Summary: This is the second sermon on the subject, "Buy the truth and sell it not."


Proverbs 23:23


A. In lesson one, we established three things: One, there is absolute truth. Two, we can know the truth. Three, grasping truth requires diligent effort.

B. In this lesson, we will explore six ways we can sell the truth:

1. Indifference to known truth (Heb 2:1-4)

2. Superficiality—proof-texting (Satan quoted Scripture – Matt 4:5-12)

3. Selective application (John 8:5/Lev 20:10)

4. Compromise (Matt 16:24-28)

5. Self-interest (John12:41-43)

6. Overconfidence (Rom 2:17-24)

C. There are many examples of those who sold things of great value for ridiculously low prices:

1. Joseph’s brother sold him for 20 pieces of silver.

2. Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stew.

3. Judas sold his Savior for Savior for 30 pieces of silver.

D. We will limit the discussion to the price for which some sell the truth.


A. Millions live in spiritual ignorance and could care less.

B. We are speaking of those who know the truth or should know it, but they are indifferent to it (Heb 2:1-4)


A. Many may have soundbite or meme knowledge of Scripture which they quote out of context.

1. Satan quoted Scripture (Matt 4:5-6).

2. Jesus did not accuse Satan of misquoting, but replied, “Again it is written ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test’” (Matt 4:7).

B. A text out of context becomes a pretext—something that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object; an ostensible reason; excuse.

1. Sometimes it is the blind leading the blind.

2. Sometimes the blind are deceived by those whose motto is “The end (our cause) justifies the means (lie).

3. There is a noteworthy saying:

He who knows not and knows not that

he knows not, is a fool –shun him!

He who knows not and knows that he

knows not, is teachable, teach him!

He who knows, and knows not that he

knows, is asleep, wake him!

He who knows and knows that he

knows, he is wise. follow him!


A. The clergy of the day brought a woman—probably dragged—her into the temple, where Jesus was teaching, and said, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. 5 Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” (John 8:5).

B. They were not really concerned with upholding the Law of Moses, but in trying to trap Jesus (v.6).

C. Had they really been concerned with upholding the law, they would have brought the man—one person cannot be caught in the act of adultery (Lev 20:10).

1. I once sat in a meeting with two elders. This was back in the day when the names of minors caught with alcohol could be published in the local newspaper. One elder was strongly advocating those certain young men be disfellowshipped.

2. The second elder wanted to take a more redemptive approach.

3. When the first became adamant, the second replied. “Okay, but you know where we must start—with your son and mine.”

4. The first jumped to his feet and said, indignantly, “NOW WHAT JUST A MINUTE! YOU’RE GETTING PERSONAL.”


A. Compromise is good in many situations and is even commanded in some— “go and be reconciled to your brother.”

B. Truth, however, must never be compromised (Matt 16:24-26)

C. Many churches today are compromising the truth, denying the one-man-one-woman nature of biblically sanctioned sexual relationships.


A. John quoted Isaiah and then said that some believed but would not confess Jesus because of fear of being ostracized (John 12:41-43)

B. The threat of being shunned by the powerbrokers in a fellowship has caused some to sell the truth.

1. I am familiar with more than one preacher who said, “I believe thus and so, but I can’t teach it that way because I would lose my job.”

2. I am also familiar with a salesman who became a member of a certain church although he did not believe their teachings, but because they were the largest and the wealthiest church in town.


A. Paul took his Jewish brothers to task for their self-assurance (Rom 2:17-24).

B. The Lord spoke through Jeremiah (Jer 9:23-24).

C. The church at Corinth had a problem with some who were overconfident in themselves (1 Cor 4:6-7; 2 Cor 12:1-10)

D. As we noted in the previous sermon, “Truth is absolute and attainable,” but we should be cautious about affirming that we have absolutely attained it.

1. Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16).

2. He also wrote: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15).

3. On the other hand, we must not be Athenians, spending our time learning something new (Acts 17:21) and ever learning and never arriving at the truth (2 Tim 3:7).

4. We must never be so closed-minded that we believe ourselves infallible nor so open-minded that we become scavengers in the garbage piles of human tradition and philosophy: “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col 2:7).


A. There is great cost in buying the truth.

B. There is an even greater to in selling it (Gal 1:8-9; Rev 22:18)