Summary: Psalm 40:8 captures the essence of what it means to live a life of obedience and joy in God’s presence.

Transformed by Truth: "Delighting in God's Will" Psalm 40:8

Introduction: A Heart that Delights in God's Will

Today we are going to dive deep into a verse that captures the essence of what it means to live a life of obedience and joy in God’s presence. Psalm 40:8 (NLT) says: "I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart."

In this single verse, David expresses a profound truth that should resonate with every believer—a heart that delights in the will of God. This verse invites us to reflect on our relationship with God’s will: Do we see it as a burden, or do we, like David, find joy in aligning our lives with God’s desires?

Today, we’ll explore what it means to delight in God’s will, how that transforms our hearts, and how this joy becomes the foundation of a life of faith.

1. Delighting in God's Will Begins with a Heart Transformation

David says, “I take joy in doing your will.” The Hebrew word for “joy” here is ????? (chaphets), which means to take pleasure or delight in something. This delight is not forced; it’s a natural response to God’s goodness and love. But how can we naturally delight in God’s will when the human heart is often stubborn and self-centered?

We must understand that delighting in God’s will starts with a heart transformation—a change that only God can bring. The human heart on its own does not naturally desire to do God’s will. We are born with a sinful nature that resists God. Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT) reminds us:

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"

Without God’s intervention, our hearts are inclined toward sin. We don’t naturally seek after God’s will. But when God writes His law on our hearts, as David says in Psalm 40:8, it changes everything. The law of God—the Word of God—is no longer something external that we try to follow out of duty, but it becomes something internal, something we desire to follow out of love.

Think of a child who cleans their room because they are told to. They might do it grudgingly, but once their heart changes—once they want to make their parent happy—their actions change. Now they clean their room with joy because they love and respect their parent. In the same way, when our hearts are transformed by God’s love, we delight in doing His will.

Is your obedience to God driven by love or by duty? Do you delight in God’s will, or do you see it as a burden? Pray today that God would write His instructions on your heart, transforming your obedience into joyful submission.

John Piper puts it this way: “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” When we delight in God’s will, it brings Him glory, and it brings us joy.

2. Delighting in God's Will Brings Us True Freedom

There’s a paradox in the Christian life: true freedom is found in submission to God’s will. The world tells us that freedom comes from doing whatever we want, but God’s Word teaches us that real freedom comes from aligning our desires with His.

Look at Psalm 119:45 (NLT): "I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments."

This verse reveals that obeying God’s commandments doesn’t enslave us; it frees us. When we live according to God’s will, we are no longer bound by the destructive power of sin. Instead, we walk in the freedom that comes from knowing we are living the way we were created to live.

In Psalm 40:8, the word "will" in Hebrew is ?????? (ratson), which means both “will” and “delight.” It’s not just God’s will as a command; it’s His pleasure, His purpose for us. When we align our lives with God’s will, we are stepping into the life that God has designed for us, and that is where true freedom lies.

Imagine a fish in a bowl that longs to be free and jumps out, only to find that the “freedom” it desired is actually dangerous and life-threatening. The fish was designed to live in water, and true freedom for the fish is found when it stays in the environment for which it was created. In the same way, we were created to live in harmony with God’s will, and true freedom is found when we stay within His boundaries.

Are you searching for freedom in all the wrong places? Are you chasing after the fleeting pleasures of the world, only to find that they leave you empty? God’s will is where true freedom is found. When you surrender to His plan, you will experience a joy and peace that the world cannot offer.

Timothy Keller says, “Freedom is not so much the absence of restrictions as finding the right ones, those that fit with the realities of our own nature and those of the world.” God’s will fits the reality of who we are and what we were created for.

3. Delighting in God's Will Requires a Life of Surrender

David’s declaration, “I take joy in doing your will,” is not a one-time statement; it’s a lifestyle of continual surrender. To live a life that delights in God’s will, we must surrender our own will daily. Jesus is the ultimate example of this kind of surrender. In the Garden of Gethsemane, as He faced the cross, He prayed in Luke 22:42 (NLT): "Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine."

Jesus, in His humanity, expressed a natural desire to avoid suffering, but in His divinity, He fully submitted to the Father’s will. This surrender led to our salvation. Without Jesus’ willingness to lay down His own desires and follow the will of the Father, we would not have the hope of eternal life.

Think of a soldier who must follow the commands of their superior officer. They may have their own ideas about what should be done, but true loyalty and effectiveness come when they surrender their own desires and follow orders. In the same way, we must surrender our own will and follow God’s leading, trusting that He knows what is best.

Are there areas of your life where you are holding on to your own will? Are you resisting what God is asking you to do because it’s difficult or uncomfortable? Surrendering to God’s will requires faith and trust, but when we do, we experience the joy of knowing that we are walking in His perfect plan.

Oswald Chambers said, “The best measure of a spiritual life is not its ecstasies, but its obedience.” Surrender to God’s will is the true measure of our love for Him.

4. Delighting in God's Will Leads to Joyful Obedience

When David says, “Your instructions are written on my heart,” he is pointing to a heart that is shaped by God’s Word. True delight in God’s will comes from knowing His Word and allowing it to guide our actions. Obedience, then, becomes a joyful response to God’s love and guidance.

Look at John 14:15 (NLT): "If you love me, obey my commandments."

Jesus makes it clear that love for Him is expressed through obedience. Obedience is not legalism; it’s not about earning God’s favour. Instead, it’s about living in a way that reflects our love for God and our trust in His ways. When His Word is written on our hearts, obedience flows naturally from that love.

Imagine a musician who practices day and night. At first, it may seem like hard work, but as they practice more, their fingers naturally move across the instrument. What was once difficult becomes second nature. In the same way, when we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, our obedience to His will becomes a joyful and natural response.

Are you struggling to obey God in certain areas of your life? Don’t rely on your own strength. Spend time in His Word, allow it to fill your heart, and watch as obedience becomes not a duty but a delight.

Charles Spurgeon said, “When your will is God’s will, you will have your will.” When we delight in God’s will, our desires align with His, and we experience the joy of living in harmony with His purposes.

Conclusion: A Call to Delight in God's Will

As we close, let’s remember that delighting in God’s will is not about living a life of duty or drudgery. It’s about experiencing the joy, freedom, and peace that come from walking in step with our Creator.

If you’ve been resisting God’s will in any area of your life, today is the day to surrender. If you’ve lost the joy of your salvation, ask God to write His instructions on your heart once again. If you’ve never experienced the joy of knowing Christ, today is the day to turn to Him in faith.

Invitation to Faith in Jesus:

Jesus Christ came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for your sins. He rose again, defeating death and offering eternal life to all who trust in Him. If you’ve never made the decision to follow Christ, I invite you today to come and experience the joy of living in His will.

Let’s pray:

“Lord, we thank You for Your Word and for the joy that comes from doing Your will. Help us to surrender our hearts to You daily. For those who don’t yet know You, we pray that today would be the day they turn to You and experience the joy of salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

May God bless you as you delight in His will!