In those cases, we feel that God is not going to hold them responsible. However, some passages even the new convert can understand and obey. We know God does hold us responsible, and we will give account for those things we do understand.
For example, the Bible clearly teaches that every disciple of Christ is to be a soul winner. That is neither COMPLICATED, nor CONTROVERSIAL.
Look at Matthew 28:19-20. We read, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Now, the word “go” is not a complicated word; although, I will admit that it seems to be complicated to some.
Illus: We all have, at some time in our lives, been in a car at a red-light. We have watched as the light turned green and known the frustration of wanting to go, but the person ahead of us does not move. We start saying, “Go,” but they just sit there.
Many Christians are like that. God has told Christians to “go” to witness, but many are just “sitting,” there. As we have mentioned, the “great commission” that God has given us is not complicated. A grammar school child can read and understand what it teaches. Since that is true, then why is it that our churches are filled with so many people, claiming to be saved, who have never led a person to the Lord in all their life?
(1) Many people PROFESS SALVATION, but DO NOT POSSESS SALVATION. The things that excite these people are the things of the world. If you want to get them excited, talk to them about hobbies, material things, movie stars, sports, etc. They “go” for these things. They make time for them and will drive hundreds of miles if they want to attend events connected with their interests. They “go” everywhere babbling about these things every day and never mention the name of Christ, yet, they claim to be Christians.
There is another group who do not win souls.
(2) Many ARE GENUINELY SAVED, but ARE SO SELFISH they care about little except THEMSELVES. We see examples of selfishness all around us.
Illus: We hear many complaints from parents. They talk about their children who never come to see them. Often these children live in the same city. Do you know why the children do not visit their parents? It is because we have raised a generation of SELFISH INDIVIDUALS. The only things they have time for are the things they want to do. They do not care if they break their parent’s hearts. THEY ARE SELFISH!
Our children are selfish. They learned they could be selfish and get away with it from the selfish society in which they live. In America, the devil has most of the general public duped into thinking it is right TO LIVE FOR THEMSELVES.
Illus: Most of you have heard of the Titanic. Some may have even seen the movie about the sinking of the Titanic. If you saw the movie, perhaps you saw the part of the story where the captain of the ship screamed for the crew to lower the lifeboats and load the women and children in first. One man immediately dressed up like a woman. As he was about to board the lifeboat he was spotted and pushed back. That man cared more for himself than he did the lives of the women and children.
We might look at a man like that and judge him to be despicable. Did you know that people go to church who are just like that man? Their lives reflect selfishness as they live every day for themselves.
Selfish people do not have time to be soul winners. They are too busy watching television, playing golf, hunting, fishing, going to the beaches, mountains, or camping. It is going to be an eye-opening experience for those who PROFESS TO BE SAVED but who are not saved, when they stand before the Lord.
The Lord Jesus has done everything He could do to win the lost. He has not withheld one thing. Then why is the gospel not being spread? It is not being spread because SELFISH people do not have time to obey God’s command to “go.”
Listen Christians, if you intend to live a selfish life, this message will be of no help at all to you. If you are not willing to straighten up, you will just have to wait until that day when you stand before the Lord to give account of your sin of selfishness to become willing. Then it will be too late! However, there are some here who are saying to themselves, “I WOULD LIKE TO WIN SOMEONE TO CHRIST, BUT I DO NOT KNOW HOW.” If you are one of those, then this sermon is for you.
Notice, this must have been the attitude of the Lord’s disciples. When Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men,” look what happened. “And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.” We need to look at two things in this verse before we get into the main part of it.
(1) Before those men became fishers of men, they had to leave something they loved. Those men were like many today who love to fish. Notice, the Word of God makes a point of pointing out that when they met the Lord, they left something they loved for something they loved more. The Bible says, “And straightway left their nets and followed him.”
If those men had been like some of the disciples we have in today’s churches they would have said, “Lord, we would love to, but at present we have something that is much too important to leave. We will follow You later.” Many have been telling Jesus that for decades and they have never yet made time for soul winning. Why? They have filled their lives with the things of the world.
However, notice something else in this verse.
(2) Before they BECAME fishers of men, He had to MAKE them to be fishers of men.
Notice, Jesus said, “I will MAKE you fishers of men...” That is; you have been catching fish all your life. You know all about that trade, but now I am going to show you how to become “FISHERS OF MEN.”
There are THREE things we need to consider about becoming “fishers of men.”
A fisherman would not think of going fishing unless he had a weapon. The weapon he uses is a “lure.” This is supposed to entice a fish to bite the hook. He can catch ALL KINDS, SIZES, COLORS, and SHAPES of fish, but not with the same kind of lure. He has a fishing tackle box filled with all kinds of hooks and lures.
The Lord teaches us that we must be prepared to use different “lures” and “hooks” to entice different people to come to Christ. Just as one “bait” is not appetizing to all fish, so all soul winning methods are not the same. Some people win very few, if any at all, to the Lord. They have only one “hook” and they have about worn it out as they have used it over and over again on everyone they came in contact with. At least they tried. The purpose of using any “lure” is to get a fish to bite.
Our methods of winning men to Christ may vary, but the Word of God never varies. While different people use different methods to win different people to Christ, we all must use THE SAME WORD OF GOD. The same scriptures that will save a rich man will save a poor man.
In Hebrews 4:12a, we read, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,...”
The Word of God does not place a band aid on sin. It goes in and cuts sin out of man’s life and heart.
We have too many who are placing spiritual “band aids” on sin. God wants every soul winner to carry the powerful Word of God with him because it is God’s Word that can cut sin out of a person’s life. That is why it is important to invite your lost loved ones to church. If you can get them under the preaching and teaching of God’s Word It will “lure” them to Christ and God’s Word will cut sin out of their lives.
Some churches are drawing crowds equal to the Ringling Brother’s Circus as they have in their services dog tricks in the pulpits, clowns, karate experts, etc., but friends, Christ knew this would not draw men to Him.
We have something far more precious than dog tricks and clowns. WE HAVE THE PRECIOUS WORD OF GOD THAT IS SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD.
It doesn’t matter how big and tough a sinner might be; the Word of God is sufficient to “hook” him and strip sin from his life. THE WORD OF GOD IS OUR WEAPON.
The next thing the Lord would teach us about being “fishers of men” is that...
Salesmen know the value of words. He knows when he knocks on a door, if he does not use the right words he will lose a sale.
If we are going to win men to Christ, we had better learn the value of how to use words. How we speak daily can drive men from Christ, or woo them to Him.
Illus: A man who was a “militant” fundamentalist went soul winning. He knocked on a door and a man was kind enough to invite him in. He went in and in a few minutes he began witnessing to the man. The man was polite and listened to his presentation of the gospel. The man then told the soul winner he was not ready to receive Christ into his life. That “militant” fundamentalist took that “no” personal. He began to argue with the man in that man’s home. In fact, that “militant” fundamentalist got so rude that the man asked him to leave his house.
Listen, you can go to that lost man’s house today to witness to him and he will not let you in his house. That “militant” fundamentalist did more harm that he will ever know. Every soul winner needs to learn how to use WORDS to lure men to Christ, not drive them from Christ.
People of the world understand the value of WORDS, but many Christians do not seem to have any understanding of how important they are as “weapons” to defeat the devil.
Words have molded and shaped this world.
Illus: For example, It is a historical fact that in 1960, that John Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon in their debate. The outcome of that presidential race probably was set by that solitary occasion of their display of their mastery of words. Many changes for GOOD and for BAD came from that debate...
Other countries have experienced upheavals and moves toward peace because of the use of words.
Illus: Jean Bordeaux, in his book, “How to Talk More Effectively,” speaks of two Russians who were seeking to lead their country. He speaks of...
-Alexander Kerensky, who was trying to lead the Russians into democracy, but he was such a weakling when it came to using words that he bored people rather than getting them enthused. He seemed artificial and insincere to the people who listened to him.
-Leon Trotsky, who returned from exile in the United States, was just the opposite. In one speech he spoke for over three hours and had the people thrilled to excitement.
Many historians believed Russia would never have turned to Communism had Kerensky trained himself to use words in such a way as to “lure” the people of Russia into democracy.
Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and many other leaders were able to shape the world for the WORST because they had the ability to use words to their advantage.
May God help us, as we seek His guidance, to shape the world for the BETTER by using WORDS wisely. The Lord wants to teach us, when we go soul winning, to consider OUR WEAPON -- THE WORD OF GOD and OUR WORDS.
Then, as we let Him teach us to be “fishers of men”...
We can witness with THE WORD and with OUR WORDS until we are blue in the face, but if OUR WORKS do not match up to the Word of God we are wasting our time.
Illus: Once St. Francis said to a monk, “Let us go downtown and preach.” They walked downtown through all the busy streets and not a word was said. They passed the busy suburbs and never said a word. They were soon back at the monastery. The monk said to St. Francis, “You have forgotten, Father, we went downtown to preach.” St. Francis said, “My son, we were preaching while we were walking. We have been seen by many. It is no use, my son, walking anywhere to preach unless you preach as you walk.”
Illus: Someone has said, “You can tell if a man really means what he says if you watch him long enough.”
Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Conclusion: The Lord was walking along the sea shore and He called those men to follow Him and told them He would make them to become fishers of men. They were willing to follow Him and obey Him. ARE YOU?
If we are going to become soul winners, God wants us to consider...