Isaiah 9:2-7
Something new I learned this week is that there are three levels of twilight - whether you are talking about dusk or dawn. The levels relate to the position of the sun to horizon.
-Civil Twilight - there is still enough natural light for outdoor activities. When driving, it is the time when you first think you might want to turn on your headlights. Street lights begin to come on.
-Nautical Twilight - the term dates back to the time when sailors used the stars to navigate the seas. During this time most stars can be easily seen with naked eyes and the horizon is still visible.
-Astronomical Twilight - No indirect sunlight is visible. Most celestial objects can be observed in the sky.
Many people’s lives can be described as walking in darkness. Whether your life feels dark as night or has moments of darkness, we all want to find more light in our lives. Isaiah spends the first half of his prophecy writing to God’s people under threat of Assyrian captivity. Their idol worship and human pride have led them to the brink of losing everything they held dear. Although God, through Isaiah, has a strong message of what will happen if they do not repent, he also includes moments of brightness and encouragement. Our text is one of those moments where God’s people are encouraged to walk out of darkness and discouragement. We don’t have to look far to see the lost and hopeless condition of our world. (scandal, murder, abuse, terror). Not just global, but personal darkness we deal with.
When you need hope, turn to God. (Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in a pitch-dark land, light has dawned.) NEB: “dwellers in a land as dark as death.” God leads us out of darkness…
1. God Leads us to Joy (9:3 You have made the nation great; you have increased its joy. They rejoiced before you as with joy at the harvest, as those who divide plunder rejoice.)
When we experience darkness, joy is missing, but this is not where God wants us to stay. Joy is not absence of troubles or even struggle.
Hebrews 12:1-3: Jesus…endured the cross, ignoring the shame, for the sake of the joy that was laid out in front of him, and sat down at the right side of God’s throne. There is a joy that is set before us that gives us strength to endure today. Even when we struggle to find joy, we can find it. We find it in the promises of God. We find it in the presence of Jesus. Angels told the Shepherds there was joyous news - a Savior, Christ the Lord. We find it by looking for the work of God around.
2. God Leads us to Freedom (9:4 As on the day of Midian, you’ve shattered the yoke that burdened them, the staff on their shoulders, and the rod of their oppressor.)
‘The day of Midian’ references the defeat of the Midianites by the unlikely warrior Gideon - who won his battle with his only weapons being a torch, a trumpet, clay jars! What are the yokes that burden you, the oppressive weight on your shoulders? God can set us free from those things when we experience his grace and mercy. When it looks like the powers of this world have a firm hold, God's power will have the final victory.
Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
3. God Leads us to Peace (9:5 Because every boot of the thundering warriors, and every garment rolled in blood will be burned, fuel for the fire.). The boots and uniforms of battle will be burned and no longer needed because God is going to bring us peace. I wish we could experience true global peace today. That is coming with the advent of the new age - the renewal of all things - when Jesus will make all things new. But there is a peace we can have now. It is available because ‘unto us a child is born.’
2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
4. God Leads Us to Light (Isaiah 9:6 A child is born to us, a son is given to us, and authority will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.) This is a majestic messianic prophecy of Jesus!
-Wonderful Counselor - Stedman: He unveils to us secrets about ourselves, counsels us how to avoid the heartaches and problems that otherwise would beset us, showing the way of deliverance from the taint and pollution of sin.
-Mighty God - His power and strength comes from God. He reigns with divine right and divine power.
-Everlasting Father - He rules like a benevolent father—a father who will never abandon or forsake his people. Everlasting! Jesus alone can give eternal life. John 1:12 "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”
-Prince of Peace - He will reign with peace; he will ensure peace and bring peace to his reign and his people. He states himself, "My peace I give unto you," (John 14:27 KJV).
God leads us to light through Jesus. John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Trust in the zeal of the Lord of Hosts (9:7 There will be vast authority and endless peace for David’s throne and for
his kingdom …The zeal of the Lord of heavenly forces will do this.”
God is zealous in His desire to bring us out of darkness into light. He leads us to Joy, Freedom, Peace, and Light through Jesus.
Whatever kind of darkness you are living in today… remember that Jesus is the light of the world that leads us
out of our darkness into His wonderful light.
Peter says we should “declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9).
Will you trust and follow that light today? You never have to stay in darkness when Jesus is near. And He is near right now.
Discussion Questions
1. If you were afraid of the dark when you were a child, can you remember what it was that made you afraid? Even as adults some people do not like the dark. How is ‘darkness’ a good description of the way we sometimes feel about life?
2. Jesus is the answer to the darkness in which we sometimes live. What saying of Jesus has especially helped you in days of discouragement? What teaching of Jesus has brought you hope?
3. There are five descriptions of the coming King (Jesus) … Can you think of a story from Jesus’ life that illustrates each one of those?
a. When did Jesus demonstrate that He is a Wonderful Counselor?
b. How did Jesus demonstrate he is Powerful and Strong with abilities only God could have?
c. Can you remember a time when Jesus acted like a benevolent Father who cared and would not abandon his children?
d. In what way do we see Jesus being a Prince of Peace?
e. At different times these titles might mean more to us than at others. Which one means a lot to you right now?
4. How does John 12:46 offer us hope today?
5. Before we head into the Christmas season, we have Thanksgiving. For what are you particularly thankful at this time?
6. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about today?
Video of this message will be available on the YouTube channel of Forsythe Church of Christ.
John Mark Hicks, A Child is Born
Richard Niell Donovan, Commentary
Ray Stedman, O Come Immanuel, Sermon
Different Types of Twilight