Summary: You never hear the story of Jesus birth start with "Once Upon a Time" because this was an actual historical event in history!

Christmas is Real – Jesus is Real – therefore you do not have to be alone! This is the School Christmas Program Message tonight!

You see the phrase "Once upon a time" is a stock phrase used to introduce a narrative, typically in fairy tales and folk tales. It has been used in some form since at least 1380 and it prefaces the story as not being true or historical.

Illustration: If you have ever seen the movie “The Titanic” the 1997 film starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio – we have a story which would start with “Once upon a Time” the movie is not about real people or real life events in connection with the true historical story of the Titanic – it is written for this Hollywood movie – but there is a story about the Titanic that does NOT start with “Once upon a time.”

Story of John Harper: This true story was about a person who was really on board the Titanic the night it hit the iceberg. His name was John Harper, and he was on the ship with his daughter Nana – He was a widow, and his daughter was 6 at this time. John was on his way to Chicago to speak at Moody Bible College. John was a Scottish pastor from a church in Glasgow. John recognized the reality of this moment as an eternal threshold, and he wanted to make sure everyone knew about a real-life person and his true story – The person he started talking to people about on the sinking ship was Jesus!

When the ship began to sink, Harper, traveling second class, handed his daughter to an officer on an upper deck, who put her into a lifeboat. He told her he would see her again one day in Heaven! He then began to help those on his deck. Others were doing this as well, but Harper’s assistance was unique because of his instructions, heard over and over during the chaos: “Women and children and the unsaved into the lifeboats first. Women and children and the unsaved into the lifeboats first.” John Harper recognized the moment as the threshold of eternity. He was ready to face God, but knew that many on board were not. As a minister, Harper’s lips had often declared God’s love for the lost. Now his life jacket declared it as an ultimate act. When he came upon a man without a life jacket (in the water), Harper took off his own and put it on the man. Later, floating in the emptiness of the dark chilling waters, a survivor came within sight of a man struggling to stay afloat. It was John Harper. Rather than asking for help, Harper called out to the man, “Are you saved?” “No,” came the answer. “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved,” Harper said. The man’s reply was one of silence as they drifted out of sight of one another. A little later, the man spied Harper again, and again Harper called out to him. “Are you saved now?” Again the answer, “No, I can’t honestly say that I am.” Again the refrain, weaker but still clear, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Then silence, as John Harper slipped below the surface and into the arms of God. Later, in a meeting in Ontario, Canada, the survivor stood up and told this story. He ended with these words: “Shortly after he went down, and there, alone in the night with two miles of water under me, I believed.”

Thesis: If you believe in the story of Jesus as a historical account you will discover for yourself the person of Jesus – John Harper had discovered Him – the one survivor discovered Jesus to be real – You too can discover that He is real – yes - that He is personal - He will meet you right where you are at – even in the middle of the Atlantic in frigid waters on a sinking ship. He will also meet you here on top of this hill at this school performance tonight.

The best part of discovering that Jesus story does not start with “Once Upon a time” is the discovery of this real person (God in the flesh) and the truth that – He wants to have a real relationship with you. How many here tonight have experienced Jesus as being real – raise your hand.

Point: You see Christmas is not about fairytales, or nice stories with morals but it is about Jesus! The truth is if you accept Jesus as your Lord - you will quickly discover that you never have to do life alone! Why? Because Jesus is personal and real!

If you read the 4 accounts of Jesus life called the “Gospel’s” you don’t hear the words “Once upon a Time” in their beginnings!

1. Matthew does not start with “Once upon a time, No – you don’t hear those words – Why? You may be thinking? Because when we speak of the story of Jesus even His miraculous birth it’s not a fairytale! It’s not a mythical story! It is an historical event in history!

Matthew chapter 1:1-17 Matthew starts the story of Jesus with the fact that Jesus came from a historical lineage of people who God predicted 1000,s of years earlier would be a part of the birth of the Messiah – The Savior of the world would come from these historical people – from the line of Abraham and Jacob. Matthew shares this genealogy to reveal Jesus was fulfilling prophecies connected with His coming as the long promised Messiah! He is the real deal – God in person– not a myth or fun fairytale. The story of Jesus is the greatest event to have ever happened to mankind.

The story of Jesus’ birth, life and death is not a myth, fairytale or a nice folk Christmas story but it’s a historical and real event that took place in history! It’s the event which sets Christmas and its celebrations in motion as we celebrate them today. Well, the reason we are here tonight watching this program is because this really happened.

Illustration: It’s the spirit of Jesus behind Christmas, that makes Christmas magical – like when in World War 1 in 1914 came a Christmas truce - when the war stopped on Christmas Day. It was called heart-warming, inspiring, and even miraculous. German and Allied troops spontaneously laid down weapons and met in no mans land for soccer, fellowship, and holiday joy. Both sides sang “Silent Night!” and even some exchanged gifts “It was a magical moment in World War 1”

Christmas – the birth of Jesus is a real-life historical story! It happened! It’s as true as I am tonight!

The long promise of the OT of a Messiah coming - came to life in the story of Christmas with Jesus birth – Jesus was born as a miracle child to do miracles and be the greatest gift ever given to mankind by God.

2. The Gospel of John opens up his story about Jesus - The wonder of Jesus coming that 1st Christmas is that Jesus was really God sent from Heaven to earth in the flesh – yes, Jesus according to the Gospel of John “The Word” – “The logos of God” came to earth in the form of a baby: This explains why Jesus has no earthly father.

The Word Became Flesh John 1:1-18

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. (The baby Jesus) 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (Yes, pointing to Jesus as a baby and to his life)…

10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. (Jesus was not recognized as The King of Kings by most) 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (Yes, we are talking about Jesus here)…

17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.

John wants to establish the fact that Jesus was no ordinary baby – no ordinary person – He was 100% God and 100% Man – He was God in the flesh – when you see Jesus you have seen the living Word of God in the flesh – mind blowing to think about this! Jesus was God’s Word in the flesh, and He was Love personified in the flesh. Is your head spinning yet?

3. Luke comes along in his introduction to Jesus’ story by stating he is writing a historical book about him – a book with true supportive historical characters who also lived at the time of Jesus – eyewitnesses of Jesus birth, life, and death– if you dismiss Jesus as a fairytale you have to get rid of all the real life people from history too – these people were not fairytale Kings, priests and Roman leaders but real historical people! Luke in his narrative is rooted in telling the historical account of Jesus, and he says in his opening verses the following:

a. Luke 1:1-4: 1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

So, we have Matthew starting with Jesus’ genealogy – John helping us understand were Jesus came from since he has no earthly father – Luke with the premise for giving a historical account of Jesus! These three writers were and are establishing the fact that this is not a “Once upon a time” story but a real story about a real life person named Jesus – they were witnesses to it all – the true reason we celebrate Christmas is Jesus – the person (God in the flesh) who gave the greatest gift of all time – himself – Why - so you and I could have a personal relationship with Jesus – the Holy Spirit and with God the Father.

4. Mark - That leaves one more author of the Gospels telling the story of Jesus – Mark – or the author known as John Mark writing from Peter’s perspective of the life of Jesus – John Mark and Peter jump right into the ministry of Jesus verifying that John the Baptist as prophesied 700 years early in Micah and Isaiah would introduce the world to Jesus “The Son of God” “The Lamb of God” – the perfect gift to set in motion the forgiveness of sin! The reason we exchange gifts today is because of Jesus’ gift of His life for us!

When you discover the real story of Jesus birth, life and death you quickly discover that Jesus is real today too – and He is personal! How do I know?

Personal Story of God letting me know He was with me: God gave me the scripture text Psalm 23 on the day I received my diagnosis of Cancer, this chapter highlighted to me that He would walk with me through the valley of the Shadow of death. That He would lead me by quiet waters that I did not need to fear! And then He sent me a Dove which landed in front of my window in the middle of a storm! Jesus made himself real to me that day as he had many other times in my life and I never felt alone in my unexpected 18 month Cancer journey!

So, I have sought to establish that Jesus is real – He is personal – He will not leave you alone He will be with you.

I could present more historical evidence of Jesus existence outside the Bible. How he has appeared to the Muslim community as “The Man in White” a phenomenon happening in the Muslim world more often than you can imagine. I could site history books who speak of him. I could use the references in the Bible noting the Bible is the oldest and most unique living book in the history of the world. It’s also the best-selling book every single year in the world and it speaks of life and not of death. I can site the billions of people who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and met him personally – How many here have met Jesus personally raise your hand up? Look around this is not a fairytale but a story of a real person Jesus who connects with people personally and intimately.

Time evades me tonight to go into more detail but here is the truth about Jesus – His story is not a fairytale or a nice story – It’s the historical account of Jesus leaving Heaven to come to earth to save us from our sins! It’s motivated by love – Quote John 3:16

Here is the point of our play tonight Jesus is real and therefore you don’t have to feel you are all alone in this journey of life or this time of year– He if asked by you will come into your life and reveal himself to you and live within you – He will fill you with His Holy Spirit to lead and direct you in your life – Jesus is a request away – a prayer away!

Paul wrote to the church at Rome, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9).

John Harper proclaimed these words to anyone who would listen as he treaded the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean that fateful night. These were not the words of a lunatic fearing death, but of a man who understood that eternity for him and others was just around the corner. He was ready, and he wanted others to be ready as well. John Harper knew that people don’t just drift to heaven. They need to be told about Jesus and then must receive Him into their lives. He shared with those fearful passengers that Jesus loved them and that He would save them from their sins and for eternity. He wanted them to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him into their lives. He wanted them to pray the most important pivotal prayer they could ever pray.

Hull, John; Elmore, Tim. Pivotal Praying: Connecting with God in Times of Great Need. Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

The question is do you believe it? If you do believe Jesus is real – then you will never have to be alone! Because you can personally encounter Jesus for yourself! But you must believe! The choice is yours!