Summary: At all times, in all places we Christians need to conduct ourselves as Christians

That is, we should do everything that we can to please Him in all situations.

In this scripture passage we see a woman who did just that.

The Bible refers to her as “…there came a woman…”

Let me show you how she pleased the Lord so that we can see how we can please the Lord also.

Look at Mark 14:1-9. We read, “After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death. But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar of the people. And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head. And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her. And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me. For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her.”

In this passage of scripture we see three kinds of people.

(1) Those who hated the Lord.

(2) Fault finders of those doing good.

(3) A Woman that loved the Lord and did good.

We still have these three kinds of people. I hope you fall under the category of the latter.

These six words in the life of this woman that loved the Lord tell us how we can FULFILL GOD’S PLAN FOR OUR LIFE … “SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD”

Let’s look at this woman who pleased the Lord.

Notice, she had something she could do for the Lord and…


The difference between this woman and many christians today they also have many things they could do for the Lord but they refuse to DO IT!

But the Bible states this certain in the scriptures she had something she could do and SHE DID IT!

But for us who love the Lord there are so many things that need to be done for the Lord and we wish we could do them for Him!!!

Illus: For example, sometimes we hear:

? A great pianist play and we wish we could play like that for the Lord.

? Great singers sing and we wish we could sing like that for the Lord.

? Great teachers and preachers teach and preach and we wish we could teach and preach like that for the Lord.

But we all have to face reality. God has not gifted all of us with all of these talents we would like to use for the Lord.

We are told there are two kinds of skills:


There are some that have become GREAT at what they do because they have a NATURAL SKILL. They were born to do what they do.

Illus: Rush Limbaugh goes down in history as one of the great radio speakers. He would often say of himself…HE WAS DOING WHAT HE WAS BORN TO DO!!!

No doubt about it he had a natural skill for the job he had on radio.

Many of the successful people in life have become successful because they were born with a natural skill.

For example, some have a NATURAL SKILL when it comes to computers.

Illus: Dr. Odell Belger tells how he was having some problems with his computer and a preacher friend and a young Chinese student from USC were in his office.

The preacher friend who was very skillful with computers sat down at his desk and thought he could fix his computer problem for him. He tried several things and it did not correct the problem.

However, as this preacher friend tried to fix his computer the Chinese student standing behind him would not say anything but let out a few little grunts several times while the preacher friend was trying to correct the problem as if he was saying THAT WANT WORK!

So Dr. Belger asked the chines student, “That’s not right?” He still did not say anything but he set down before the computer and he began to type with such speed that words, paragraphs and codes were literally popping up on his computer monitor immediately. And when he got through it was fixed!!!

Listen, most people could spend their entire life practicing and still never type as fast as he typed and have the computer knowledge that he has. HE HAS A NATURALL SKILL FOR COMPUTERS.

Many who have accepted Christ as their Savior have been born with a NATURAL SKILL and they should be using it for the glory of God.

Then there are some who have what we call a-


That is, although they may not have been born with a natural skill they take what skills they have and develop them into useful skills.

Illus: For example, we watch a movie star like John Wayne in a cowboy movie he looks so natural playing the part he plays a rough tough cowboy. HE MAKES IS LOOK SO REAL!!!

But those who have worked with John Wayne said he was difficult to work with at times because he would want to shoot a scene over and over again.

One actor said this about him, “He would sometimes say something 8 or 9 different times in 8 or 9 different ways UNTIL he was satisfied it was right.”

Some have become good at what they do because they have worked hard at being their best.

They perhaps were not gifted from birth, but they have worked hard at developing a skill.

God has invested talent in each and every one of us.


• Years ago a newspaper fired Walt Disney because they said he had "no good ideas" (McGinnins, p. 34).

Listen to the rest of the story about Mr. Disney. "It is reported that Walt Disney was not only a remarkable man but also a remarkably happy man. Somewhere recently there was a story about his early years. When he started out in Kansas City, he couldn’t sell his cartoons. Some hinted that he had no talent. Disney had a dream, so he set out to conquer his foes. He found a minister who paid him a small amount to draw advertising pictures for his church. Disney had no place to stay, so the church let him sleep in the mouse-infested garage. One of those mice, which Disney nicknamed Mickey, became famous---as the world knows. How satisfying life must have been for Disney when he remembered the hard struggle from lean years spent in a church garage.” (Ernest A. Fitzgerald. Keeping Pace: Inspirations In The Air. Greensboro: Pace Communications Inc. 1988, p. 18).

• “Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college" (McGinnins, p. 34). It was later that he wrote the literature classic that we know as, "War And Peace.”

• "Werner von Braun failed ninth grade algebra." (McGinnins, p. 34). Later in life he became a rocket engineer.

All of these people succeeded because they were willing to take the risk and invest themselves and apply their God-given talents.

There are things that every person here can do.

• Perhaps I cannot do what you can do,

• You perhaps cannot do what I can do.

But nobody is going to be able to stand before the Lord and say THE REASON I DID NOT DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, YOU DID NOT GIVE ME ANY TALENTS TO WORK WITH!

There are things each of us can do.

Every one here has a gift and you need to find out what your gift is and use it and develop it for the Lord.

This woman found something she could do, AND SHE DID IT.

? A lady came to a preacher one day and she said, “Pastor, I want you to know I pray for you every day.” There are so many things this dear lady cannot do, but she can pray.

? Some out there are discouraged and a visit would lift them up. SOME OF YOU COULD DO THIS!

? Some are in despair and a little money would mean so much to them. SOME OF YOU COULD HELP THEM.

Notice in this passage of scripture today a woman had some precious ointment and poured it on our Savior. THIS IS SOMETHING SHE HAD AND SHE COULD DO AND THAT IS WHAT SHE DID!!!

The only thing God the Father expects you to do is take the things you have and use them for his glory.

You do not have to worry about standing before the Lord giving account of things you can not do, but each of us will give account to Him for the THINGS WE CAN DO!!!

Illus: Some ask me “Preacher, you think you will ever retire?” I tell them what I am telling you…I can not find retirement in the scriptures.

As long as God put breathe and strength in these bodies we should be doing what we can do for Him.

The thing that He has gifted you to do. If you can do it…YOU SHOULD BE DOING IT UNTIL YOU CAN NO LONGER DO IT!



She not only did it…she did it well!!!

So much of the Lord’s work is done haphazardly. But not this woman SHE DID IT WELL!!!

But notice this wonderful thing she did there were those who critized her.

Listen the devil will always have those around to critize us who are serving the Lord.

Illus: Years ago we were in a building program. In this building program we had some blocks delivered. But when they delivered the blocks they were placed to close to the road.

A man who was not saved in the neighborhood took a picture of the blocks location and carried it to the county zone board trying to get us in trouble.

As pastor I had to go before the zone board and tell them the blocks were placed there temporary by mistake.

But I will never forget one of the members on the zone board (Rhett Jacobs) who has gone to be with the Lord spoke up strongly and said, “Leave the preacher alone, all he trying to do is work for the Lord. If he was building a night club nothing would be said about it!”

Some complain this valuable ointment they said could have been sold and given to the poor.

The Lord came to her defense and said, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!

The poor you will always have with you


It never fails…show me a person that is complaining and I will show you a person that is not doing anything. The reason they have time to complain is because they are not doing anything!!!

Illus: They remind me of some of the spectators in the stands at a football game. While the players are killing themselves on the field, they sit there on their seats doing nothing but finding fault with those who are doing their best.

This woman was of the persuasion that she should give HER VERY BEST when doing something FOR THE LORD!

Illus: She broke a box of expensive ointment and poured it on Jesus’ head. This ointment was valued at a little more than 300 pence.

A pence was the daily wage of the average worker. Therefore, in modern times, it would probably be worth about $15,000.00.

This spikenard was produced from a rare plant that grew in India. It was very expensive and many people saved for years to be able to provide this for their own funeral preparations. However, this woman, whom we believe to be Mary, poured it out on the head of the Lord Jesus.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone loved the Lord as she did?

Illus: A Christian businessman was traveling in Korea. In a field by the side of the road was a young man pulling a plow while an old man held the handles.

The businessman was amused and took a snapshot of the scene. "'I suppose these people are very poor,” he said to the missionary who was interpreter and guide to the party.

“Yes,” was the quiet reply, “those two men happen to be Christians. When their church was being built, they were eager to give something toward it, but they had no money. So they decided to sell their one and only ox and give the proceeds to the church. This spring they are pulling the plow themselves.”

? "The businessman was silent for some moments. Then he said, “That must have been a real sacrifice.”

? “They did not call it that,” said the missionary.

? “They thought themselves fortunate that they had an ox to sell!”

When that businessman reached home, he took the picture to his pastor and told him all about it.

Then he added, “I want to double my giving to the church and do some plow work. Up until now I have never given God anything that involved a real sacrifice."

Wouldn’t it be great if people in our churches loved the Lord that much… so much that THEY WANT TO GIVE THEIR VERY BEST!

But sadly this is not the case. Our churches have too many people:

• Who do not mind giving God a little of their time if it does not require them giving up something they want to do.

• Who do not mind using their talents for God if it is convenient.

• Who do not mind giving God a few dollars after they have bought everything they want to buy for themselves. To them God is a “LEFT OVER” God.

This woman gave the Lord her BEST, not her WORST!


• If you are going to teach, then become the best teacher you can become.

• If you are going to join a church, then become the best church member you can become.

• If you are going to sing in the choir be faithful to attend the practice to become the best choir member in the choir.

• If you are going to dress to attend church wear your best.

This little lady:

? She did it!

? She did it well!

But notice something else about this little saint of God…


Did you know if she had put it off a few weeks it would have been too late for her to do anything because that would have been after they crucified the Son of God.

When opportunities come, we must act immediately!

• If you children are going to do something for your parents, YOU HAD BETTER DO IT NOW because that opportunity may not be available tomorrow.

• You who are healthy need to recognize there are things you need to do NOW, because tomorrow you may not have that health and strength to do them.

• You that are young and feel that you have some time you could use for the Lord need to use it NOW because it will not be long before you are sitting in a church pew wondering what happened to all those years you had. This is why God’s Word tell us to REMEMBER NOW THY CREATOR IN THE DAYS OF THY YOUTH.

• If you need to tell someone that you love that one, do it NOW, because tomorrow you might be standing beside a casket wishing you had expressed that love.

This woman recognized this was her OPPORTUNITY to do something for the Lord, and she seized the moment.

Some things need to be done but they need to be done NOW!

Illus: A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagonload of corn in the road. The farmer who lived nearby came to investigate.

? "Hey, Willis," he called out, "Forget your troubles for a spell and come on in and have dinner with us. Then I'll help you get the wagon up."

? "That's mighty nice of you," Willis answered, "But I don't think Pa would like me to do that."

? "Aw, come on, son!" the farmer insisted.

? "Well, okay," the boy finally agreed. "But Pa won't like it."

? After a hearty dinner, Willis thanked his host. "I feel a lot better now, but I just know Pa is going to be real upset."

? "Don't be foolish!" exclaimed the neighbor. "By the way, where is he?"

? "Under the wagon."

A lot of folks mean well, but they are procrastinators.

IIlus: A preacher said one time, “I have always wanted to preach a sermon on procrastination, but I keep putting it off.”

The sin of procrastination is such a horrible sin. This sin allows a person to think well of themselves when they should be ashamed of themselves.

That is, they feel good about themselves because:

? One day they are going to get active in the church…BUT NOT NOW!

? One day they are going to start tithing and give God that portion that belongs to Him…BUT NOT NOW!

? One day they are going to stop their sinful living…BUT NOT NOW!

? One day they are going to start witnessing to the lost…BUT NOT NOW!

? One day they are going to start bringing folks to church…BUT NOT NOW!

? One day they are going to put God first in their life…BUT NOT NOW!

They are going to stand before God one day having wasted every opportunity they had to do something for the Lord.

Illus: Arthur Godfrey on television used to say, "Even if you're on the right track -- you'll get run over if you just sit there."

PROCRASTINATION is a dangerous thing!!!

Illus: Arnold was cleaning out the attic with his wife when he came across a claim ticket from the local shoe repair shop. The date stamped on the ticket showed it was over eleven years old.

He asked his wife,

• "Do you think the shoes will still be in the shop?"

• "Not likely," his wife said. “But it's worth a try."

Arnold drove to the shoe repair shop and, with a straight face, handed the ticket to the man behind the counter. The man looked at the ticket and said, “Just a minute. I'll have to go look for these." He disappeared to the back of the shop. Two minutes later, the man called out, "Here they are!"

"No kidding?" Arnold called back. "That's terrific! Who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time."

The man came back to the counter and said, “They'll be ready on Thursday." (Kent Crockett’s Sermon Illustrations)

Illus: I like the story in Mark 1 where the Lord told Andrew and his brother, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed Him."

The text is clear. You can't interpret it any other way: Immediately they left what they were doing and followed Him.

I can't believe the things that Simon and Andrew didn't do when they walked away from their livelihood. It's amazing!

? They didn't turn in their two-week notice.

? They didn't shut off the gas and water at the house.

? They didn't cancel their subscriptions to newspapers and magazines.

? They didn't take out an ad in the Capernaum Daily News to sell their boats or their houses.

? They didn't go to the Post Office and fill out a card to have their mail forwarded.

? They didn’t ask Him about the retirement plan.

? They didn’t ask Him about the medical plan.

? They did not even ask Him where were they going.

Immediately they followed Him.

In James 4:17, we read, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

If there is some kind deed that you know you should be doing and you are not doing it…THE BIBLE SAYS YOU ARE LIVING A LIFE OF SIN!

How on God’s green earth can you expect for God to bless you while you are living in sin each day.

Do not worry about what others are doing, just concern yourself with what you can do and do it well for the Lord.


Quit looking for an excuse not to serve

God doing your best…DO YOUR BEST!

Illus: I like that theme of Hallmark cards use to promote there cards, there slogan is, WHO CARE ENOUGH TO GIVE THE VERY BEST!!!

Illus:There is a story from the Middle East of four brothers who decided to have a feast. As wine was rather expensive, they concluded that each should bring an equal quantity and add it to the common supply. However, one of the brothers, thinking to escape the expense of such a contribution, decided to bring water instead of wine. "It won't be noticed," he reasoned.

But at the feast when the wine was poured out it wasn't wine at all. It was only water. Each of the four brothers had thought alike, "Let the others do it. Water is less expensive."

She hath done what she could! She was not waiting for someone else to do it…