Summary: When we get a revelation of Jesus, and we see beyond the horizon of this life – and we get a glimpse of what awaits us in Heaven! When we see beyond the horizon of this life - We grow our faith, we increase our hope and see Jesus!

Series: Beyond the Horizon – Sunrise

Video Transition: Sunrise at Christian Hills Church with Romans

Scripture Verse: Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”


The Scripture is a prayer:

May the God of Hope – He is the God of “I know so - not I think so” – a complete confidence in Him to work it all out!

May the God of Hope fill – insert within you – this kind of faith.

When this comes joy comes (inner happiness) – also peace comes (contentment inside no matter what happens outside) – all connected to the act of trusting God – the God of Hope!

Video Message:

We opened the service with a clip of the sunrise from here on the hill of Christian Hills Church, we had in that clip people who were beholding the beauty of a sunrise which according to Scripture reveals the glory of God, it reveals the work of God’s hands, it causes us to be awe of the wonder and beauty of God.

As they gazed and pondered the sunrise, they saw the majesty of the sunrise created that morning by God – the horizon was speaking to them calling them and when they looked beyond the sunrise to what lies beyond the horizon – God opened their eyes to see Him.

Beyond the horizon of this natural realm is a placed called Heaven, a place filled with the presence and splendor of God. A place which waits for our arrival. Have you seen a glimpse of it? Have you had those “Aha” moments with the Lord and seen bits and pieces of it? Have you had those gazing moments where your spiritual eyes were opened to see Jesus and experience Him. Has your heart been open to seeing Him if so you will be filled with joy, hope and faith?

I pray we all this Easter see “Beyond the Horizon” of this world to see a new revelation of Jesus and we experience God’s goodness!

Opening Scripture Texts to clarify video:

Psalm 65:8: (NASB) They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.

Psalm 65: 8 (NIV) “Those living far away fear (awe) your wonders; where morning dawns and evening fades you call forth songs of joy.”

Psalm 65:8: (NLT) “Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy.”

Opening thoughts: Have you seen beyond the horizon of this world? If you have a desire, to see “Beyond the Horizon” you will see past the ripples of sin, the pain of sin, the hurt of sin, you will receive joy in your grief, and find healing for your brokenness and peace in the midst of chaos. If you choose to see beyond the horizon of this life, you will ignite faith and hope in the God of glory! If you look beyond the horizon, you will see things spiritually that others cannot see without Jesus! So, my question is “Do you want to see Beyond the Horizon?”

As we celebrate Easter today – “Resurrection Sunday” – we celebrate the most important event in the history of mankind! It’s “The Events of Events” – It's Jesus rising from the dead to set us all free from the bondage and darkness of sin!

Thesis: When we get a revelation of Jesus, and we see beyond the horizon of this life – and we get a glimpse of what awaits us in Heaven! When we see beyond the horizon of this life - We grow our faith, we increase our hope and see Jesus! When we place our trust in God – we know God has us in His hands, we are filled with joy on the inside no matter what is happening on the outside- when we grow faith and hope we get an inner peace – an inner contentment about life – death.

I believe in this Hope “AHA” moment perspective changes, attitudes change, and healing is unleashed! When we choose to see beyond the horizon, we see the glory and majesty of the Lord which awaits us just over the horizon of this life. We need to see beyond the horizon of this world with a heart filled with faith and hope!

Resurrection Sunday – what we are celebrating today is a pinnacle moment in the history of the world! It ignites Hope – Joy - Peace and grows our faith!

The story from Resurrection Sunday: Let’s read the passage from Matthew 28: 1-20:

1After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

2There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.

3His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.

4The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

5The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.

6He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

7Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

8So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.

9Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him.

10Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

The Guards’ Report

11While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened.

12When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money,

13telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’

14If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.”

15So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.

The Great Commission

16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.

17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Wow what an amazing true story of the most important event in the history of mankind – what a historical “AHA” moment and today we even get to be a part of it – yes you and I – Wow could you have imagined being the women “Mary and Mary?” They saw things beyond the natural horizon of a sunrise – things considered out of this world – an angel glowing from the glory of God – telling them to look He is risen - and then Jesus himself appearing to them - He is supposed to be dead! But He appears to them with instructions on where all of them are to meet with Him! Wow what a way to start a day! Seeing things that can only happen beyond the horizon of this natural world. It’s a miracle – It's Jesus and He is alive!

Summary of story with thoughts:

I pray you see that this morning: The sun is rising over the horizon as the women go to put more spices on the body of Jesus, but they are unaware that something has happened beyond the horizon at the tomb – Jesus has risen from the dead – the earth has shook – the stone is rolled back and the guards were so shaken they dropped over like dead men! They were so shaken they run to tell the chief priests what happened. A lie is spun by the religious leaders who cannot admit Jesus has risen from the dead as He said He would – the great cover up is put into motion!

But there is Mary and Mary who really had no idea what had happened as they were beholding the sunrise and journeying to the tomb. But when they came into sight of the tomb – shock and awe - the stone is rolled away and they see someone sitting on the stone glowing from the glory of God – it is an angel! He says to them I assume with a smile “Do not be afraid – I know you came looking for Jesus – but He is not here – He has risen – just like He said He would!” The women are in shock and awe!

The truth is: Jesus predicted his death many times prior to entering Jerusalem – He knew His sunsets were coming to an end! Last week - I did a list of the events of Passion week to remind you of all Jesus did prior to His death. We need to be reminded of what happened during that week “Passion Week” because it is the most important week in the history of mankind – you can grab a sheet in the back on your way out with a stone to remind you of what He said and did.

In fact, Jesus predicted His death at least three times in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), and also in the book of John he offers even more predictions. The Gospel of John gives a few more predictions of Jesus’s death, but they are slightly more subtle. For instance, when Mary anointed Jesus with the costly perfume, and Judas asked if she should have sold it for the poor, Christ said, “Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial. For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me” (John 12:7–8).

Back to the tomb with Mary and Mary – and the angel – The Angel invites them to look in the tomb to see that Jesus is gone – He has risen as He said He would! Then the angel promises them – “You will soon see Him!” Can I pause here a moment to reveal an “AHA” moment for you – Here is God’s message to each of you today “You will soon see Him!”


Today is Resurrection Sunday - we celebrate Jesus triumphant defeat of death! It’s Jesus victorious day! The women at sunrise went to Jesus’ tomb to treat his deceased body with spices to quench the smell. But they are surprised to see an open tomb, an angel glowing sitting on the stone! Their first reaction is filled with fear but then joy! It’s Resurrection Sunday’s “The day of days!” – a day that will live on for all eternity – It’s the Sunday that changes everything in the world – It’s the day that brings faith-hope- joy- miracles and breakthrough. It’s the day that sets Christianity apart from all other religions in the world! It’s a new day – It’s a new era – it’s a breakthrough event that will change the world and put the Devil on His heals backing up and running for cover.

Can you shout “Jesus!”

The truth is we have a natural horizon we see thru every day but if you learn to look beyond the horizon with faith and hope, you will see this world is not our home, it is not all there is, there is a better place coming and Jesus came declaring that truth. He declared the message of the Kingdom of God – The Kingdom of Heaven said it’s for all who believe. But many have missed this message of Jesus - The One who they were hoping – praying to come was here, but they did not see Him for who He was.

But Resurrection Sunday changes everything! Jesus came back from the dead! He is alive!

T.S. - Resurrection Sunday is the event that changes everything – it's Jesus' pinnacle moment in the history of time – when He defeats death and rises from the dead to set us free! The Sunrise and horizon of Easter or Resurrection Sunday changes everything – Jesus is alive – He has defeated death so we could be set free!

I. The horizons of this world bring things like Sunsets-midnight hours-Sunrises!

a. We have been seeking to establish the fact that these beautiful and majestic events are set in motion by God – Why? To open our spiritual eyes and even ears to see Him and hear Him! They are “Aha” moments to behold the glory of God!

i. Sunsets-sunrises- midnight hours (like the Northern lights) give us a glimpse of the beauty, glory and majesty of the Lord! These events give us a picture of His eternal Kingdom. Sunrises and sunsets according to scripture call forth songs of joy and reveal the works of the hands of God. They are a daily and nightly testimony that points to our Creator God! They speak to us and reveal to us the Lord of Lord’s!

1. Psalm 65:8: (NASB) They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.

a. Have you been awed by God lately?

i. Then take the time to take in sunrises and sunsets!

ii. Have you ever beheld and looked at the Northern Lights in the midnight sky?

1. Wow what a show by God!

2. Psalm 19:1-6: (NIV) 1The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, 5which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat (or I add its light).

a. I challenged you to take the time this week to take in a sunrise - sunset – to behold it – meditate on it – to pray and ask God to reveal himself to you – Have you ever done that?

i. I believe God will reveal himself to you – if you do!

b. If you have ever beheld a sunrise or sunset this may have happened to you:

i. Reflecting at sunrise and or sunset is a great way to connect or reconnect with the Lord of Glory: Do you want to connect with Him?

1. Take the time to behold His glory!

ii. Thoughts on Sunrises:

1. Celebrate The Sonrise! Sermon by Troy Borst, Mark 16:1-6 - : Sunrises are brilliant and miraculous in my opinion because of the colors that fill the sky. God created sunrises in such a way that air molecules and airborne particles scatter white sunlight as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere and based on the light beams and clouds and moisture in the air… the sky can be orange and red with every beautiful color in between. Each sunrise every day is a unique vivid color-filled creative act! You can view a sunrise anywhere, but certainly with mountains in view or on a beach or with a beautiful cityscape in the background, it adds more beauty to this already wonderful miracle.

2. Each sunrise signals the start of a new day which in our minds brings with it promises of good things. Perhaps that is why when travelling to Minnesota, Alaska, Florida, Virginia, and West Virginia you can find whole towns named “Sunrise.” Perhaps that is why countless song writers include the word pictures of sunrises in their songs or poets write about this time of day. Even artists paint pictures and landscapes with sunrises often as the time of day portrayed because sunrises hold so much meaning.

3. For us, the sunrise means…

a. Fresh Start: each sunrise signals that a new day is beginning which means a fresh start

b. Optimism: each sunrise means the last day is past and we can hope for a better new day in the present

c. New Life: each sunrise for some reason is a picture for us of life beginning again and new

4. Awakening to the Promise of Sunrise brings:

a. It’s renewal in the morning light (Luke 4:40)

b. Welcoming the dawn as a symbol of new beginnings and a start to fresh grace.

c. Rejoicing in the hope that comes with each sunrise.

d. Embracing God's mercies anew (Psalm 103)

5. What does a sunrise symbolize?

a. The sunrise symbolizes birth, growth, new beginnings of all kinds, and resurrection. Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and new ending. Let the morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. It's an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think, and love.

b. Sunrise, the miracle of the day.

c. A sunrise is Nature telling you that it's time to cherish another day on Earth.

d. Each sunrise is a new beginning. It's a glimpse of hope for a better day and a more peaceful world.

e. When the sun rises, we're inspired and motivated to change the world, one word and one step at a time.

iii. Thoughts on Sunsets:

1. “In the biblical calendar perspective, the moment the sun goes down, the day is over. Whatever has happened that day now belongs to the past, to yesterday's happiness or sorrow, whichever the case may be. In other words, the moment the sun goes down, the day is over, the old day is over along with our past. As much as we would like to oftentimes, we cannot undo what was done… Whatever happened in our life now belongs to the past. The events of our old life now belong to yesterday. The mistakes of our lives, the problems, the sins we may have committed, along with the fears, the shames, and the guilt belong to that day which is no more.”

a. Thoughts about sunsets from

2. Some other thoughts on sunsets by

a. Sunsets should compel us to:

b. To surrender to God's timing (Psalm 65:8)

c. To embrace the end of the day as a time of reflection and rest.

d. To trust in God's faithfulness as the sun sets on our worries and fears.

e. To find peace in the twilight (Psalm 27:1)

f. To seek refuge in God's presence as darkness falls.

g. We should let go of the day's burdens and find solace in His light!

iv. In our Good Friday Service Vernon challenged you to see “Beyond the horizon of darkness or the midnight hour” and instead see that Jesus is still with you – He is working things through for you!

1. The truth is The Holy Spirit is here to help us navigate the Darkness of Midnight!

a. Even in the darkness God is there and sends things to show you there is Hope beyond the horizon of darkness!

b. One thing that reminds me of this is in the darkness of winter God sends His amazing Northern lights to light up the sky! Have you ever seen them and experienced them?

i. They are amazing!

2. Maybe Good Friday’s message helped you find strength in the Stillness of nighttime?

a. Psalm 27:1-2: 1The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall, I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

3. Maybe after Good Friday’s message you have learned to hold onto God's promises amid life's darkest moments?

4. Maybe you were inspired to trust in His light to guide you through the shadows of darkness.

a. Psalm 23

i. 1The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. 6Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

5. Maybe you experienced God and have learned to trust and rest in God's Presence.

a. Psalm 103: 1-6:

i. 1Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 2Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits— 3who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 6The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.

6. I pray that through the message and the presence of Jesus you have found comfort in His nearness in the night when all else seems lost or dark.

7. I pray Good Friday’s message has you clinging to His Word as a beacon of hope in the midnight hour!

v. But here we are today looking at the horizon of Easter and the Sun is Rising! It’s a new day – a new era for the world because God has provided a way for us to be in connection with Him, He has opened the door for us to experience His presence and His love!

T.S. - We have taken a glimpse of natural horizons which include, sunrises, sunsets and even midnight hours – these events each day are set in motion by God to open our eyes and ears to who He is – Scriptures says they reveal God to us – they speak of His majesty – of His beauty and they also proclaim His love for each of us! But we have to take the time to pause and quietly meditate on them!

II. Beyond the Horizon of this world lies a glorious place filled with love, hope, peace, excitement and joy!

a. Resurrection Sunday goes way beyond the horizons of this world and opens our eyes and ears to what lays beyond the horizons of this world – we see there is more to life – there is eternal life – there is a place called Heaven -there is Hope of a greater place to live for eternity!

i. Jesus’ miracle of rising from the dead tells us – death does not have the final say on my life or your life – God does!

1. John 11:25-26: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

a. Question: Do you believe this?

b. Quote from

i. Jesus does not merely say that he will bring about the resurrection or that he will be the cause of the resurrection (both of which are true), but something much stronger: I am the resurrection and the life. Resurrection from the dead and genuine eternal life in fellowship with God are so closely tied to Jesus that they are embodied in him and can be found only in relationship to him.

1. You can today connect with this miracle – yes you can believe and connect with the miracle of the resurrection, and you can as you connect with Jesus experience the resurrection like Jesus did!

b. We have been exploring the Bible this year and I highlighted some of Jesus miracles as told in the Gospels! By the way I believe this is Jesus greatest miracle to come back for the dead!

i. Let’s look again at our scripture in Psalm 19:1-6: 1The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, 5which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat (or light).

1. The horizon of this life shows us and speaks to us about the glory of God – the truth and the presence of God --if we believe! Jesus as we have learned this year did miracles to show us who He was – Who He is and what He will do in the future!

a. He is still doing miracles by the way!

i. The following thoughts have been adapted from

c. The sunset, the sunrise, the Northern lights in the night sky can all be considered miracles, according to the New Testament idea of a miracle.

i. You may be thinking: “Why do we have sunrises, sunsets, and northern lights in the midnight hours of winter? Thanks for asking this question!”

1. I shared last week how our world is itself a miracle – it’s a miracle that we have these horizon events each day – each night and in the midnight hours – even scientist marvel at how it all works so precisely every day!

a. The earth orbits the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour and at the same time as the earth is speeding around the Sun it is itself spinning on its axis at about 1,000 miles per hour.

b. It takes 365 days for the earth to circle the sun creating what we call a year.

c. The earth spins as result of gravity, magnetic poles and it takes 23 hours and 56 minutes to rotate on its axis creating the effect of day and night - so the earth’s rotation on its axis is completed in a day or in a 24-hour period.

d. Here is the miracle part of this information – no one knows how this whole system was set up because if the equations got out of balance, or shifted minutely then it would be catastrophic for the earth and its inhabitants!

2. So sceintists look at this world as a miracle – that it can do this and sustain this every day! Everyone would agree that Jesus coming back from the dead is a miracle!

a. He is the only person in history to have ever done anything like this!

b. But can I remind you He is still appearing to people today in this world!

i. There are 1,000 of stories of Jesus appearing to people across the world and especially in the Muslim world as the man in white!

d. But let’s for a moment look at how miracles are described in Scripture with 4 primary words (this is adapted from Jefferson thoughts)

i. The first word is “Wonder” – miracles amazed and shocked people in the NT. So, note these miracles arouse wonder and amazement in God. Miracles go against the natural laws of this world and superseded them.

1. Jesus raising from the dead caused “Wonder” – we see it first with the soldiers at the tomb!

a. We see it next with the women Mary and Mary – we see it with the disciples too – John and Peter and the others!

i. Wonder is an aspect of something that is considered a miracle – it makes us say “Wow” “It makes us ponder that there is more than just this natural world – there is something beyond the horizon of life – Jesus’ rising from the dead was predicted by Him – His appearances created wonder in those who experienced Him after His resurrection – by the way He is still appearing to people today to continue that wonder!

1. Article to highlight “The Man in white appearing to Muslims!”

2. So, ponder the word “Wonder” with me for a moment – Does Jesus rising from the dead cause you to “Wonder?”

a. You may say no not really – then I pray you experience the resurrected Jesus!

b. I can testify and tell you that I have experienced Jesus in my life!

i. We have shared many other testimonies this Easter week of others who have also experienced the resurrected Jesus!

ii. I pray this makes you wonder.

iii. I can tell you that I have felt His presence and love – I have beheld His glory and had Him reveal himself to me – that caused me to wonder at what lays beyond the horizon of my life! It made me want to put my faith and hope in Jesus!

3. God places things in our horizon to point us to Him – to reveal himself to us – you see the Lord wants to reveal himself to you!

a. So interestingly sunsets, midnight hours with northern lights and sunrises are in a sense a miracle because they arouse wonder in our mind, heart and soul as we gaze and ponder them.

i. Recall our opening scripture Psalm 65:8: (NASB) They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.

b. Paul tells us in Romans 1:20: For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

i. Paul is saying that nature, sunsets, midnight hours and sunrises reveal the glory and testimony of God.

c. Scriptures repeatedly tells us that God himself is revealed in nature – and nature creates wonder and amazement – Why? Because it shows off His creativity and glory. For example: God sustains animal and plant life according to:

i. Leviticus 26:4

ii. Matthew 6:28-29

iii. Job 38:25

iv. Psalm 104:14-16

1. Note this comparison from the Gospels - Jesus feed the multitudes supernaturally in the wilderness twice to reveal He is here to meet and supply all of our needs!

2. God controls the weather and the seasons: Psalm 135:7 Note comparison: Jesus himself controlled storms and walked on water!

a. Jesus did and does still do miracles to point us to Him and He even uses the miracles laid out in a day to show us He is real and there!

ii. The second word we discover in Scripture for a miracle is a “Sign.”

1. What do signs do?

a. They give us information about something and point us to that destination!

i. A miracle in scripture always points to something - especially to God and His glory!

b. Jesus Resurrection was a sign to all who believe that Jesus was and is God in the flesh – the living breathing God of the universe – the one who always was in human form to show us the way to His presence – love – mercy and forgiveness!

i. Jesus rising from the dead fulfilled all the predictions He made that He would die and rise again!

ii. It’s the sign that proves Jesus is the Savior of the world!

1. Over 500 people saw the living sign of Jesus after He died – can you connect with that thought?

c. But also, Jesus is still appearing to people today as a sign.

i. But once again we have horizons in our life everyday like Sunrises, Sunsets and midnight hours that are set in motion to point us to Jesus and God! Sign posts to say, “I am here – I am risen – I will appear to you soon!”

ii. These signs say, “I am the way the truth and the life!” Follow me connect with me – believe in me!

iii. So according to Scripture a natural sign can point us to something greater than the sunrise and or sunset itself!

1. Our thought this Easter is are you able to see “Beyond the Horizon.”

a. Quote from Jefferson: “The (sunrise) sunset does that. It is a signboard painted on the flaming highway of the gorgeous west, pointing to God!”

b. Question do you need a sign from God – gaze upon a sunrise or even a sunset!

iii. The 3rd word for a miracle in Scripture is “Power:”

1. Jesus’ miracles all pointed to His power over demons, nature, disease, sin, and even death!

a. A miracle is considered powerful because it is beyond the ability of mankind to produce.

b. Why? Because a miracle is supernatural and we as humans do not have the strength or knowledge to do this miraculous event on our abilities.

c. Jesus rose from the dead to defeat the curse of sin on mankind and to take the authority away from our arch enemy Satan.

i. 1 Corinthians 15:26—27, 54–57: The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For “God has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “all things are put in subjection,” it is plain that he is excepted who put all things in subjection under him.

ii. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:

1. “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

2. “O death, where is your victory?

3. O death, where is your sting?”

iii. The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

iv. When believers are finally resurrected from the dead, the destruction of death will be complete.

1. This will happen beyond the horizon of this life!

2. Once again the horizons of this life reveal to us who has the power over life and death.

a. Jefferson states, “The sunset (sunrise) fulfills this idea. The sunset (sunrise) is a power, a display of power, running beyond the reach of human faculty. No man can make the sunset, no set of men can make it. Not all the men of all the earth, with all their talent and all their genius, and making use of all the apparatus and machinery which man's ingenuity has been able to produce, can create the vast and dazzling splendor of a western sky. The sunset is a power. A display of force running beyond the energy of mankind is a miracle.”

i. Mankind cannot create or make a sunset or sunrise – it’s a God act - revealing who has the power to bring life over death – to bring new days and usher in new eras of eternal life.

iv. The 4th word for a miracle is “Work.”

1. Jefferson notes: Sometimes the New Testament writers call the deeds of Jesus "signs," sometimes "signs and wonders," sometimes "signs and wonders and powers," and sometimes they con-tent themselves with the word " works."

2. Jesus resurrection from the dead is a “Work” a work of God to show who is the one that put all things into motion in the beginning – man cannot bring themselves back to life when they die but God can!

3. A miracle is a mighty – supernatural work of the hands and voice of God!

4. Application: So, a miracle is a work a mighty work; and surely the sunset (sunrise) is a work, a mighty work. It Is something achieved, done, brought to pass. A sunset (sunrise), then, fulfills every condition of a miracle.” It’s placed in our horizons daily to point us to who does the work – who sets things in motion for us to receive eternal – it’s not our works but His work!


Our series for Easter “Beyond the Horizon” was chosen to help us see beyond our natural view of the horizon which we see in everyday life. These include beautiful events called sunset- midnight hours- and sunrise. Our prayer is that you would get a vision, a dream or even a divine revelation beyond the horizon of this world today in this service.

We are desiring God to reveal himself to you through Jesus! I am praying that every one of you will see beyond the horizon of this world. We have been praying for the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes to see something you have never seen before in 2024. I pray you come to see beyond the horizon and see Jesus in all His glory, majesty, and power and in that vision or revelation you experience a divine transformation of your life.

Do you want to see the glory of God – experience His presence – do you need an infusion of joy after a long rough day? Then sit and watch the sunset or take in a sunrise! In these “Aha” moments your faith will grow – joy will come – you will see God – you will hear God speak – this all will rejuvenate your soul and spirit.

There is nothing more picturesque in nature than a sunset or even a sunrise! Think about it especially if you contrast it with the other surroundings of nature, such as a roaring ocean, or a striking mountain range. When you do happen to take the time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak, what do you think of? There are some good reasons why you should pay more attention to sunsets and sunrises and even the midnight northern lights this year:

Look at the horizons of life each day and take in this beautiful moment because I believe God will open your eyes to see beyond the horizon to a more miraculous place!

What do we need to know from this message?

Answer: God reveals himself to us through the horizons of life if we choose to open our eyes and ears.

Why do they need to know this truth?

Answer: God wants us to connect with Him and believe in Him – Why? So, we receive the blessings of what’s beyond the horizon!

What do we need to do?

Answer: Experience God through the horizons of life and see beyond the natural horizons to the miracle of the Resurrection Sunday.

Why do they need to do this?

Answer: The Lord is just waiting to connect with you – to reveal himself to you!

What do you have to lose? Missing a beautiful moment in God’s creation and getting anew fresh revelation of Him?

Hands on connection with Jesus! Please take a stone from the containers on your way out and notice they have the word Hope on them! Take one and remember this truth from


Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”