Summary: This passage is nothing new to a Christian. It almost sounds repetitious. But it is a good reminder to us all. So, let’s be reminded that Jesus is the Way.

Tonight’s passage is nothing new to a Christian. It almost sounds repetitious. But it is a good reminder to us all. So, let’s be reminded. READ PASSAGE

The idea of the Way is something I can remember growing up with. Throughout my life, I have heard the phrase. Churches have banners with the phrase “Jesus is the Way.” We all took this to mean following Jesus. But it was never quite explained that way. Tonight, we’re going to take a closer look at John 14: 4-7 at what Jesus meant by the way and what it should be saying to us today. The way is not something from long ago, it’s something that lives today.

The idea of Jesus being “the way” needs to be looked at by looking at what the Greek behind it says. Every language has its figures of speech that it uses to explain things. But, translated directly, they don’t mean the same thing. For example, in English, we have an expression called a “baker’s dozen.” This isn’t a reference to 12 of something owned by a baker. Instead, this is a reference to the number 13.

Someone who speaks a different language might not understand this expression this way. They may wonder what baked goods have to do with the #13. These simple phrases can be misunderstood if translated directly. Instead, you have to understand the figures of speech as well as the language.

In John 14:6, we find a figure of speech in the Greek. But this doesn’t translate into English very well. This passage in the NKJV reads: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” However, other English versions read “I am the way AND the truth and the life.” In English, the extra AND doesn’t seem to add anything. It seems redundant. But this is not the case in the Greek.

There is an expression in Greek which involved this phrase. The way, truth and life are not co-equal terms. Instead, truth and life describe what the way is. The Concordia Study Bible says it this way “I am the way [to the father] in that I am the truth and the life.” The difference is subtle, but it is there all the same.

The question then becomes, what is the way that Jesus talks about? The literal definition of the word “way” is a path, a road, or even a journey. It’s a means of getting from one place to another. It is the method we need to travel to get from one point in our lives to another.

By nature, we are sinful people who know how to do wrong. Jesus is the example that is “the way” that we must follow. It is the decisions that we make and the direction that our lives take. In all respects, it is the road that we follow through our own lives. We have the capability to decide what we will do and what we won’t do. We have the opportunity to follow Christ, or to follow our own desires.

The Way of Jesus is true. Jesus is the way; He is the Christ. There is only one true way to the Father. Jesus is that way. The way of Jesus was set in motion as early as Genesis 3:15 in the Garden of Eden. READ Gen. 3:15.

In case you are wondering, let me explain. In these words, the reader learns that the man and woman will not join the serpent but will side with God against him as their lives continue. They will have seed. Then the verse concludes promising a head wound to the serpent and a heel wound to the seed of the woman. Not only is Eve going to start to hate Satan and love God, but children born to Adam and Eve, a redeemed humanity, will also hate Satan. Not only has Satan not permanently captured Adam and Eve, but he hasn't permanently captured humanity either. Jesus is ultimately the answer.

Anyone would not plan for all the torture that Jesus went through unless there was a real reason behind it all. It was the plan of salvation that Jesus fulfilled. He did this to show us how and why to live. He did this to save us from our sinful past. He showed us how to love our neighbor as ourselves and how to love God above all else. His way was true and there was no other way but His.

The Way of Jesus is alive. Although Jesus gave His life for us many years ago, the way is an active force in the world today. In fact, the early Christian church was called “The Way” in the book of Acts (Acts 9:1-2) READ. We are all part of the living Christian church.

As a living church, we are to react to the environment we’re placed in. It’s our duty to feed the hungry, to visit those in prison, to pray for those who are sick, to give shelter and clothing to the homeless and to spread the Gospel over the face of the world. The church is a living and breathing animal; a stagnant church is a dead church. By clothing the homeless, having devotions with new believers, feeding the hungry, visiting those in prison and donating to mission opportunities, the church is a living and breathing thing. It’s more than an organization of worship. It’s an organization of life itself.

The living way is what we are to follow. It’s the path that follows Jesus as the Christ. It’s the journey that brings us closer to the Father. It’s the path that blesses not only our lives, but the lives of those around us. It’s the following of the example that Jesus laid out for us. Love your neighbor as yourself and Love God with all your heart, soul and body. The way is the epitome of love because Jesus is love.

Jesus tells us that we can only come to the Father by knowing the Son. So, Jesus is the mediator for us. Through our own efforts, all we can do is achieve a list of sins. Once we have sinned, we can never truly make amends for the sins that we commit.

For example, if you borrow a friend’s car and wreck it where you are at fault, the trust that your friend had in your driving will never quite be the same. The fault can be forgiven, but that doesn’t recreate the trust. In the same way, each time we sin is similar to that lost trust. God will forgive our sins, but only because Jesus is the mediator between us and God. There is nothing we can do for ourselves to save our souls. There is nothing that we can do to change that we have been disobedient to the law of God and committed sins against His command.

You see, without the mediation of Jesus, there is no hope for us. He accepted the debt that we earned and he paid it in full. The way of Jesus is the acceptance of His mediation on our behalf.

We know the Father by following the Son; Jesus and the Father are of one mind and one Spirit. Jesus goes on to say that He and the Father are one purpose. He said “If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

Jesus and the Father are of one purpose because they are both God. They both are one. Jesus came here to show us the way to the Father. There are many ways we can choose in life. But, Jesus was the one and only way. He tried to make this clear when he said “no one comes to the father, except through me.” He tried to make it clear because of the choices that surround us. God’s greatest gift was the gift of free choice. Without it, we would be mindless robots. Instead, God allowed us to accept his way apart from our own.

- For instance, we could choose to be followers of Buddha. They lead moral lives and don’t want to harm any living creature. But they look for peace without Jesus.

- We could choose to follow John Smith and the Mormon Church. They lead pure lives and put Jesus on a plateau with many gods. Instead of following Jesus as true God, they choose to make themselves gods of their own private worlds. They relegate Jesus to the status of equal brother rather than Lord of all.

- We could choose to follow the Jews with their tradition that Jesus was just a man.

- or even the Bhai faith that treats all religions as equally valid.

Each of these religions believes that Jesus lived. They don’t reject His existence. But, none of these follow what Jesus taught. Instead, they either ignore the teachings of Jesus, or twist His word to their teaching.

There are many good men and women who will not share in the Father’s house because only through following the way of Jesus, can we share in the kingdom to come. It’s not our own efforts that make us stand out and justify our reward. It’s the sacrifice of Jesus and the grace that God has bestowed on us that allows us to share in the prize. Those who choose to go another route will not be allowed through the door. They may have led good lives. They may have committed no crimes and harmed no-one. But they are not part of the way of Jesus. They chose a different path.

We will share in Paradise by following Jesus. Jesus makes clear that eternal life is the purpose of way. Last week we found Jesus speaking of His Father’s house. Jesus mentions to His disciples that He is going to prepare the place. But, the disciples don’t understand. They want His ministry on earth to last forever. They haven’t attached all of the OT prophecies to Jesus yet. They are confused as to what Jesus is talking about. This is why Jesus says He is the way. He wants to make it more clear.

The way exists beyond the borders of this earth. Jesus says “when I come again, I will take you to myself.” This is talking about His second coming. This is talking about judgment day. The way is leading up to the final outcome of all time. Who will be saved, and who will be condemned.

And the joy in it all is that we can follow Jesus and live in heaven as well. We have the opportunity to join Jesus in His Father’s house by following His way and example. By following the true and living way of Christ, we will be able to share in the kingdom that is to come; we will be able to share in our own paradise by God’s side.

To close this passage out:

Jesus led His life as a mediator for our sins. By following Him, we are assured of sharing in the eternal kingdom.

We are to believe in Jesus as the one and only true and living way. Love our neighbors as ourselves and Love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength.

There will be many that claim that they are another way or a replacement for Jesus. But His sacrifice was once and for all time.

Through the teachings, the life and the sacrifice of Jesus, we will be able to understand how God wants us to live and how God wants us to live for His people. Ultimately, there is only one way to eternal life and that is through following Jesus.