Summary: The Bible often uses agricultural imagery to teach us about spiritual truths. Just like a farmer plants seeds and waits for a harvest, we plant spiritual seeds through prayer, good works, and faithful living.

Sowing in Faith, Reaping in Hope


It’s such a blessing to gather together and dive into God’s Word. Today, we’re going to explore what it means to live a life of faithful sowing. Our Christian walk often mirrors the rhythms of farming—planting seeds of faith, nurturing them through seasons, and waiting patiently for the harvest.

This morning, we’ll take a close look at a powerful passage from Ecclesiastes. The Bible often uses agricultural imagery to teach us about spiritual truths. Just like a farmer plants seeds and waits for a harvest, we plant spiritual seeds through prayer, good works, and faithful living.

Let’s read together from Ecclesiastes 11:6 (NLT):

"Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both."

This verse has so much wisdom for us to unpack. We’re going to explore four key lessons from this verse: the act of sowing, perseverance in labour, embracing uncertainty, and faithful stewardship. Each of these points will help us to grow in our understanding of what it means to live as people of faith—people who sow in faith, persevere in obedience, and trust God for the harvest.

Point 1: The Act of Sowing

Let’s start with the first part of our verse:

"Plant your seed in the morning..." (Ecclesiastes 11:6a, NLT).

This part of the verse focuses on the importance of beginning. The word "morning" here symbolises not just the start of a day but the start of an opportunity, the beginning of a journey of faith. The act of sowing represents our responsibility to act, to plant the seeds of faith in our lives and in the lives of others.

But what does it mean to sow seeds of faith? In Matthew 13, Jesus told the parable of the sower, where He explained that the seed represents the message of the Kingdom of God. Each one of us has been entrusted with the seed of the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus Christ. And as followers of Christ, we are called to share that Good News—to plant seeds in the lives of those around us.

Every time you pray for someone, encourage someone, or share a Bible verse, you’re planting a seed. Every step of faith you take in obedience to God is a seed being planted in the soil of your life. And just like a farmer doesn’t know exactly which seeds will grow, we don’t always know which seeds of faith will bear fruit.

Imagine a diligent farmer rising early in the morning, seeds in hand. He steps out into the field as the sun is just beginning to rise, and he starts to sow the seeds. Now, the farmer doesn’t know which of the seeds will sprout, how many will grow, or when the harvest will come. But he sows in faith, trusting that some will take root.

In the same way, we sow seeds of faith without always knowing the outcome. The morning of our spiritual life is the time of planting—whether it’s when we first come to faith, when we start a new venture for God, or when we decide to deepen our relationship with Him.

What seeds of faith are you planting in your life right now?

Are you investing in your relationship with God?

Are you planting seeds of love and encouragement in the lives of others?

It’s important to remember that the act of sowing is foundational to spiritual growth. You can’t expect a harvest if you haven’t planted any seeds!

Point 2: Perseverance in Labour

The verse continues:

"...and keep busy all afternoon..." (Ecclesiastes 11:6b, NLT).

This part of the verse speaks to the need for perseverance. It’s one thing to plant seeds, but it’s another thing entirely to tend to them, to nurture them, and to continue working when the results aren’t immediate.

The phrase "keep busy all afternoon" reminds us that the work doesn’t stop after the initial planting. Just as a farmer doesn’t abandon his fields after scattering the seed, we are called to stay diligent in our faith. This involves prayer, reading Scripture, and living out our faith day by day.

Galatians 6:9 (NLT) gives us a powerful reminder: "So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."

Perseverance in our spiritual walk is key. Sometimes we might feel discouraged when we don’t see immediate results from our prayers, our efforts, or our labour in the Lord. But this is when we need to press on the most, knowing that God sees our efforts, and in due season, the harvest will come.

Think again of the farmer. He sows the seeds in the morning, but that’s just the beginning. As the sun moves higher in the sky, the heat bears down, and the work becomes harder. The farmer must continue to water the crops, pull out weeds, and tend to the soil, even when he doesn’t see any immediate signs of growth. But he knows that perseverance is necessary if he wants to see a harvest.

In the same way, we must persevere in our spiritual labour. It’s easy to grow weary when we don’t see immediate fruit. But we are called to keep going—to keep praying, to keep reading Scripture, to keep sharing the Gospel, even when it feels like nothing is happening. Don’t give up, because God’s Word promises that the harvest will come in His perfect time.

Point 3: Embracing Uncertainty

The next part of the verse brings us face-to-face with uncertainty:

"For you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both." (Ecclesiastes 11:6c, NLT).

This part of the verse highlights an important truth: we don’t always know what the results of our efforts will be. The farmer plants the seeds, but he doesn’t know how many will take root or how bountiful the harvest will be. There is an element of uncertainty, but that doesn’t stop the farmer from sowing the seeds anyway.

In the same way, we may not always see the immediate results of the seeds of faith we sow. We might share the Gospel with someone and not see any change in their life right away. We might pray for a situation and not see the answer come immediately. But that doesn’t mean our efforts are in vain.

1 Corinthians 3:6 (NLT) says, "I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow."

This verse reminds us that while we are responsible for sowing and watering, it is ultimately God who causes the growth. We don’t have to carry the burden of making everything happen. Our role is to faithfully plant and water the seeds, and we can trust that God will bring the increase.

Think of a gardener who plants a variety of seeds in the soil. Some of those seeds might sprout right away, while others take longer. The gardener doesn’t know exactly when each plant will bloom, but he trusts the process and keeps tending the soil.

In our spiritual lives, we don’t always know which of our efforts will bear fruit. We might not see immediate results from our prayers or acts of kindness, but we can trust that God is at work behind the scenes. Even when we can’t see the full picture, we can trust that God is bringing about His purposes.

Point 4: Faithful Stewardship

Lastly, let’s talk about what it means to be faithful stewards of the opportunities and resources God gives us.

Galatians 6:9 tells us, "At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."

There is a promise here—a promise of a harvest. But that harvest only comes if we are faithful, if we persevere, and if we don’t give up. We are called to be stewards of the seeds God has given us to plant, whether those seeds are our time, our talents, or the opportunities to share our faith with others.

Think of the joy a gardener experiences when the harvest finally comes. After months of planting, watering, and tending, the fruits of his labour are ready to be enjoyed. In the same way, when we faithfully sow seeds of faith, God promises that a harvest of blessing will come—whether in this life or the next.


So, what can we take away from this?

Ecclesiastes 11:6 teaches us several powerful lessons:

We are called to sow seeds of faith diligently.

We must persevere in our spiritual labour, even when it’s difficult.

We need to embrace the uncertainty of life, trusting God to bring the results.

And finally, we must be faithful stewards of the seeds we’ve been given, knowing that a harvest will come in God’s perfect timing.

Let’s be encouraged today to continue sowing seeds of faith, trusting that God will bring forth the harvest in His way and in His time.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, help us to be diligent sowers of faith. May we rise each day, ready to plant seeds of trust in You. Give us strength to persevere, even when the results are unseen, and grant us the faith to trust in Your perfect timing. Help us to remain faithful stewards of the opportunities You give us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


If you are here today and you have never placed your faith in Jesus Christ, now is the perfect time. The Bible says that now is the day of salvation. Jesus, the ultimate sower, invites you to come into His family, to receive forgiveness, and to experience new life. Will you say yes to Him today? If you’re ready to take that step of faith, come forward, and we’ll pray with you.