Summary: The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

"Blessed are the Meek”

Opening Greeting:

Good morning everybody! I am happy to see everyone here today and thankful for all you.

Today, we continue our journey through one of the most profound and transformative passages in the Bible—Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

Specifically, we are diving into the Beatitudes found in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7.

These teachings offer us a blueprint for living a blessed and fulfilled life, regardless of the circumstances we face.

The Beatitudes call us to embrace qualities like humility, mercy, and righteousness.

They guide us toward true happiness and lasting peace.


Last week we explored the profound meaning of mourning as described in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

Mourning, as Jesus describes, goes beyond grieving personal loss.... It involves recognizing our own spiritual brokenness and the brokenness of the world around us.

True mourning comes from understanding the gravity of sin and its consequences.

It then leads to heartfelt sorrow, repentance, and ultimately, comfort from God.

Mourning is not just an emotional reaction but a spiritual response that compels us to seek God's comfort,

To pursue righteousness, and become agents of change and healing in the world.

Each Beatitude builds on the previous one, starting with being "poor in spirit," which is foundational to understanding mourning.

Being poor in spirit means acknowledging our spiritual poverty and dependence on God.

This recognition is what leads us to genuine mourning over our sinfulness and the brokenness in the world.

Meekness is the result of spiritual mourning.

This mourning helps to strip away pride, self-reliance, and any sense of personal entitlement.

A meek person is one who lays down his/her personal rights, agenda, entitlement, recognition etc., and their only concern is the Kingdom of God.


Today, we are focusing on Matthew 5:5: "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."

Lets read...


The word meekness is not a popular word today… rather it is a word that goes against the grain of modern society.

Our contemporary society often places a higher value on self-promotion, assertiveness, and personal ambition.

People are frequently rewarded and applauded for being outspoken, competitive, and self-focused…

Our culture tends to celebrate power and aggression… Success is often associated with the ability to dominate, control, and assert oneself.

However...biblical meekness emphasizes humility, gentleness, and a reliance on God rather than on oneself.

A meek person seeks to serve others and prioritize God's will above personal ambitions.

Meekness is often misunderstood as weakness, but in biblical terms, meekness is strength under control.

It is about having the power to respond with kindness and patience, even when provoked.

It's about trusting God fully, being humble, and showing gentleness in our interactions with others.

A meek person is willing to wait and endure… trusting that God's plan and timing are perfect...

Just a question...

If we were to interview the people who really know you—your closest friends, your families, your co-workers, peers, or your spouses—and we were to ask them to describe you and your life, would they say,

"Oh yeah, they are an incredibly meek person!"?

Would they say that you’re a person who is humble and lowly of heart, that they have the ability to control their temper, attitude, mouth, and exhibit extraordinary godliness?

Would they describe you as sensitive to others, selfless, and self-controlled?… patient and gentle?

Remember, we are not asking those who only know the side of you that you choose to let them see....

I am talking about those who get to experience life with you, when life is falling apart,

I'm talking about when you stub your toe on the leg of the coffee table,

I’m talking when you are being aggravated continuously by an unkind, rude and arrogant neighbor… or co-worker…

I’m talking about when your on your last nerve… and the steam is rolling out of your ears...

Would they say… OH yes… they are so meek!… or would they say… you are definitely not?

Meekness, true biblical meekness… is counter-cultural… because it goes against what the world values and what our sinful nature desires.

Jesus says… the meek… are blessed… they are happy… the have an inner joy… that is not contingent upon external circumstances… but rather it comes from within and is fully satisfying.

So what is Meekness?

See… here is one thing I know about meekness… those who struggle to walk in meekness… struggle to have real rest… real peace… and real contentment.

Not sleeping

Easily offended


Have control issues

Have false humility



Those who struggle with meekness.. are always seeking to conquer, but never seem to.

There have always been those who have attempted to conquer the earth.

We have seen men like Alexander the Great, Ghangis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler… they all have FAILED!

Each one of these men who almost did it shared one thing in common;

Though they controlled huge armies and had great power they did not have rule over their own spirit!

In the end, their kingdoms were lost and they were ruined!

What is so fascinating about this …is Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:5…

See the earth BELONGS to the MEEK… not the powerful and self-reliant!

Somebody needed to hear this right here… see the meek realize when you cannot cope with life’s problems… instead…they turn to God with their problems… and they call upon him… he lifts them up… but the wicked are cast down.

Meekness is not the quality MOST would associate with conquering the world....

Part of the problem is our concept of "meekness."… What we usually associate with meekness is not what the Bible teaches as "meekness."

SO we need to redefine Meekness...

Redefining Meekness: Understanding True Strength

Meekness is often misunderstood as weakness. True meekness is strength under control, a humble and gentle attitude that reflects Christ's character.

By definition, Meekness is power under control… or power under submission.

Meekness involves humility, gentleness, and a submissive spirit towards God.

Meekness is not about being weak or passive, but about exercising power with a calm and humble demeanor.

In the ancient world, meekness was a virtue to be valued and sought after.

Unlike with the people of Bible times, today “meekness” does not seem to have a positive overtone.

It is often associated with weakness rather than a symbol of strength.

Soft…mild…wimpy…limp wrist

A door mat, a pushover… cowardly... compliant, spineless, and passive.

a person who is easily intimidated, dominated and frightened.

Meekness and weakness are often synonyms in most people’s minds.

However, the Greek word used in this passage means this: “Meekness is power under control.”… It has nothing to do with weakness.

Rather… Meekness is controlled strength that is completely surrendered to God’s control.

With this…comes spiritual contentment!…

The meek are not restless with the need of finding something to satisfy them more than what they already have....

Rather… The meek find happiness in the knowledge that they are under control, God's control.

Meekness speaks of an inner attitude: a mind and heart that yield to God…

It's an attitude that recognizes God's sovereignty and trusts in His wisdom and timing.

A person who walks in meekness is someone who is teachable, humble, gentle, patient, and one who has self-control.

This person is HAPPY!!… with a happiness that is unexplained according to the world...

While events in life may not always be under control, the meek person has his own spirit under control ... therefore; there is a unique peace that brings happiness.

It is strength controlled.

So… the symbol of meekness is a tamed horse… because a horse is an incredible animal, whom has impressive strength.

This powerful and majestic creature is truly amazing…

one horse is equal to the power of 10-15 men.

Its jaw strength is about 500 pounds per square inch

Its kick force can deliver a blow with 2,000 pounds of force

It is incredibly fast, with some breeds reaching almost 55 mph...

This impressive creature, once tamed… yields all of that power and strength to the hands of the person who holds onto the reins.

The person holding the reins can now harness all of its power and strength… and use it to do something extraordinary!

The meek are humble people, they have no need to prove their strength to others, they simply exhibit their quiet strength through the character of their lives!

The meek or humble man displays strength of character, not strength or control over others.

They don’t need to show off their power; their lives naturally reflect their strength through their actions and demeanor.

Power without control is dangerous!

Consider the power of electricity… When harnessed and controlled… it powers our homes and appliances… it makes our lives easier and more comfortable.

However, a lightning bolt, which is also electricity, can be incredibly destructive because it is power out of control.

So we take electrical power, place limitations on where it can and cannot go, and it serves a greater purpose.

In the 1930s, three young men hopped on a bus in Detroit and they began to pick a fight with a lone black man sitting at the back of the bus.

They insulted him, but he didn't respond… They escalated their insults… but he remained silent.

Eventually, the stranger stood up, revealing himself to be much bigger than they had estimated from his seated position.

He reached into his pocket, handed them his business card, and walked off the bus.

As the bus drove on, the young men gathered around the card to read the words: "Joe Louis, Boxer."

They had just tried to pick a fight with the man who would become the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World from 1937 to 1949, recognized as one of the greatest boxers of all time.

Joe Louis had immense power and skill, capable of defending his honor with a single, devastating blow.

Yet, he chose to forgo his status and hold his power in check, sparing those young men.

Joe Louis’s story is a powerful illustration of biblical meekness—strength under control.

His ability to restrain his power, even when provoked, shows the true essence of meekness.

He didn’t need to prove his strength to those young men; his character and actions spoke volumes about his inner strength.

Meek people trust God to defend them and use their power to accomplish God’s agenda, not their own.

That’s where meekness shows its true power… it enables us to control ourselves

In Numbers 12:3

How would you like your story to read like this?…some say Moses wrote this about himself… others think Joshua added this after Moses death… but here is what we do know...

Moses was called the most meek person because of his profound obedience to God's call…

His constant dependence on divine guidance...

His selfless intercessory prayers for the Israelites.

He accepted criticism without retaliation.

showed sacrificial leadership by prioritizing the needs of the people.

and demonstrated humility through his willingness to delegate responsibilities.

His life exemplified deep trust in God and a selfless commitment to serving others.

Another great example from scripture…of course is Jesus… here we see our savior… humbly submitting to the will of God…

As he stood trial for crimes he didn’t commit, he never uttered a word.

He refused to defend himself before a corrupt Roman ruler.

He accepted the mocking, beating, and crushing crown of thorns brought about by false accusations from the religious elite.

He silently carried his cross, bearing its weight as the cost for our sin.

All the while possessing the ability to call 12 legions of angels to his defense…

This verse means that Jesus has divine power over all creation and holds the highest position of honor.

Jesus was present at the beginning of creation, it was by His power and authority it was created… yet… he yielded himself and submitted to the father… for a greater purpose.

Look at what Jesus says a little further in Matthew’s Gospel… Matthew 11:28

Jesus invites us to find rest in Him, showing His compassion and gentleness.

He describes Himself as gentle and humble in heart… promising a deep spiritual peace to those who follow Him.

Jesus' life, from His interactions with the marginalized to His ultimate sacrifice on the cross… illustrates controlled strength… submission to God’s will... self-sacrifice… and service to others.

By looking to Jesus, we understand that meekness is not weakness but strength under control, characterized by compassion, humility, and alignment with God’s purposes.

The culture defines meekness as a weakness because it exemplifies a life that serves ones own best interests, rather than a life that continually serves others.

We need to redefine what it is… and understand that our true strength lies in relationship with God.

It is found when we submit to God, when we yield to His control and allow Him to control our lives.

We have the ability walk in meekness everywhere we go.

To lay down our personal rights, agendas,, entitlement, or recognition… for the Glory of God.

To serve with a servant heart, with no regard to receive honor

To use our resources to advance the kingdom… to bless and benefit others… to not be selfish!.

Sometimes...We lose sight of our indebtedness to the SOURCE and the OWNER of all.

We allow pride to seep in. We begin to make demands, seek entitlement, and complain about things.

The meek know that we deserve nothing… and anything we do receive it is by the grace of God.

When Jesus says take my yoke upon you… he is inviting you to partnership with him…

When you submit to him and his leadership… you are aligning your life with his teachings and following His example…

then you can use His strength to accomplish the tasks you are called to do.

True strength is found in humility, dependence on God.

In preparing for this message… I came across another amazing story that is great example of what true biblical meekness looks like.

It is the story of Daryl Davis...

Daryl Davis, a blues musician and activist whose approach to confronting hatred exemplifies true humility and strength.

Daryl Davis, an African American, experienced racism firsthand throughout his life.

Rather than responding with anger or resentment, Davis chose a path of understanding.

He was curious about how individuals could hold such deep-seated prejudices against him simply because of his race.

This curiosity led him to seek out and engage with members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), an organization known for its extreme racism and hatred.

Instead of approaching these Klan members with hostility or anger, Davis engaged them in calm and respectful conversations.

He attended KKK meetings, listened to their beliefs, and shared his own experiences.

His approach was not one of confrontation, but of genuine curiosity and empathy.

By maintaining his composure and showing respect, Davis created a space where dialogue could occur.

Over time, Davis's approach led to profound changes. Many KKK members began to question their beliefs and eventually left the organization.

Davis’s efforts have resulted in over 200 former Klan members renouncing their affiliations.

Some of these individuals even gave Davis their Klan robes as a symbol of their change of heart.

Daryl Davis’s story illustrates biblical meekness—strength under control.... He faced hatred and prejudice not with retaliation, but with patience, humility, and a desire to understand.

His example challenges us to respond to adversity with grace, choosing reconciliation over anger and conflict.

I think this is a fascinating story… this man was able to look past the hurt, the insults, the unfair treatment… and show them true love.

There are so many people today… who would have said he was insane… that he was a fool… or that he DESERVED the right to DEFEND himself… and do you know what Jesus said...

True strength is found in humility, dependence on God, and the peace that comes from aligning our lives with Jesus.

How do meek people live?

They trust in God.

The commit their way to God.

They quiet themselves in His presence.

They do not stress out when the wicked prosper.

They allow them selves to be harnessed by God… fully submitting to His leading and direction.


In-closing today I want to give you...

3 Ways to Walk in Meekness

1. Cultivate a Repentant Heart

Meekness begins with recognizing and acknowledging our own faults and shortcomings.

God… I’m sorry… I messed up… I was WRONG… forgive me and forgive those who have wronged me…

A repentant heart is one that consistently seeks God’s forgiveness and transformation for yourself and others.

2. Maintain a Receptive Spirit

To walk in meekness, we must remain open and teachable to the Holy Spirit.

We receive meekness from the Holy Spirit… It is a fruit of the Spirit...

We have to acknowledge meekness… it needs to be cultivated and allowed to grow within you.

A receptive spirit is one that remains humble, willing to receive and act upon God’s teachings and corrections.

Be receptive to ongoing transformation by the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to refine your character and strengthen your capacity for meekness over time.

3. Live a Responsive life

Meekness is not just an internal attitude but also an external expression.

A responsive life means acting in accordance with God’s guidance and showing kindness, patience, and gentleness in our interactions with others.

It involves responding to challenges and conflicts with grace and self-control, reflecting the strength of character and humility that comes from a deep relationship with God.

The reward for all of this… you will inherit the earth!

Recognizing the Reward: The Meek Inherit the Earth

The promise attached to meekness: inheriting the earth.

This refers to both present blessings and future inheritance in God's Kingdom.

You Will Live With an Uncommon Security

Walking in meekness brings a profound sense of security that transcends your understanding.

When we live in alignment with God’s will, trusting in His provision and sovereignty, we find a deep-rooted peace and assurance.

This uncommon security is grounded in the knowledge that God is in control, regardless of external circumstances.

You say… what do you mean?… Here is what I mean…you can live with a profound and unwavering sense of safety and assurance that goes beyond anything you can imagine.

This is a security rooted in deep trust and confidence in God… beyond circumstances!

A deep confidence in His plans… Jeremiah 29:11

The future does not worry the meek!!…

The election does not worry the meek!!…

The economy does not worry the meek!

The fear of the unknown does not worry the meek!!…

WHY?… Because they trust in God… they have an uncommon security!

Remember last week?… God’s got this… having this contentment brings clarity to our daily lives.. and it ushers us into this life of abundant peace!

See the meek can experience abundant peace… in their daily lives.

Did you know that… you can live with an uncommon security in your daily life?

You Will Live With a Higher Perspective

Meekness grants us a higher perspective on life and our challenges.

By submitting to God’s guidance and viewing our experiences through His lens, we gain clarity and wisdom.

This perspective helps us see beyond immediate difficulties, see past people… hurts… helps to understand our circumstances as part of a larger, divine plan that is ultimately for our good and His glory.

Meekness offers us a broader view of life’s challenges.

I am submitted to Christ… I am yoked to him… I won’;t react… but I will ACT like Him in all situations!

You Will Live With Supernatural Power

By living in meekness, we access the transformative power of God in our lives.

This divine empowerment equips us to handle adversity with strength, respond to others with compassion, and fulfill our calling with effectiveness.

Meekness aligns us with God’s power, enabling us to live out our faith with courage and purpose.

True Strength is found in Christ

When we are weak, we are positioned to experience God's power more fully.

Our weakness becomes the canvas for God’s strength to be displayed.

Demonstrating that our ability to handle life’s challenges, respond with compassion, and live purposefully comes not from our own strength but from God’s divine empowerment.

As we wrap up...I invite you to consider the following questions as we close today:

Where in your life do you need to exhibit meekness?

Is there a situation where you’re struggling with pride, impatience, or a desire to control?

How can you surrender this area to God and respond with humility and gentleness?

How can you cultivate a receptive spirit?

Are you open to God's teachings and corrections?

Are you willing to allow the Holy Spirit to refine your character and strengthen your capacity for meekness?

In what ways can you live a responsive life?

How can you show kindness, patience, and gentleness in your interactions with others?

How can you respond to challenges and conflicts with grace and self-control?


“Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Word and the example of Jesus, who perfectly embodied meekness.

Help us to cultivate a meek spirit, to trust in Your plans, and to reflect Your strength and love in all we do.

Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, and guide us to live in a way that honors You.

May we find true happiness in Your kingdom, as we embrace the blessings of meekness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”