Summary: 3 visions to fight beasts (of Revelation 12-13) are found in Revelation 14 (Material adapted from Eugene Peterson's Book, Reversed Thunder, chapter 9 of same title)


This is an election year so we need a sermon on the famous last words on politics. Eugene Peterson said, “There is no avoiding politics. The moment one life touches upon another politics begin. And our lives do touch on others whether we will it or not. We are centers of power- power that can curse or bless- and we are responsible for managing and directing that power.”


Oxford Dictionary “Politics- the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area (such as a church), especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.” Often think of government. We need government as the Bible makes us aware. Romans 13 tells us that God has established the governing authorities to commend those who do right and to condemn those who do wrong. Without government there would be chaos and a complete breakdown in law and order. There would be no politics because people would struggle to live together in groups- every person for himself. Some might think this would be perfect but we cannot survive without the rule of law. No one is above the law

In Revelation 12 we are given the Christmas story Revelation style. Looked at this for Mother’s Day- read it when get home. Stopped at vs. 6- start with vs. 7: “There was war in heaven.” The Dragon loses and is hurled down to the earth (Vs. 9). The devil lost against Jesus so he tries a different tactic. He goes after the church (the woman). Read Revelation 12:17

Read Revelation 13:1- The dragon calls up other beasts for help. The beast out of the sea- Read Revelation 13:2-10. Vs. 2- In Daniel 7 we are introduced to 4 beasts and they have descriptions like this. Daniel interprets this for us and these 4 beasts stand for 4 kingdoms. This beast is a symbol of the kingdoms of this world. Vs. 3- Like Jesus this beast appeared to die but was resurrected. One kingdom arises, appears to fall but arises again out of the ashes. One ideology is taken down but it arises in some other place. One ego driven ruler is killed but another one takes his place. Much like Nero and Domitian. Nero committed suicide but he was so feared that a myth arose that he would rise again. Some believed that Emperor Domitian (30 years later) was the incarnation of Nero. Both killed Christians because they believed that they were sovereign. Yes, this beast is symbolic of evil Roman Emperors but is also talking about any evil politician. Billy Joel- We didn't start the fire, It was always burning, Since the world's been turning, We didn't start the fire, No, we didn't light it, But we tried to fight it.” Yes, Christians are to do what we can to oppose arrogant and blaspheming governments. Unlike the days of the Roman Empire, we have a say- we can speak out- we can support the candidate of our choice- we can vote. Beyond this we have spiritual weapons such as prayer. We are commanded to pray for people in our government, for politicians. 1 Timothy 2:1-4: I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of truth”

Not satisfied with that the dragon summons another beast. Read Revelation 13:11-17. This is talking about the imperial cult that brings about economic suffering. Must confess “Caesar is Lord” instead of “Jesus is Lord.” Many Christians went into hiding which made them poor and had no part in the politics of the day. For over 200 years the Christians were paraded out and forced to blaspheme. When they refused to say “Caesar is Lord” they were killed publicly, bodies used to satisfy the blood thirsty crowds. More Christians killed for Christ in last 100 years than the previous 1,900 hundred. True, but today martyrs are killed in private mostly.

Vs. 16-17 much debate about what this mark is. Lots of discussion about this but we have been talking about the mark (seal) of the Father for several chapters now in Revelation. Revelation 7:3: Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God. During the 5th trumpet we find in Revelation 9:4: They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Everyone is marked or sealed- what mark do you have? Come forward and make Jesus Christ Lord by confession, repentance and baptism. Change mark, seal

Read Revelation 13:18- Much debate about this. Gematria is putting numerical values to letters. anyone’s name can be said to equate 666. Future antiChrist will have a name that equates to 666. The number of completeness, of heaven is 7. Perfection in 3 digits is 777. 6 falls short of 7 so we have something that comes close but never hits the mark. The 6th letter in the English language (I know Revelation was originally in Greek so different letters) is F so think of FFF- always trying but failing. Sin is missing the mark. Paul in Romans 3:23 says, ““For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We miss the mark when we fail to uphold the glory of God, which is His moral character. Without Jesus everyone is 666.

Thesis: 3 visions to fight beasts are found in Revelation 14

For instances:

1. The Lamb Triumphant- Read Revelation 14:1-5

First vision is worship

Giving thanks is to acknowledge what the Lord has done in our lives, the blessings he has brought to us. Worship is to meditate on the character and perfection (holiness) of God. Worship God the creator (End of Revelation 14:7). God made the universe out of nothing (ex nihilo). Whatever God does, He does because He wants to and not because He must. We see this in Revelation 4:11- You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being. Creation itself makes God worthy of worship. When we consider the awesomeness of creation from nothing, what other response could we possible give? The fact of creation makes God alone worthy of worship. We also worship God because he is the Ruler, the King. God is the Sovereign Ruler of the universe. Sovereignty is lordship, lordship is ownership, and ownership is control. Basically the term “Lord” signifies the owner of something, a meaning preserved in our common term “landlord.” Earthly kings have relative sovereignty, but God alone is Lord over all: King of kings, Lord of lords, God of Gods (Revelation 19:16). We see voices and instruments joined in song in vs. 2 and 3. What good is this doing? Worship is the act in which our misunderstood and misspoken words are corrected and arranged into an expression of the whole truth of ourselves and our God; by the action of the Lamb, we become “spotless or pure” (vs. 4). But nothing important happens in worship? In a political world where the power brokers are maneuvering their way to influence and control, when ever word is used to gain a following, how can people who are serious about this world ever gather to sing songs, to say and be who they are in God? Is this not neglecting our duty? Is this not abandoning the field to the enemy? If worship is not a waste of time for the Lamb, it cannot be for us. Will our worship is heaven be a waste? If we think so maybe heaven is not for us.

2. Three angels preaching- Read Revelation 14:6-12

Second vision is preaching- everlasting gospel to preach (KJV- vs. 6)

Preaching is the act in which the word of God is proclaimed in awe and adoration among those who worship (first angel- vs. 6-7). This is the speech in which the doom of the beast world is announced (second angel- vs. 8). It is the discourse by which guidance is given for holy living (third angel- vs. 9-12). Preaching seems like a waste of time. After all, we have heard it all before, many of us for decades. Those who need preaching are never around and those who have heard it for decades are often present. Tell me the old, old story- I love to tell the story for those who know it best, seem hungering and thirsty to tell it like the rest, and when in scenes of glory, I sing the new new song, twill be the old old story, that I have loved so long. What good is this? Knew of a preacher who preached from the newspaper. Every Sunday he brought a newspaper and preached on a news story. Need to preach the eternal gospel (vs. 6). In a political world in which so many things are happening at once- wars, alliances, negotiations, tragedies, crime, focus groups, polls- it is certainly urgent that we keep up with the news so that we can be informed and act responsibly in the world. And with so much news to attend to, who has time for preaching, which is the furthest thing from the news? Preaching and bible studies are so irrelevant. Rather here something on eternal themes than the constant changing of the political landscape, the constant churning of the sea- the news room.

3. Son of Man harvesting the fields that are “white unto harvest”- Read Revelation 14:14-16. Third vision is of holy living

Holy living is the action by which we express in our behavior and speech the love and presence of our Christ. We are to be blameless (Vs. 5)- how we live when no one is watching, but one is always watching and that is Jesus Christ. We are never alone. God sees everything we do. We are to live lives that whatever we find to do we do “with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward” (Colossians 3:23-24). Need to be concerned with what has the most impact and if doing something sneaky or underhanded gets the job done then…? This harvest is a picture of Jesus’ parable of the wheat and weeds. They planted a field of wheat and someone came and sowed weeds among the wheat. Leave the field alone- Matthew 13:30- Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn. Everything we do, no mater how common or little noticed, becomes either a harvest of holiness or a harvest of wrath (Revelation 14:17-20)

Invitation: Read Revelation 14:13

C.T. Studd- Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.