Summary: Psalm 23:2 is a picture of serenity, peace, and total rest. Just as sheep cannot rest without their shepherd, we too cannot find true peace without the Lord. In this message, our Shepherd reveals the secret to living a truly restful life.

The Secret to a Restful Life!

Psalm 23:2a


Cf. in this verse it’s as if the Holy Spirit through the Psalmist David paints a beautiful picture upon the canvass of our minds… lush, green meadow w/ a nearby pond with its still crystal clear water, dotted along the hillside are contented sheep… lying with their legs folded under them and in the back backdrop stands their shepherd vigilantly watching over his flock.

The scene is one of serenity and peace. A picture of rest, refreshment and satisfaction. Fosters within us a longing to be in such a place… free from the stress, anxiety and cares that fill our noisy hearts.

Without a shepherd sheep can’t rest. And without a shepherd neither can we.

Good News: Because the Lord is your Shepherd, you can enter into His rest and experience His peace!

Each of us chooses to live on one of two planes: “Worry-free” or “Worry-filled;” a “Fretful life or a Restful life.”

In Psalm 23:2, our faithful Shepherd teaches us the secret to a restful life.


Look: v.2 – “He maketh me to lie down… He leadeth me” – action of the shepherd. The rest pictured in Psalm 23 is not the sheep’s rest but the shepherd’s rest.

Sheep by their very nature are restless animals and are easily agitated… which in turn makes it almost impossible for them to lay down.

Quote: Phillip Keller in his book on Psalm 23 makes an interesting observation about sheep. He writes:

"The strange thing about sheep is that because of their make-up it is almost impossible for them to be made to lie down unless four requirements are met… Owing to their timidity they refuse to lie down unless they are free from all fear, Because of their social behavior within a flock sheep will not lie down unless they are free from friction with others of their kind.

If tormented by flies or parasites, sheep will not lie down. Only when free of these pests can they relax.

Lastly, sheep will not lie down as long as they feel in need of finding food. They must be free from hunger." (1)

Sheep have to be made to lie down… that takes place when they are undisturbed by the things that would normally disturb them; those things that perplex and agitate them… making them uncomfortable, distressed, and restless. Sound familiar???

No predators to frighten them, no spats to ruffle them, no bugs to annoy them and no empty, grumbling stomachs to agitate them. When all of these needs are met… sheep will naturally lay down.

That is the scene we have before us… a flock of sheep… restfully lying down, munching on rich green grass without a care in the world… these sheep are a picture of a worry-free life.

A. Deliverance from the Perplexities of Life

Just like sheep, we become easily agitated, distressed, restless, anxious and worried… because of the perplexing things of life.

We worry over…

Finances = how are we going to make ends meet? Bills coming due, will my job last? Health? Marriage? Family? The list of our worries is endless!!!

Understand that this picture of sheep lying in green pastures in no way suggests that all the things that could cause the sheep to worry have been eliminated.

No, the coyotes, wild dogs and bears are still out there. The dangers are still real. The bugs and flies are not on the endangered species list. These little irritants still exist. There are still dry places and dry spells when the grass is not readily available. Hunger is an ever-present reality. However, in this picture the sheep are just not worried about all these things.

Matthew 6:

“Green pastures” = (lit) pastures of tender grass; the first young tender shoots of grass or vegetation that springs up. Choice grasses.

Judean countryside where David led his sheep was not a vast expanse of rolling meadows and fields of green that stretched as far as the eye could see. It was largely a very rocky, dry and barren place… but the good shepherds knew where the shady areas were that held rich green patches of grass and led their sheep into those little wilderness oases. There the sheep would contentedly feed on the dew drenched grass, drink from still pools of fresh water and lie down free from the worrisome things around them.

They are content in the tender care of their shepherd who provides all these things.

A worry-free life does not mean that we have nothing to worry about. It does mean that all of the perplexities of life have been eliminated.

A worry-free life means that we refuse to be disturbed by the many fears and agitations that seek to crowd their way into our minds filling us with stress, anxiety and worry.

That in spite of what is going on the outside I am at rest on the inside! An inner calmness of heart that comes from knowing that my Shepherd is near and is in control of all of these things!!!

Quote: Don’t wrestle; just nestle! – Corrie Ten Boom

B. Deliverance from the Possibilities of Life

Cf. the perplexities that worry us come from what is happening in my life… the possibilities that worry us come from what could happen in my life.

If we are honest, most of our worries are about things that haven’t happened yet. We are torn apart as we anxiously fret over what might happen or what could happen.


I could cite study after study that reiterates the fact that 90% of worries are totally unfounded. A small percentage of our worries we can’t do anything about them if we did worry about them. Of the remaining worries some are so petty that they really would make no difference in our lives if they did happen. It boils down to less than 5% of the many worries we have are even legitimate.

Matt. 6 – “Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.”

Quote: “Worry is the interest we pay on trouble before it comes.”

Quote: “When we worry, we are carrying tomorrows load with today’s strength; carrying two days in one.”

We do not know what tomorrow holds but we know “Who” holds tomorrow! My all-wise, loving Shepherd has my life in His hands!!!


Psalm 23:2 – “He maketh me… He leadeth me” = again this is the action of the shepherd. His work in our lives. As the sheep follow their Shepherd they are made to lie down.

Phillip Keller = the presence of the shepherd in the field with them that calms the sheep…his nearness assures them that everything will be alright!

Our God is ever near!!! He is nigh to them who are of a broken heart. His presence assures us in the perplexing times of life… when our soul is in turmoil – that because He is our Shepherd everything will be alright!

A. Look to the Shepherd

Illust: Allen Emery a successful business tells the story how that in his younger years he spent a night with a shepherd on the Texas Prairie… it was the springtime and the snows had recently melted… it was like a page in a picture book… there he was with the shepherd, his three sheepdogs and about 2,000 sheep grazing on the rich green grass. That evening the shepherd built a large bonfire… as the sun was setting, and the sheep were settling in for the night… the loud wail of coyotes pierced the air.

The dogs growled as they peered into the darkness. The sheep which had been sleeping, suddenly rose to their feet, fearfully bleating to one another. The shepherd tossed more logs on the fire and the flames shot up.

In the glow of the fire, he looked out and saw thousands of little lights. He realized those were reflections of the fire in the eyes of the sheep. Filled with fear those sheep instinctively looked toward the shepherd.

Allen wrote, “in the midst of danger, the sheep were not looking out into the darkness at the threat of danger but were keeping their eyes set in the direction of their safety, looking toward the shepherd.” – Morgan pg.32,33

When we are alarmed it is when we look out at the danger that our hearts become overwhelmed with fear, anxiety, stress, and worry.

In those moments of fear, worry and anxiety fix your eyes on the Shepherd that is where find help, strength, peace and rest.

Psalm 56:3 – “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”

Psalm 4:8 – “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou Lord only makest me to dwell in safety.”

Psalm 27:1 – The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 34:7 – “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.”

**The Fear of the LORD absolves all other fears!!!

Peace is not the absence of danger but the presence of the Shepherd!

B. Learn of the Shepherd

Sheep never eat lying down… they always graze standing upright on all fours. Once they have eaten their fill, they then find a shady spot to lie down and ruminate.

When the Psalmist says, “He makes me to lie down in green pastures,” he means that the sheep have already grazed to the fill They are full, and satisfied, their needs have all been met, and they are resting in the blessing.” Morgan pg.43

Green Pastures = for the Christian picture the pastures of God’s Word.

Ps. 119:103 – “How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

Ps. 141:6 – “…they shall hear my words; for they are sweet.”

Psalm 104:34 – “My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.”

It is there in the lush, green pastures of His Word… that we graze on the riches of His goodness, nourish ourselves in His precious truths, avail ourselves of His sweet promises, and it is there that we abide in His unfailing presence. It is only as we feed in the lush pastures of this Book that we learn of our Shepherd and His care in our lives.

Oftentimes in those fearful, worrisome moments of life we neglect those pastures… impoverish ourselves spiritually… lose sight of our Shepherd… heart filled with anxiety, worry, stress, etc… It is during those times that we still away into His presence… feed on His Word and pour out our hearts in prayer. And then lie down in the green pastures of His rest!

Psalm 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God.”

C. Lean on the Shepherd

Cf. the picture before us in Psalm 23:2 is one of complete trust in the Shepherd.

John 14:1 – “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”

The Lord did not say, understand Me. He said, Trust Me!

Isaiah 12:2 – “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.”

Sheep don’t always trust their shepherd. Times they go their own way… stray from their shepherd… get in trouble, put themselves in even more danger… have to learn the hard way that their shepherd knows best. It is only as they trust the shepherd that they peacefully rest in the meadows of life.

Times we don’t always trust our Shepherd like we should! Somehow think we can handle the situation better on our own. Or God doesn’t work fast enough or work on our timetable.

God’s delays in meeting our needs or answering our prayers or solving our problems doesn’t mean that He can’t work or won’t work on our behalf. His delays are not His denials!

Remember: we walk by faith and not by sight!

It is the knowledge that God will provide in His will, His way and according to His time that brings rest to our souls. And His way is always best!!!

May I again, gently remind you this morning that our rest is not in a place but in a Person – Jesus my Shepherd!!! He makes me to lie down… He leads me beside the still waters. It is not our peace but His peace… it’s not our rest but His rest.

Matthew 11:28

The Lord our Shepherd has promised us His rest. Let’s just come to Him. Bring it all to Him!!!

Hebrews 4:16 – “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
