Sermon Series
  • 1. Intro - Rev. Chapter 1

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    And intro to the book of Revelation examining Revelation chapter 1. Email me and I'd be happy to share powerpoint slides and video clips used in this sermon.

    Go ahead and open your bibles to the last book – the book of Revelation. This book scares some folks. Mostly because of the imagery it paints of the End Times. Even when hearing the name of the book, REVELATION – we instantly think of the (TAB) mark of the beast, (TAB) the anti-christ and (TAB) more

  • 2. The Church Of Ephesus

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Lessons from the church of Ephesus. Power Point, sermon notes, and video clips are available upon request.

    We’re just beginning our study of Revelation. AS the book opens is around the year 95 AD. John the last of the original 12 disciple alive is an old man has been pastoring the church at Ephesus. Also during this time Domitian is the emperor of the Roman Empire. He was the first Emperor of Rome more

  • 3. The Church Of Smyrna

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Lessons from the Church of Smyrna. Email me for powerpoint slides and video clips.

    We are just getting started in a study of one of the most intriguing books in the Bible. The book of Revelation. The author is John. When this book is written, John is the only surviving member of the 12. He’s been exiled to the Island of Patmos for his belief in and worship of the ONE true more

  • 4. The Church Of Thyatira

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Lessons learned from the church of Thyatira. Powerpoints, sermon notes and video clips are available upon request.

    (TAB-Video Intro) The book of Revelation is a written record of (TAB -Video) a vision that the apostle John receives from Jesus. John is old and has been exiled to the Island of Patoms for his belief & worship of the ONE TRUE GOD. In the vision John sees 7 candles stands. Jesus is in the more

  • 5. The Church Of Sardis

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Lessons learned from the church of Sardis. Sermon Notes, Power Point, and video clips available upon request.

    The Bible says that God (TAB) “is patient… not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 (TAB) God is holy –if sin is in His presence it’s consumed. (TAB) God is perfectly just… He can’t forgive sin; it must be properly punished. He’s not a just God if He more

  • 6. The Church Of Philadelphia

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Lessons learned from the Church of Philadelphia. Sermon notes, power point, and video clips available upon request.

    (TAB) Have you ever been betrayed by someone you love? When I think of betrayal I think of a scene in one of my favorite movies – (TAB) Braveheart. William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson) is fighting for Scotland to be free from the tyranny of England. Their only hope is if all the Scottish more

  • 7. The Church Of Laodicea

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Lessons learned from the church of Laodicea. Sermon notes, powerpoint, video clips available upon request.

    Several years ago I went White Water Rafting with some friends. It was October, early in the morning, the sun wasn’t up yet. We were in wet suits preparing to face serious class 4 and 5 rapids down the Gauley River. Before leaving camp all 75 to 80 in the group were called together for important more