Summary: This concludes our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation, and each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it. Although sometimes subtle, there is a very common theme to each letter: a church that allows the world to influence it is NOT being faithful to Jesus Christ.

Alpha and Omega, Part 27, Revelation Part 4

The 7 Churches of Revelation (Part 2)

Revelation 3:1-22


- Today we will conclude our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation

-- Last week: Each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it

-- Although sometimes subtle, there is a very common theme to each letter

-- A church that allows the world to influence it is NOT being faithful to Christ

- Read Revelation 3:1-22 / Pray

- Back of the notes is a small summary of each church letter for your information

- FACT: These letters could be representative of ALL churches then

-- Which could mean these could be representative of ALL the churches today!

-- How? The characteristics of the churches reveal same challenges we face today

- CHALL: What if each church took an honest inventory of their environment?

-- Could we not discover areas for improvement, commendation, or rebuke?

-- I would offer a thought that we could – and we should – look at our church

-- Why? Because God’s word is alive – and it ought to be our measuring stick

MAP OF 7 CHURCHES – Quick refresher of the locales of each (Turkey)

Point 1 – The Church of Sardis (v1-6)

- Sardis is the perfect example of a church that is dying – living on reputation

-- One that is resting on its past successes and not interested in growing

-- EX: Focus is always on what great things we did in the past

-- But there is nothing new to celebrate – no one knew has been brought to Jesus

- As Jesus reveals Himself to this church, we are reminded of His authority

-- He comes with the full Spirit of God; empowered with all supremacy (v1)

-- He also reminds the church that the ministers (7 stars) are in His hands

- IMP LESSON: A dying church needs to focus on two things:

• Jesus Christ and the mission of the Gospel

• It’s leadership doing what it is called to do (preach the truth)

Name means: After the capital of the Lydian Empire, very large city

Commendation: This church receives NO commendation from Jesus!

-- Consider this: there is nothing this church is doing that brings good news


• It is a dying, or lifeless, church (no spiritual fruit)

• The church had works, but they are without the guidance of the Spirit

• It is dying (or dead) spiritually – examples:

o Has a form of worship but denies the power of it

o Focuses on their activities instead of Jesus Christ

o Became formal in the worship instead of alive in Christ

o Services are held as social gatherings instead of true worship

o Used their “history” to celebrate themselves vs. growing

- Such a church can be convinced they are alive and well – but be dead

-- This church is exactly that – they look vibrant, but they are a rotting corpse


• Watch and strengthen your works until you have life

o If what we are doing is not bringing people to Jesus, it must go

o This is the calling of a church … not to be a social club!

o EX: Stop having church just to be seen and be in the building

o APP: Church is NOT an event; it is where we exalt Jesus and grow

• Strengthen what little remains – or, do what brings people to Jesus! (v2)

o Jesus tells them that even their past works are unfinished

o He tells them to give immediate attention to these things (v3)

? EX: Finish what you started, be faithful to the Gospel

? Stop relying on the past to be “good enough”


• Remember how you received the instruction before?

• Consider: When they first heard the gospel how did it impact them?

• Must repent! Desperately need to confess their sins and change

• They must know the judgment of Christ is upon them – and it will fall harshly if they do not change their ways (v3)

Promised Reward:

• Those who have not defiled themselves will be rewarded

• They will be clothed in white (given new clothes, and given a new life)

• Not be blotted out of the book of life (this is the Lamb’s book, forgiveness)

• They will be acknowledged by Christ in the presence of God

- Heard that before? Matthew 10:32-33, “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.”

Point 2 – The Church of Philadelphia (v7-13)

- Philadelphia is a representation of a church that alive and faithful to Jesus

-- It is a church that focuses on making sure Jesus is the center of all things

-- EX: “If a program does not bring people to Christ, why would we do it?”

Name means: Brotherly love or one who loves his brother

- This letter is dictated to the church by the One who is “holy and true” (v7)

-- Jesus is represented as the key of David; one who opens the door to all

-- He is also the one whose doors cannot be closed by mankind once they’re open

-- Quote from OT: Isaiah 22:22, “I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.”

- The key of David is a symbol of authority – it shows supreme, heavenly power

-- APP: The only way into the presence is through God’s door - Jesus


• Jesus is proud of this church that is alive and faithful to the Word

• This church’s focus was to open their doors through evangelism

• Being at the center of a sprawling/growing city their impact is huge

• However, they are a small church (not mega) with a great impact … how?

- They witness, they testify of Christ, they preach, and they welcome the lost

-- These are the keys to a church that Christ is proud of and He praises them


• There is great hope given to the church that is alive AND faithful

- Greek words given to show the exact wording used; so we’ll see the intent

-- FYI: OT written in Hebrew as primary language … NT written in Greek

- Jesus refers to the synagogue of Satan; this is a reference to unbelieving Jews

-- Greek: sunagógé; a bringing together, an assembling; a congregation

-- This is an illustration of people who gather for church, but are not being one

-- They say they follow the true God, but they reject God’s son, the Messiah

-- APP: To reject Jesus is to reject God Himself … if He says it, we have a choice

- Paul taught on the importance of the Jews needing to know the Christ

-- It was not about their religious acts, or even their obedience to actions of the past

-- Romans 4:11, “Circumcision was a sign that Abraham already had faith and that God had already accepted him and declared him to be righteous - even before he was circumcised. So Abraham is the spiritual father of those who have faith but have not been circumcised. They are counted as righteous because of their faith.”

- APP: A true Jew is one who is a Jew inwardly, but who acknowledges Christ

-- This is a very contentious point for many today – but the calling is the same

-- We are all called to know Him and follow Him … even God’s people

- The hope this church receives is two-fold:

• Believers will be vindicated before their persecutors (v10)

• Believers shall experience a great deliverance (v10)

- There will be persecution, judgments, and enemies that come against the church

-- However, remaining faithful to Christ means that He is with you during it

-- Hebrews 10:37, “For in just a little while, the Coming One will come and not delay.”

-- IMP: No believer needs to fear this testing; Jesus will deliver us from it!

-- But, to do that – our part is to cling to Him … this church did that very thing

Promised Reward:

• They shall be overcomers in the coming days of struggle

• They will be made a pillar of God (foundation of God’s temple in Heaven)

• They will receive security by receiving His name – a sign of being His

• They will also receive the name of the city of God, the new Jerusalem

• Lastly, they will receive the Lord’s new name (no one knows it yet)

-- Revelation 19:12, “His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself.”

Point 3 – The Church of Laodicea (v14-22)

- Bottom line: Of all the churches, this is the WORST of the seven

Name means: Named for a city on the Lycus river (in modern day Turkey)

Commendation: Jesus has nothing good to say about this church (pause)


• Complacency! They are lukewarm, half-hearted, indifferent, or neutral

• They have no concept of being committed or desiring to follow Christ:

o They aren’t committed to financially supporting the church

o They do not volunteer to grow and help serve in ministries

o They are not witnessing to others; not bringing people into the church

o They aren’t spending time in devotion to God (study and worship)

o They attend church as a convenience, or when they are “forced”

-- Luke 9:23, “Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.”

- May say: Yes, they do these ritual things so it’s at least an attempt … but …

• They do these things when it’s convenient or when they seek man’s praise

• They do these things to bring credit on themselves: “Aren’t they so …”

• They forgot the true calling of church which is BRING people to Jesus!

Warning: (v16-17)

• If you don’t stop I will spit you out my mouth! (ex: Yard work on a hot day)

• They felt like were rich and alive but - traded this for “religious recognition”

• They confused prosperity of “stuff” with the blessings from God

• How? Because there was no hunger for God … they worshiped themselves

- This is why Jesus gives the stern rebuke in v19 – He cares and so this the warning

-- Stop doing what you’re doing and repent, turn away, get on with worship of God

-- Why? Because the church, in its current state, was (note the words in Greek):

• Talaipóros; Wretched (nothing good about them; ref: spoiled milk)

• Eleeinos; Miserable (they are not appealing; nothing spiritually worthy)

• Ptóchos; Poor (they are without spiritual riches; have no blessings of God)

• Tuphlos; Blind (they have no concept of where they are going)

• Gumnos; Naked (they don’t even have sense to clothe themselves)

- APP: Truly, this is the worst state for any church to be found itself in

Counsel and Promised Reward:

• Invest in spiritual riches; things that are valued in kingdom of heaven (v18)

• Go be zealous and to repent of their misdeeds (APP: get back to worship)

• Hear Him, open the door of their hearts, and let Him in (v20)

o He is a knocking, pleading, and inviting Savior – ready to greet all

o This is why it shows Him as standing – as a sign of companionship

o Why? Because the overcomer will sit with Him and fellowship!

- So, why are these churches so important to you and me today, in 2023?

-- APP: They give a roadmap of the things God looks for in a successful church!

Point 4 – The Church of Seasons in Prattville, Alabama

- What can we learn from these letters? What is our application right now?

- Said another way for clarity: “What makes a Godly church, successful?”

1. Not tolerate worldly things (Ephesus)

2. Be rich in good works of God (Smyrna)

3. Do not deny Christ’s name or our faith (Pergamos)

4. Constantly display traits like love, faith, and patience (Thyatira)

5. Hold true to the Gospel, even in tough times (Sardis)

6. Kept Christ’s word and never deny Him (Philadelphia)


- These are the principles that we must hold too as well

-- They are the roadmap for leading people to Jesus through evangelism

-- They are the key to giving people what they need the most: Jesus

- BIG: People don’t need programs and stuff, they need a Savior, a Lord

-- And, if we are not doing these things … our ONLY action is to: REPENT!

- Pray