Summary: Thousands of year ago, God put in place 10 key values that can make a difference in the life of every family. The Ten Commandments have stood the test of time. Discover how these important values apply to every single person, every married couple, and every family regardless of size or makeup.

Last week we started a new series that we’re calling Family Values.

This series has application for all of us, whether you are single, married, widowed, divorced, a traditional family, blended family, you name it.

Our focus, in this series, is the Ten Commandments.

Today we're headed back to Ex. 20 and commandment #2.

Exodus 20:4-5 (NIV)

4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

If you missed last week, you can go online to catch up, but to summarize the message in just two words - God FIRST.

Week #2 – God ONLY.

God tells us not to IDOLIZE anything.

What does that mean?

An idol is anything that takes the place that rightly belongs to God.

It is anything that causes us to take our focus off God.

And idol is anything I value more than I value God.

Some people park their idols in their garage.

Some people dock their idols at the lake.

Some people put their idols in a safe deposit box.

Archaeologists tell us that in every culture throughout history there have been idols.

For some reason, man tends to turn objects, or people, or other things into objects of worship.

But God clearly tells us not to do that.

There were Three Primary Idols In The Old Testament.

• Baal - the god of sex.

• Mammon - the god of money.

• Molech - the god of violence.

You don’t hear much about worshiping Baal, Mammon, or Molech today.

But plenty of people talk about sex, money, and violence.

Today our worship is typically not about statues, or little gods or goddesses.

We do not worship objects as much as we worship images.

We worship various images of success, images of wealth, images of status, and images of sensuality.

Culture has so glamorized these things.

These things are given prominence in the media.

But again, our concern is not the media or culture.

Our concern is the Word of God.

What does the Bible say about these idols?

Deuteronomy reinforces family value #2 by issuing this WARNING…

Deuteronomy 4:15b-16a (NIV)

15b Watch yourselves very carefully,

16a so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape…

God says, watch yourselves very carefully.

Don't idolize anything or anyone.

There are several reasons why God would say this.

1. Idols will DISAPPOINT you.

Idols always promise more than they can deliver.

Jeremiah 10:14 (TLB)

14 But foolish men without knowledge of God bow before their idols. It is a shameful business that these men are in, for what they make are frauds, gods without life or power in them.

Idols always disappoint.

• We’re told to wear a certain label and we'll be popular.

• Buy a certain product and you'll be a success.

• Buy a certain brand of toothpaste and you'll have sex appeal.

Have you ever bought anything that was nothing but a disappointment after you got it? We all have.

Anytime anyone or anything is allowed to occupy that place in our life that only God should fill, you will be disappointed.

Habakkuk 2:18 (TLB)

18 "What profit was there in worshiping all your man-made idols? What a foolish lie that they could help! What fools you were to trust what you yourselves had made.

Idols will always disappoint you.

2. Idols will DISTRACT you.

Whenever you love something or someone, more than you love God, that idol will begin to distract you from the things that matter most.

People are easily distracted and led astray by their idols.

For instance, how many people have been led astray by the lure of a promotion?

They worship at the altar of more money, more power, more fame, or more recognition.

We must not allow anything to distract us from that which matters most; a close, personal, healthy relationship with our Heavenly Father.

One time a rich young ruler came to Jesus.

He said "What must I do to have eternal life?"

Jesus said, "Go, sell everything you've got and give it to the poor and come follow me."

There is no record of Jesus ever saying this to anyone else.

He made that statement only once to this guy.

I think Jesus said that to this guy because he knew that the idol in this guy’s life was his bank account.

So, Jesus went straight to the heart of the issue.

He told this young man that he would have to deal with the issue of what was first in his life. Something had taken the place that rightly belonged to God.

All idols must be dethroned before God can occupy that place in our lives that should belong only to Him.

The problem was, there was another god in this guy’s life.

That’s why he walked away sad and did not follow Jesus.

So, it is wise to be very careful about what you allow to occupy the place in your life, that should be reserved only for God.

3. Idols will DESTROY you.

We don’t know what ever happened to the rich young ruler.

I think most would agree that when he met Jesus, he came to a fork in the road.

He had a decision to make.

He had to make a choice.

Unfortunately, he chose a path that does not lead to anyplace good.

I can’t help but think of how his life might have been different had he chosen to follow Christ that day.

But he was unwilling.

Something else had taken control of his life.

He was more committed to an idol.

Is there anything like that in your life?

Anything you need to give up?

Anything that has subtly nudged God out of your life?

Is there anything that’s holding you back or keeping you from being all that God wants you to be?

It could be relationship, your career choice, a habit, or some kind of addiction.

God tells us to give up those things we have a hard time letting go of.

Those things are idols.

If you don't disown the idols, they could end up owning you.

Idols will disappoint you, distract you, and ultimately destroy your life.

That is why you need to beware. Be careful.

For your own good don't allow anything else, or anyone else, to occupy the place that rightfully belongs to Him.

The Bible says…We are to worship God and God ALONE.

Worship means I humble myself and surrender myself to Him and Him alone.

I must give God my highest love, my total devotion, and my ultimate loyalty.

He is the only One who deserves my highest praise.

No other person, no other object, no career, or any other thing deserves that which is deserved by my Heavenly Father, the One who made me.

Over in Romans 1, the Apostle Paul summarized what people were doing 2,000 year ago, and even yet today.

Romans 1:25 (NIV)

25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.

Do you know anybody that does that?

Do you know anyone who praises the creation ahead of the Creator?

They're probably not in church much.

Their God is the beach, the woods, the lake, their hobby, their work, their stuff.

They say that they feel closer to God in some of these places.

but if they are honest, in many instances,

they never really give God much thought.

If they are honest…their lives are really not about Him.

They are all about their own personal pursuits and personal pleasure.

1 John 5:21 (TLB)

21 Keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.

Personal pleasure often takes the place in our hearts that rightfully belongs to God.

The same could be said of money and material possessions.

There is nothing wrong with pleasure, or money, or possessions. None of these things are innately bad.

But they can easily become "idols” when we are enslaved to them and we allow them to take God’s place by becoming the most important things in our lives.

Look what Jesus told us in…

Matthew 6:24 (NIV)

24 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

The list of potential idols could go on and on.

But the real question for all of us, when it comes to making personal application of Commandment #2 is this: Are there any idols in my life? What "idols" do I serve?

Have you subtly allowed anything to take the place in your life that rightly belongs only to God?

Be willing to listen as the Spirit of God speaks to you today.


I just want you to be open and allow the Spirit of God to speak to you as you ask the question, What "idols" do I serve?

God is faithful. He will speak. In fact, in some cases, He may speak to you for the very first time through this series.

Be open to hearing from Him.

You’ll begin to sense in your spirit that He is revealing things to you, convicting you of things that need to be different, or inspiring you to make positive changes in your life.

I would encourage you to pay close attention to those inner impressions. That is the Spirit of God speaking to you.

There are so many reasons why people allow these idols, to take the place in their lives that rightly belongs to God. I want to offer a few…

Motives for idol worship: Why do we do it?

a. Idol worship is an attempt to LIMIT God's location.

It is like we think we can put God in a box.

If I can keep God in a tiny little box, I can make sure He stays in His place and out of my way.

So, we try to compartmentalize God.

If He is compartmentalized, I can keep God out of those areas of my life where I would rather He not go.

If I don't want God to be around, I can just leave Him behind.

I can just shut the door and leave Him out of certain parts of my life.

For instance, a lot of people want to leave God here at church.

That’s compartmentalizing. And that is one of the things that leads to claims that Christians are hypocritical.

This is the people who live one way on Sunday, and a different way through the week.

They think they can limit God’s location.

They know there are some places they intend to go, and some things they intend to do, and to have God present would just make them feel uncomfortable.

If you can just isolate God and leave Him out of that part of your life, you’ll feel better.

We think we can just kind of put God on the shelf and come back for Him when it is more convenient.

Just leave Him here at church.

That way you won’t have to feel bad.

And what is there to feel bad about anyway.

At least you go to church.

That is better than a lot of people you know.

And if you can reserve a little time for God, even if it is just here at church, then you can feel like you've got Him under control -- it's like you are limiting His location.

b. Idol worship is an attempt to REDUCE God’s power.

People are notorious for trying to whittle God down to a manageable size.

If I've got God in a statue, in a little box or an idea (God's only in the Bible) then it's less imposing and less threatening.

We act like He's not everywhere and He can't do everything.

He's a little more convenient and a little more manageable that way.

In Genesis 1:27, God said, "Let us make man in our image".

Ever since creation, it is like mankind wants to return the favor so we have been trying to make God in our image.

We want to make God like us.

I often hear people say "My idea of God is this…"

We customize everything else in life.

Now people try to create the God they desire rather than getting to know and understand the God of the Bible.

We need to get to know God and learn about who He is through His Word.

We can get to know what God is like by looking to the example of Jesus Christ.

People often try to shape God by their own standards, by their own personalities, and by their own desires.

It's easier to change my image of God rather than allow God to change me.

So, if I don’t like the fact that God says, "Don't commit adultery" I just change my image of God.

I can just say "I don't think God cares about that kind of thing anymore.

I know what the Bible says about sexual immorality.

But this is 2017.

I think God kind of winks at immorality.

It is not that big of a deal anymore.

I have seen people change their theology (belief about God) because they can't justify their lifestyle and their beliefs any other way.

They’re attempting to create God in their image.

I have seen parents alter their view of God to accommodate the lifestyle choices of their children.

I get why they try to do it.

We want to manage God and make God like us.

A little girl told her teacher she was drawing a picture of God.

The teacher said, "But nobody knows what God looks like."

The girl said, "They will when I get through."

That's cute when you are 5.

But I know a lot of adults who are trying to do that exact same thing.

They attempt to create the God they desire, and that is not cute.

They’re trying to make God in their own image.

A God created in my own image will justify my lifestyle.

That way, I don’t have to change a thing.

It is like we want God in our lives, but we want Him there in small, controlled, pre-measured doses, and only on our terms.

We don't want to let God get out of control or out of hand.

I want just enough of God to bless me, but I certainly don't want Him trying to run my life.

That leads me to…

c. Idol worship is an attempt to CONTROL God.

A lot of people are looking for a god that they can control and manipulate.

I know a lot of adults who do that kind of thing.

They try to manipulate God. "God, You owe me this."

They demand things of God.

They try to bargain with God.

You cannot control, manipulate, bargain with, or demand things of Almighty God.

We are to worship Him and Him alone.

There are Benefits to Worshiping God only, and putting Him first in our lives.

When I worship God alone…

1) It brings DELIGHT.

God promises the fulfillment you have been looking for.

Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

So many people regret not coming to Christ sooner.

Because once they turn to Him, they find the fulfillment they were looking for in all the wrong places.

Romans 10:11 (NCV)

11 As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disappointed.“

When I worship God alone…

2) It brings DELIVERANCE.

The Bible says you will experience freedom like you've never felt when you put God in first in your life.

John 8:31-32 (NIV)

31 Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.

32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

John 8:36 (NIV)

36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

The reason I am free is because I no longer have to worry about the approval of other people because now my focus is only on pleasing God.

I don't have to please 10-20-30 people -- you can't do that anyway.

Now I live for an audience of One.

God is number one in my life.

I will focus on doing what He says to do.

My goal is to please Him.

That way I will always be doing the right thing.

It is a great way to live!

When I worship God alone…

3) It brings FREEDOM.

I’m set free from my past.

I've been completely forgiven.

I don't have to carry the regrets of the past any more.

I'm set free in the present.

I have a new power to break habits I couldn't break on my own. I can be the person He is calling me to be.

I'm free in the future.

I'm not afraid of dying, because I know where I'm going.

I'm free in the past, present, and future.

That is real freedom.

When I worship God alone…

4) It brings GROWTH.

When I put God first in my life He enables me to become the person He is calling me to be.

2 Corinthians 3:18b (TLB)

18b And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him.

That’s God’s goal for all of us.

God wants to develop in us the characteristics of His Son, Jesus Christ in – Qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

God will enable you to reach your full potential.

Are you willing to worship God and God alone?

Are you open to what He wants to do in you?

You’ll never become all God wants you to be,

and your family will never be all He wants it to be,

until God is first in your life and He is the only one you worship.

God First – God only.

Commandments #1 and #2.