Summary: Let’s study three things that Paul lists as great perils or dangers to Christian freedom.



INTRODUCTION: Picture me in handcuffs or sitting in a jail cell. Now, picture me unshackled or walking about freely. I think I might use the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Fee at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I’m free at last.”

That’s the story and purpose of this Book. It is the theme – Jesus came to set us free! See Ps. 146:7; John 8:32; Rom. 6:18.

What is freedom? Freedom is not the right to do what you want to do; it is the power to do what you ought to do!

The Book of Galatians has been outlined in the following way. The Apostle of Freedom (ch.1-2). Paul defends his apostleship. The Gospel of Freedom (ch.3-4). Paul defends the truth of the Gospel. The Life of Freedom (ch.5-6). Paul emphasizes the duties of a Christian.

Let’s study three things that Paul lists as great perils or dangers to Christian freedom.


Paul urges them to enjoy their freedom in Christ without returning to legalistic bondage. The cuffs are off, don’t put them back on. Look at Paul’s:

A. Assertion (v.1) Christ has saved, liberated, delivered and freed (3:13, 5:18). He has freed us from the penalty and power of sin. He will one day free us from its presence.

B. Appeal (v.1) “Stand firm” means to dig your heels in firmly. Resist the appeal to turn back to the bondage of rules and regulations of the Mosaic Law. That would be senseless. The word “burdened” means to be entangled or be held in.

C. Admonition (v.2-6) Choose once for all between Christ and the law. Trying to live by the law really means you’re trying to save yourself instead of trusting Christ to save you. Why stand firm? If you go back through circumcision, sacrifice and baptism into Abraham as a means of gaining God’s favor or acceptance you will lose the benefits of Christ’s work (v.2). You will put yourself in a position in which Christ will be of no advantage to you. He will profit you nothing and be of no use to you. Many today teach that the cross is necessary but it’s not enough.

Another thing you will do is bind yourself to keep the whole law (v.3). If you

confess that one is obligated to a part of it then one is obligated to all of it. See James 2:10. You can’t just pick and choose what is convenient. Don’t you see the far-reaching implications here?

Still another thing is that you leave Christianity and join Judaism. The word “alienated” means to be severed or rendered inoperative, null and void. You are cut off. “Fallen from grace” really has nothing to do with how many would define or describe it today. It is not losing salvation, if one really has it, but simply renouncing or falling away from the concept of justification by grace. There are many who teach justification by grace and then sanctification (another aspect of salvation) by works.


Here Paul is not so much concerned with what but who. Beware of false teachers who teach salvation by works. Some well-known preachers of the health, wealth and prosperity gospel do nothing more than teach that we gain favor with God by being and doing good.

A. Their Tactics (v.7) You had a good start and were making progress, but you have been “hindered”. Someone has thrown an obstacle in your way.

B. Their Talk (v.8) Note “persuasion”. It means pressures leading you to disobey the truth, persuasive talk, crafty words, and smooth talk.

C. Their Teachings (v.9-10) Their tactics proceed from their teachings. But their teachings or beliefs are like a little leaven. Just a little will influence and ruin the whole batch. Would you advise anyone to take just a little poison?


Freedom itself can be dangerous. Freedom can be abused. It can be perverted. The thought is, since we are free, we can live as we wish. We are free from the ceremonial law, but not from the moral law! Freedom is to be used responsibly. We have not been set free “to” sin but “from” sin. We’re not free to sin, but free to obey.

A. The Call (v.13) You have been called with a view to freedom in Christ.

B. The Command (v.13-14) We’re not in bondage to the law but to love. Enslave yourselves, not to the sinful flesh, but to love one another.

C. The Conflict (v.15) They were biting, devouring and consuming one another. The picture is that of wild animals engaged in a deadly struggle. If you don’t watch out, you will completely destroy yourselves.

CONCLUSION: Legalism never promotes love. All it does is create a judgmental spirit that leads to conflict. It’s all ritual and no relationship.