Alpha and Omega, Part 47, Revelation Part 24
Jesus Christ’s Glorious Return!
Revelation 19:11-21
Dismiss children for nursery (under 4) and children’s church (ages 4-7)
- Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation
-- REM: Redemption of sin is granted through Jesus; and yes, we have a choice
-- After today, there are only two more messages in this series!
- On Wednesday eve we unpacked a wonderful, Heavenly celebration
-- It is a future event affectionately called the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
-- Held for one reason: To praise, to worship, and to honor what Christ has done
-- It is why ALL of Heaven is called together … it’s not about the “buffet choices”
-- This is where we see all of Heaven gather to rejoice at His finished work!
- Consider: Weddings bring everyone together to celebrate the bride & groom
-- In this case, the Church (the redeemed) is the Bride – and Jesus is the Groom
-- IMP: It is Jesus’ invitation to be there, and it’s why we rejoice (about Him)
- Today, we will unpack probably the saddest event to be witnessed on Earth
-- It is an event of great impact and gloom, but also one of victory & righteousness
-- I want you to imagine the scene if you are able to …
- Satan’s armies have amassed in the valley of Megiddo to wage war
-- They have been convinced to come for one reason: they can defeat God
-- But - John gives us a picture (visually) of the return of Jesus … as Conqueror!
-- APP: These are the opening lines of the battle of Armageddon
-- SAD: What we are about to discuss is the end of human history on Earth
- Read Revelation 19:11-21 / Pray
Point 1 – Who is the Rider of the White Horse?
- This is Jesus Christ … the Holy and Anointed Son of God’s 2nd coming
-- Examine first, John gives us 6 titles and descriptions of Jesus as victor and Lord
1. He will be the Conquering Christ (v11)
- White horse is a symbol of this – reflects back to emperors riding into town
-- When they have defeated their foes – they’d take a victory lap on a white horse
• He’s “Faithful”: He can be trusted and relied on to judge every enemy
• He’s “True”: Means exactly that: Jesus will live up to His calling
-- The justice of God will be true & faithful of what each has earned – no more/less
- He will judge and make war b/c of His righteousness; His holiness is plumb line
-- Promise: Matthew 16:27, “For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their deeds.”
-- It is what we are all compared to; our sin in contrast to Him is all that counts
2. He will be the Consuming Prince (v12)
- His eyes are like fire – have a piercing and penetrating power; able to see all
-- Hebrews 4:13, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.”
-- He will wear many crowns (GR: diadema) – crown of royalty (given to Him)
- He will have a name written on His clothing – but only He knows that name
-- Philippians 2:9-11, “Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
-- The name is unknown to us (or John), but it signifies all that He is / has done
3. He will be the Slaughtering Word of God (v13)
- His robe is sprinkled in blood; this is the blood of those He has defeated!
-- He is the conquering hero who will defeat all (RE: redemption at Calvary)
-- The blood on His clothes is that of His enemies – battle is up close and personal
- How is this possible? He does this BY the Word of God (it is His authority)
-- Prophecy: Isaiah 63:3, “I have been treading the winepress alone; no one was there to help me. In my anger I have trampled my enemies as if they were grapes. In my fury I have trampled my foes. Their blood has stained my clothes.”
- In fact, (remember this from John) … His very name is the Word of God!
-- Fulfilment of truth: John 1:1, “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
-- He is the very epitome of all that God has spoken into existence! (EXP Gen 1)
4. He will be the heavenly, warring Leader (v14)
- The armies of Heaven will follow Him into battle, and to ultimate victory
-- They are dressed in fine linen – linen that is white and clean and pure
-- (from Wednesday) Revelation 19:8, “She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear. For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God’s holy people.”
- This is the picture of those who are in Heaven - riding into battle with Him!
-- Prophecy: Jude 1:14-15, “Enoch, who lived in the seventh generation after Adam, prophesied about these people. He said, “Listen! The Lord is coming with countless thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment on the people of the world. He will convict every person of all the ungodly things they have done and for all the insults that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
-- It consists of OT heroes of the faith to the most recently saved NT believer
5. He will be the fierce Vanquisher (v15)
- He comes with a weapon – a sword – it’s the Word of God (APP: He speaks it)
-- Ephesians 6:17, “Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
- He will defeat and rule the nations with a rod of iron (He makes them submit)
-- Prophecy: Isaiah 11:4, “He will give justice to the poor and make fair decisions for the exploited. The earth will shake at the force of his word, and one breath from his mouth will destroy the wicked.”
-- Don’t miss this: He will execute the fierceness and the righteousness of God
6. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (v16)
- He is called the sovereign King and supreme Lord over the whole universe
-- No one exists except by His creation or His salvation; He alone is absolute
-- APP: No one can be admitted as a citizen of Heaven without His approval
- When He comes as conqueror, no one who has denied Him will survive
-- All who have turned their backs and refused Him will be defeated forever
- TR: So, big question … by what event is this all centered around?
Point 2 – The Battle of Armageddon
- What we are about to unpack is where the madness of evil comes to an end
-- FACT: Jesus will return to this Earth and take apart the forces of evil
-- An angel declares to all of vultures in the sky, “It is dinner time!!” (v17-18)
- He calls them to feast on the bodies of the defeated enemies of God
-- APP: God will slay every single one human that has rebelled against Him
- KEY: This destruction is aimed solely at those are alive (this is the first death)
-- Those who have refused Jesus, taken the Antichrist’s mark, refused salvation
-- APP: Those who are slain are made a feast for the birds of the air! They are:
• The flesh of the generals (those in charge of leading the world’s armies)
• The flesh of kings and strong warriors (the powerful and controlling)
• The flesh of horses & the flesh of the riders of the horses
• The flesh of all men, both slaves and free, both small and great (everyone)
- As all armies gather to march against Israel – they are ALL destroyed
-- SAD? No one will survive - not one will be living who stood against Jesus
-- The APP is clear: When Jesus returns, His victory rate will be 100%
- Now, don’t miss exactly how John talks about this war
-- The importance cannot be overstated … want to read vv19-21 again
- Fighting in this war are several key figures:
• The antichrist is there
• The false prophet is there
• The kings or leaders of the Earth are there
• The armies of each nation (north, south, east, and west) are there:
- Kings of the East: nations east of Israel (Arabs, China, Japan, etc.)
- Kings of the West: nations west of Israel (The Americas - Canada, South, USA)
- Kings of the North: nations north of Israel (Russia, Germany, UK, etc.)
- Kings of the South: nations south of Israel (African countries, Egypt, etc.)
- This army is the result of the evil spirits that have gathered them to this place
-- Remember how? Revelation 16:13-16, “And I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs leap from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. They are demonic spirits who work miracles and go out to all the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great judgment day of God the Almighty. “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.” And the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name Armageddon.”
- The Valley of Megiddo is the location for this great (and final) war
-- It is a great valley that runs through Israel from the Med. Sea to the Jordan River
-- For ref: It is approximately 200 miles in distance and about 10 miles wide
- With everything staged for a global war … watch how fast it is over! (v21)
-- Jesus will stop and capture the antichrist in fail swoop of the Spirit’s word
-- This is the Spirit of truth, of holiness, of righteousness from God
- Reflect: John, a friend of Jesus, fell down at his feet as though he were dead
-- How do you think the very incarnation of wickedness will be able to stand?
-- The idea of His splendor and righteousness outshining everything is tremendous
- What Jesus does is simple: He speaks the Word to them, and they drop dead!
-- There is no escaping the righteousness of God, and no need for a nuclear war
-- This fight will be over before it begins … BAM: King Jesus will be victorious!
- FACT IS: There is not a single star in our universe as bright as Jesus Christ
-- His light – and the power of His voice – will not be defeated by Satan’s army
-- Remember: The earth shook when He died, what do we think this will be like?
- Now, don’t miss this and go away without the MAIN application here (read v20)
-- The lake of fire is called Gehenna: it is where all who refused Christ will go
-- And the antichrist and the false prophet are the first two residents of it
-- This is the final hell where the torment will last for an eternity (next week)
-- That means it is not populated yet, but those who go will go into it “alive”
- I want to leave you with this to see why this point matters (see it next week also):
-- Turn and read Matthew 25:31-46 - see the promise of Jesus vs. man’s rebellion
- When Jesus separates the believers from the non-believer (the fakes, the pretenders, those who openly deny Him, those who refuse His salvation …)
-- It will be the final measure of punishment – again, the lake is not populated now
-- But!! It is created, it is ready, and it is waiting for those who’ve refused Him
-- Satan army will lose b/c of rebellion, how can we think we don’t need a Savior?
- See this: God’s victory will be complete, and without mercy for the unrepentant
-- Our time is short b/c we do not know when He will return … are you ready?
-- Pray – offer salvation today: forgiveness now and grace for tomorrow