Summary: Romans 12:10 is a powerful verse that encapsulates the heart of Christian living and relationships.

Living in Love: A Call to Honour and Devotion Romans 12:10


Today, we are going to dive into a powerful verse that encapsulates the heart of Christian living and relationships. Romans 12:10 (NLT) says, "Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other." This single verse is packed with profound truths about how we are to live out our faith in community. We will explore this under four main points: Genuine Affection, Delighting in Honour, Living in Harmony, and Walking in Humility.

1. Genuine Affection

Romans 12:10a (NLT): "Love each other with genuine affection."

The Greek word for "love" here is "philostorgos," which refers to the tender affection found in family relationships. Paul is urging us to cultivate a sincere, heartfelt love for one another, akin to the love between family members.

John 13:34-35 (NLT): "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

Jesus gives us a new commandment—to love each other as He has loved us. This love is sacrificial, unconditional, and transformative. Jesus' love for us is the ultimate example of how we should love one another. It's not just about feeling affection but acting in ways that reflect Christ's love. Our love for each other is a testimony to the world of our identity as His disciples. When we love each other genuinely, we show the world the power of Christ's love and attract others to Him.

Think of the love a mother has for her child. It is nurturing, protective, and unwavering. Similarly, we are called to love each other with a depth that mirrors the love within a close-knit family.

"To love someone means to see him as God intended him." —Fyodor Dostoevsky

When we practice genuine affection, we reflect the love of Christ to the world. This love is not merely an emotion but a deliberate act of the will to seek the best for others.

2. Delighting in Honour

Romans 12:10b (NLT): "Take delight in honouring each other."

To "honour" means to value and respect others, recognizing their worth and treating them with dignity. Paul encourages us to go beyond mere respect to actually delight in lifting others up.

Philippians 2:3 (NLT): "Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."

Paul's exhortation to the Philippians highlights the importance of humility in our relationships. Humility involves putting others' needs and interests above our own. It requires us to resist selfishness and the desire for personal recognition. Instead, we should value others and consider their needs and perspectives. This attitude fosters unity and harmony within the body of Christ.

Imagine a sports team where each player is more concerned about their teammates' success than their own. This attitude fosters a supportive and effective team environment, leading to greater overall success.

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less." —C.S. Lewis

Honouring others requires a heart that is selfless and focused on the well-being of those around us. It is an attitude of putting others first, just as Christ put us first when He gave His life for us.

3. Living in Harmony

Romans 12:16 (NLT): "Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!"

Living in harmony means fostering unity and peace within the community.

Living in harmony involves embracing humility and inclusiveness.

Paul advises against pride and exclusivity. We are to associate with all people, regardless of their social or economic status. True Christian fellowship breaks down barriers and brings people together in mutual respect and love. Harmony in the body of Christ is achieved when we practice humility and inclusiveness.

Ephesians 4:2-3 (NLT): "Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace."

Paul's words to the Ephesians emphasize the qualities necessary for maintaining unity in the church: humility, gentleness, patience, and love. We must be willing to bear with one another's faults and shortcomings, recognising that we are all imperfect and in need of grace. Unity is not automatic; it requires effort and a commitment to living out these Christ-like qualities. When we do so, we create an environment of peace and mutual support.

Think of an orchestra. Each musician plays a different instrument, but when they all play together in harmony, they create a beautiful symphony. Similarly, when we live in harmony with one another, our diverse gifts and personalities create a beautiful testimony to the world.

"Unity without uniformity and diversity without division." —John Stott

Harmony in the body of Christ requires us to embrace diversity, practice patience, and extend grace to one another, all of which reflect the love of Christ.

4. Walking in Humility

Romans 12:3 (NLT): "Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us."

Paul reminds us to have a sober and honest assessment of ourselves. Pride can easily creep in, leading us to think more highly of ourselves than we should. Instead, we are to measure ourselves by the faith God has given us. This means recognising our strengths and weaknesses and depending on God's grace. Humility allows us to serve others effectively and build up the body of Christ.

Humility is about having an accurate view of ourselves in light of God’s grace. It means recognizing our dependence on God and valuing others above ourselves.

Micah 6:8 (NLT): "No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

The prophet Micah summarises what God requires of His people: to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him. Doing what is right involves living according to God's standards of justice and righteousness. Loving mercy means showing compassion and kindness to others, reflecting God's mercy towards us. Walking humbly with God entails a life of dependence on Him, acknowledging our need for His guidance and grace. These principles are foundational to living a life that honours God and blesses others.

Consider the life of Jesus, who, though He was God, humbled Himself and became a servant. He washed His disciples' feet, demonstrating the ultimate act of humility and service.

"Humility is nothing but truth, and pride is nothing but lying." —St. Vincent de Paul

Walking in humility involves a continual dependence on God, serving others selflessly, and acknowledging that all we have and are comes from Him.

Connecting These Scriptures

These verses collectively call us to a life characterised by love, humility, and unity. Jesus' command to love one another as He has loved us is the foundation. This love is demonstrated through humility, as Paul describes in Philippians and Romans. We are to live in harmony and unity, as emphasized in Ephesians, bearing with one another in love and striving for peace. Micah's call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God encapsulates the lifestyle we are to pursue.


By embracing these principles, we reflect Christ's love and build a community that glorifies God and attracts others to His kingdom. Let us live out these truths with dedication and joy, knowing that we are called to be His disciples and to shine His light in the world.

Application and Call to Action:

Practice Genuine Affection: Make a conscious effort to show sincere love to those around you. Reach out to someone in need, offer a listening ear, or simply spend quality time with a friend or family member.

Delight in Honouring Others: Look for opportunities to uplift and encourage others. Acknowledge their contributions, celebrate their successes, and offer words of affirmation.

Live in Harmony: Strive to maintain unity within your community. Be patient, forgive quickly, and seek to understand and appreciate the diversity of those around you.

Walk in Humility: Regularly evaluate your heart and motives. Seek to serve others selflessly and acknowledge your dependence on God's grace in every area of your life.

As we embrace these principles, we will not only strengthen our relationships within the body of Christ but also provide a powerful witness to the world. May we be a community marked by genuine love, honour, harmony, and humility, reflecting the character of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.