1. We Have A Solid Rock (18a)
- Our Rock is Jesus Christ (16a)
- Our Rock Is The Son of The Living God (16b)
- Our Rock is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8)
2. We Have A Daily Work (18b)
- Build His Church
- We must share our faith
- We must reach people for Jesus
- We must pray for people
- Show others the love and mercy of Jesus
3. We Have An Ongoing Battle (18c)
- The gates of Hell will not prevail against us
- The church will be attacked by the enemy
- The church will overcome every attack the enemy brings against us
- The church will reach people with the Good News
- The church will rise up in the faith and authority given to us by Jesus Christ
4. We Have A Delegated Authority
- Jesus has delegated the church the authority to open and close
- The church has the authority to bind demons, disease, bring freedom to the captive,
give sight to the blind, to reach people who need salvation
- The Church has the authority to loose the power and provisions of Jesus Christ
upon this earth
- Church let’s believe Jesus, let’s pray, let’s take authority over the works the enemy
has brought upon our world