Summary: The call of God to the church today is to cast off everything that hinders us from reaching our destination, to rebuild the broken altars, and to work towards the unity of the body of Christ. The coming of the Lord is near and the church must be ready to receive the bridegroom.

We read in Jonah 1:5, Then the mariners were afraid, and each cried out to his god. And they hurled the cargo that was in the ship into the sea to lighten it for them. (ESV)

As we continue our study on the life of Jonah and the church, I believe that God is declaring His word to the church of today. It is only when we listen and walk in obedience to God’s word, can we be those who will fulfill God’s will in our lives. In the above mentioned verse, each man called on their god when they were challenged with a furious storm, and knew that they were in danger of losing their lives. Usually as human beings we call out to the Lord when our lives are in jeopardy.

Some may have experienced this when they took their loved ones for treatment to a hospital. When the doctors gave up hope, and told us that they was nothing more they could do, we sought the Lord fervently and desperately. In reality this should not be so, but we should be those who constantly look to the Lord for every single matter in our lives. These sailors on that ship did not know the true and living God, and so in desperation they cried out to their own gods. Their wails to their gods did not seem to bring any sort of relief or respite as the situation continued as it was.

The challenge at Mount Carmel

I was reminded of another incident the bible narrates in 1 Kings 18:21, And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” And the people did not answer him a word. (ESV)

The people of Israel were of two opinions as to whether they should follow the living God whom they could not see or to follow Baal whom they had made and could see. A double minded person can never walk straight, but will surely stagger at every point, and that’s exactly what the people were doing. The challenge that Elijah placed before them was that they choose to either follow the living God or to follow after Baal.

There are many who when faced with any problem, are extremely confused as they tend to listen to every suggestion offered by any and everybody. The bible reminds us that a double-minded person will be unstable in all their ways. The church too has to decide whether they are going to follow after God or go after man made schemes and plans. There are lots of plans being drawn out by the church, but not all of them are from God. There are plans to advertise, raise funds, for festivals, celebrations, elections and in the process we have forgotten the very purpose of the existence of the church.

The prophets of Baal were challenged to prepare an altar and sacrifice to their gods, while Elijah also would build an altar and sacrifice to the God of Israel. The God who answered by fire from heaven would be declared the true and living God. Taking up the challenge the prophets of Baal built the altar, made the sacrifice and called out to Baal. They cried out aloud to Baal, cut themselves with knives and lancets, all to no avail. There was no answer to their cries and laments.

Sadly, this is the situation of many who are praying to God. There is much noise and commotion, but the answer is nowhere at hand. If we are disobedient to God and His word, but believe that God will give heed to our prayer, we are only deceiving ourselves. God is very clear that He will only answer those who tremble in His presence, and are obedient to His word.

Oftentimes, we take those verses from the bible that are convenient for us, and overlook all those that exhort us or admonish us in any way. We live in a time when the church must call on the Lord, letting go of all that is displeasing to God, and holding on to those things that God approves of. Of such a church the Lord assures us that the gates of hades will not prevail against it. The church building may be locked up, and we may face a crisis whereby we are prohibited to meet together, but let us be reminded that our bodies are the temple of the living God. No one can stop or hinder the worship that overflows from within each one of us. The purpose of the church and the gathering was perfectly modelled by the early church. Only when we come in line with God’s divine purposes, will our prayers be answered. As long as we are depending on our self, finances and popularity there will be no answer from God to our prayers.

After the futile efforts of the prophets of Baal, Elijah decided to rebuild the altar. This is what Elijah did in 1 Kings 18:30-31 Then Elijah said to all the people, “Come near to me.” And all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that had been thrown down. Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD came, saying, “Israel shall be your name,” (ESV)

• Rebuild the broken altar

The first thing Elijah did was to rebuild the altar that was totally broken down because the altar was in a state of ruin, and of no use to anyone.

If we want answers to our prayers, it is our responsibility to set right all those things that need to be straightened out in our personal lives and as a church at large.

• Remember who we are

Secondly, Elijah recalled the name that God had given to Jacob, the name ‘Israel’. The name Israel was given to Jacob when he wrestled with God, and begged God to bless him. In that struggle Jacob prevailed, and God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. Israel also meant ‘one who had received riches from the Lord’. Israel was called to be separated from the world, and be one who exclusively belonged to the Lord.

Today Christianity has become one among the many world religions, and we have missed out on the special purpose for which God has called us, to be like Him. After the resurrection and ascension of Jesus the disciples of Jesus were scattered all over. Wherever they went, they preached the gospel, and those who observed them noticed that they belonged to Jesus Christ and therefore called them ‘Christians’. In the early church, Christians were disciples of Jesus Christ who discipled others to become His disciples. What Christianity is today, and what Jesus intended to bring to this world are in complete contradiction. Jesus called us to a way of life that would be totally pleasing to God. Let us be reminded that we are Christians, and God has called us for His own special purpose, so let us not blend in with the world and lose our identity.

• Work towards unity

Thirdly, when Elijah built the altar, he took twelve stones as per the number of the tribes of Israel and rebuilt the altar. The stones were not warring with each other about their position, and their significance as Elijah built that altar. They stood together so that the sacrifice can be placed on the altar.

Today we have so many things that cause divisions amongst us, quarrels, differences based on our status, and disagreements based on ideologies and doctrines. The call of God is for us to be united as one body. God’s word admonishes us that wherever two or three will come together in His name the Lord is there, ready to hear and answer us. The greatest hindrance to the growth of the church at large is divisions. A kingdom divided against itself will not stand is the clear teaching of the Lord Jesus to us as His body.

When Elijah did all of the above, and called on the Lord, fire from heaven came down and consumed the sacrifice. The outcome was glorious, for all the people declared with one accord that ‘the Lord He is God’.

If we rebuild the brokenness, remember and live as those called by God’s own name, and stay united breaking free from everything that divides us, the Lord will be among us and do great wonders.

They prayed and worked

In Jonah 1:5, we read, Then the mariners were afraid, and each cried out to his god. And they hurled the cargo that was in the ship into the sea to lighten it for them. (ESV)

Not only did each one call on their gods, they also threw much of the cargo aboard the ship just to lighten the ship. That’s prayer with action.

Oftentimes we pray, but do not do what’s required of us to do. Jesus prayed and he also went from town to town ministering to the multitudes there. The church must come together to pray, and we do so in various ways. We have fasting and prayer, prayers for twelve hours at a stretch, twenty four hours of prayer and sometimes even a week of prayer. All of these are beneficial, but we must also be those who work as much as we pray.

• Abraham did his part

We read in Genesis 13:17 “Arise, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.” (ESV)

Though God had promised an inheritance that was unmatched to Abraham, he was also commanded by God to get up and walk through the length and breadth of the land that he would soon possess.

God’s promises stands for us, however we have to do our part to inherit those promises. Let me make one thing clear, as far as our salvation is concerned there is nothing that we are required to do because Jesus had finished it all on the cross of Calvary, and paid in full for our redemption. However, after we are saved, we must live a life of faith that manifests itself by the works we do. The bible reminds us that faith without works is dead, and that is the reason why many people remain dead in their spirits. We must ask God to help us do all those things that we are required to do from our part.

• Joshua and the men did their part

The walls of Jericho was brought down by God and there is no doubt about that. Nonetheless, Joshua and his men had to walk around the wall in faith and obedience to God’s command. Today we are so lacking in putting into practice all that we believe.

• Naaman did his part

When Naaman the captain of the Syrian army came to the prophet Elisha to be healed of his leprosy these are the words of the prophet to Naaman in 2 Kings 5:10, And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.” (ESV)

As Naaman approached Elisha’s house, he was under the impression that the prophet would respect him, come out, lay his hands on him and heal him. On the contrary, Elisha commanded him to go and wash himself seven times in the river Jordan. Naaman was initially upset when he heard this command. However, it was only when he obeyed did he receive his miraculous healing.

So often like Naaman, when the Lord commands us to do the simple things, we do not obey but hesitate to do so. In this partnership between us and God, we must keep in mind that God is able to do the impossible in our lives. However, there are those things that are possible for us to do and if we fail to do them we will surely forfeit God’s blessings. It is the will of God that all people should be saved and come to know and believe in Him, and be in fellowship with Him. We as the church have the responsibility to carry the good news of the gospel to everyone. Instead of doing so, if we simply are content with praying, we are failing in our responsibilities that God has entrusted to us.

I will explain this from our daily experience. As students there are certain requirements that they are required to fulfill. To enhance this they are given books, classes and teachers to help them accomplish this. If a student does not use all these facilities to study, and when faced with exams if they pray that God will show them all the right questions and help them score well that is unfair and ridiculous. God is a just God, and he requires that as a student you should do your part, and then He will help from His part.

We prepare and God truimphs

We read in Proverbs 21:31, The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD. (ESV)

It is therefore evident that we are required to do our part for only then God will fulfill His. It is good for us as believers to analyze ourselves to see what we are doing for the Lord. It is indeed a sad thing that there are those who have been believers for many long years and all that they pray about is that God would bless them and their families. Their prayers are all about getting better jobs, brighter future for themselves and their children, better homes and so on and so forth.

This is the time for the church to take stock for the time is at hand when Christ the bridegroom is coming to take unto Himself, the church which is His bride. We have to be ready to receive the King, and take on the responsibility to share the gospel of Jesus to all the world. The church has become slack, wearied and fallen back on fulfilling the Lord’s commission to us.

Jesus appointed and sent seventy-two

We read in Luke 10:1, After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go. (ESV)

As Jesus determined to go to certain towns, he chose seventy-two others whom He sent two by two ahead of Him. Jesus could have gone and done everything by Himself but He chose to send those who could also do their part in the extension of God’s Kingdom.

When we are ready to obey God’s command and go, He will surely come along with us and is willing to do mighty signs and wonders for His glory.

What is really important to us?

The seamen threw much of the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship. When it’s a question of life or things, the mariners were clear that their lives were far more important than the cargo they carried.

As believers we too are carrying loads that are too heavy for us to bear. We are called to let go and be relieved of all those burdens and cares that are wearing us down.

Live the abundant life

In John 10:10 we read, …. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (ESV)

The life that God has given to us is precious and the enemy is all out to destroy this life. Jesus reminds us that He came down to earth that we may have life and have it in abundance.

Guard your faith

We read in James 3:14 But if your heart is full of bitter jealousy and selfishness, don't brag or lie to cover up the truth. (CEV)

If in our hearts we harbor bitter jealousy and selfishness, we should be cautious as these would most certainly wreck our faith. As long as these qualities remain within, we cannot safeguard or enjoy the abundant life that God has graciously lavished on us. We must remember that God is mindful, and knows our inmost thoughts and attitudes. Therefore, we should not take pride if there are any of these traits in our lives, and think that God will not judge us for the same. As the Jews handed over Jesus to be crucified, and when Pilate wanted to release Him, they cried out that the blood of Jesus be on their heads and on that of their children and they got exactly what they asked for. Let us never take the name of the Lord in vain. If there is bitter jealousy and selfishness in our hearts, we will be wasting the precious life that God has bestowed on us.

We read in 1 Timothy 1:19, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith, (ESV)

The call of God to the church today is that we should rebuild our broken altars, keep reminding ourselves that we bear the name of Christ, and laying aside all divisions work towards living together in unity. Only when we do so will we able to move ahead and our faith will certainly not be shipwrecked. The coming of the Lord is at hand so let us be ready to meet the Lord, and give an account to Him.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins