Summary: 2 points. 1). The Resurrection. 2). The Life (Seedthought and story of Brandon from Larry Barber, Grief Counselor; Biblical exposition from Chuck Guth's article in Decision Magazine April 1999 entitled, "Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life) Used for a SonRise Service Easter 2024


Larry Barber is a grief counselor in Texas and he tells the following story from a children’s grief group: As the circle of eager children and their family members prepared to enjoy the company of fellow mourners in fun activities, I asked the group to share any exciting news that was happening in their lives. 7 year old Brandon, who is always excited to share, stuck his hand up. I said, “What do you have to share with the group, Brandon?” “Easter is coming soon!” He shouted with a big smile on his face. “And why do we celebrate Easter?” I asked. “Because we get candy and stuffed animals!” Brandon proclaimed. “That’s right. Sometimes we do get candy and gifts,” I said. “But what else do we celebrate!” Fake tattoos!” He shot back. “Sometimes I get fake tattoos!” “Okay,” I replied. “But what else do we celebrate at Easter?” 5 year old Mandy spoke up. “Jesus died on the cross.” “That’s right,” I said. “And then what happened!” “God brought Jesus back from the dead!” Exclaimed Mandy. “What!!!!” Brandon shouted as he threw back both his arms and hands and his little body bend backward in rigid, questioning protest. “That’s not fair!!! How come Jesus gets to come back from the dead and my Nana doesn’t” said Brandon as he stared angrily at me. “That’s not fair!!!”


Larry Barber goes on. That was certainly not the response I had expected to get from the group as we talked about the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ along with the hope we share in knowing that our Heavenly Father raised Jesus from the dead. But honestly, Brandon is not the first person grieving over the death of a loved one who has asked that question. Brandon is not the first person in history who has asked how an all powerful, loving God could allow their loved one to die leaving them to be without that valuable person for the rest of their lives. To the mourning missing a loved one, that doesn’t seem fair.

Remember on this joyous day those who are hurting because of Death and their loved ones who have been torn from their lives. Sometimes in the deafening pain of grief it is hard to feel comfort, joy and hope. All they can feel or hear is pain and sadness after the loss. Be with the mourner this Easter, support them, be patient and encourage them.

John 11:25- Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

2 claims here- I am the resurrection and I am the life. Some believe that life is merely clarifying resurrection. C.H. Dodd wrote, “The relationship between these two claims could be seen in the following way: I am the resurrection; the one who believes in me will live, even though they die. I am the life; whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”

Thesis: Talk more about this- The Resurrection and the life

For instances:

I. The Resurrection

Belief in a final resurrection was common in Jesus’ day as evidenced from Martha’s statement in vs. 24- I know he (Lazarus) will rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus knew this to be true but he added to it. Jesus claimed that He could give life to anyone He pleased and that one day the dead- even in the grave- would hear His voice, and they would come out alive (John 5:28-29). Jesus’ claim stands with this prior teaching. Jesus’ raising of Lazarus was an example of what Jesus will do in the future and a sign of who Jesus is- the Son of God. When Jesus claimed to be “the resurrection,” He was addressing the immediate problem of physical death. One day there will be a resurrection of all. Resurrection is a central teaching of the Christian faith. Early on, some denied this teaching. 1 Corinthians 15:12-14: But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:16-19: For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. Belief in the resurrection is challenged today as well.

II. The Life

Our experience demonstrates that even those who believe in Jesus die physically. However, Jesus’ teaching about “life,” in the gospel of John, makes clear that the life that Jesus gives is more than physical existence. Jesus spoke to Nicodemus of a new birth that brings “eternal life,” (John 3:15) and he offered the woman at the well “living water,” (John 4:10) that would well up to eternal life.” (John 4:14). Jesus called himself the “bread of life,” (John 6:35) and said that He provides the “light of life.” (John 8:12). Throughout the Gospels “life” and “eternal life” are the gift that God gives in response to faith. For Jesus, “life” meant salvation. For many “eternal life” brings to mind the idea of living forever. A study of Jesus’ use of the term in the Gospel of John, however, shows that Jesus meant more than life in the future when He spoke of “eternal life.” Yes, the idea of living with God in heaven is included here but it is much more. Eternal life is a present condition for those who have faith. John 5:24: Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. John 3:36: Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life…. To understand Jesus’ teaching about life, we need to notice that those who believe have life, not will have life. This speaks to quality of life now. When Jesus offered “life” to His hearers, He was offering a life transforming relationship with God, a relationship that started immediately but that would last forever. When Jesus claimed to be “the life,” he was addressing the problem of spiritual death, the result of sin. Those who accept Jesus’ offer may die physically, but their spiritual existence “will never die.”

So what?

“Do you believe this?” Jesus proved that He is the resurrection by rising from the dead never to die again. Much evidence but do we believe? Larry Barber- As the people went to their support groups (put in plug for Camp Katippilar) I leaned down to talk with Brandon. I looked into his sad eyes and said, “You know, Brandon, that the same power God used to bring back Jesus from the dead, He is going to use to bring us back from the dead… and our loved ones too.” “Then I’ll get to see Nana?” Brandon asked. “Yes, you’ll get to see Nana. And the rest of us will get to see all the people that we love that God has been taking care of in Heaven for us.” Be happy this Easter but remember those who are hurting