Summary: We must abide in Christ and those who choose to do otherwise will be cut off. Also the Lord has chosen us so we can lead others into His kingdom. Like Abraham, every believer must also have a burden to pray and intercede for those who are lost without Christ.

We read in 1 Samuel 2:35, And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed forever. (KJV)

In the above mentioned verse, the Lord declares that He will raise up a faithful priest, who will fulfill all that is in God’s heart, and mind. Our God is one who specializes in raising up people, and that’s His desire for each one of us as well. All through the bible, we read of how God sought and raised up those individuals who were willing to accomplish His divine plans.

Many have failed to reach the heights that God aspires for them, simply because they have not submitted themselves to His eternal plan for their lives. Instead of pursuing our own wishes and plans, we must stop to discover the purpose for which God put us on this earth.

Eli was replaced by Samuel

God chose Eli to be a priest to stand between God and men. Eli, did not comprehend the purposes of God. Eli’s great sin was that he did not discipline his sons when he should have. The consequence was that God rejected Eli, and raised Samuel in his stead.

Most people consider lying, cheating and adultery as sins, and don’t realize that bad parenting is also a serious sin. When we submit our will to the Lord, He will not only raise us up, but will build our families up as well.

Saul was replaced by David

Saul was an ordinary man, who was looking for his father’s donkeys, when the Lord chose him. God took Saul and established him as king over Israel. When Saul became king, he considered pleasing people more important than pleasing God. The result was that God rejected Saul, and made David king in his place.

God will raise up anybody, only as long as they stay humble, and obedient to His will. There are many of us like Saul, who are keen to be people pleasers, rather than God pleasers. An example of this at home, is when children refuse to accept advice from their parents. When parents caution children to stay away from bad company, they ignore their counsel. By giving in to peer pressure, and pleasing their friends, many have destroyed their lives. So many adults are addicted to alcohol because they were influenced by their friends, and tried to please them when they were in their youth.

We must therefore decide that our only goal would be to please God, and not men. The opinion of God should matter to us more than the speculation or assessment of men. God has a purpose for saving us, calling us and placing us where we are. It is only when we comprehend that divine purpose of God can we be those whom God can raise up.

Judas was replaced by Matthias

The Lord chose twelve men to be His disciples, who would take the gospel to the ends of the earth. However, woefully one among them was Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. God’s work was not stopped because of Judas Iscariot, but instead he was replaced by Matthias, and the gospel spread all over the world just as God willed.

We must be constantly reminded that it is our duty to maintain the call of God on our lives, and walk in obedience to His will.

God builds up, but also cuts off

Our God is one who raises up, but, He is also one who cuts off. God is willing to do His part of raising us up, provided we do what is required of us. If we are unwilling to do what is our responsibility, God cannot and will not do that which He is able to do.

We read in John 15:1-2 "I am the real vine, and my Father is the cultivator. He cuts away any branch on me that stops bearing fruit, and He repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more. (Williams)

Jesus is the true vine, the Father the cultivator or gardener. The gardener does two things; firstly he cuts off all those branches that do not bear fruit. Secondly, he prunes those that bear fruit to make them more fruitful. The pruning process will always be painful. Generally a gardener will prune the branches of a plant, so that it can flower better or bear more fruit.

Just like the gardener has a close association with the plant, so also the Father has an intimate relationship with us. When we begin to give some fruit, the Lord cleanses us so that we become more fruitful. However, the ones who are fruitless, He cuts off. When God decided to cut us off, it is by far the most hopeless situation one can be in.

There are examples in the bible of those who tried to work against the will of God, and ended up in utter confusion.

The confusion at Babel

We read in Genesis 11:9 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth. And from there the LORD dispersed them over the face of all the earth. (ESV)

The Lord had just destroyed the earth with the great floods. Only Noah and his family were saved from the same. It was God’s way of cleansing the world of all evil. However, the generations that followed Noah forgot God’s might, and decided to build a tall tower. It was an act of rebellion against God’s word, and His will. This tower may have been their way to try to escape a destruction like the mighty floods, but also to make a name for themselves. God came down to see what was happening. All that God did was confused their language, so that they could not understand each other. That is why the place was called Babel (which meant confusion).

Oftentimes when we are encounter challenging situations from others, we may wonder if God is aware of what we are going through. Let us be assured that God sees, knows and hears all of the injustice and unkind words that are aimed at us. When the Lord comes forth in judgement, we must remember that there will be no place to hide. There are many who are in total confusion like people at the time of the tower of Babel, only because they have gone far away from the will of God. Have you observed how when people marry against the will of God often there is confusion in the relationship? No wonder then that the language that is used between the spouses is also perverse.

God raised up Abram

When the people were dispersed after the tower of Babel, they still did not seek after God. It was at this time that God raised up Abram. God called Abram in Genesis chapter 12, and He built him up.

God confided in Abram

We read in Genesis 18:17 The LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, (ESV)

God was about to do something major in Sodom and Gomorrah, which the Lord did not think it appropriate to hide this from Abram. From being one who followed after pagan gods, Abram was now God’s trusted confidant. The secret to this relationship was that Abram willingly let go of all his plans to follow after God’s plan for his life.

Generally close and loyal friends share everything with each other. Back in those Old Testament times Abram enjoyed this amazing relationship with God. Those of us who are part of the New Covenant, who have received the salvation that Jesus offered by His sacrificial death on the cross, are called to a higher commitment. It is good for us to assess the kind of relationship we have with the Lord. There is nothing that we can hide from Him. It is only in surrendering our will to God’s divine will, can we experience the intimacy that Abram had with God.

God’s will for the world is that everyone must be forgiven of their sins, and come into the saving relationship with the Lord Jesus. God desires that His children lead victorious lives, and that all have their eternity in heaven.

God had confidence in Abram

We read in Genesis 18:19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. (KJV)

The confidence that God had in Abram was that when He confided in Him, he would command his children and his household after him to walk in total obedience to God’s justice, and judgement.

As parents we are responsible for the way we bring up our children. For example when we constantly gossip about others, our children are listening to all of it. If as parents we use foul language, it should not surprise us when our children do so too. Our words must always edify others, bringing praise and glory to God. Our homes are places where God dwells. They should therefore echo with the sound of God’s word, and praises to His name.

God plans to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah

The Lord disclosed to Abram that He was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in judgement because of the increase in wickedness. Abram did not publicize this matter or tell anyone about the matter that God divulged to him.

Today if God were to tell someone that He would destroy a city, they would probably have a huge meeting, and much publicity to announce the same. If the person’s prophesy should come true, people would have more faith in the man who prophesied, rather than in God Himself. We must remember that we have direct access to God the Father and have no need for a mediator. It is also important for us to test every prophecy. When God reveals somethings to us, it is only so that we would kneel down, and plead with God in prayer to revert the situation. Prophesies and revelations that God gives to us are never to be used for our own benefit or publicity.

Abram stood before God

We read in Genesis 18:22, From there the men turned and went on toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing in front of the LORD. (GW)

Abram stood before God not for himself or his family, but on behalf of the people of Sodom whom God has purposed to destroy. Abram was blessed with immense wealth, but his heart and mind were set only on the Lord. He was a blessing to others, and stood in the gap to plead for those who were about to perish.

We read about Abram’s conversation with God in Genesis 18:24-26, If there are fifty innocent people in the city, will you destroy the whole city? Won't you spare it in order to save the fifty? Surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That's impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the innocent would be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly." The LORD answered, "If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake." (GW)

God revealed to Abram that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was a certainty. The first thing Abram did was he began to negotiate with God for the city of Sodom. Abram wasn’t too sure as to how many righteous people remained in Sodom. He initially asked God to have mercy on that place if there were only fifty godly people in that place. The Lord heard Abram’s plea and was willing to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were fifty righteous people. Abram kept decreasing this number, and persistently bargained with God for the people who lived godless lives. He finally ended asking God to spare that place if there were just ten innocent people, and the Lord graciously agreed to this negotiation too.

When was the last time we stopped praying for our own personal needs, and took time to plead with God on behalf of others? All the blessings that God has bestowed on us are only so that we can lead others into the kingdom of God. Many of us may not realize that we were saved and part of God’s family only because there were those who earnestly prayed to God on our behalf. Let us be those who are burdened to pray, and implore the Lord to have mercy on those who are going astray.

It is good for us to check as to how many of us, have that burden in our heart for those who are lost. Instead of being content with the thought that we are saved, we must ask God to move us with compassion for those heading towards eternal destruction. It is important that we like Abram spend time in prayer interceding on behalf of those who are still in the dark. God’s heart grieves when people are destroyed because of sin and wickedness. The things that move the heart of God must move ours as well.

For those who desire that intimate relationship with God, and that personal communion that Abram had, the secret is to stay in the will of God, setting aside our own. All of us want to be raised up by God to be a great blessing to others. In order to make this a reality, all that is required of us is to submit to the will of God in every little detail of our lives. When we do so, all those unanswered prayers will be answered, and all those plans that were hindered thus far will be duly accomplished.

That is why Jesus commanded us in Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (ESV). The will of God is that everyone should enter into the kingdom of God, and that none should perish. When we make that our will and priority, everything else will be added to us as well. God is calling us to set aside all of our personal agendas pertaining to our family, children, job, future and to make His will our own. Abram did that and had the blessed privilege of having that intimacy with God. Let us yearn to have a heart for the lost, standing before God, interceding for them, just like Abram. When we do so, we too will enjoy the closeness with God, and be built up to be a tremendous blessing like Abram was.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins