Several years ago I went White Water Rafting with some friends. It was October, early in the morning, the sun wasn’t up yet. We were in wet suits preparing to face serious class 4 and 5 rapids down the Gauley River. Before leaving camp all 75 to 80 in the group were called together for important instruction. Our leader looked very serious and said, “LISTEN UP! What you are about to experience is extreme. People have died. IF you listen and apply what I tell you – it could save your life or the life of someone you’re with.” (Pause)
In (TAB) Rev. chapters 2 and 3 Jesus shares very serious words of a more eternal nature with His church.
Jesus dictates (TAB) 7 real letters to 7 real churches. He’s preparing them, and I believe us, to navigate extreme terrain. As we’ve said, there are many Bible teachers who believe these 7 churches represent more than 7 churches in Asia Minor. That possibly, they represent (TAB) 7 parts of the church age. Even more interesting they believe that the 7th church, (the church of Laodicea- the church that we’re going to look at today) represents the last part of the church age – the part, they believe, we’re in today. Let’s see if there are any parallels. Please let’s turn with me to (TAB) Rev. 3
(TAB) Laodicea is the church with an unconscious need.
Like all the cities in Asia Minor, Laodicea lived under Roman Rule. But they were different – they were wealthy- it was the financial district for the region. They were so wealthy that in A.D 17 when a (TAB) huge earthquake hit the region destroying cities and Rome reached out to help, Laodicea said, “Thanks but no thanks. We’re able to rebuild by ourselves.”& they did.
It’s nice when you’re financially secure. Needs arise and you’re fine, you have the resources to take care of things. But Jesus teaches that with great resources come great responsibility – that there are dangerous that come with being wealthy – we can begin to depend on our resources instead of God’s. Prioritizing them over Him. That’s dangerous.
The church of Laodicea is the poster child of this. Their economic sufficiency caused them to fall asleep spiritually.
Look at v. 14, Jesus introduces Himself saying, “These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation”. He’s reminding them that His words & testimony are absolutely accurate and that He is their ruler & authority.
Then He shares sobering words of condemnation. V. 15 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold not hot. I wish you were either one or the other!” Usually Jesus shares positive words of commendation first, not here. And as he condemns them he makes culture connections they would be aware of.
Laodicea was located (TAB) between two larger cities, Hierapolis and Colossae. (TAB) Hierapolis was known for their hot springs, it was believed that the waters had a medicinal benefits. Colossae had cold waters that came from the snow capped mountains nearby. Laodicea didn’t have a water source - they had to pipe it in from a spring miles away. It was so mineral filled it tasted bad and it was piped so far that by the time it reached them it was lukewarm. Jesus refers to this church and says, “Spiritually, you are like your water, tepid and disgusting.” Strong words.
Jesus mentions (TAB) 3 spiritual states here:
(TAB) 1). Cold – which represent the unsaved, the spiritually lost. They don’t know God, They don’t possess His new life, His forgiveness. They’re cold, they’re spiritually dead. “But Vern, Jesus says He’d rather the Loadicean church be cold… then lukewarm. The cold don’t have or know Jesus.” You’re right, but the cold are why Jesus came. (TAB) Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.”
But we also see the 2nd spiritual state: (TAB) Hot – which represent the saved – those who know & fervently follow Jesus. They trust Him with their lives. They’re knowing, growing and going for Christ. Jesus is seen in their lives and actions. They reflect Him. And Jesus desires this for all of us.
Finally we see a 3rd spiritual state (TAB) Lukewarm Now, there are different views as to the eternal state of this group. Some believe the lukewarm are Christians that have lost their vision, values and vigor. They believe in Jesus, but the pleasures and comforts of the world have lulled them into an unwitting spiritual sleep. They’ve become unconsciously backslidden. They have the foundation of Jesus Christ in their lives – but nothing built on the foundation. 1 Cor. 3:15 speaks of folks like these (TAB) “…[they] will be saved – even as one only escaping through the flames.”
But there are others respected Bible teachers who disagree, saying that these lukewarm “Christians” are Christians in name only. They argue: “Yes, salvation is by grace, not by works - but when grace is applied it changes you (overtime it makes you more and more like Jesus. This hasn’t happened with them.” Proof is v. 16 & 17
“So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am going to spit you out of my mouth.”
And btw, the word(TAB) “spit”here isn’t the best translation, the original word is emes-ai – (TAB) which means: to vomit, throw-up – to reject with extreme disgust. So those who believe the lukewarm aren’ saved would say, “Does this sound like saved people?” And it only gets worst – v. 17 “You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked”
Again Jesus makes cultural connections: Laodicea was a rich – but Jesus says to this church - “you’re poor”.
Loadicia was known for a healing eye salve– Jesus says to the church - “you’re blind”
They were also known for textiles/garments – Jesus tells them,-“you’re naked”
So we have (TAB) a question: Are these lukewarm Laodiceans saved or not?
Some say yes, some say no. One thing is certain. (TAB)
The lukewarm state is dangerous ground.
I mean, what Christian is okay with Jesus describing them as: wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, naked – that makes Him want to vomit!
When Jesus says “he’d rather them be cold, I think of (TAB) Sheldon Vanauken’s words: “The best argument for Christianity is Christians: their joy, their certainty, their completeness. But the strongest argument against Christianity is also Christians--when they are sombre and joyless, when they are self-righteous and smug in complacent consecration, when they are narrow and repressive, then Christianity dies a thousand deaths…”
And perhaps, the scariest things of all is – the ingredients that led to the spiritual state of the church of Laodicea – we find all over the American & the culture of the west.
And growing in the EAST.
(TAB) 1) Affluence. I heard just this week, that American’s are better off than 99.4% of all people in all human history. We’re so blessed that many don’t’ feel a need for God. And as other places become more affluent, like the big cities in china – they’re seeing that the church
Is becoming less and less effective. Affluence.
Another ingredient that leads to a lukewarm state: (TAB) A lack of persecution. Unlike most of the churches in Rev. 2 & 3 there’s no mention of persecution in Laodicea.
Hmmmm, are you seeing any parallels with them and todays church? It reminds me of Wilbur Rees’ words,
I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please. Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep, but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk or a snooze in the sunshine. I don’t want enough of God to make me love a black man or pick beets with a migrant. I want ecstasy, not transformation. I want warmth of the womb, not a new birth. I want a pound of the Eternal in a paper sack. I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please.
Everybody wants God to bless, protect and get them to Heaven. But it often stops there. And we see a lack of commitment, a lack of reflecting Him to the world. Jesus is seen as someone to serve us – not someone we serve. That’s dangerous ground.
And this is why this church receives the harshest condemnation of all the 7. Think about it, the other churches struggled with serious issues: not prioritizing Jesus as #1, showing devotion to false gods, being involved in worship practices of false gods, even ritural sexual immorality. These are serious sins. Still Laodicea receives the harshest rebuke. Why?
(TAB) Because they allowed their wealth & comforts to
blind them to their need and the need of their community for Christ. When you lose sight of that - you lose sight of one of the primary reasons Jesus made the church. What is our mission, our purpose here at First Baptist: Help me: To produce: When our financial blessing and comforts blind us to that - then God’s plan to seek and save the lost is jeopardized. The church risks being useless. BUT STILL THERE’S HOPE. Jesus is still engaged. v. 18 “I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white cloths to wear, so you can cover your nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.”
Notice that what they need - they can’t buy w/ money @ the market.
It could only be obtained through Jesus. (TAB) The gold- is faith. Refined by fire means it’s gone through the hard process of being purifying through refining fire. Jesus says YOU NEED THIS. AND It’s exactly what we work so hard to avoid. We don’t’ want to be made uncomfortable, we don’t want to face EVEN MINIMAL persecution. Jesus says, “NO, you need faith, refined by hardship/sacrifice.” See, wealth and comforts insulate us from that happening.
2nd need (TAB) white cloths. These are righteous garments, Jesus wants them clothed in good works. Reflecting HIM. Not blending into the culture. Not being afraid to show & share Jesus. God doesn’t give a spirit of fear. And perfect love casts out fear! AMEN!
Finally, (TAB) the salve Jesus offers them will heal them from the spiritual blindness that’s kept them from seeing the spiritual reality around them. He want to heal their spiritual eyes so they can see like Jesus sees. A world filled with hurting, dying, spiritually dead people wandering, groping, lost in darkness on their way to hell. He wants them to see this so they see their need to lovingly reach them.
The truth is: (TAB) the stuff of this world competes for the allegiance that belongs to Jesus Christ. And instead of being wrapped up in His work and His mission we’re wrapped up in other, lesser, earthy things.
Do you see any parallels with this church and many churches in our age. I know it’s not everywhere.. but we live in a time with unprecedented wealth… More are living comfortable lives now – then ever before. And it’s caused many to go spiritually soft. Dare I say, Lukewarm. And it’s not new. Listen to this quote: (TAB)
"We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly (TAB) imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us."
Do you know who said that? (PAUSE) President (TAB) Abraham Lincoln– March 30, 1863. As he called the country to fast, pray and seek God.
The issues of the church of Laodicea aren’t new.
(TAB) But still there is HOPE! Look at v. 19 “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
Jesus loves them, He calls them to repent. He loves us and when we see that lukewarm glazed look, Jesus calls us to repent. To realize reality and turn in dependence to Jesus. Jesus says in v. 20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
And we see how serious the lukewarm condition is… Jesus has been placed on the outside having to knock on your door. These words were spoken to a church. How many churches today has Jesus been pushed out of? How many “Christians” have unwhittingly push Jesus out, and He’s now on the outside knocking on the door.
But there’s HOPE! Jesus is knocking. He wants to enter and share fellowship. He says, “If anyone hears my voice and opens the door”. Not “If everyone”, no! He says, “If anyone.” If just one person would realize their spiritual bankruptcy apart from Him and would hear His knock & open the door… it could be the key to reviving the whole church.
The same it true today. We are increasingly affected by the world around us…but if we’re willing to see our need, and humbly turn to Jesus (that’s repentance), confessing our sins, He will enter, He will heal, He will share in fellowship – And we can BE His church on His mission. Being and bringing hope to the world!
But Jesus won’t force it. He’s a gentleman… He knocks…we must choose to open the door.
V. 21 “To Him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne (in other words we would share in ruling in reigning in His kingdom), just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne.
The church of Laodicea is the last church in Revelation before Jesus reveals the details of His coming judgment. There is so much we can learn from their situation… And If the 7 churches represent 7 parts of the churches age… and we are in the last part now… then v 22 takes on even more significance. “He that has and ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
It takes me back to the morning listening to the leader before headed out to raft down the Gauly – only this time it’s way more serious. It’s not the rafting leader - It’s Jesus telling me. “LISTEN UP! What you are about to experience is extreme. People are dying eternally. IF you listen and apply what I tell you – it could save you and those I’ve sent you to reach.”
This is serious – we need to hear what the spirit says to the churches.
Will you bow with me:
The church of Laodicea regularly met for worship services. They were blessed financially no persecution. But they had lost sight of Jesus and His mission for them. And they were Unconscious to this reality.
Are you and I? God will punish sin. Jesus came to save us from that punishment. At the cross He took our punishment. He then defeated sin and death by raising from the dead. And Jesus says, repent and believe…accept by faith what He’s done for you. IS Jesus in your life or outside knocking on the door?
Without realizing it our priorities can get upside down and we get focused on the wrong things… and then we’re on dangerous ground. Jesus says, “Repent, live a life of faith, do good works, see the Eternal needs all around you.” There is hope!
If I’m talking to you pray with me: Jesus, ruler of all. I’ve been unconscious of my need – I’m not now. My life and what I do is serious. I repent, I turn from my way to your way. I believe and want to follow you. You belong in and at the center of my life. I invite you there right now. Help me to know your more, grow in you and consciously go for you – the eternal life of others are depending on me – there is hope – It’s you Jesus.
In Jesus name, Amen