Summary: It’s important for us to understand that faith has a language. If we want to be people who walk in faith and believe God for things that goes beyond the natural realm - beyond our 5 senses, then we must learn to operate in the language of faith.

The Bible in 2 Kings chapter 5, introduces us to two characters: the little Jewish slave girl and Naaman the Syrian army commander

The Jewish slave girl, could be a former servant of the prophet Elisha. The Bible does not mention the name of the girl. All we know about her is that, she was a slave girl taken from Israel.

This no name little slave girl, was kidnapped from her family during one of the Syrian raids on Israel, captured and taken into a foreign land.

Taken away from her family and her people.

Forced into slavery. Forced to learn & speak a foreign language, seperated from her culture.

Her future stolen, (if she was in school).

Her identity stolen – she will never get to know her true identity and her true people.

She is taken to work as a slave girl in the house of Naaman an army commander. According to 2 Kings 5, Naaman was a celebrated and decorated army commander. An accomplished man and very respected. A man held in high esteem because of the victory that God brought him over Israel. The Bible says about him in verses 1; “….. by him the Lord had given victory to Syria.”

He had the right resume and everything was going well for him in life. However, Naaman suffered from a skin disease called "leprosy". Facing an unclean future. Making it difficulty for him to mingle freely in public, living with shame and pain every day. Losing his body parts slowly with the passage of time due to the Leprosy.

Leprosy was a dreadful and shameful condition. It would prevent an Israelite from entering the temple then. A person suffering from leprosy would suffer in silence, quietly, alone, and isolated. They would be losing their body parts slowly without.

I was Imagining one waking up in the morning only to find a figure or a toe has dropped off.

What we see in Naaman, is the picture of our world and our communities today. Like Naaman, most of us look like we have it all together. We fake and, pretending all is well. We look polished from the outside. We look accomplished and successful in the eyes of our (peers) friends and the public. Successful in the culture around us; clubbing, beautiful postings on social media; Facebook and WhatsApp, living beautiful decorated lives and yet dealing with a sickness called sin.

We Fake everything! We fake out lives on social media. We fake our smiles, happiness and joy, yet we are suffering inside.

We fake success and yet we are dying from inside every day. Grappling with life issues; debt, unstable marriages, broken families, rebellious children, financial problems, and fighting suicidal thoughts. We go to bed and cry ourselves to sleep in silence, isolated from every one. Like the lepers in the old testament bible times

There Is Hope For You, and Jesus is our hope

My sister! my brother! Stop living a life of misery, outside the commands and the comfort of God. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:17 "Therefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."

Reach Out To Jesus!

No one and nothing can fill that void in your life. That hole is Christ shaped, and only Jesus can fill it.

I have always wondered how God could have granted victory to the pagan army commander over his loving Israel. The bible says about Naaman in verse 1; “….. by him the Lord had given victory to Syria.”

When your life has been gripped by God, life can do it's best to strip every thing away; your joy, your peace, your spirituality and your freedom! In order for you to run back to God. The children of Israel did not heed the warning from God through the prophet. Untill the enemy came and took them into exile.

Not all bad things that happen to us are meat to kill us or punish us, but a way for us to realise and ran back to the King of of our lives, Jesus Christ.

When you reach the dead end of your self, no matter what you have been through, or what you have seen you still know whom to call!

CALL ON Jesus!

"if only my master could go and meet the prophet" the slave girl cried! I encourage you to allow Jesus Christ in your life and your situation.

The Language Of Faith

We are told that this no name, little slave girl, was captured in a war raid. She was kidnapped and taken away from her family and from her own people. She was taken into a foreign land and forced into working for Naaman's wife as a slave. She was seperated from her culture, and her familiar environment.

Her future stolen, her chance at her education disrupted, her dreams killed, her identity stolen.

She will grow up not knowing her true people and her true identity. She was forced to learn & speak a foreign language, meaning that she will have to discard her native language, and adopt a foreign one.

But despite all the harsh and negative conditions around her life, she maintained her faith. She showed concern for her master's well-being. Holding no grudge against her captors, Naaman and his family.

When she heard about her masters horrible, and painful condition. The language of her heart came spilling out - not restricted by hate, or un-forgiveness. She said; “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy” the salve girl she cried!

She seem to be telling them "if only you know my God".

They may have corrupted her native mother tongue - her native language, and may have forced her to speak a foreign language, but they could not rob her of the language of her faith - the language of her God -Jehovah. It is embedded in her heart.

Her current situation, conditions and circumstances does not make her forget or doubt her God - the God of her fore-fathers.

Brethren! We should not allow our circumstances, our attitudes, our pain, our frustration, our challenges, our disappointments, our hate, un-forgiviness, or anger, keep us from prophesying our faith.

No condition or situation should keep you from vocalising your faith, and enjoying your relationship with your God.


A lot of people today are suffering in silence. Suffering with their pain alone in isolation.

Friends! Don't kill yourself slowly. Don’t die alone In Silence. Talk to some one concerning your challenges, your problems, and your frustrations.


The apostle Paul says in Romans 8:18, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us”. Every condition, state, situation or circumstance you might be experiencing is temporary. Whether you are homeless, unemployed, married, or not, have children or not is temporary. Nothing is permanent on earth. As it is often said, “No condition is permanent.” It is just a matter of time for a present condition to change, either for the better or for worse. The wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 says; “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven". Don’t let anything you have or any position you occupy go to your head. Everybody prays for the best, but times do change! Even a good time can become better. Nothing is permanent. Reach out and talk to some one, talk to priest, your Pastor about what you mighty be going through. Tell some one about Your problems. Talk to and pray to God. Don't isolated yourself from your loved ones. God bless you.Hope this writing blessed you too!