Summary: God is the author of all miracles and nothing is impossible with Him especially when we say "Whatever God!"

Grateful for a Miracle:

Testimony 1: Jeromie – Healing from Covid

Testimony 2: Tom – God’s provision financially for a business

Scripture: Isa. 30:18: (NIV) 18Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

Thesis: God is the author of all miracles and nothing is impossible with Him especially when we say, “Whatever God!”

Psalm 98: (CEV) Psalm 98

The Lord Works Miracles

1 Sing a new song to the Lord! He has worked miracles, and with his own powerful arm, he has won the victory.

2 The Lord has shown the nations that he has the power to save and to bring justice.

3 God has been faithful in his love for Israel, and his saving power is seen everywhere on earth.

4 Tell everyone on this earth to sing happy songs in praise of the Lord.

5 Make music for him on harps. Play beautiful melodies!

6 Sound the trumpets and horns and celebrate with joyful songs for our Lord and King!

7 Command the ocean to roar with all of its creatures, and the earth to shout with all of its people.

8 Order the rivers to clap their hands, and all of the hills to sing together.

9 Let them worship the Lord! He is coming to judge everyone on the earth, and he will be honest and fair.

1. Some of us need to learn the “whatever” principle found in Scripture: My wife loves this word “Whatever!”

a. The word can be used disrespectfully, or it could be used with reverence to the Lord – How you ask? – It can be a verbal commitment to go all in with God!

i. Why go All In, because of the Lord’s faithfulness, because of his intervention into our lives, because he delivers us.

ii. We need to re-focus on His ability to do the impossible. Yes with this kind of “Whatever”, God has your permission to do “whatever” He desires to do with your life because you are “ All In” with Him and you trust Him.

b. Mark Batterson states, “There are two whatever verses in Scripture. Both start with the same all-inclusive phrase: “whatever.”

i. The 1st Scripture Text: Colossians 3:23-24 - New International Version:

1. 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

a. Is this your attitude each day – when you go to school – to work – as you run your business. IS God the “whatever” of your daily life – do you get up in the morning and say, “Whatever you want today – please use me!”

i. Story at Jewel with Athalia.

2. Let me say the verse again from another translation: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

a. DO you want hope for a miracle like Tom - Jeromie? Then understand whatever you do each day can lead to miracle – do you commit to do it for Jesus – whatever your job is – even how you run your business do you say “Whatever Lord you direct it and use it!” – Do you say Lord do “Whatever you want to do on my job today do it and use me for your Kingdom!” Lord “Whatever happens to our government – use me to bring hope and healing!”

b. Lord I am All in with so go do the “Whatever!”

i. Mark notes, “The phrase with all your heart means “with extra energy.” It means giving it everything you’ve got — 100 percent. It literally means doing something like your life depended on it. The issue is not what you are doing. The real issue is why you do it, how you do it, and who you do it for.

1. Who do you work for? Why do you go to work? How is your work ethic?

2. Do you do it for Jesus – for self – for a paycheck – for self-glorification?

ii. He adds another thought about “Whatever”, in his subsection under “Mundane Miracles” – “Now here’s the other whatever verse (2nd verse). “So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

1. I Corinthians 10:31: New International Version

a. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

b. Lets hear it, from the CEV of the Bible without the “Whatever”: “31 When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God.” I like the “whatever” word it makes an impact – a larger reminder of giving God permission to do “Whatever!”

i. Can you say it with me, “Whatever God!”

1. Whatever you want in my marriage!

2. Whatever you want at work!

3. Whatever you want to do with this country!

4. Whatever you desire in my life!

c. Seems crazy that Paul says we should eat – even drink for the glory of God – in other word’s Paul says everything you do should glorify God! Even what you eat and drink!

i. We should be grateful – and we should praise God for our meals and our drink and not take it for granted! We should honor God in what we eat or drink and keep other believers in mind as not to be a stumbling block to them! The truth is God is the provider of everything and we should be grateful for what we have because in a blink of God’s eye it could all be gone – just ask Job.

2. Mark makes this observation, “How do you eat and drink for the glory of God? Paul is using the daily rituals of eating and drinking to make an all-encompassing point: even the most mundane of activities is absolutely miraculous.”

a. Do you believe this – no - really do you?

i. Having three meals a day is miraculous in our world – many say that as high as 80% don’t get this luxury everyday.

ii. I know we think – really! This is why you should go on a missions trip and say “Whatever God – open my eyes to see what you see!”

b. Mark adds this thought about Mundane Miracles, “You take approximately 23,000 breaths every day, but when was the last time you thanked God for one of them? The process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide is a complicated respiratory task that requires physiological precision. We tend to thank God for the things that take our breath away. And that’s fine. But maybe we should thank Him for every other breath too!”

i. When I had Covid I thanked God for every breath I could take which for many years I took for granted – maybe even felt I was owed this ability to breath. Been there? Jeromie shared about this miracle in his testimony.

ii. How is your appreciation for God coming – are you more grateful for each breath you take – for health – for daily provision?

iii. Have you gone ALL IN and said “Whatever to the Lord yet?”

c. Maybe we need to also adopt the “Whatever” Principle with God in our giving? Like Tom did for his business and which I also have done!

i. Mark notes: “When you go all in with God, you never know how or when or where He might show up. But you can live in holy anticipation, knowing that God can invade the reality of your life at any given moment and change everything for eternity. And when He does, you need to mark the moment, mark the spot.” Batterson, Mark. All In (p. 130). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

1. Mark the spot – when was the last time you marked the spot and said, ”God did a miracle here?”

a. The Jewish people were good at leaving markers to thank God for a miracle!

b. I think we should too!

2. I have said this before - but I will say it again, “You cannot out give God!” but people don’t believe this! Why do I say this because I see how much people give to God – usually Jesus gets the left-overs – the scraps from our selfish lives but Scripture says:

a. Malachi 3: 6-15: “Robbing God” 6“I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD Almighty. “But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’ 8“Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How do we rob you?’ “In tithes and offerings. 9You are under a curse—the whole nation of you—because you are robbing me. 10Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 11I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit,” says the LORD Almighty.

12“Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the LORD Almighty. 13“You have said harsh things against me,” says the LORD. “Yet you ask, ‘What have we said against you?’ 14“You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty? 15But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape.’”

i. Can you say do “whatever with my money Lord I will follow your direction in my giving!”

ii. BY the way these are God’s words not mine by the way – you may be thinking Pastor you just want my money! The truth be told – “I don’t want your money” But God does – why so He can bless you!

1. I get paid the same whether you give or not! If I did not get paid I would get another job and do the same thing – why because I told the Lord you can do “Whatever you want with my life!”

2. BY the way - I don’t own this building the members of CHC do.

3. But I do wish I could give the teachers a raise in the school because what they get paid is pathetic! But the giving is not there!

4. I wish we could do more outreach but the money is not there – I wish we could support more missionaries but the money is not there – I wish I could send Tony Simon $10,000 for his new building in Mexico – I wish I could send $10,000 to Jon Erickson to build two more clinics to help people in Guinea West Africa!

iii. Mark gives us a reality check when he notes: “Who you are is absolutely irrelevant. God doesn’t use us because of us. He uses us in spite of us. It’s not like heaven is going to go bankrupt if you don’t tithe. The Creator doesn’t need you to network for Him. And even if you take your talents elsewhere, it’s not like the kingdom of God is going to go under. But for reasons that will only be revealed on the far side of the space-time continuum, God has chosen to accomplish His purposes through ordinary people. He loves being in co-mission with His children. So, He invites us into His plans and purposes. But we’ve got to throw down our staff (go All In) to get in the game.” Batterson, Mark. All In (pp. 131-132). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

1. When we do we will experience a “Whatever Miracle!”

2. So, as we celebrate God’s faithfulness today- are you grateful – but also is he challenging you to give to His Kingdom – to the school – the church – to a mission or missionary? To a charity? Then do it and get a Whatever Blessing!

3. The truth is the only person holding you back from a blessing and miracle is yourself.

d. Application: Yes, we need to let it go and let God use it for His glory and for a blessing to you!

i. Mark states, “What are you holding on to? Or maybe I should ask, What are you not willing to let go of? If you aren’t willing to let go, then you don’t control whatever it is that you are holding on to. It controls you.” Batterson, Mark. All In (p. 132). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

1. Mark Shares this story: All in All - I recently had the privilege of speaking at an annual gathering of some of the wealthiest Christians in the country—people who have devoted their lives to giving generously and strategically. Brad Formsma extended the invitation and opened the door. While I was there, I met some members of the Maclellan Family Foundation. They are among the most respected philanthropists in the world. Their family foundation has more than $400 million in assets, and they’ve given away more than a half billion dollars to kingdom causes since 1945. But the backstory begins nearly a hundred years before. Let me take you back to the time and place where the staff was thrown down — the time and place where it all began. On June 7, 1857, a Scotsman named Thomas Maclellan made a covenant with God, whom he called his All in All. That covenant, made on his twentieth birthday, was renewed on his fiftieth and seventieth birthdays. More than five generations later, the seed he sowed is still multiplying in the millions of dollars that are given away. But the genealogy of generosity traces back to one defining prayer. Thomas Maclellan went all in with God.” Here is his prayer – his whatever prayer to God:

a. “O God of Heaven, record it in the book of Thy remembrances that from henceforth I am Thine forever. I renounce all former lords that have had dominion over me and consecrate all that I am and all that I have, the faculties of my mind, the members of my body, my worldly possessions, my time, and my influence over others, all to be used entirely for Thy glory.”

i. Could you make this “Whatever Commitment to God?”

2. Rest of the Story: “The legacy that Thomas Maclellan left wasn’t wealth. It was the complete surrender of his life to the lordship of Jesus Christ. He threw down his staff. And God blessed his business affairs, but He knew that Thomas Maclellan would not hold on to the blessing. What you hold in your hand cannot multiply until you put it into the hands of God. But if you let go and let God, He will use it beyond your wildest imagination. (SO) What’s in Your Hand?” Batterson, Mark. All In (pp. 133-134). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

a. What does the Lord want you to let go of? You know I don’t – but I promise you if you let it go God will use it and multiply it!

i. Are you willing to say “Here it is Lord – do whatever you want with this offering.”

3. Marks Adds, “In God’s economy, 5 + 2 doesn’t equal 7. It equals 5,000, R12. The disciples didn’t think two fish and five loaves could make much of a difference, but they obviously underestimated the original Iron Chef. When dinner was done, there were twelve basketfuls left over. There was more left over than they originally started with. If the little boy had held on to the two fish and five loaves, they would have remained what they were.” Batterson, Mark. All In (p. 134). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

a. See Matthew 14:13-21 The feeding of 5,000.

4. Mark challenges us with this thought:

a. “What’s in your hand? You can hang on to it and see what you can do. Or you can hand it over and see what God can do. The choice is yours.” Batterson, Mark. All In (pp. 134-136). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

b. Here is another story about giving by Sir Moses - He replied to a reporter who asked how much he was worth. He gave a figure- the reporter thought that was too low: So, he replied, “You didn’t ask me how much I own. You asked me how much I am worth. So, I calculated how much I have given to charity this year. We are worth only what we are willing to share with others.”

i. Marks adds, “What’s your net worth? It’s not calculated by the sum total of your stock holdings or real property assessments. And it has nothing to do with the trophies in your case, the degrees on your wall, or the title on your business card. Your net worth equals the sum total of all you’ve given away. Not a penny more. Not a penny less. And when everything is said and done, what you don’t share is lost forever. But what you put into the hands of God becomes an eternal keepsake.” Batterson, Mark. All In (p. 136). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.”

ii. So, are you ready to say “Whatever God?” Use me to do a miracle for the Kingdom of Heaven!

Testimony 3 - Gary and His daughter speaking for the first time

Testimony 4 – Rich and his healing from Cancer

2. What happens in near death experiences? Anyone who has battled one of these illnesses like (Cancer – Covid) has a time of reflection and a time of putting things in perspective!

a. People re-evaluate their lives after near death experiences – they just do – Many review what type of legacy they would or will leave behind!

i. Mark shares this story about a famous person who reevaluated his legacy:

1. “In 1888, Alfred Nobel had the rare privilege of reading his own obituary. A French newspaper erroneously printed it upon the death of his brother Ludvig, who was visiting Cannes. The obit dubbed the prolific Swedish inventor as “the merchant of death” and said that he made it possible to kill more people more quickly than anyone in history. That indictment sent shock waves through Alfred’s soul. It became that defining moment that redefined his life and his legacy. Alfred Nobel was granted 355 patents during his lifetime, but his most famous was nitroglycerine mixed with absorbent sand and shaped into sticks called dynamite. His invention made possible the digging of tunnels, the building of dams, and the construction of canals. It saved time, money, and lives. But like any invention, it also had the power to be misused and abused. When put in the wrong hands, dynamite became a weapon of mass destruction. So, Alfred Nobel devoted the rest of his life, and his death, to righting that wrong. After reading his obituary, Nobel rewrote his last will and testament. On November 27, 1895, he pushed all of his chips to the middle of the table and decided to use his $9 million fortune to establish one of the most coveted awards in the world — the Nobel (Peace) Prize. A hundred years later, his name is synonymous with the world’s greatest advancements in science, literature, medicine, and peace. The cumulative good resulting from that award is incalculable (It’s in the billions by the way). That is Alfred Nobel’s legacy.” Batterson, Mark. All In (pp. 137-138). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

2. So, what will your legacy be? How will you use your life to give glory and honor to God? How will life and legacy point to Jesus – to His amazing Love and provision?

a. Mark adds this thought: “Death is a mirror that gives us a glimpse of who we really are. Death is a rearview mirror that puts the past into perspective. The closer you come to death, the clearer and farther you can see. Nothing recalibrates priorities faster than a cancer screening, a car accident, or a phone call from a military chaplain. Important things become all-important. And the unimportant things are revealed as insignificant.” Batterson, Mark. All In (p. 138). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

i. “I don’t know of a near-death experience that is more dramatic than that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.” Batterson, Mark. All In (p. 138). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

1. These three stood for God even when King Neb wanted them to bow to his 90 foot gold image – they refused and choose to honor God rather offend God. They choose to offend man and give glory and honor to God.

2. The result was they came through the fire and in the fire Jesus showed up (How cool is that) and they walked out – burn free and smoke free.

3. Life is filled with choices to honor God – you just have to decide in the moment will I honor God or offend man?

b. When we choose to praise and give thanks to God – we decide to make every-day count – We decide to go “All IN” – Are you with me – can you give God thanks today and choose to Go All IN with Him so more miracles can happen?

i. So, we can have more testimonies like you heard today?

ii. Are you ready to say it “Whatever God!”

Closing Song Brittany


What do we need to know from our messages and testimonies today?

Answer: God deserves our praise and thanks! Why because God is able to do the impossible! But we have to choose to go All In with Him and trust Him and ask him for the impossible! We need to say, “Whatever God!”

Why do we need to know this?

Answer: We seem to have short memories in this life when it comes to the Lord – we forget may of the things he does for us daily – So, We need to honor Him and revere Him with our songs of praise and with everything we have – with thanksgiving prayers and testimonies – we also need to listen to His voice and let go of the things he wants us to let go of so he can use them and multiply them for the Kingdom.

What do we need to do?

Answer: What does God want you let go of and give to Him? We need to say “Here Lord use me – us this and do with it whatever you want because I am ALL IN with you!

Why do we need to do this?

Answer: So, God can take it – do a miracle – multiply it and bring a miracle into existence! So, we can have more testimonies to awesomeness of God!