Summary: Each one of us is a member of God’s body the church. God is building His church and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. Let us stand firm on God’s promised and His faithfulness and be united as a church.

Today, the seventh Sunday after Easter is observed by many all over the world as Pentecost Sunday to commemorate the day when the Holy Spirit of God was made manifest to the disciples and believers in the early church. In order for this to happen we read in Acts 2:1, “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.” (ESV)

This oneness of heart and mind was the most important aspect that was needed for the powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Up until this time there were differences even among the disciples, they competed with each other, and were envious of one another. However, before Jesus ascended up into heaven, He commanded them to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and they did so with one accord in one place.

Sadly, this oneness is missing in many families, in society, in the church and even among leaders who are serving the Lord. Divisions never come from the Lord, but originates from Satan and people. This is a prayer we need to pray that God will being this unity in our families, in our churches, in society, in the world, and among those who minister in the name of the Lord. If we harbor bitterness towards each other, and are separated from each other, how can we enter into the kingdom of heaven?

The Lord taught us that when we come to pray, and before we lay our gift at the altar, we should make sure that we should settle any issues, bitterness or disagreements that we have with others. Where there is no unity, even our offerings are not acceptable to God. Let us therefore settle any differences, quarrels, misunderstandings, heartaches that we have with others realizing that we are all headed towards the same eternal kingdom. Let us be humble, and willing to settle all the disputes and differences, so we can be ready and prepared to enter into God’s kingdom.

The church belongs to Jesus

We read in Matthew 16:18, “And now I'm going to tell you who you are, really are. You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.” (MSG)

This implies that the church does not belong to any man, but belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Lord says, ‘I will build my church’ it does not imply that He is raising a building, but bringing together those who believe, from various backgrounds to be part of His body, the church. Every one of us who has been washed with the blood of Jesus, and have become part of the church, who have the standing as children of God are members of this great body of Christ, irrespective of our location or the name of our church. Only the Lord builds the church, and He is the owner of the church, and each one of us are members of the church.

As the church grows, the gates of hell are at war with the church hoping to scatter the ones whom God has brought together. We are assured that the gates of hell can never prevail against the church, because it is the Lord who builds the church. Many mighty kings, empires and kingdoms have tried to destroy the church, but nothing could or can stop the growth of the church. Even in countries which are totally against Christianity, there is still a remnant of people who sincerely follow the Lord Jesus. The gates of hell are at war against the church because Satan’s intent is to take the multitudes to hell, but the Lord Jesus is turning the hearts of people to Himself, so that their feet which are treading the path of destruction, are turned back to walk in the way of eternal life. As more and more people are saved, and enter the kingdom of God, the gates of hell is fearful and tries hard to stop this growth.

As we compare the people of Israel to the church we will learn some important lessons.

The enemy is fearful of the growth of the church

We read in Numbers 22:3, “The Moabites were very afraid because there were so many Israelites. Besides, the Moabites couldn't stand these people.” (GW)

The Israelites were so numerous that the Moabites were afraid of them. This is a strange thing because Moab was a well-established kingdom with a king, whereas the Israelites were like nomads who were travelling around in tents.

This is a fact even today that as the number of believers is growing, the enemy is filled with panic that this growth will become innumerable, and that they will come to power. Remember that there are thousands of people who believe in the Lord Jesus who may not openly profess the same. In some places they claim that there are no churches officially, but it is a fact that even in such places there are large groups of people who believe and follow after Jesus.

If the Lord said that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church, it means that He has given the verdict that Satan will be defeated for sure, and the church will come forth victorious.

Moab wanted to hinder the progress and growth of the Israelites not realizing that the people of Israel were not an ordinary people, but a people of the promise, called out by a faithful God. So also, the enemy does not realize that the church is God’s own people not built by any man’s strength, but on the basis of God’s promise and His faithfulness.

God guides us through the wilderness

There were about six lakh men alone who left Egypt along with women and children. The total could have been well over eighteen lakhs of people whom the Lord led in the wilderness for forty long years. There is no other record in history of a people who were given food and water in the wilderness for that many years. The Almighty God was able to provide for the needs of His people.

As children of God we too may go through those wilderness experiences where we have struggles and hardships, but through it all the word of God, and His faithfulness alone can sustain us. Situations may look grim and we may feel there is no way out but hang on knowing that the word of God, and His faithfulness are unchanging.

God blesses His people

The king of Moab thought that he could use his authority, his wealth and his influence to change the destiny of the people of Israel. Interestingly, the Israelites were not affected by his plans in anyway and continued with their progress. The king of Moab bribed Balaam who was a prophet of God to curse the people of Israel. As Balaam began to speak the words that proceeded out of his mouth were only words of blessing.

We read in Numbers 23:9-10, “I see them from the top of rocky cliffs, I look at them from the hills. I see a nation that lives by itself, people who do not consider themselves to be like other nations. The descendants of Jacob are like specks of dust. Who can count them or number even one-fourth of the people of Israel? Let me die the death of innocent people. Let my end be like theirs." (GW)

When Balaam looked at the people of Israel, he noted that they were a people who lived all by themselves, a people who were separated for the Lord.

As children of God, we too will be distinguished from those around us. This could be in our work place, our business, our school or college where everyone will recognize that we are the children of God.

Balaam also prophesied that no one could count the descendants of Jacob who were like specks of dust. If one can’t even count them, how could they then resist them? The king’s money, or authority could do nothing to stop the growth of God’s people.

The church is not just the whole congregation, but every individual who is part of it, and the promises that God has given to us cannot be numbered. Moreover, the Lord is faithful to fulfill all that He has promised to us. It is God’s word that keeps us, and sustains us so nothing that comes against the word of God will never destroy us, because we are covered and protected by the promises of God.

God’s promises never fail

The words ‘The descendants of Jacob are like specks of dust. Who can count them or number even one-fourth of the people of Israel?’ has a background. We will study this to see to whom these words were spoken.

We read in Genesis 13:16, “I will also give you as many descendants as the dust of the earth. If anyone could count the dust of the earth, then he could also count your descendants.” (GW)

This was the promise that God had given to Abraham many hundreds of years ago. When God gave this promise to Abraham, he did not even have a child of his own. God did not see the situation Abraham was in, but looked far ahead as to what his descendants would be like. It was this promise that Balaam quoted many hundreds of years later.

Remember that the God who called us is faithful, and He will fulfill the purpose for which He called us. No one can hinder God’s plans and promises made to us. We must be thankful to God for every one of His promises. and hold on to them knowing that no one or nothing can ever stop them from being fulfilled in our lives.

Desire to live righteously and die like the righteous

In Numbers 23:10, Balaam desires that he should die the death of a righteous, and that his end should be like theirs. If we observe the scene, Balaam is standing with Moab against the people of Israel. Balaam had joined hands with Moab who plotted to have the Israelites destroyed. This Balaam who was supposed to curse the Israelites blessed them instead. Though Balaam had been enticed with the offers from the king of Moab and stood with him, he was unable to pronounce a curse on the people of Israel. Moreover, though Balaam stood with the people of Moab, he desired that his death should be like that of a righteous person. We will see that Balaam’s life ended in a tragic way.

Whenever people rise against us, God will make sure that they make peace with you, and He will protect you. Balaam desired a death that like that of a righteous because a person’s end is as important as their beginning. We should live a life of a righteous man so that every word that is spoken about us at our death should be true and not made-up.

Who are we associated with?

It is important that we too be cautious as to who we are standing with. There are two groups of people in the world, one who are part of the church who walk in obedience to the word of God, and the other who oppose and live in rebellion to God and His word. This battle continues till the very end of time, but we must be careful to see that we are in the right place. As children of the promise, let’s make sure that our feet are standing in the place that God approves of. We must pray for God’s strength and protection every day so that we do not go to places, or associate with people whom God does not to not be in a place or be among those whom God does not acclaim affect.

Though God’s promise came to Abraham, Jacob, Isaac and their descendants, we know that all of them encountered various trials and difficulties. Abraham’s wife was carried away by a king, but Abraham did not fret because his faith rested on the promises of God. We see that God reacted to this, and dealt severely with the king who took Sarah to his palace because He is a God who is faithful to His promises.

Trust God’s promises and His faithfulness

After many long years of waiting God blessed Abraham with Isaac, but God also tested him by asking him to lay him down at the altar of sacrifice. Isaac faced many hardships, and the difficulties that Jacob faced were innumerable. In spite of it all the promises of God were fulfilled in and through them because the promises of God do not end with just one generation, but goes on from generation to generation.

The promises of God will never fail, and we have to simply hold on, and move forward just like Abraham did because the one who promised is faithful to fulfill it. The two things we must hold on to is one, the promises of God, and second the promise giver who is ever faithful.

For four hundred and thirty years, Pharaoh the king of Egypt enslaved and ill-treated the people of Israel, however God was with them and He protected them. When Pharaoh ordered the midwives to put to death all the male babies born to the Hebrew women, we see that those midwives disobeyed the king and spared the baby boys. We read in Exodus 1:20-21, So God dealt well with the midwives. And the people multiplied and grew very strong. And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families. (ESV) God blessed the midwives and gave them families because they were gracious to the Israelite women.

Everyone who is supportive and helpful to the church and the work of God, will surely be blessed by the Lord.

God is faithful even when we are not

Some of us may have a question in our hearts, ‘Yes, we have received the promises of God but what if we falter in many ways?’ When we walk in this world there are many ways we stumble, and have you noticed how when we kneel down to pray we are sometimes bowed down with the guilt of all the ways we have failed God, and we become feeble in our prayers, and consider ourselves unworthy to pray. This is Satan’s cunning ploy, so just hold on to God’s word as found in 2 Timothy 2:13, “If we are not faithful, he remains faithful, because he cannot be false to himself." (GW)

Even when we are unfaithful to God, He always remains faithful to us because He cannot deny Himself. Look at Abraham for example. At one point he lied that his wife was his sister just to save himself, and got himself into much trouble. We too stumble in many ways, but every time we do so, we must get back to God immediately. When we procrastinate, Satan will take it as an opportunity to trap us.

If we observe the life of Cain, we realize that he became a murderer only because he did not heed God’s caution, and failed to be reconciled with God. Cain procrastinated, held on to his anger though the Lord exhorted him to settle things before he stepped out of his house. We see that Cain did not heed God’s voice, and ended up killing his own brother.

God is building us up

Let’s remember that God is building His church, and He is in the process of building us up as individuals. It is His word and His promises that are building us up because He is our faithful promise keeping God. Even when we falter or fall, we can run back to God, ask for His forgiveness and be reconciled back to Him. God is gracious and abounding in His love and forgiveness. This does not mean that we deliberately keep on sinning, but when do falter in some ways we must be willing to get back to God and be rid of our sin. Remember God is faithful to His promises, and He will fulfill His promises for sure.

The Israelites are the children of the promise whom God chose. If we look at the world map, and the position of Israel, we will see that Israel is a small nation with all their surrounding nations at enmity with them. However, God has protected the nation of Israel, and the land which is a wilderness is flourishing and bounteous. Most of the great inventions today are from the people of Israel, and this is because God who promised is faithful to keep it.

May we decide to change our lives to be aligned to God, and His ways, and may our feet always be firmly established in the place that God approves of. When we do so, the promises of God will certainly be fulfilled in our lives. God’s people will grow from strength to strength, and no power of darkness can prevail against them, because God is building His church.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins