Superbowl Sunday is an unofficial American holiday. We are so glad you joined us for our celebration of Tailgate Sunday this morning – welcome! Football is such a big influence on many of our lives, especially here in Texas and we are glad to celebrate with you on Tailgate Sunday. After our service, you’ll see a lot of people “tailgating” in our hallways. These are our Sunday morning Bible study groups hosting the tailgates. Please stop by and grab a snack as we would love to meet you. We have a gift for you in our Encourager’s Room if you are a guest with us as well and we hope you’ll stop by there after our service.
For the next few moments, I want you to move you away from football and the Super Bowl. How Do I Know if I’m a Christian? Have you ever given your faith much thought? For many people, maybe even most people, you’ve not given your faith status any more thought than you have your what’s in your freezer. I invite you to ask yourself this question: How Do I Know if I’m a Christian?
Find the book of Colossians with me. As you are finding Colossians, allow me to address three myths that camouflage the real essence of true Christianity. First, being a Christian is not about your affiliation to a political party. Political parties change and morph through the years. This generation’s values party is the next generation’s progressive party. Christianity cannot fit neatly into any one group’s political agenda.
Second, many people think they are automatically a Christian if their parents were Christians. This is pervasive myth circling around many Americans. My parents were believers therefore I am a believer. Perhaps your parents brought you to church as an infant and they dedicated you or even baptized you. Many people mistake this expression of dedication from their parents as proof they are a Christian. Growing up in church may say more about your parents’ faith than your faith. Your parents dedicating you as an infant is a sign they loved the Lord. It says very little about your faith.
Here's the third myth, being a Christian is not about your nationality or even your culture. Christianity isn’t about being an American or even Western civilization. Christianity is not flag-waving of any one nation. I love my nation and am proud of my father who was a Vietnam veteran but Christianity is not about patriotism. Get this… throughout history, the “hot spot” of Christianity has changed. Let me say that a different way. If you drop into any one century and map out the highest concentration of where Christians are located, you will find Christians all over the place. Christianity’s geographic center is always moving. The original center of Christianity was Jerusalem, but soon others embraced Christianity. Then Christianity’s new center was Alexandria, in North Africa, and then later it was Rome. Today, Christianity’s center is moving from North America to Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
Stop and think of three major religions and their respective geographic centers for a minute. Compare what I’ve just told you to the world’s other three major religious. Islam started in Arabia, at Mecca. Today, Islam is still largely concentrated right around there. Buddhism started in the Far East, and that’s still the highest concentration of people professing Buddhism. Lastly, Hinduism began in India and you’ll find the highest concentration of Hindus are still in India. Christians are all over the place through the centuries and our center of concentration changes from century to century. This tells you that Christianity is not about culture. Christianity isn’t about Western culture or Eastern culture. Christianity isn’t about a political party or even being an American. Being a Christian is something altogether different.
When you find Colossians, you are reading a really early letter written from a celebrity Christian of the day to a group of Christians. The Colossians were people from the town of Colossae, which is modern day Turkey. I’ve selected this passage because we will look at this book/letter in greater detail in the weeks to come and I want to introduce it here to us this morning.
Today’s Scripture
“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, 5 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, 6 which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, 7 just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf 8 and has made known to us your love in the Spirit” (Colossians 1:3-8).
Keep this passage in front of you for the next few moments. Here are three defining features of a Christian as featured this passage. Measure yourself by these three features to answer the question: Am I a Christian? Even if you are confident that are you a Christian, the Bible tells us to: “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5a).
1. Christians Focus on Jesus
The first distinctive trait about Christianity and all Christians is this: Christians focus on Jesus Christ. You could discuss coffee all day long and you may never mention Starbucks. You could name the top three Americans and you not include such names George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. But you can think about Christianity for even two seconds without mentioning about Jesus.
1.1 Jesus’ Influence Past His Death
The letter to the Christians we now call Colossians was probably written around 60 AD or 30 years after the death of Jesus. Think about this with me for a moment: Normally when someone dies, their impact on the world immediately begins to recede. Over the past few week, basketball legend Kobe Bryant died. Many were shocked that the 41 year old player died alongside his daughter. His death has an impact on many people. Yet, I think you’d agree with me Kobe’s influence will not last long. Even a personal death, like your mother’s death or someone you’re close to, will not have a growing influence on masses of people. Now compare any celebrities’ death or close family member’s death to Jesus’ death for a moment. Yet, Jesus influence hasn’t decreased since his death, rather than rise. Yet, Jesus inverted this normal human trajectory. Jesus’ impact was greater a hundred years after his death than during his life. Why did Jesus’ life have such incredible influence?
Let’s investigate by turning back to Colossians.
1.2 Colossians on Jesus
Paul writes, “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…” (Colossians 1:3a). The main thought here is how we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Again, you can tell you are a follower of Christ is your life focuses on Jesus Christ. Christianity introduces a mind-bending thought that God is not alone but He has a Son: “we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus…” (Colossians 1:4a). Notice, Jesus is mentioned a third time down in the middle of verse 7: “He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf…” (Colossians 1:7b). God has a unique relationship with His Son – really unique. If you were to read a little further in Colossians, you’ll see that Jesus is greatly loved by God the Father over in verse 13 (Colossians 1:13). To show how special their relationship is, the Two agree on everything because we learn that “the word of God” (1:25) is also “the word of Christ” (3:16). Can you imagine a Father and Son completely agreeing on categorially everything? I have two sons and they do not agree with me on everything (just yet ?).
Again, Christians focus on Jesus. Why? For one reason, Jesus is also referred to the head or the leader of all Christians (Colossians 2:19). Jesus is said to “seated at the right hand of God” which is traditionally the seat of power for ancient rulers (Colossians 3:1). To be seated at God’s right hand means you have not only incredible power but infinite power. In fact, you may surprised to learn that Jesus created everything you see today: “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16). You’re getting a really elevated view of Jesus Christ; in fact, Jesus “He is the image of the invisible God…” (Colossians 1:15a). Quick review: their opinions on everything are the same, they greatly love one another, and they share this magnificent power. I’m giving you a resume of Jesus from Colossians and let me just add this bow on these impressive credentials: everything a Christian says and everything a Christian does is to be done in the name of the Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17). That is huge. You may love your husband, your boyfriend, your mother, or your grandmother but you wouldn’t say that everything you say or everything you do is to be said in the name of your mother, would you? No, Jesus is special and in a category by Himself.
1. Christians Focus on Jesus
2. Christians Have Faith, Hope, & Love
Wherever Christianity travels, you see this trio: faith, hope, and love. If you encounter Christians starting hospitals, schools, or orphanages, one of these three is always close at hand: faith, hope, and love. The rodeo is back at Fort Worth and I’m thinking of livestock. You can think of these three as the brand of Christianity. We live in Texas and we’re use to cattle brands. Genuine Christianity always has the brand of faith, hope, and love.
Am I a Christian? If you are a Christ-follower, your life will focus on Jesus and you will be branded with faith, hope, and love. You may see someone else’s brand on what they are calling Christianity. But look for the brand of faith, hope, and love to see if it’s the real thing.
2.1 Christians are Required to Have Faith
“we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus…” (Colossians 1:4a).
A few minutes ago, I told Jesus was dead around thirty years before this was written. How can you have faith in a dead person? Again, how can you have faith in a dead person? Skip ahead to Colossians 2:12 and at the end of the passage you read, “God … raised him from the dead” (Colossians 2:12). Jesus was raised from the dead. Christians have faith that Jesus died and was raised to life. I’ll not attempt to prove this to you. That’s for another time and another place. But Christians believe Jesus died and rose again.
Now, people do all kinds of significant things in life. And their significant accomplishments earn them a Grammy or a Pulitzer. But Jesus’ resurrection is so much more than this. Christians don’t see the resurrection as having earned Jesus a spot in the Smithsonian or a Hall of Fame gold jacket. Instead, Jesus’ resurrection is transformative moment both in history but it is also personally transformative: “having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead” (Colossians 2:12).
Now, when you place your faith in Jesus means you were raised. Your faith is your trust or your center. Your faith is all of your emotional and mental trust or weight. This is placed on Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
The Bible will speak about your resurrection from the dead in the past tense. It’s so confident you will be raised, it speaks about it as if it already happened. Can you imagine if I grabbed the Lombardi trophy from the NFL headquarters and handed it to the Chiefs ahead of tonight’s Super Bowl? It would be profound statement of how confident I am in one team’s ability to win the big game. Likewise, the Bible is so confident you will be raised from the dead, it speaks of your future resurrection in the past tense. Isn’t that amazing? Does someone have an “amen” in them?
As Colossians 2:13-14 tells us: “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-14). When God raised Jesus from the dead, He approved of Jesus’ work of suffering and dying for our sins. The resurrection of God was confirmation that God accepts Jesus’ work on your behalf. The penalty for sin was paid.
Now if you’re the kind of person who says, “Lord Jesus, I’m a Christian, and please answer this prayer because I’m trying my very best to live a life like you’ve asked me. I’m trying my very best to ask you to forgive my sins. I’m really trying my best,” you haven’t gotten it. No more payments needed to be made. Think of the resurrection as a gift God has purchased you. The empty tomb says you can know your sins are forgiven.
Let’s return back to our trio: there’s faith, hope and …
2.2 Christians are Loving
“the love that you have for all the saints…” (Colossians 1:4b). “Epaphras … is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf and has made known to us your love…” (Colossians 1:7b-8a).
The power of Jesus’ resurrection is made available to you today. The power of raise dead people to life is made available to make broken people… whole. The power that raised Jesus from the dead is inside believers empowering you to love people, even unlovable people. Jesus’ life becomes your life. You take on His arms and His feet to love the unlovable. You now have the power to love people across the political isle. If you formerly hated Democrats or Republicans, now that Christ is in you, you can love the person across the political isle. You can love the person who is a different race than you. Jesus’ resurrection gives you the ability to love the unlovable.
2.3 Christians Have Durable Hope
“the hope laid up for you in heaven…” (Colossians 1:5a).
You can experience a durable hope in your future happiness no matter how terrible life gets for you. Every time we gather together for weekly worship, it’s like we are gather around a warm fire during a terribly cold winter. We encourage one another with the reminder of the hope Jesus gives.
So there’s a Christian’s true brand: faith, hope, and love. If you don’t see that brand, then it’s not the real thing. Jesus will never die again; He’ll live forever. This is the power that’s inside a true follower of Christ. It’s a real power to change your life.
2.3.1 Becoming a Christian
In a moment, I am going to extend to you an opportunity to trust Christ. Following Christ isn’t joining the gym. Placing your trust in Christ isn’t like the decision to get a season pass at your favorite theme park. No, your life and Christ’s life become one. In very real sense, part of you dies when you turn your life over to Christ. And it’s part of you that you never wanted.
2.3.2 Are You Certain
If you asked me, “Are you standing up?” I know that answer for sure – it’s not a tricky question. If you ask me, “Are you an American?,” I would show you my driver’s license or birth certificate. If you ask me, “Are you a follower of Jesus Christ?,” I would tell you about the impact Christ has made when I placed my faith in Him. Jesus warned that a lot of people will show up on the Last Day of history, explaining to Jesus how many good things they’ve done in life. Jesus said on that Day, He will say to so many people, “I never knew you. Get out of here.” Are you certain you are a Christian?
Christians Focuses on Jesus
Christians Have Faith, Hope, & Love
3. Christians Experience Life-Changing Truth
And here’s the final piece: “you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth…” (Colossians 1:5b-6).
I want you to carefully note how the Bible speaks of truth here. The Bible doesn’t say there’s your truth and my truth. The truth isn’t even to spin like a political cycle. There’s only THE truth (hold Bible up in the air).
Am I a Christian? Here’s how you know: have I embraced THE truth. You hear the gospel: Jesus lived for you, He died for you, He was buried for you, and He was raised for you. This is THE truth. The Bible says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame” (Romans 10:11b).
Now a lot of us think our faith is more like a mood lamp or a lava lamp. Some days you feel like you are full of faith and you believe God while other days, you want to throw your hands up in there in despair. The Bible doesn’t treat our faith status like a lava lamp where it morphs and changes based on how life is going. Instead, the Bible treats our faith status more like a switch where you faith is either on or your faith is off. Either you have embraced the Lord Jesus or you haven’t embraced Him. The light is on or the light is off. Which is it for you? Have you turned the switch on? Have you embraced the Jesus? Have you experienced His life-changing truth?
Christians Focuses on Jesus
Christians Have Faith, Hope, & Love
3. Christians Experience Life-Changing Truth
Today, if you want to receive Christ into your life, I want you to take the communication card in your worship guide. You’ll find a communication card in the pew in front of you. I want you to mark a cross on it in the top right corner in just a moment.
Repeat this prayer after me:
Father, I have lived my life so long without you and my life is broken. I’m hurting and I need you. Come into my life. I want to do complete U-turn in my life and trust you. I want to live my life dependent on you. I trust your Son for the forgiveness of my sins. I know He died for me, He was buried for me, He was raised for me, and He’s coming back for me. I trust Jesus alone and give control of my life over to you. You are my Lord, my boss, and my Savior. Thank you for forgiving me and making me new. In Jesus Name, Amen.
If you prayed with me and want to know more about following Christ, please mark a cross on your communication card. Again, mark on a cross on your card in the top right corner. Give us your cell phone number so a pastor can call you. We have a gift for you at our Encourager’s Room – a free leather bound Bible. Swing by the Encourager’s Room and bring your communication card to pick up your free Bible.
How do you cement your relationship with this church. The first step is attending a worship service, the second step is finding a Bible Fellowship Group to connect with. Some of you have “dated” the church for so long, it’s time to “put a ring on it”. Again, come by the Encourager’s Room where we want to help you take the next step.