Summary: It’s critical that we see ourselves and the calling of the disciples was NO different than ours. If we will not share what we know, are we any different than the religious pharisees?

Introduction / Recap

- The study of Luke is an interesting one for several reasons

-- We can clearly see Luke’s genuine interest in people (career as a physician)

-- We also get to experience how Jesus interacts with society; critical lesson for us

- Last week, we unpacked the temptations of Jesus

-- From that lesson, we discovered several ways to overcome temptation

-- One of the most critical: James 4:7-8, “… submit to God and resist the devil”

-- KEY: Jesus has experienced everything we do, which is why He comforts

- At the beginning of the series I mentioned that we would move around a bit

-- It is still expository preaching, but not necessarily every verse/story

-- Many of the stories known & sometimes we focus on spectacular & miss others

-- Want us to see how this Gospel how it applies to us now – more than surface

- TR: Today, I’d like to focus on the early disciples: their calling and mission

-- Big Idea: It’s critical that we see ourselves here: their calling was NO different

-- If we will not share, are we any different than the religious pharisees?

- Read Luke 5:1-11 and 27-32; Luke 9:1-6 / Pray

Point 1 – How does Jesus call a disciple? (5:1-11)

- What Jesus sees is a vision of people who need to hear God’s encouragement

-- When the bible says great crowds, want you to understand the picture here

-- There is a massive group of people pressing in to see Jesus; “thousands”

- Why? There was a curiosity for what He provided; but again, WHY?

-- B/C within us is a spiritual calling to be drawn to God – people show this

-- Their hearts are drawn not to a show/event, but to who Jesus really is

- TRUTH: We must realize that what we need cannot be obtained from Amazon

-- Being receptive to God matters – we must hear it! They do and are drawn…

-- Jesus taught/promised this very same principle in the Sermon on the Mount:

-- Luke 6:21, “God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied.

God blesses you who weep now, for in due time you will laugh.” calling ? receive

- So, what does the call of God look like? See three things from this event:

First call of Jesus – submit:

- Simon, a tired (working all night) fisherman, is asked to help

-- Jesus seizes on the opportunity to share a message with this crowd

-- But He needs a better acoustic setup – a better avenue to be heard

-- Simon provides a way, but to do this he must submit! Must take the boat out!

- Following the teaching (not mentioned what the subject was)

-- Jesus challenges his reluctance for obedience (this goes right to the heart)

Second call of Jesus – obey:

- “Let’s go out deeper and let down your nets” ? “We already did that all night”

-- Don’t miss this: Right off, Simon questions Jesus’ ways (repeated often)

-- APP: Ever notice how quick we are to confront change and argue against it …

-- Deeper: It’s like changing a long-standing tradition … we dislike it!

- FACT: Simon is no different than us – God asks, and we challenge

-- CH: Do we obey when God speaks to us to receive and move? (pause)

-- It’s an opp. for us to examine our hearts: “Am I receptive to God’s call?”

- Simon eventually obeys, but note, not without his own doubt

-- As if to say, “OK, I’ll do what you want, but I doubt anything will …” (v5)

-- Even though Simon is face to face with God in flesh, he still doubts

-- I believe Simon knows that Jesus is the Messiah, but doubt is powerful hurdle

-- APP: How can we not see ourselves in this? Obedience takes everything …

Third call of Jesus – to remove any barriers:

- Result of this calling is simple: Jesus demonstrates power that only He can

-- Consider this: Doesn’t he draw the fish to move to the nets … how about us?

-- Are we not to be fisherman? Shouldn’t we be willing to cast our nets?

-- The parallel here is uncanny … we must see where we fit into this story

-- APP: When we are called by God, we have to serve/share immediately

-- Romans 12:11, “Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.” ? with joy, with pride, willingly giving of our time/resources

- And from this, look at what Simon does (read v7)

-- He calls others to help: demonstrating that he cannot do this on his own

-- And in doing so, he brings others to the same place that he is – before Jesus

-- Consider: He’s fished his whole life, and here, learns about true fishing

- Jesus stirs something in him that only God can: a deep confession (read v8)

-- Result: Jesus challenges men to discipleship – to go and catch other men

-- This event also draws James and John (sons of Zebedee) as early disciples

-- Why? Because they too saw what Jesus had done, and were moved to respond

- CH: Think for a moment: If others saw your faith, would they follow?

-- Have you not seen what God can do? Seen lives changed? Witnessed God?

-- Discipleship Challenge: If we have, how can we not share and bring others?

- TR: There is limit to who God can use; and we see that in the next point

Point 2 – Jesus even calls the undesirable! (5:27-32)

- FACT: Jesus has no restrictions on who is called (not specialized by skills)

-- He Jesus calls the outcasts, the forgotten, the burdened, the unwanted

-- The calling of Levi is a perfect example of this – tax collectors were hated

-- Yet, Jesus reaches for a rejected man to fellowship with (v27)

- The calling is simple: “Follow me” GR: Akoloúthisé

-- RE: Levi is an employee of Rome, cheating his own people out of money

-- Get up, right now, and follow because what you’re doing isn’t working

-- No note given to his supervisor, no word to his family, no excuses given

-- APP: Imagine for a moment if we would all respond like this?

- Now … don’t miss the result of this calling:

-- Levi (aka Matthew) invites his friends to a banquet with Jesus (v29)

-- Even the Pharisees show up to see what the fuss is all about

-- RE: Pharisees = party poopers, legalistic bondage to their own preferences

-- They even question those who Jesus would associate with … SINNERS!


-- Religion says: That person isn’t like us, why are the even here?

-- Relationship says: I was just as broken I need to introduce them to Jesus!

- Must see this: Jesus’ clarity in his response shows us how to deal with noise:

1. He illustrates His primary mission

2. Calls sinners to repentance

3. Shows He’s here to bring joy and forgiveness for their (our) sins

-- Most remember John 3:16, but what about John 3:17, “God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”

- Jesus tells them the broken are who need saving; unlike devil who’s the opposite

-- RE: We saw devil’s purpose last week: to distract, twist, and mis-represent God

-- John 10:10, Jesus taught, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”

-- APP: When Jesus called, even a sinner like Levi responded to change his life

- TR: So, obvious question … If I’m called, then what’s next?

Point 3 – We must have a mission to accomplish (9:1-6)

- Need us to see that the mission of the disciples is simple:

1. Come together for ministry (ministry is the sharing of Gospel) – WHY?

2. Because they rcv’d power & authority to preach and minister to all

- This is the end of the Galilean ministry – Jesus is setting eyes on Jerusalem

-- Many heard the Gospel, many accepted, but sadly still many turned away

-- But the mission given to the disciples was unlike any other seen prior

-- The orders they are given is the same that we have: just go, rem. who we serve!

-- Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

- Big question: How did the early disciples do this? (v3-5) Jesus taught:

1) Don’t seek after personal success and materials – it’s not about you

2) Learn to depend on God for what you need – be a witness to His provision

3) Minister house to house – be kind and gracious to those who welcome you

4) For those who won’t listen, dust yourselves off & move on – not about you

- See this: Salvation and repentance is not your job … we don’t own the results!

-- We are merely ones who call, lovingly, and continue forward because of Jesus

- There was no hesitancy, no conditions, and NO promise of success either

-- What they desired was to obey because they saw the result of God’s faithfulness

- TR: FACT: In 2022, the Gospel mission is no different!

-- Remember the big idea I gave you right at the beginning today?

Big Idea

- It is critical that we see ourselves in this: their calling was NO different

-- If we will not share, are we any different than religious pharisees?

-- Questioning, negative, slanderous, rebellious, disobedient – & not God-centered

-- Today, we are called, we are charged, to simply follow and share

- So, once we are called – how are we strengthened to continue forward?

- Disciples were called and bound together by a common mission: go and tell

-- And when they preached, people were brought to Jesus for salvation

-- Why? To receive forgiveness and eternal life (promise of eternity)

- Joining together is the first thing we must do to having a common mission

-- Starting point: A simple church, simply about Jesus! Liam, PHOTO?

-- If you are looking for a church home, we’d love to have you right here

-- This is NOT about religion – it’s about being strengthened together FOR Christ

-- Why? To share the gospel with our family, friends, coworkers, community

- But I also see another opportunity here for us to engage in … (real application)

-- Nothing happens without prayer, nothing successful for God, anyway

-- I believe that our church needs to be devoted to prayer (inside AND outside)

-- We have a great prayer team “outside” (and always willing to have more)

-- Like to start an internal prayer ministry; looking for volunteers to join

- So, what does it involve?

• Praying specifically for the church to draw/invite people to Jesus

• Need folks to pray before the service; possibly praying during the service

• Means coming early, hearing from God, covering service in prayer

• Ultimately, being willing to sacrifice your time to see God move

- These two challenges are before us, to see ourselves in the disciples calling

-- They were called to unify – and I feel that God is calling us to do the same

-- Question is: Are we going to get in the game and call others to Jesus? Pray