Summary: Habakkuk 3:19 reveals a profound truth about God's provision and strength. We'll explore three key points: God as our strength, God as our enabler, and God as our sustainer.

Transformed by Truth: Finding Strength in God Habakkuk 3:19


Today, we delve into a powerful verse from the book of Habakkuk, a prophet who speaks to us about finding strength in the Lord, even amidst adversity. Our key verse, Habakkuk 3:19, reveals a profound truth about God's provision and strength. We'll explore three key points: God as our strength, God as our enabler, and God as our sustainer. Let's begin by reading our key verse.

Habakkuk 3:19 (NLT): "The Sovereign LORD is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights."

Point 1: God as Our Strength

Habakkuk 3:19a (NLT): "The Sovereign LORD is my strength!"

Habakkuk was a prophet who ministered during a time of great turmoil and impending judgment upon Judah. Despite the grim circumstances, Habakkuk concludes his book with a declaration of unwavering faith in God.

The Hebrew word for "strength" here is "chayil", which can also mean might, efficiency, wealth, or army. It denotes a powerful, sustaining strength that comes directly from God.

When we face life's difficulties, we can rely on God to be our strength. This means we don't depend on our own abilities but trust in God's mighty power to sustain us.

Isaiah 40:29-31 (NLT): "He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Isaiah speaks to a weary and exiled Israel, promising that God will renew their strength if they trust in Him.

The Hebrew word for "renew" is "chalaph", meaning to change or exchange. This indicates that God will replace our weakness with His strength.

By trusting in God, we exchange our exhaustion for His energy and our despair for His hope. This is the transformative power of relying on God as our strength.

Point 2: God as Our Enabler

Habakkuk 3:19b (NLT): "He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights."

Habakkuk uses the imagery of a deer, known for its agility and surefootedness, to describe how God enables him to navigate difficult and treacherous paths.

The Hebrew word for "surefooted" is "khalats", which can mean to equip, strengthen, or make firm. This suggests that God provides us with the necessary skills and stability to overcome obstacles.

Just as a deer can gracefully leap over rocky terrain, God enables us to overcome challenges with confidence and grace. We are equipped by God to handle whatever life throws our way.

Psalm 18:33 (NLT): "He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights."

David, in his song of deliverance, echoes the same imagery of God enabling him to navigate through life's challenges.

The Hebrew word "amad" for "stand" means to remain, endure, or be steadfast. It signifies stability and confidence provided by God.

With God as our enabler, we can stand firm in faith and move forward with courage, knowing He equips us for every good work.

Point 3: God as Our Sustainer

Habakkuk 3:19 (NLT): "The Sovereign LORD is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights."

Habakkuk speaks from a place of deep trust in God's sustaining power, even in times of distress and uncertainty.

The phrase "able to tread upon the heights" indicates overcoming significant challenges and reaching places of spiritual victory and peace.

God not only strengthens and equips us but also sustains us through our journeys, ensuring that we reach the heights He has planned for us.

Philippians 4:13 (NLT): "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

Paul writes to the Philippians about contentment and reliance on Christ, regardless of circumstances.

The Greek word for "strength" is "endynamoo", which means to empower or enable. This emphasizes Christ's empowering presence in our lives.

In Christ, we find the sustenance and empowerment to face every situation with confidence, knowing that He upholds us.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

Understanding that God is our strength, enabler, and sustainer should transform our approach to life's challenges. Let us commit to relying on His power, equipping, and sustaining presence in our daily lives.

Call to Action:

This week, spend time in prayer and reflection, asking God to reveal areas where you need His strength, enablement, and sustenance. Share your journey with others and encourage them to experience the same transformative power of God's presence.

As we leave today, let us carry the assurance that with God as our strength, enabler, and sustainer, we can overcome any challenge and reach the heights He has destined for us. Amen.