Summary: Our man Joe even in the midst of being at his lowest point in life grows into the man God desires him to be. Joe grows through adversity into a man on the go for God and he learns humility and how to create healthy and whole relationships with others.

Our Theme this year - Breakthrough 2020

Thesis: In 2020 we are looking for spiritual breakthroughs in our lives, our relationships, our souls, our families, our church, our school, and our community. This is our vision and prayer! But to get the desired breakthrough in these areas requires us to have 20 – 20 vision from the Lord. We need to see into the spiritual realm and learn how to use His weapons which will bring us the spiritual breakthroughs we seek.

Scripture Texts:

2 Corinthians 10:3-4: “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

Philippians 4:19: "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus."

Breakthrough in Relationships pt. 5 – Lessons from Joseph!

Thesis: Our man Joe even in the midst of being at his lowest point in life grows into the man God desires him to be. Joe grows through adversity into a man on the go for God and he learns humility and how to create healthy and whole relationships with others. The keys he learned were humility, grace and forgiveness!

Summary of last week’s message:

Each of us has the responsibility to act the way God desires us to act. For those who had the robe you need to be humble servants to all. To those who did not have the robe you need to admit it, deal with it and forgive.

To parents here is a special word from a pastor, “It you’re feeling depressed because your family was not perfect, is not perfect, then hear this. There is healing for imperfect families. There is a God who rejoices in bringing weak and broken people into the reality of His love. There is a home where love and peace rule. And good news is that we don’t have to wait for heaven to experience this joy and peace. We can get a taste of it right now. We can all wear the robe in God’s family.” (Ortberg, July 22nd sermon Willow).

I want to remind you of what I said last week you may have missed it – Fear will damage relationships it is what Dr. Smalley calls the “Dance of Fear” in relationships: We need to know that there is a fear factor which impacts relationships negatively and society.

I would add fear is impacting all of us with the fear of the coronavirus – it’s wiping out supplies in stores – it’s closing down schools and business – we need to remember perfect love casts out fear – 1 John 4:18.

We need a Proper Perspective today:

Matthew 6:33 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible! It addresses situations like today.

Put God first and everything that you worry about and fear will take care of itself.

Jesus is illustrating that humans worry about so many fears in our life; worry that is an overflow from our fears. And he shares that if God will take care of the birds and the vegetation, how much more will He attend to your needs?

We need to lose our fears and trust God – we need to be aware of what fear is doing to us and our society today.


Let me be so bold as to say that every person on the planet wrestles with some core fear. And that includes you. You may not like to hear that...just look at all the fear going wild today.

Scriptures on Fear:

Psalm 34:4: I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

2 Timothy 1:7: For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self–discipline.

Dr. Smalley notes: “Here’s the key: Without identifying your own core fear and understanding how you tend to react when your fear button gets pushed, your relationships will suffer. Every time! What is your core fear? Do you already know what it is? Most people don’t…Joseph brothers were letting fear drive out love and look at Joseph through a twisted and distorted lens…My core fear is that I feel . . . Helpless, powerless, impotent, or controlled… the government cannot control the virus so I will buy lots of toilet paper – cleaning products – paper towels – baby wipes – sanitizer – friends we need to relax and trust it’s going to all work out - don’t panic.

Illustration using the weapons God has given us: Today the President of the United States asked us to pray for our nation and this virus so that is what we are going to do in service right now. Let’s pray in families and in small groups. For this panic to stop and for the epidemic 😷 to stop.


Joseph’s life can teach us a great deal on how to deal with adversity (trials and tribulations) in our lives – especially in light of our current day circumstance of coronavirus – it’s important to open our spiritual ears and eyes and see how Joseph pressed through broken relationships and trials and tribulations.

Crowder notes this about life’s challenges:

It has been said that life has to be lived in forward motion but can only be understood by looking back. This demands that we trust in the loving purposes of a sovereign God. We must trust that He is in control-especially when life seems to be out of control (In our relationships or with a epidemic like coronavirus).

This is what Paul referred to as walking by faith 2 Cor. 5:7. It goes against every element of self-preservation that is ingrained in us. We want to take charge, manipulate, and control. But God wants us to trust in the love of a Father who makes us “more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).

Hoarding does not give us the victory nor does panic – but its faith which overcomes fear which gives us the breakthrough!

Such was the life of the Old Testament character Joseph. His life was filled with dark, difficult experiences-yet the final outcome was amazing! In fact, Joseph is able to teach us much about how to deal with the tangled threads of our own lives. How to deal with toxic relationships – with national calamity’s (the drought). He became a godly man in an ungodly culture and his light shone bright – he was a true over comer-and his example can help prepare us as we face the issues of life and epidemics.

Last week we left with Joe our hero being betrayed by his brothers (We talked about how toxic his relationships became with his brothers because of his dad’s favoritism). He was suffering from the impact of the disease of favoritism (spoiled brat syndrome) and it led him right into a pit. His arrogance and pride caused him to be thrown into the pit by his brothers. He was threatened with his life by his brothers but instead thrown into a pit and then sold into slavery. So, we now find that Joseph is on a 30 day journey thru the desert to a foreign country where he will be sold as a piece of merchandise. How humiliating and tragic! But listen this is what pride and arrogance will reward you with.

The act of slavery is nothing new to Scripture over a 100 plus references to slavery in the Bible – Note: It’s against the very essence of God’s nature – even today in modern times we hear more of sex slavery! A chronic problem even in America and the world!

Lately a common theme has been echoing through the church and conferences I have been attending – Some of the last three messages I have heard have been addressing racism and Christianity and how it needs to be eliminated in the church.

Quote: By Dr. Martin Luther King! “The most segregated place in society is Sunday mornings.”

In two weeks, I will be doing a message called “Breakthrough in Relationships by facing Racism” I will be looking at racism toward – Muslims – Indians – especially the Hindus – African Americans – Hispanics – Asians – Caucasians and the like! I will address how the church needs to be on the cutting edge in reaching all people groups today – especially the ones in our neighborhoods! We do this by spreading the message of Christianity and it’s love!

From past history we see many scenarios on the atrocity of slavery!

Slavery is a system of abuse - plain and simple - Stories from America’s early slavery movement are terrible: Slaves were beaten, raped, brutalized, starved, treated as dogs, children were sold from their mothers, listen to just a few:

• One man was whipped for being two minutes late because his church let out late.

• One woman was whipped for making a minor mistake after church on Sunday and the one who whipped had delivered the sermon that day.

• A man was beaten to death because he was accused of stealing money he never stole. Later it was discovered that the master’s wife had it.

Joseph had been sold into to this unforgiving system of evil. But – the Bible tells us – that the key in any circumstance of life is to learn the spiritual lesson through the ordeal and maintain your relationship with God. The other key is to grow out of life’s ordeals, traumas and or setbacks. By the way this requires us to be teachable through life’s trials and keep a proper perspective.

Illustration from Happy Days:

Crowder states: On the old Happy Days television show, Richie Cunningham had just been “grounded for life” by his father, Howard, for misbehavior. As they talked about it, Howard asked his son, “Did you know that there is a lesson in this for you?” Richie’s response was priceless: “I figured anything with this much pain had to have a lesson in it somewhere.”

That is real life! We do not learn character in times of ease, or comfort, or prosperity but in times of difficulty. The greatest lessons of life are often the product of our most serious heartaches (2).

So, a hard life, trauma of loss and slavery become a part of Joseph’s life! The young rich spoiled kid is now a slave! But God has a plan for Joe.

Scripture Texts: Genesis 39,40,41

T.S.- Let’s explore how our hero Joe deals with adversity, trials and tribulations, more toxic relationships and unjust circumstances in his life.

I. Low Joe says “No” to Mrs. Po. in the land of slavery (Genesis 39)

a. Interesting that Scripture says that his slave master saw the Spirit of the Lord on Him and all he did for him prospered – he was a good worker and he advanced quickly in taking care of Mr. Po’s household.

i. Why, the spirit of the Lord was on him.

b. Joe learned the word “no” unlike other Biblical heroes like David, Samson, and Solomon when it came to sexual sin.

i. This says a lot about his love for God and respect for others!

1. He understood the importance of healthy and whole relationships.

2. This shows why the Spirit of God was on Him.

ii. His relationship with God was first and foremost in his life and Joseph guarded that relationship.

1. Reality Check: Just because you say no to temptation once does not mean it will never come again.

a. Mrs. Po did not accept Joe’s no. Her repeated tempting was “Yo Joe!” “Come here Joe!” “Joe, I want you.” “Joe, he does not love me-he is too busy with his work!” “Please Joe be my bo!”

b. Joe’s continual response was “No!”

i. It was based on his relationship with God.

1. He refused to get into another toxic relationship!

ii. His relationship with God helped prevent him from getting into toxic relationships with the opposite sex – does your relationship with God protect you?

1. Have you learned this relationship lesson?

c. How did Joseph overcome this seductive temptress? (Genesis 39:6 -12).

i. He knew that to honor God he had to live the life.

ii. He knew if he sinned that it would affect himself (self) – his relationship with God (spirit) and his relationships with others (body).

1. See diagram!

iii. He knew that adultery was not permitted by God’s word and was toxic.

iv. He knew he had to run away - fast.

1. Share about the women’s house we did for Urban.

a. Share about the girl you dated.

i. Your relationship with God needs to be strong to protect you from toxic relationships!

d. Jo goes on the run but Mrs. Po mo’s and puts on a deceitful show.

i. Result of this unfair circumstance is that Joe’s teachable spirit grows. She moans – Mr. Po reacts out of anger and Joe grows even as he goes to prison – who really lost? Joseph or the Po’s?

1. Who’s the Master in your life situations?

a. “Whatever injury wicked men-in-power inflict upon good men is to be regarded … as a test for the good man’s virtues. Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For, a wicked man serves not just one master, but, what’s worse, as many masters as he has vices. For, it is in reference to vice that the Holy Scriptures says: “For by whom a man is overcome, of the same also he is the slave” (II Peter 2:19). -Augustine

T.S. – Joe runs away and guards his relationship with the Lord and he ends up in prison!

II. Low Joe is thrown into death row-oh no! But God is with him!

a. Low Joe goes to prison but Joe grows in this dark place – maturity keeps coming to him – wisdom and insight come to him – His relationships with the Lord grows stronger in prison – in more bondage.

i. Jim Bakers shares that the 5 years of prison helped him to grow in leaps and bounds. “It was a five-year seminary.”

ii. You might say “Wait a minute!” This is not the place to learn! Prison!

1. Well maybe we need to define the term teach-ability- It is defined as the willingness to learn from others, from life situations good or bad and to learn from God in those tough places.

a. In China pastors who are considered mature have endured 4-6 years of Chinese prison for the Gospel.

iii. Low Joe has made a decision to not be low but instead to grow – to fail forward – to be in tune to the voice of the Lord. So, what happens in prison? He rises to the top with the Spirit of the Lord.

1. Interesting side note – he should have been executed for his false charge but he was not!

a. The truth is a slave who did what he was accused of - would have been executed!

2. Notice the cross reference coming up of the one who put him in charge of Pharaoh’s baker, and cup bearer.

a. Yes, it was Mr. Po

i. See Genesis 39:1 Potiphar was one of Pharaoh’s officials – the captain of the guard.

ii. See Genesis 40:2-4:

1. It says the captain of the guard assigned them to Joseph – that would be Potiphar by the way!

3. Joe does not become bitter but better from his toxic relationships – he grows under trials and tribulations. God continues to give him favor as he honors him.

iv. Low Joe in prison does not wine and moan but instead he cares for others – the warden puts him in charge of all things because the Lord was with him – he saw it – so he trusted him with more and more responsibility in the prison.

1. He then interprets dreams to these two men in prison - The Baker and The Cupbearer.

a. Note: He gives honor and glory for the interpretation to God.

i. He keeps his relationships in order!

b. Note - the disease of favoritism is cured in our prison hero – he is delivered from what would hold him back in life and in relationships with others. He is cured of what would cause him to be unfit for leadership.

c. He asks to not to be forgotten by the Cup Bearer but he is – but he still after two years is not bitter just better. He trusts in God and in God’s timing!

i. Joe knew that he was not forgotten by God!

1. Do you know this fact!

2. But one day the cupbearer remembers Joe – I am sure the Holy Spirit had something to do with this!

T.S. – Joe has had a growing experience through slavery and prison and even through a toxic relationship with Mrs. Po - But through it all he has been faithful to God who now opens the door to fulfill the dreams of his youth!

III. Low Joe is now on the go! (Genesis 41)

a. Low Joe receives his divine opportunity from God and goes before the head leader of Egypt – Yes, Pharaoh himself to interpret his dreams.

i. Joseph takes this opportunity seriously and he cleans up for the divine appointment.

1. Why? Egyptians were clean shaven and Joe knew he needed to look desirable and clean to be received by the supreme ruler.

2. Sounds like our hero has wisdom and insight to know the culture he is in!

b. It’s important to remember that as you stay teachable you also become a teacher to others.

i. Quote from Maxwell “When you are through learning your through.” But a good teacher is one who is always a student.

1. Are you are a student of life – learning as you go through the valleys and the mountaintops of life?

c. Joe in interpreting the dreams for pharaoh displays the heart of humility and teach-ability.

i. “I cannot interpret your dream but God can!” (verse 16) He knew that to do something he needed to tap the source which was God not him.

1. Andrew Murray said, “We can never have more faith than we have humility.” He continues, “As long as we take glory from another, we do not seek and cannot receive the glory that comes from God.”

2. Murray states, “We need only think for a moment what faith is. Is not the confession of nothingness and helplessness, the surrender and the waiting to let God work? Is it not in itself the most humbling thing there can be-the acceptance of our place as dependents, who can claim or get or do nothing but what grace bestows? Humility is simply the disposition which prepares the soul for living on trust. And every, even the most secret, breathing of pride-in self seeking, self-will, self confidence, or self-exultation-is just the strengthening of that self which cannot enter the kingdom or possess the things of the kingdom, because it refuses to allow God to be what He is and must be-the all in all” (46).

a. Humility releases more of the Spirit of God.

3. Sittser notes, “If God is not in control, then we should abandon faith and find our own way through the hard times of life” (38).

a. Question: Do you believe God is in control and can do something about this virus?

d. Teach-ability will always release more of the Spirit of God!

i. Note verse 38-40:

1. “So Pharaoh asked them, “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.””

a. ??Genesis? ?41:38-40? ?NIV??????????????


b. Pharaoh rewards Joe with a lot of authority because he saw Godly – humble character in Joe.

2. Why do you think pharaoh gave him such a position because he saw a man with the Spirit of God and it’s fruit humility?

a. Humility brings the blessings of God.

b. Humility is the ticket to success in life.

c. Humility will bring breakthrough to relationships.

T.S. – Joe has an opportunity placed in front of him by God to fulfill the dream of his youth and Joe is ready for this opportunity – he has developed his relationship skills – he has lost his pride and arrogance and grown into a mature man of God – through unjust situations and even slavery.

IV. Low Joe moves out to a knew motto in life “GO JOE!”

a. Joe was on the go for God because he was a humble servant leader filled with the Spirit of God. He was on the go because he was dispenser of grace and a forgiving individual.

i. Years ago, Erwin Lutzer wrote a very helpful little book titled Failure: The Back Door To Success, it could have been written about Joseph. Many times, it takes years of failures and setbacks to become an “overnight success.”

1. Abraham Lincoln is a classic example. He had two failed businesses, one nervous breakdown, endured the death of a sweetheart, and was defeated for public office no less than ten times over the space of 30 years. Then, incredibly, he was elected President of the United States. Years of failure had equipped him to deal with the heady air of the heights of power.

ii. Those repeated reversals, apparent failures, and personal tragedies did not defeat Lincoln. They strengthened his character and commitment. So, it was with Joseph.

iii. So here we find or hero a man who experienced setbacks and more set-backs - but the key was his defeats equipped him and developed him into a man who could handle success. We should never look at setbacks as failure but as a backdoor to success. In reality, a person who has gone through the process of loss and recovery is more able to handle the successes in life.

b. Joe was on the go because he was a dispenser of grace (see Genesis 42,43,44).

i. Joe dispensed grace as freely as he dispensed grain.

1. Grace is defined by Swindoll, “To show grace is to extend favor or kindness to one who doesn’t deserve it and can never earn it. Receiving God’s acceptance by grace always stands in sharp contrast to earning it on the basis of works. Every time the thought of grace appears, there is the idea of its being undeserved. In no way is the recipient getting what he or she deserves. Favor is being extended simply out of the goodness of the heart of the giver “(9).

a. When you dispense grace -- you get more of God in your life! When you show grace -- you receive grace.

b. Joe discovered that grace lead to inner happiness and communion with God.

c. He was in touch with the spirit of God – which touched grace and it taught him to return the favor to those who did him wrong.

2. Stanley Jones states,” Grace binds you with far stronger cords than the cords of duty or obligation can bind you. Grace is free, but when once you take it you are bound forever to the Giver, and bound to catch the spirit of the Giver. Like produces like. Grace makes you gracious, the Giver makes you give.”

a. Joe dispensed grace wisely like he dispensed grain wisely.

i. Note: He did take his time moving cautiously with his brothers – he did give them grain for no money – they did not deserve it but you see that’s what is so amazing about grace- it gives with no expectation in return.

ii. Joe’s dispensing of grace resulted in changed individuals and he healed relationships – toxic relationships – they became loving relationships – Especially with his Brothers.

1. Look at how they all changed – the result of grace and forgiveness from Joe helped his brothers to take responsibility and also heal from their sin of what they did to their little brother – Grace is so Amazing because it is rooted in relationship with God!

Conclusion: What have learned today from our message?

Bumper sticker – “Make God laugh tell him your future plans!”

1. Joe learned from God that he needed to say NO to temptation – His relationship with God meant more than his freedom.

• This meant the temptation came over and over because it wanted to severe his relationship with God!

o The temptation to sin is not a one-time event it is repeated and we must stay on our guard to resist it.

• He also learned here that if you say “No” there could be repercussions but don’t worry God is with you.

o Joe knew his relationship with God was more important than his relationship with a seductive woman.

2. Joe learned through his adverse circumstance (toxic relationships) and even though he could have become bitter he chose to become better.

• Joe chose to grow and in midst of his trial he showed compassion and concern for others.

o You would think all that he had been through – the broken relationships with his brothers and now the family he served would make him want nothing to do with others!

• His attitude and trust in God promoted him even in prison and he still developed relationships with others.

3. Joe’s humility before pharaoh helped him rise to the top.

• He chose to honor God in front of Pharaoh – once again he revealed what relationship was most important.

• He gave credit to God for the interpretation!

• He came to pharaoh all cleaned up sensitive to culture and knew the importance of interpersonal relationships!

• His humility in God set him free from slavery and toxic relationships.

• His ability to learn through his ordeals helped him to become set free.

• His care for others paid great rewards – even though it was not immediate.

• Joe went from being low to the Joe on the go headed to the top!

4. Do you want to be a Joe on the go?

• Then be a servant leader filled with His Spirit and let it produce humility.

• Then become a dispenser of grace.

• Then be and individual who chooses to forgive!

In the end Joe’s relationship with his family is restored – and he develops new relationships with the most powerful man of the day Pharaoh as well as all the people he helped in the time of famine!