The Bible frequently uses light as a symbol of God’s presence, truth, guidance, and power. From creation, where God declared, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3), to Jesus proclaiming Himself as the "Light of the World" (John 8:12), light signifies God’s ability to illuminate what is hidden, make the impossible possible, and guide His people through the darkness. In this study, we will explore the "Possibility Movement of God" from the dimension of light—how God, as Light, brings clarity, revelation, and transformation in our lives.
a) Light (JESUS) - Gen 1:3, Ps. 27:1, John 1:4, 9
b) Lights (Sun, Moon, Stars) - Gen 1:14-18
c) Light (Man) – Mat. 5: 14-16, Eph. 5:8, Gen 1: 6
Note: These three lights have their unique possibilities and distinct roles. However, here comes the difference between the Light (Word/Jesus), lights (Firmaments), and the light (Man)
The first has the ultimate ability; it is the source from which other forms of light emerge (Human/Man Jn 1:4, Gen. 1: 14) and provides the ability needed for them to shine and illuminate. He is the TRUE LIGHT (John 1: 9). The second (known as the Sun, Moon, and Stars) can divide day and Night, Be for signs, be for Seasons, day and night, Give light to the firmament of heaven and Give light upon the earth. It operates in the physical realm and provides natural illumination. The last light is referred to as the “Believer”. Man was created to be light (Gen. 1: 26-27) but lost this reality and entered into darkness (chaos, confusion, limitation and impossibility). Thus, mankind needs to come to the first light to gain back the light. Why doesthe third need the TRUE LIGHT? Because they are in the World, they are meant to reflect God's light (the ORIGINAL). Through this way, they (human kind) can influence/dominate the world (1 John 1:5, Ps. 27:1, Jn 9:5).
3. THE TRUE LIGHT (John 8:12
He is only “The true light that gives light to everyone” Jn. 1:9 including you and myself.If His shining has not gotten to you, this time is for you. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5). Darkness may try to resist, but it can never defeat the true Light. Why? Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus overcame the ultimate forces of darkness: sin and death (1 Cor. 15: 54-57). This victory ensures that the light will always triumph over darkness. The True light is the WORD of GOD. JESUS is the True Light. Hence, the only TRUE LIGHT with all INFINITE POSSIBILITIES is JESUS (Jn 8:12).
1. Reveals Hidden Possibilities (Psalm 119: 105): The Word of God, which is a source of light, reveals hidden possibilities. When we feel stuck or lost, God’s light—through His Word—illuminates the path we should take, exposing opportunities and solutions we may not have seen before. His Word guides us, bringing the impossible into the realm of possibility by showing us God’s perspective.
Let’s Ponder: How does regular reading of Scripture help you see God’s possibilities in your life?
2. Transform Darkness into Possibility: Isaiah 60: 1 speaks of transformation—God’s light bringing about a new dawn. Just as the morning sun transforms the night into day, God’s light can transform the darkest situations in our lives into opportunities for growth, breakthroughs, and possibility. His light doesn’t just expose problems; it actively works to change and renew.
3. Illuminating the Impossible (John 8: 12. Mk. 10: 27): Jesus, as the Light of the World, embodies the power to make the impossible possible. In following Jesus, we are no longer trapped by the limitations of darkness (fear, doubt, sin) but are led by His light. Jesus’ miracles—healing the sick, raising the dead, multiplying loaves of bread—are manifestations of this light that brings possibility where none existed.
Apostle Paul (Acts 9:1-3) and Apostle Peter (Luke 5:1-8) are perfect examples of the appearance of TRUE LIGHT dealing with all impossibilities and making them a WONDER AND SIGN to the world.
Until we understand God as Light, we will not see that nothing is impossible for Him and us as His children (Mat. 17: 20, Mk. 9: 23). His light dispels the darkness of doubt, fear, confusion, limitation and impossibility.Just as light brings clarity in a dark room, God brings understanding, direction, and the ability to accomplish what seems beyond reach to HIS OWN (Is. 40: 29-31).
BRETHREN: There is no situation(s) that the True Light cannot deal with: Depression, Delay, Family problems, Marital issues, Resemblance Battles, Inherited Issues, Fear of the unknown, or Ignorance. Just imagine more. The true Light has the power to solve riddles and mysteries and answer all kinds of questions in a person's life (Dan. 2: 22, Col. 2: 2-3).
Darkness is anything that limits the movement or manifestation of the light. Darkness is simply any form of impossibility.Are you ready for that Light? The true Light, who is the Word, has the ability and the capability to give light to everyone and every impossible situation. It is only your unbelief that limits HIM. He dwells in Light and is the God of all possibilities.
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Personal Reflection:
• Reflect on an area of your life where you need God’s light to reveal possibilities.
• How can I bring God’s light into the lives of others facing challenges or darkness?