INTRODUCTION: One preacher delivered a sermon on these verses entitled “When God’s Clock Struck”. God always keeps His appointments. God’s timing is always perfect. Someone once said, “He may be slow but He’s always sure.” Jesus showed up, not by chance or by accident but by divine providence. Have you ever wondered why He came when He did? Paul answers our question for us. Look with me at these verses. They reveal some golden truths.
See v.4 – “But when the time had fully come.” I see here two things.
A. Organization There was a favorable legal climate. Rome ruled the world. They were somewhat tolerant of religion as long as they declared “Caesar is God.” That worked well with everyone except the Jews. Things got so bad that after decades of killing they finally said, “We will grant an exception to the Jews.” During that time Jesus was born. For 70 years after the death of Jesus Rome never distinguished the difference between Judaism and Christianity. By the time they recognized it, it had taken root in the Roman Empire. There was a favorable political climate under Augustus Caesar – 25 years before Christ’s birth – peace broke out. During that time, they built roads that were safe to travel. There was a favorable cultural climate. Language barriers were broken down. Since the Tower of Babel for the first time people spoke a common language. God set the stage through organization, transportation and communication. There was a favorable philosophical climate. Aristotle and Plato raised many questions for which Christianity had an answer.
None of these things happened without a purpose. God was setting the stage for
the coming of Jesus. Every detail was under His control and ordered by His providential hand.
B. Incarnation “Sent His Son”. It does not say He created His Son but sent Him. He was already in existence! “Born of a woman”. Here is a divine Father and a human mother. Jesus showed up as the God-man. He didn’t come before nor behind His time but at just the right time. The world did not go after Him, He came to the world. How? By way of Mary’s womb. The Son of God becomes the Son of man so the sons of men can become the sons of God.
Stop and think about Mary. Her marriage had not yet been consummated.
Jesus’ birth would take place, not at home, but in a strange town with no support system in inadequate housing. If you would ask Mary she would probably say “This is not the right time.” But it was God’s timing. By the way, if you don’t want to be inconvenienced, I suggest not following God’s plan! If you don’t want to be disturbed, you will be of little use to God’s kingdom.
See v.5. Look at two things. Why did Jesus come?
A. Redemption Note that the Trinity (Father, Son, Spirit) are all mentioned in these verses. Each plays a role in our redemption. Redemption is a gift of grace through faith. It brings justification (3:24) and liberation (3:25). We have not been redeemed by silver or gold, but by the precious blood of Christ. The word redeem means to set free by paying a price. That price was paid at Calvary. We enter God’s family by regeneration (being born again, redeemed).
B. Rights Don’t miss this. “That we might receive the full rights of sons.” This is the idea of adoption. We do not enter God’s family by adoption but by regeneration. But once we are regenerated, we are placed into the family with all rights and privileges. Adoption means “to place as an adult son”. It has to do with our standing. We’re not just children of God, but full-grown sons who are free to enjoy the honors and blessings of the Father’s house. Regeneration or redemption is our position. Adoption is our privilege.
See v.6. “God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts…” At the moment of conversion, the Spirit enters into men’s hearts there to take up residence. “The Spirit of Jesus” is a reference to the Holy Spirit.
A. He Saturates We are to be filled with Him. Note, Paul didn’t say our head but our heart. He does illuminate the intellect and guide the judgment, but he comes chiefly and mainly to move the affections (heart). The heart is the center of our being. It refers to the vital part, the core being. See Prov.4:23. It means all of us.
B. He Motivates Note the word “calls”. It is referred to as “cry”. He compels us to cry out. He assists us in prayer. He cries in us and for us, and even on our behalf when we cannot articulate our words properly. The word implies fervency. We cry for the Living God. It is a present participle meaning that He prompts us every day to cry out. What is it we cry? “Abba” = Aramaic. It’s the Hebrew word for Father. Father = Pater. It’s the Greek word for Father.
CONCLUSION: The Appointed Period. The Adoptive Purpose. The Abiding Presence. Now, aren’t you glad He showed up?