Summary: There are things we must let go of in order for God to work in and through us. Here are some great examples we can learn from, and instructions that we can follow.

It is recorded in Exodus 2:1-2, “During this time a man from the tribe of Levi married a woman of his own tribe, and she bore him a son. When she saw what a fine baby he was, she hid him for three months.” (GNB)

There are three things we note in the above mentioned verses; firstly there was a married couple from the tribe of Levi, (the husband’s name was Amram and his wife’s name Jochebed), they had a son (Moses), and they were challenged with a problem, which prompted them to hide their baby boy. When the mother realized that the baby boy was a fine child, she hid him for three months.

The reason she had to hide her new born son is mentioned in Exodus 1:22, Finally the king issued a command to all his people: "Take every newborn Hebrew boy and throw him into the Nile, but let all the girls live." (GNB)

Pharaoh, King of Egypt recognized that the people of Israel though in bondage and slavery to the Egyptians, were increasing rapidly in numbers. Pharaoh who was seated securely on his throne, had much pomp, power and a mighty army. But, somehow this situation of the speedy increase of the Israelites worried him a great deal. Pharaoh’s worry turned to panic, and made him lose his humaneness, when he decided to implement more brutal laws to repress the growth of the Israelites. He issued a cruel edict that every male child that was born to the Hebrew families should be thrown into the river Nile, while the girl babies alone should be spared, and allowed to live. It is indeed ironical that Pharaoh who was a mighty king with tremendous power, began to fear a group of people who were just his slaves. This was only because the Lord of hosts was with the people of Israel.

Pharaoh’s intent in killing the male children was so he could prevent the growth of the male population, who could become too strong for him to contend with. The female children he let live with the assumption that they could overpower, and subdue them. What Pharaoh did not realize was that the secret to their tremendous growth and blessing of the Hebrew people was the reality that they belonged to the living God, who had made a covenant with them and promised them this increase.

Worry is a reality for many of us in the various situations that confront us. When we are absorbed with worry, it inevitably leads to anxiety and panic, which often makes us do the unpredictable. Children of God may encounter predicaments of all sorts, but if the Lord is with us, He will give the increase, and bless us even in the midst of these difficult situations. The reason for this, is that the blessings of the Lord are not dependent on our circumstances, or on the people around us, but rests entirely on the Lord.

As the people of God increase there is rejoicing in the family of God, but contrarily there is worry, fear and anxiety in the enemy camp. If instead of feeling joyful when people worship God, are being blessed by Him, and are added in great numbers we feel threatened, we must be cautioned as this is the spirit that prevailed in Pharaoh, one of insecurity which if left unchecked will work out for our own detriment. We must instead rejoice when people repent, and are added into the kingdom of God, for the word of God declares that there is great rejoicing in heaven even over one sinner who repents, more so when there are a great many who turn to the Lord.

Pharaoh was anxious, but Jochebed trusted in the Lord

The one who should have been worried most should have been Moses’ mother Jochebed, who might have regretted that she had a boy child, and was now in dilemma as to what would become of her baby. Instead Jochebed decided to trust in the Lord, and place her child under His care.

We read in Exodus 2:3, But when she could not hide him any longer, she took a basket made of reeds and covered it with tar to make it watertight. She put the baby in it and then placed it in the tall grass at the edge of the river. (GNB)

For three months Jochebed managed to hide the baby, which we realize must have been an ordeal, considering the fact that being slaves their houses would have been small, and also that it is an unimaginable feat to keep a new born silent. However, she believed that this child was her God given gift, and so she treasured the baby, not letting Pharaoh’s command deter her in any way. While Pharaoh who did not know the Lord fretted and panicked, Moses’ mother had complete confidence in the Lord for she knew whom she believed, and had her entire faith fixed on God alone.

Jochebed took care of the baby as long as she could, and when it went beyond her to do so she left him in God’s hands. Pharaoh’s order was to throw the baby boys into the river. While everyone did so, Jochebed, made a basket, covered it with tar, making it watertight, put her baby boy inside, and then by faith placed it among the reeds, leaving him under the watchful eye of his older sister Miriam. She was still obeying the king’s command, but with a little twist, as she trusted in God who is King over all kings, who could take care of, and deliver her baby boy.

When faced with complex situations, we can decide to let the situation overwhelm us, and bog us down with worry or like Jochebed present our circumstances into the Lord’s hand. If we are often prone to worry, we must realize that we have not come to that point where our trust is in God alone. Irrespective of what trials confront us, we have a God who specializes in changing everything that is evil for our good. Like Jochebed, we too must do all that is in our hands to do.

There are other great examples too for us in the Bible. Joseph’s brothers did evil to him and sold him, but God turned it out for his good when he took him to Egypt and made him a ruler in Egypt, who would later save his entire family. The Israelites were taunted by Goliath for many days, but God brought David to stand up against the giant and he reversed the situation, made David triumph over the giant, and later made him king of Israel.

We read in Job 5:9, He does great things that we cannot understand and miracles that we cannot count. (GW)

Our God is a God who does amazing things that we cannot comprehend or understand. His ways are always far beyond human understanding.

God’s amazing way to save baby Moses

In Exodus 2:6, The princess opened it and saw a baby boy. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. "This is one of the Hebrew babies," she said. (GNB)

Pharaoh’s daughter the princess noticed the basket, she opened it, and there inside was a baby boy. At just the right time the baby cried, and the princess was filled with compassion, and felt sorry for the baby. God used the cry of a little baby to melt the heart of Pharaoh’s daughter. She knew that this baby was a Hebrew baby, and she also knew that her father had given orders that all the boy babies be thrown into the Nile. When the princess decided to take the baby to bring him up as her own, there was a sudden turn of events for now the child of a slave was elevated to the palace of a king.

The one who closely followed the baby was his sister Miriam. When the princess took the baby immediately Miriam spoke up to the princess, and offered the services of a mother who could take care of the child till he was weaned. When the princess agreed the baby boy was brought back to his own home to his own mother who had trusted God, and willingly released him.

Pharaoh did not realize that this baby Moses, was the one God had chosen to challenge him one day, and bring deliverance to the people of Israel. The cruel edict of Pharaoh was used by God, to take baby Moses to the very palace of Pharaoh, and be groomed as a leader who will deliver God’s people.

When we put our faith in God not only does He bless us, but our children’s children. If Moses’ mother held on to the child, she might have lost the baby, but when she put her faith in God and let go of the baby the Lord took over to do the unimaginable.

Parents must release their children

Many parents are so possessive of their children that they do not let go of them no matter how old they are. God wants us to release our children into His care, so He can take over. When we do so, he will do all the necessary pruning, and return our children back to us in all their beauty. There are some parents who even got their children married, but are still clinging onto their children emotionally. Once our children are married it is so vital that we should never interfere in their lives.

We read in Genesis 2:23-24, and the man exclaimed, "Here is someone like me! She is part of my body, my own flesh and bones. She came from me, a man. So I will name her Woman!" That's why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person. (GNB)

We read in Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus answered, "Haven't you read the scripture that says that in the beginning the Creator made people male and female? And God said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.' (GNB)

Genesis 2:23-24 were not the words of Adam, as Adam did not have father or mother, and had no such issues. These are God’s instruction to Adam and Eve, and every other couple as mentioned in Matthew 19:4-5. The Lord’s admonition is explicit that once married, a man will leave his father and mother to be united with his wife. Many married men, for every small decision in the family go seeking their parents’ advice, and so also parents interfere in the affairs of their married children, thereby creating much trouble in their children’s lives.

Children also have a responsibility toward their parents

We read in Mark 7:10-13, He went on, “Well, good for you. You get rid of God’s command so you won’t be inconvenienced in following the religious fashions! Moses said, ‘Respect your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone denouncing father or mother should be killed.’ But you weasel out of that by saying that it’s perfectly acceptable to say to father or mother, ‘Gift! What I owed you I’ve given as a gift to God,’ thus relieving yourselves of obligation to father or mother. (MSG)

Some have taken the commandment in Genesis 2:23-24 to the extreme, and feel no sense of obligation towards their parents, and also dishonor or disregard them. Wistfully there are some children who even chase their parents out of their homes. When God spoke to Moses He clearly instructed that children should honor their father and mother. There are certain duties and responsibilities that God expects us to carry out for our parents, and if instead we replace it with any other tradition or obligation, and these even if it is done as unto God, it will not be acceptable to God.

There is an important balance that needs to be maintained here. As long as the parents are alive it is the duty of children to honor and support their parents, but it is also mandatory that a married man should be united to his wife in every way, and they must both function as one, not letting either parents become a source of interference to the family.

Release and God will give it back

Naomi let go of her daughters-in-law

We read in Ruth 1:11, But Naomi was firm: "Go back, my dear daughters.” (MSG)

Naomi was a widow who lost her husband, and also her two sons. However, she had two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah. Naomi had a good heart, and did not intend to hold on to the two young ladies, but decided to let go of them as she planned to return to the land of Israel. She told her daughters-in-law to go back to their families, and find a new life for themselves. While Orpah left, Ruth considered Naomi like her own mother, and decided to go along with her, to worship the God Naomi worshipped, and live with the people who belonged to Naomi. It was only when Naomi released both of them that Ruth decided to stay on with her. Naomi had the blessed priviledge of become a grandmother because of Ruth which she might have otherwise never had.

The woman who let go of her baby

We read in 1 Kings 3:26 “...Give it to her!" and in 1 Kings 3:27, Then Solomon said, "Don't kill the child! Give it to the first woman---she is its real mother." (GNB)

Two women gave birth to two babies at the same time, and they lived in the same house. One of them in her sleep rolled over the new born, and the baby died. She then quickly took her baby, and placed it near the other woman whose baby was alive, and exchanged her dead baby for the one that was alive. Sure enough the next day there was a big dispute, and the two women took the living baby to King Solomon, and explained their predicament, seeking justice.

As the women argued in the presence of King Solomon, he being a man full of God’s wisdom called for a soldier to bring him a sword. He then commanded that the baby be cut in two so each of the women could have a part of the baby. On hearing this verdict, the woman who lost her baby, readily agreed while the real mother begged the king to have the baby be give wholly to the other woman. King Solomon immediately perceived that the second woman who was willing to let go was the real mother, and therefore handed over the baby to her. Here too it was only when the woman was willing to release her baby, did the Lord gave the baby back to her.

It is a sad situation that there are parents who for their own selfish reasons, are holding on to their children, so that they will be there to take care of them when they are old. There are also those who have messed up their children’s lives, by getting them married just for the sake of society, and then have separated them to keep them with themselves. It is important that as parents we should always desire the welfare of our children, and must sincerely pray for the same. Let us be willing to let go of our children, and hand them over to the watchful eyes of the Lord, for we can be certain that He will bring them back to us.

When Moses’ mother handed over her baby boy to the Lord, God took him from being a slave and raised him up to be a prince, who would grow in Pharaoh’s palace. Moses was renowned in all the ways of Egypt, and therefore he was the ideal man who could stand before Pharaoh to lead the Israelites out of bondage to the Promised Land. Let’s be assured that we have a God who is above every problem, every king, all authority, and there is nothing that is beyond His control. May the Lord grant us His grace to let go of all our worries and submit everything to His Lordship and control, so He can do the unfathomable in our lives.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins