Summary: Every believer has been chosen by God to fulfill a specific purpose in and through their lives. Only those who walk with God and discern His will can accomplish that purpose and bring glory to God.

We read in 1 Samuel 2:35, And I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind. And I will build him a sure house, and he shall go in and out before my anointed forever. (ESV)

The Lord’s promise to us for the New Year is that God will build and raise us up. However, for us to be built up by God, we must first of all be chosen by God, and the reason God chooses us is so that we can accomplish His plan, and purpose in our lives. There is another side to this verse that cautions us that we too like Eli, could miss out on the call of God in our lives by our willful disobedience. God chose Eli to be His priest, but Eli and his sons made light of God’s call on their lives, they failed to honor God, which was why the Lord had to set them aside, and raise for Himself another faithful priest.

For those of us who have the blessed confirmation that God has chosen us, we are exhorted that we should not take God’s selection for granted, but stand firm in our faith for only then are we assured of a firm house. We must chose to honor God in every area of our lives, through our words, thoughts and actions. God is not looking for a huge crowd, but searching out for those individuals who are willing to submit to His will, to fulfill His purpose in and through their lives.

God does not make random choice of people, but His selection of people is specific, and always for a definite purpose. For example, if we were to purchase a property, we will do a lot of research, and when we finally settle for a place, we do so because we have many reasons why we thought it appropriate for us, for whatever the purpose for which we were purchasing it. So also there is a clear-cut reason, and purpose why God has called each one of us.

God’s purpose for choosing Noah

In Genesis 6:14, God told Noah, “Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood with rooms in it..”. (BBE)

When God called Noah, he lived among a people who were wicked and rebellious. God spoke to Noah and told him to make for himself an Ark of gopher wood. The Ark that God asked Noah to build was to safeguard him, and his family. Let me explain, there were thousands of people who lived during the time of Noah, but when God instructed Noah to build the Ark, it was not to profit God in any way, but for Noah’s own protection and safety.

We must be reminded that when we obey God, we are the primary beneficiaries of God’s blessings. Many are wrongly informed that if they go forth in obedience to do the will of God, they would lose out, and may not have their own needs met. We never should be hesitant to do the will of God, for when we do so, we will most certainly be the recipients of God’s blessings on our lives.

• Noah walked with God

We read in Genesis 6:9, These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man, and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. (Webster)

When we go walking with someone, it implies that we are keeping in-step with each other. When the word declares that Noah walked with God, it signifies that Noah was not walking ahead or lagging behind, but was walking accordant with God. All of us need this experience of walking with God every day. While all other people in Noah’s day went ahead with their own agendas, having no time for God, Noah made time to listen to God and walk with Him.

Many of us want to experience the blessings that Noah had, but the secret is for us to fulfill our part, and walk in daily fellowship with God.

God was walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

If you are wondering where this walking with God began, we must go back to the Garden of Eden. We read in Genesis 3:8, That evening they heard the LORD God walking in the garden... (GNB)

Every day God was walking in the Garden, where Adam and Eve enjoyed the fellowship and communion with God. God initiated this beautiful idea of having this intimate relationship with man.

Jesus walked with the two men going to Emmaus

We read in Luke 24:15, As they talked and discussed, Jesus himself drew near and walked along with them; (GNB)

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, there were two men, on the way to Emmaus, who were really downcast as they had witnessed the death of Jesus, and had heard about His resurrection but were still confused and unsure. As they walked along discussing in detail all that had transpired, the risen Lord Jesus came alongside them, and walked with them.

If we too desire that the Lord should walk alongside of us, He must have the topmost priority in our thoughts, we must take time to ponder on who He is, and all that He has done for us. Isn’t it an awesome thought that Jesus, who was God Himself manifested in human form, the one who was there from even before the world came into being, is yearning to walk with each one of us? If we can decide to honor God in every area of our lives, we will have the blessed privilege of having the Lord walk with us each day.

God walks with us through the darkest valley of death

David says in Psalms 23:4, Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me: Your rod and Your staff comfort me. (TLV)

David had the assurance that even when going through the painful experience of death, the Lord will still walk with him. He was sure that the Lord would comfort him with His rod and staff. In our most difficult moments, we are guaranteed that the Lord will never leave us, but will remain with us.

Jesus walked along the shore and called to His first disciples

We read in Matthew 4:18-20, As Jesus walked along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers who were fishermen, Simon (called Peter) and his brother Andrew, catching fish in the lake with a net. Jesus said to them, "Come with me, and I will teach you to catch people." At once they left their nets and went with him. (GNB)

As Jesus walked along the shore of Lake Galilee, there were many fisherman on the shore that day. But Jesus, chose and called out to two of them, Simon Peter and Andrew to leave their nets to follow after Him. When Jesus chose Peter and Andrew, both of them were hard working fishermen. He called them to follow Him, and the reason He chose them was that they could become fishers of men. Notice how when Jesus commanded them to follow Him, they immediately left their boats and nets without any hesitation. When they obediently followed Jesus, they were used by the Lord to do mighty wonders, and lead many thousands into the kingdom. Jesus chose twelve disciples, of whom one fell away but the Lord used the others to take the gospel to the very ends of the world.

We too have been chosen by God to firstly follow Him. Our priorities must be set right so that Jesus takes preeminence in our lives, over the things of this world. If we do so we will find the Lord will most certainly fulfill His promise, and build us a sure house. Many of us are still holding on to our family, our jobs, our finances and are unwilling to follow after Jesus. The Lord does not call all of us into full time ministry, but God has a call and purpose for each one of our lives. If, we want to see those purposes fulfilled, we are required to let go of all those things that are holding us back. We should not assume that we can live any way we want, and that the Lord will use us.

There is a specific purpose for which God has called us. Many are of the opinion that God calling them would mean having to give up their careers. Paul was a great example we read in Acts 18:3 that Paul was a tent maker by profession. He worked hard with his hand, and sustained himself, but he made a great impact on society in his time.

God chose Paul for a purpose

We read in Acts 9:1-2 In the meantime Saul kept up his violent threats of murder against the followers of the Lord. He went to the High Priest and asked for letters of introduction to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he should find there any followers of the Way of the Lord, he would be able to arrest them, both men and women, and bring them back to Jerusalem. (GNB)

In Acts 9:15 we read, But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings, and the children of Israel: (RV)

Saul (who was called Paul after his conversion), was one who persecuted and violently threatened those who followed Jesus. When Jesus chose such a man, this is what was the purpose and reason for His call on Paul’s life. The word of the Lord came to the prophet Ananias, to go and minister to Saul, saying that he was a chosen vessel unto the Lord, who would carry His name before the Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel.

What is the reason and purpose God has chosen us? Every one of us no matter how young or old have a purpose for which God has chosen us. Each one of us is God’s chosen vessel, hand-picked by God to carry out His purposes. It is true that there are others who are more qualified, talented or more efficient than we are, but the Lord has specifically chosen us to be His own to carry out His purposes that He has ordained for each one of us.

God called Noah to build an Ark, He called Abraham to build a nation, He called Samson to deliver the Israelites from the Philistines and so also God has called us for a distinguished purpose which each of us should accomplish.

Let me explain this with an example. Today many people are fitness conscious and so spend a great deal of money to buy a tread mill to stay fit. Generally after having used it for about three to six months, quite a few lose the interest or motivation to continue. Ultimately, this expensive equipment becomes a show piece at home, which is often used as a clothes stand or a bag stand. The reason for this is that the purpose for which the equipment was purchased was forgotten in the first place.

We too can become like that tread mill if we do not constantly remind ourselves that God has chosen us for an explicit purpose. We should be those who proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to our family, our friends, at work to our neighbors for only then the divine purposes of God will be completed in our lives. Like Paul we are God’s chosen vessels to declare His name to everyone whom we come in contact with.

I want to conclude with this story that I have shared earlier. A Christian business man was so busy making money that he had no time for things pertaining to God. He considered his giving an hour at church on Sunday as a big sacrifice from his busy schedule. He always made excuses for not being able to attend any prayer or bible study mid-week. The church however, kept praying for him fervently. One year when the man went for his annual health check-up, he was shocked to hear the Doctor say that he only had 3 months to live. All of a sudden the church saw a tremendous change in the man, who was present at every single meeting, and Bible study in the church. The Pastor got curious and decided to check with him to see if God had actually spoken to him and convicted him. The man solemnly told the Pastor, ‘it was not God who spoke to me but my doctor, who just gave me three months to live.’ Instead of seeking the Lord when things are really bad, may we learn to trust God, obey Him when everything is going well with us, and learnt to prioritize Him over and above everything else in our lives.

May we decide to take time to walk with God every single day so that His name will be glorified in our lives, His will accomplished through us, and His kingdom established here on earth. Let us let go of all those things that are holding us back, and like the disciples of Jesus, choose to follow after Him no matter what. If we do so, most certainly the promise of God as given in 1 Samuel 2:35 will be fulfilled in our lives.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon