Summary: God has chosen us and called us to be a Royal Priesthood, but often we don’t realize our position in Christ. Abraham’s life will encourage us to realize how God can fulfill His great plans in the lives of those whom God has called and chosen.

We read in 1 Peter 2:9, However, you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (GW)

In the verses preceding the above mentioned verse, Peter details the difference between those who did not believe the word of God, and those who do. To drive home this big difference between those who are God’s children, and those who are not, he uses these titles to specify the uniqueness of those who are called to be the Lord’s own. Peter elaborates the fact that the ones who are obedient to the word of God are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a people who exclusively belong to God. They are the ones who have been called out of darkness into the marvelous light, so that they can proclaim to others the excellent qualities of God.

Anyone who is obedient to the word of God is assured of God’s blessings in their lives. Jesus used the parable of the wise and foolish builders to explain this in detail. Irrespective of what our background is, the language we speak or the community we belong to, the one who listens to the word of God and obeys it, is likened to a wise man who builds his house on a rock that will not be shaken or moved. While listening to the word of God is crucial, obeying it is of far greater importance. Sadly, there are many believers who are simply content to hear the word of God, but continue to live a life of disobedience. It is only when we live in obedience to the word of God will we be able to experience transformation in our lives.

A royal priesthood

The one term that we will highlight and study from the above mentioned verse in 1 Peter 2:9, is that we are a royal priesthood. The word royal generally refers to something that is magnificent or grand. God has chosen us to be a part of His kingdom, where He is the King, and we his children are therefore part of his royal family.

God’s call to Abraham

Before God called Abraham, he was part of a people who did not know God, and served other gods. The God who created the heavens and earth was the one who called Abraham, and promised him that He would bless him, make his name great, and grant him numerous descendants, so that he can be a blessing to many.

All of us too are called by God like Abraham, from being those who did not know God, to becoming those who are His children. God has not called us to be an ordinary people, but has chosen us to be those who will perform extraordinary acts for the glory of God. Those of us who have been called by God, have experienced His gift of salvation, our soul has been saved, and have confirmed our faith by going through the waters of baptism. However, for many of us there has been no renewal of our minds, which has resulted in no change in our behavior. In Romans 12:2 we are exhorted to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Our old mind may have been filled with fear, doubt, and negativity, but when our mind is renewed there will be a dramatic change in who we are.

Abraham held on to his old mindset

Though Abraham had a supreme call from God, he too was struggling with a worldly way of thinking. At a time when there was a famine in the land where he was, Abraham decided to move to the land of Egypt. However, before he went into Egypt he advised his wife Sarah, who was very beautiful to not disclose the fact that she was his wife, but pretend that she was his sister, lest the Egyptians sought to kill Abraham, to take Sarah away from him. Abraham did not have the faith to believe that the God who called him, would protect him and his wife from the hands of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. He therefore resorted to lying about his own wife. Though we refer to Abraham, as the father of faith, the Bible still record his faults, so we too can be aware that inside each one of us is the capacity to falter, and fail at times.

Sarah is taken to Pharaoh’s Palace

We read in Genesis 12:14-15, When he crossed the border into Egypt, the Egyptians did see that his wife was beautiful. Some of the court officials saw her and told the king how beautiful she was; so she was taken to his palace. (GNB)

The very thing that Abraham feared came upon him, when the officials of Pharaoh noticed that Sarah was beautiful, they informed the king about her, so that she was taken to the palace. God could have prevented these from happening, but God allowed this for a purpose, because the Lord still needed to work on Abraham, and reform his thought life.

In our lives too when things go amiss, and we encounter hardships, we must realize that the Lord is permitting these for a specific purpose. An example of this kind of a thinking was found in the people of Israel, who after having experienced the wonderful deliverance of God from the cruel hands of the Egyptian slavery, while wandering through the wilderness, looked back, and longed for the onions and garlic that they relished in Egypt. The Lord never promised us that there will be no difficulties in this journey of faith, but has assured us that He will be with us, lead us and give us victory over all these situations.

God afflicted Pharaoh and his people

We read in Genesis 12:17, But because the king had taken Sarai, the LORD sent terrible diseases on him and on the people of his palace. (GNB)

God had to confirm to Abraham that the one who called Him was a mighty, and faithful God. Pharaoh and his people in the palace were inflicted with terrible diseases on account of having brought Sarah into the palace. Though Pharaoh did not know God, he was wise enough to recognize that the outbreak of the diseases was because of something that he had done improperly. He also perceived that the reason for the calamity on them, was because of Sarah coming into the palace.

Sometimes, when things go wrong in our lives, it is a good thing for us to analyze to see if we have gone astray to do anything that the Lord does not approve of. God is a gracious God, but He will in no way tolerate sin. There are some who face issues in the family, only because they have allowed a third person to come in, and create confusion. It is only when we consciously eliminate such people that there will be peace in our families.

Pharaoh understood three things

Pharaoh firstly perceived that he had done something wrong, and therefore was challenged with the deadly diseases. Secondly, he realized that the wrong thing he had done was that he brought Sarah into his palace. Thirdly he inferred that Abraham was noteworthy or great because God Himself was fighting on his behalf, and protecting both of them.

Pharaoh beckons Abraham

We read in Genesis 12:18, Then the king sent for Abram and asked him, "What have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me that she was your wife? (GNB)

When Pharaoh first saw Abraham, he probably assumed that he was an ordinary nomad. But when struck with deadly diseases, Pharaoh was in awe of Abraham, and invited him to His palace. Can you imagine the confident way Abraham might have walked into the presence of Pharaoh, knowing that the Lord was with him, and fighting his battles? On the other hand, we can imagine the fear that must have gripped Pharaoh and his officials who would have tried to comprehend the power of God manifested on Abraham’s behalf.

As the king waited for Abraham, he entered the palace, heard the king speak to him, had Sarah given back to him, and left the palace with poise as the entire people of the palace looked on with awe and wonder. As Abraham walked out of the palace that day, he must have gone out with assurance that the God who called him was far greater than any earthly king, and that he was special to God. This incident took Abraham to a higher plane in his walk of faith. Abraham must have walked out of the palace of Pharaoh that day feeling like royalty.

There are many who look at children of God, and lightly esteem them not understanding the powerful God who works behind the scenes on their behalf. That is why the Lord assures us in Zechariah 2:8, that whoever touches us, touches the apple of His eye, which we know is impossible to do. A good example is the plastic switch boards with sockets in all our homes. It may look ordinary, but inside is the tremendous power of electricity that is concealed. We too may look ordinary, but we must comprehend that we belong to the kingdom of God, serve the king of kings who is with us, to contend on our behalf.

Like Abraham, every trial that we encounter, is not to cast us down, but to raise us up to the next level in our journey of faith. David was an ordinary shepherd boy who went to give food for his brothers, but when he saw Goliath defying the armies of Israel, he went out to conquer him, and ended up serving in the palace of King Saul.

We are royal by birth

We read in John 1:12, But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. (NLT)

To all who believe in Jesus and accept Him, we have been given the right to become the sons and daughters of God. The one who called us is the King of Kings, which implies that we as His children are princes and princesses. If we do not understand who we are and what is our standing before God, we will not live the royal life that God has called us to, but will plod along like a commoner or nomad. There are some who eagerly await death, not realizing that God has called them and chosen them to fulfill His divine purposes through their lives. This transformation begins not in our outward appearance, but has to begin with the renewal of our minds.

We are royal in this present life

We read in Romans 5:17, ......those who receive the abundance of grace and of gifts and of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus the Christ. (JUB)

Those who have received the abundance of grace and of gifts, and of righteousness are assured that they shall reign in this life with Jesus Christ. We are called to live like Jesus lived while here on earth. When there was a need for food for more than 5000 people, Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, gave thanks, had all of them sit in groups of fifties and fed all of them, taking twelve baskets of left overs. At the beginning of every month we too must give our finances to the Lord ask Him to bless the same, and to teach us the discipline of spending it well. When Jesus was here on earth He ruled over nature, over Satan, over sickness, over finances and over death itself. He lived like a king, and we too as his children must live this live on earth like royalty with the power and authority that Jesus has bestowed on us.

We are royal in the future life too

We read in Revelations 5:10, You made them a kingdom and priests for our God. They will rule as kings on the earth." (GW)

The book of Revelation talks about a new song that was sung by the redeemed that we are a kingdom of priests for our God, and will rule as kings on the earth. If our minds can perceive this truth the way we live our lives will be totally transformed.

Abraham and Lot part ways

Abraham I am certain was a transformed man after his experience with Pharaoh. He now had the assurance the King of Kings, ruler of heaven and earth was on his side. When Abraham understood this fact, he was now challenged with a problem.

Most of us shun any sort of trials but the word of God encourages us that we are called to fight the good fight of faith.

We read in Genesis 13:7, And there was an argument between the keepers of Abram's cattle and the keepers of Lot's cattle: at that time the Canaanites and Perizzites were still living in the land. (BBE)

When God called Abraham, Lot tagged along with him. The problem that Abraham faced was with Lot whose herdsmen were arguing and fighting with the keepers of Abraham’s cattle.

There are two things that we have no cure for in this world. One is an argumentative spirit, and the other a stubborn or rebellious spirit. So when an argument broke out between the herdsmen of Abraham and the herdsmen of Lot, the word also records the point that the Canaanites and Perizzites were still living in the land. In other words, there were people of other faith, who were witnessing the quarrels that happened between Abraham’s men, and Lot’s men.

There’s an important point for us to note as believers. It is unavoidable that we will have differences of opinion amongst us, but we should be careful to not lose our testimony, with those around us who are watching us. Often when there are issues in the family, many are taking them to the unbelievers seeking their counsel and intervention. We should rather choose to go to the Lord and to other believers, and not be a bad testimony or stumbling block to those who do not know the Lord.

It is recorded in Genesis 13:8-9, Then Abram said to Lot, Let there be no argument between me and you, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen, for we are brothers. Is not all the land before you? then let us go our separate ways: if you go to the left, I will go to the right; or if you take the right, I will go to the left. (BBE)

Abraham did not encourage any kind of argument between his herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen for he realized that they were brothers, and did not want to create bitter feeling or be a poor testimony for others. Abraham decided to part ways with Lot in an amicable way. Abraham gave Lot the option to choose any of the land that was before him, and he told him that if he chose the left then he would choose the right or vice versa. Lot chose the land based on what he saw with his physical eyes, but Abraham chose to look to the Lord who called him and fixed his eyes on Him. If we study the life of Abraham and Lot we will note the remarkable difference in both of their lives for God blessed Abraham immensely when he willingly gave up what rightfully belonged to him.

We must teach our children while they are young that they are children of Abraham, and therefore should not be argumentative, and constantly quarrel with their siblings. Sometimes people are unwilling to give up even in small matters. Many believers are sadly like Lot, still entangled with worldly things, and fighting over a small piece of property. If we like Abraham can let go of our rights, we will experience the Lord will bless us in ways we cannot imagine.

If you are wondering how Abraham willingly gave up his rights and left the choice to Lot, though he was older, it was because Abraham knew who God was, and who he was to Him. His encounter with Pharaoh gave him an understanding that he was indeed royalty as the God who called him was the King over all kings. Abraham therefore knew that even if he was left with a dry place, God could make it fertile, and meet his every need.

May the Lord help us to have our minds renewed, and be reminded that we are His royal children. Let us be willing to give up our rights, and the Lord will surely bless us immeasurably. May we understand that we are indeed His royal children, and we believe in a God who is the King of Kings.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins