and with time they began to hate Joseph. Though they were all in the same family there was discord among the siblings.

Even today we may observe that children have ill-feelings towards their parents, and so also there are feelings of bitterness among siblings. If these are left unattended, the same thing that Joseph’s brothers did to their brother, is what would be the outcome of such enmity.

This enmity in the hearts of Joseph’s brothers grew to such an extent that they waited for an opportune time to show their anger and displeasure. At one time when the brothers had gone far away to tend their flock, Joseph’s father sent him to enquire after their well-being. When the brothers of Joseph saw Joseph, they decided to take their revenge on him. Joseph unassumingly approached his brothers who tore his robe, threw him into a dry pit, and ignored all his desperate cries. These men sat down to eat only after they had thrown their own brother into the pit without an ounce of pity about his predicament.

If you are wondering how this was possible, let me explain it to you. Even today we have brothers who join together to gossip, and run down another brother. The Lord admonishes us to get up and walk away from such gatherings. Do not sit in the seat of the scornful, for if you do you will certainly lose out on the blessing that is yours. In recent times we have lost so many servants of God during this pandemic. While there are those who sincerely sympathize with their loved ones, there are those who pretend to do so too.

The brothers of Joseph sold him to slavery, and went home to give the false news to their father that Joseph was dead. As Joseph’s father Jacob grieved and mourned for his son, I am certain that his brothers would have pretended to mourn with him as well to make their father believe their lies. Joseph’s brother’s cruel actions were the result of harboring hatred, bitterness, anger and jealousy about their brother. This was what prompted them to throw him into the pit, and it was God’s grace that they sold him. We see that even in those days money was more important to them than their brother. They also slaughtered a lamb from their flock and smeared the blood on his coat, to fabricate a story that would make their father believe that Joseph had died because of being mauled by a wild animal.

We know the end of the story, though the brothers may have forgotten about Joseph, God did not. In due time God elevated Joseph to be in the highest possible position in Egypt. The greater miracle is that the very same brothers who treated Joseph so badly, bowed down to him and sought his favor for their survival.

These are days for believers to join together and pray. This is the time to set aside divisions, enmity, positions and pride. We must sincerely pray for one another in unison, with genuine love and concern. If we are not able to do this, we cannot achieve anything for the Lord. If you are sincere and genuine before the Lord be sure that the Lord will not forget you. Choose to come out of the groups that you need to come out of, and fulfill the purposes of God, you too will be a blessing. The Lord will use you to feed many, to share the truth with them, and to be a blessing to many. May the Lord guard us from being seated in the wrong places so that we can rise up, and go forward to fulfill the purposes for which God has called and chosen us.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins