Summary: We have access to more knowledge than any previous generation. Yet, despite this abundance of information, wisdom seems increasingly scarce. Proverbs 9:10 gives us the answer.

Transformed by Truth: The Foundation of Wisdom Proverbs 9:10

Introduction: The Quest for True Wisdom

In today’s world, we are flooded with information. From social media to 24-hour news cycles, we have access to more knowledge than any previous generation. Yet, despite this abundance of information, wisdom seems increasingly scarce. People make decisions every day that lead to pain, confusion, and chaos. What is missing?

The Bible gives us the answer. Proverbs 9:10 (NLT) declares, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.” Here, we see that true wisdom, the kind that leads to a flourishing life, begins with the fear of the Lord.

This morning, we will explore what it means to have this fear of the Lord and how it becomes the foundation for wisdom in our lives. Together, we will discover how the fear of the Lord transforms not just our minds but also our hearts and actions, aligning us with God’s will and purpose.

1. The Meaning of the Fear of the Lord

To understand the fear of the Lord, we must first clarify what it is not. Fear in this context is not a terror that makes us cower in dread or guilt before God. Instead, the Hebrew word for fear here, yirah, refers to a reverence, awe, and deep respect for God. It is a recognition of His greatness, holiness, and authority over all creation.

Psalm 111:10 (NLT) reinforces this: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom.” To fear the Lord is to recognise Him as the sovereign King and Creator, to stand in awe of His power and majesty, and to align our lives with His will.

In contrast, the opposite of fearing the Lord is living as though God does not matter or is irrelevant. This is the essence of foolishness, according to the Bible. Psalm 14:1 (NLT) declares: “Only fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’” When we reject the fear of the Lord, we turn away from the very source of wisdom.

“To fear God is not to be afraid of Him but to stand in awe of His majesty, power, and greatness.” – Timothy Keller

2. The Foundation of Wisdom

Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Just as a building cannot stand without a strong foundation, our lives cannot flourish without the foundation of wisdom that begins with reverence for God.

Wisdom, in biblical terms, is not simply knowledge or intelligence. The Hebrew word hokmah refers to skill in living—knowing how to apply knowledge in the right way at the right time. It is the ability to live well, to make choices that lead to life, peace, and godliness.

In James 1:5 (NLT), we are encouraged to seek this wisdom: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” The wisdom we need comes from God alone, and it begins when we humbly recognise our need for Him in every area of our lives.

The world offers many competing definitions of wisdom. Some seek wisdom in self-help books, others in success, wealth, or power. But true wisdom is found in God’s Word and through a relationship with Him. Colossians 2:3 (NLT) tells us, “In him (Christ) lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Jesus is the embodiment of God’s wisdom, and through Him, we can access the wisdom that leads to eternal life.

Imagine trying to build a house on sand. No matter how beautiful or well-designed the house is, it will crumble because its foundation is weak. This is what life is like when we build without God. But when we build on the solid rock of God’s wisdom, our lives can withstand the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-27).

3. The Fear of the Lord and Good Judgment

The second part of Proverbs 9:10 promises that “Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.” When we grow in our understanding of who God is—His holiness, His justice, His mercy—it leads to better decision-making.

The phrase good judgment can also be translated as discernment. Discernment is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, truth and lies. In a world filled with moral confusion, we desperately need this discernment.

Hebrews 5:14 (NLT) says: “Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognise the difference between right and wrong.” The more we grow in our knowledge of God, the more our minds are trained to think as He thinks and to make decisions that align with His will.

This is why Romans 12:2 (NLT) instructs us: “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” When we fear the Lord and seek His wisdom, He transforms our minds and equips us with the discernment needed to navigate life’s challenges.

“True wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective, and it comes as we grow in our relationship with Him.” – Charles Stanley

4. Living in the Fear of the Lord

So, what does it look like to live in the fear of the Lord?

First, it means living a life of obedience. Proverbs 8:13 (NLT) says: “All who fear the Lord will hate evil.” When we fear the Lord, we align our lives with His Word, rejecting sin and pursuing holiness.

Second, it means living a life of trust. Psalm 34:9 (NLT) encourages us: “Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.” When we revere God, we trust Him to provide for our needs and guide us in every situation.

Finally, living in the fear of the Lord means walking in humility. Proverbs 22:4 (NLT) declares: “True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honour, and long life.” Recognising our dependence on God, we approach life with humility, understanding that every blessing comes from Him.

Think of a compass. Without it, a sailor can easily get lost at sea, drifting off course. The fear of the Lord is like that compass—it keeps us on course, guiding us toward the life God intends for us.

Conclusion: A Call to Wisdom

In closing, the fear of the Lord is not just an abstract concept. It is a way of life. It is the foundation upon which we build everything, and it leads us to true wisdom, good judgment, and a life that honours God.

Today, I challenge each of us to examine our hearts. Are we living in the fear of the Lord? Are we building our lives on the foundation of His wisdom, or are we following the world’s definitions of success and knowledge?

Call to Action:

If you’ve never begun a relationship with Jesus, today is the day to take that step. Proverbs 1:7 (NLT) reminds us: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Will you turn to Him, seek His wisdom, and allow Him to transform your life? Romans 10:9 (NLT) assures us: “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”