Since we are getting close to Election Day and there's a lot of discussion about Christians voting and whether or not Christians should vote for certain candidates and how Christians should vote on the various issues and initiatives that appear on the ballot I thought I would share this.
I never “preach politics” from the pulpit in the sense that I don’t tell people how to vote, for whom to vote or what party to vote. That said, at election time I do talk about government and the roll of government from a Biblical perspective.
First, the back story as to how this sermon came about. I take part a podcast called the Gospel Light Radio Program heard Thursday nights on the Blog Talk Radio Platform and other outlets. One segment of the program is called Shout It Out (SIO), wherein one of the speakers answers a listener submitted question. Just before the 2020 US presidential election, the host of the show put forth the following question. I don’t remember exactly how, but somehow we got into a discussion about the question on social media and he asked if I wanted to answer the question on the SIO segment of the program which would air two weeks before the election. I agreed to do it and since so many see our elections as nothing more than choosing between the “lesser of two evils, I started my research on the topic with a search of the phrase “lesser of evils.” The references that were relevant to the topic, were interesting.
The original final version of this lesson was lost in a computer hard drive crash and I have reconstructed this version from a draft that I unexpectedly found on a cloud based storage. Thus, the bibliography is incomplete and I don't have sources for some of the points I make. The introduction to the lesson is pretty close to what I wrote in 2020, but I have cut out much of it. I will make appropriate updates before I present this to the congregation in the fall. For 2024, like most of us, I was gearing this up for a Trump-Biden Part 2 sequel and obviously that's not going to happen, but as of yet I have not rewritten the introduction to reflect the change in the Democrat candidate.
I’m including some houghts that I expressed in 2020 on the two men so that content throughout the lesson makes sense.
And now, on with the show.
The question that I dealt with was presented as follows, my answer begins in the paragraph following the question:
QUESTION: I have pondered this question for a long time. Made by those who profess to be Christians on social media you often hear people say how corrupt our political system is in the United States question: do Christians have a civic duty to be involved in our political system since we advocate that it is so corrupt?
THIS IS A SHORT ANSWER TO THE QUESTION. Some will not like my answer and I’ll admit that my answer is not perfect and might even raise objections and questions. To answer this question, I will try to be as politically neutral as possible. Just so there is no doubt, let me tell you “where I sit, before I tell you where I stand.”
As a voter, I have either registered as a Republican or an Independent, never a Democrat and I have voted for Democrats only twice that I can remember and in at least one election I voted a straight third party ticket.
Election day this year is on __________. I don’t know about you, but I dread election time. I used to look forward to it, but for the better part of my adult life, I have dreaded it.
For purposes of this lesson, let’s strip away the party AFFILIATIONS and PLATFORMS and look at the men. To be honest, except for differences in personal wealth and the “R” or “D” next to their names, I see little difference between these two men. In fact, I see none. Both men are old in the sense they are senior citizens (both ages are well north of 70), wealthy (since leaving the VPOTUS, Biden’s net-worth has surged by some $15 million, according to Fox Business and while in the white house, Biden went to silent running on his taxes and in July of 2020 finally released his and Jill’s returns from the years 2016, 17 and 18)
While it is well known that Biden is widowed from his first marriage (he was sworn into the US Senate for his first term from the hospital where his two sons were being treated for injuries from a car accident that killed his wife and daughter). What is less well known is that the story of his meeting his current wife on a blind date, is questionable. Jill Biden was previously married (an established fact) the status of that first marriage at the time she started dating Joe is disputed by her first husband) Trump’s multiple marriages and philandering are also well documented.
Both men have made verbal gaffs and Trumps twitter blasts are legendary. Since he first announced his candidacy, Trump’s mental stability has been questioned as has his views on abortion, racism and white supremacy. Trump is, at best someone who is mistake prone due to his shoot from the hip style of dealing with the press. At worst, Trump is a compulsive or pathological liar.
Biden is also less than honest. His first presidential campaign in 1988 went down amid accusations of plagiarism and with accusations of using teleprompters for what are alleged to be off the cuff talks, it is fueling speculation that Biden is, in a worst case scenario, showing signs of some sort of dementia and in a best case scenario he is attempting some sort of rope a dope strategy on Trump.
So, there you have it. Two flawed candidates. Two men who share some of the same major character flaws. The respective supporters of both men refuse to acknowledge their candidate’s flaw, sins and short comings. Hard core Democrats ignore or justify Biden’s flaws and sins, while Trump’s hardcore supporters do the same for him. Justifications for looking the other way range from “we are electing a POTUS, not a pastor” to “It’s his personal life and thus, nobody’s business!”
For someone like me who strives for objectivity, every election is more of a struggle. Setting aside party platforms and looking again at character, neither man should have been allowed anywhere near their respective party’s nomination. I have not been excited to vote since the 1980s and increasingly, I find myself voting AGAINST a candidate instead of FOR a candidate.
So, the lesser of two evils comes to represent a Catch-22 type of decision, right?
I suppose that the first thing to remember is that the idea of lesser of two evils is a man-made term, it is never found in Scripture. However, there are historic anecdotes for the term. A quote attributed to Charles Spurgeon English Baptist Minister (AKA: The Prince of Preachers) says “Of two evils, choose neither.” As I was thinking about this topic, I started looking at various figures from history and selected some people who were leaders and put them on a hypothetical ballot for POTUS.
[CORDLE’S NOTE: At this juncture of the PowerPoint is a slide with the presidential seal and superimposed over it is the statement: PRESENTING: The Next President of the United States?]
Let's look at this hypothetical ballot of candidates running for president of the United States as I go through the description of each note which would be your choice for president.
Candidate Number 1:
• Spent a lot of time as a fugitive.
• Took refuge among an enemy nation
• As an Adult, caused the death of a man most consider murder
• Possibility of conspiracy charges
• Political power could have covered it up, but he had a conscience
Candidate Number 2:
• Comes from a prominent and wealthy family (“privileged”)
• Married several times, many mistresses
• Developed real estate
• Head of state, ran up huge national debt
• Gave a lot of advice
Candidate Number 3:
• Adopted shortly after birth.
• Killed a man, but a court of law might have acquitted him.
• Spent a lot of time as a fugitive.
• Became a national leader
• Unsure of himself
• Had anger issues
Candidate Number 4:
• A Woman
• Business owner
• Involved with Foreign intelligence agents
• Betrayed her country to save her family
Imagine our two families are miles from land in a sinking boat. Suddenly, out of the mist, come two boats to save us. One is captained by an adulterer; the other is captained by a thief. Which boat will you get into? You say, “Neither one. I’m waiting for the evangelical boat which is captained by a devout Christian who will end abortion.” I say, “You’re kidding, right?” You reply, “Both these guys are reprobates and I’m not going to choose between two evils.”
Let’s consider some facts, such as:
A. It is by one of two aspects of God’s will that a man or woman is the head of a nation. The two aspects of God’s will:
1. Permissive will- when God allows something to happen
• a. In some cases God’s permissive will does not have His full blessings.
• b. God’s permissive will can bring various consequences
2. Purposeful will- Something that happens for a specific purpose
• a. Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers.
• b. Mary giving birth to the messiah
B. All civil governments derive their origin and authority from God and when doing right, have His sanction.
2. Moreover, for these same reasons we pay tax, customs, etc. Besides, whenever it may be necessary, we must go farther and even honor those in authority. By all these acts we shall please God and promote our own happiness.
3. Paul urges believers to be careful in their relationships with the governing authorities. There would come enough persecution without them bringing it on themselves by rebelling against authorities who could just as well serve them.
A. Christians are expected to submit to the laws of the state.
1. Human government is ordained by God.
2. Our founding fathers created a document that defined a system of government that limited government’s powers
3. Paul does not recommend either of the two possible extreme responses to the presence of a hostile authority.
4. For rulers hold no terror (or at least they shouldn’t hold any terror) for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.
B. Some suggest that morality cannot be legislated.
1. We must remember that government legislates morality.
2. There is no divine institution of tyranny.
C. Christians must give the state what it most needs and that is righteousness.
1. Proverbs 11:10
2. Proverbs 14:35 No nation has ever been completely righteous or completely sinful.
D. Paul and Festus Acts 25:10-12
1. The go to passage for Christians using the political or legal process when necessary. There is precedent for Christians to use legal means to accomplish their objectives and for being political
2. Who is Caser at the time Paul appeals his case? The notorious Nero
(Sidebar trivia: How old was Nero when he ascended the throne? Answer: 16 years old!)
3. I Timothy 2:1-4 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers are to be made… for kings and all who are in authority…
E. Acts 5:22-32 The only exception for disobedience is when law conflicts with God’s law
III. The Choice
A. So, what happens in a race where Christians are faced with two morally problematic choices, as we are this year?
B. For starters, remember that unless Jesus of Nazareth is on the ballot, any election forces us to choose the lesser of evils.
1. Across every party and platform, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
2. I John 1:5-10 People who say that they can approach God on their own are saying:
a. that they can handle sin themselves
b. that they do not need the Son of God to come to earth and die for their sins.
c. Note what Scripture says about this misconception: we deceive ourselves
C. There will never come a day when any one politician or political party will embrace biblical values perfectly
1. It's not possible because all men everywhere are corrupted because of sin.
2. This is only to contend, as does the Bible, that sin has contaminated every part of every person's being.
What does God think of me voting for a sinner like Trump or Biden or Harris? Let’s Go back and look at our hypothetical ballot that I laid out in the beginning:
Candidate Number 1
• One spent a lot of time as a fugitive. This man fled from the wrathful government living continuously on the edge. He lived a touch as a rebel and desperado. Even taking refuge among an enemy nation, not just any nation but one who was arguably his home country’s worst enemy (most nations would consider that treason).
• The Government had agents looking for him as a youth. Then, as an adult he caused the death of a man, which most consider murder. Some might even call it a “hit” to put it in Mob terms. There is even the possibility of conspiracy charges against him. He could be caring and then show himself to have a short fuse. He also had family problems with his children, and was arguably an absent or lax father. They were rebellious and one tried to kill him
If this is your candidate, you voted for King David to be the next president of the United States
Candidate Number 2:
• 2. Comes from a prominent family and, in fact, owes much of his position in life to his father. Might say he was born “privileged.” He is or was a womanizer and married several times. He had some business enterprises that were very profitable, including some real estate development. He built or had built a lot of things and had one major project for which he is known. He is or war a head of state and in his position, ran up huge debts government spending and wars, resulting in a crushing tax burden. When his successor came into office, it wasn’t long before a civil war started. Despite all of this, he offered advice in various forms.
If this is your candidate, the apple does not fall far from the tree. You voted for King Solomon to be the next president of the United States
Candidate Number 3
• Man number 3 was adopted shortly after birth, but was what we would call an “open” adoption because his mother was involved in his life. Like man number 1, this person killed a man, but it is possible a court of law could have acquitted him of any murder charges. Like man number 1, this man had political connections that might have helped. We’ll never know the definitive answer to what a court would have decided, because the man spent several decades as a fugitive from justice. Despite some anger issues, He eventually rose to national prominence, becoming the head of a nation. He was not an obvious leader, he was unsure of himself, prone to anger and could himself be insubordinate.
If this is your candidate, you voted for Moses to be the next president of the United States
Candidate Number 4:
• 4. Then there is a woman. We don’t know a whole lot about this woman, other than she ran a business of some kind (there is debate about the exact nature of the business). What we do know is that she got involved with foreign intelligence agents and betrayed her county when it was apparent that invasion was imminent. She cut a deal with the enemy nation for the usual reason of saving her own neck and those of her family’s. Unlike most spies, the enemy nation did not turn on her and kept their end of the bargain. We aren’t sure what happened to her, eventually disappears from history, but we know she lived.
If this is your candidate, you voted for Rahab to be the next president of the United States
Two of the four candidates were murderers (Moses and David).
Two were traitors (David and Rahab)
Two seemed to have short fuses (either that or they were very decisive) (Moses and David).
One had a shady business (Rahab).
One was a very wise man, who did foolish things (Solomon)
Notice also, the number of sinless, perfect people: ZERO
Col. Gregory “Pappy” Boyington, USMC, (1912-1988)
Medal of Honor Winner, POW
Commander of the legendary fighter squadron VMF-214,
AKA The Black Sheep
Quote attributed to him: Just name a hero and I’ll prove he’s a bum
Joseph Stalin, Communist Dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 1924-1953
Quote attributed to him: Show me the man and I'll show you the crime
What conclusions and applications can we draw?
1. If you are looking for a morally perfect candidate: FORGET IT!
2. On our hypothetical ballot, we saw four very flawed, imperfect sinners were used by God in their respective life-times and for generations after. All are held up in Bible classes as God’s servants
3. There is no record of any “lesser of evils” argument being used to disqualify any of them.
4. If a candidate is a Christian, vote for that candidate, but remember his is every bit the sinner you are and will in some form or fashion let you down.
Trump and Harris are finite sinners. They are limited intellectually, spiritually, morally and dynamically.