Summary: revival 2018 part 2

“Create in me a clean heart, Oh God”

Psalm 51

2 Samuel 11-12

As you know our Old Time Tent revival is just 2 weeks away

And like I said last week I am excited

Revival brings newness to a church and a community

Revival bring life back into Old Dry bones

And Revival changes hearts and lives

I am excited about the changes in the hearts that are about to happen

I am excited about what God has planned for the weeks to come

For the years to come

In my life

In your lives

The life of this church and the community

If you are not excited

Check your pulse

Or check your salvation

One or the other is missing

And either way your dry bones need reconciliation or revival

At the end of last weeks service

I challenged each of you to pick 5 unsaved people in your lives

And commit to pray daily for them

For as long as it takes

That someone would be able to reach them for Jesus

Either you or someone

I issue this challenge again

Will you do it?

Will you invite your friends and family?

Those at the bank or feedstore

Those at work

To come in 2 weeks and hear the preaching of God’s word

And be revived?

Last week we looked at Ezekiel’s vision about the restoration of Israel

And we saw that Preaching

Personal bible study

A productive prayer life

The power of God almighty

And repentance

Are all requirements of revival

And how revival start first in our minds

Moves to our hearts

Into our hands and feet

Into our voices

As we proclaim Jesus Christ to all who will hear

It starts in us

Moves into the church and then and only then

Into the community and the world

I spent a lot of time on repentance last week

And this week I will continue with that teaching

Once again

Not a popular topic in the world today

Unfortunately, not a popular topic in the church today

But a must for Revival

A must for Spiritual Growth


If you want to grow spiritually

If you want all that God has for you

And to become all he wants you to be

Repentance is a must

We need more repentance in our hearts

We need more repentance in our churches

We need more repentance in the world

And without it there will be no revival

Today I want to look at just a small part of one man’s life

His name is David

A shepherd

Giant Killer


A man’s after God’s own heart

And a sinner

Like all men

David was used mightily by God

And God blessed him, his family and the nation of Israel through him

I we leave out the less desirable parts of his story

We could easily see him as perfect

As just a story

Something or someone we could never become

But todays lesson shows a deeper side of David

A darker side of David

The story comes from 2 Samuel 11 and 12

I will just tell it to you in my words today, as I want to get to a latter part of the story

But I encourage you to read this for yourself

David has been blessed by God

And David has gotten complacent

God’s word said it was in the time when Kings went to war

And David’s army was fighting

But David was laying up in the shade

On the roof of his palace one day

He looked down upon another roof and saw Bathsheba wife of Uriah the Hittite


He liked what he saw- Sin One

Sent for her

Slept with her- sin two

And she became pregnant

Now her husband was off fighting for King David

So, David called him home

Got him drunk- Sin Three

Tried to send him home to sleep with his wife

Which he refused to do, at this point Uriah had much more integrity than David

So, he sent Uriah back to war

Ordered one of his generals to send Uriah into the hottest part of the battle- Sin four

And then pull back so he would be killed- Sin 5

David. a man after God’s own heart

Made a big mess of things because he could not control his lust

And one sin led to another

And one man lost his life

David took his wife Sin 6

And tried to hide his sins- Sin 7

After a period of time

A Prophet named Nathan called him on his sin

He told a story about a man who had only one sheep a little lamb that was his pet

And how a wealthy man who owned many sheep stole this man’s lamb to host a barbeque

Nathan asked David

What should happen to this man

David was outraged

He said he should die

And Nathan Quickly replied You are that Man

I love Nathan for his brutal honesty

David could have easily had him killed

Nobody talked to the King like that

But he listened

Nathans words pierce his heart

He had Lied and cheated

He had committed adultery, murder, deceit

It would have been easy to continue with the cover up

It would have been easy to make excuses

It would have been easy to shift the blame

But David’s integrity came back, and he admitted his sin, repented and cried out to God for forgiveness

And in his repentance, he wrote the 51st Psalm

One of the best of a truly repentant heart in all of God’s word

Let me read his words for you

Then we will come back break them down and apply them to our own lives

Psalm 51

Have mercy on me, O God,

because of your unfailing love.

Because of your great compassion,

blot out the stain of my sins.

2 Wash me clean from my guilt.

Purify me from my sin.

3 For I recognize my rebellion;

it haunts me day and night.

4 Against you, and you alone, have I sinned;

I have done what is evil in your sight.

You will be proved right in what you say,

and your judgment against me is just.[a]

5 For I was born a sinner—

yes, from the moment my mother conceived me.

6 But you desire honesty from the womb,[b]

teaching me wisdom even there.

7 Purify me from my sins,[c] and I will be clean;

wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

8 Oh, give me back my joy again;

you have broken me—

now let me rejoice.

9 Don’t keep looking at my sins.

Remove the stain of my guilt.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God.

Renew a loyal spirit within me.

11 Do not banish me from your presence,

and don’t take your Holy Spirit[d] from me.

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,

and make me willing to obey you.

13 Then I will teach your ways to rebels,

and they will return to you.

14 Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves;

then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.

15 Unseal my lips, O Lord,

that my mouth may praise you.

16 You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.

You do not want a burnt offering.

17 The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.

You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

18 Look with favor on Zion and help her;

rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

19 Then you will be pleased with sacrifices offered in the right spirit—

with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings.

Then bulls will again be sacrificed on your altar.

Strong, inspiring words

Words we can use as a prayer when we need to repent and don’t know what to say

But Better than that a model of repentance

I am going to break this Psalm down

Not verse by verse but concept by concept

Point by point

In an effort to use David’s words

As a guide, ty our own repentance

And ultimately to our own revival

In order to have true repentance

We must follow David’ pattern

First, we must take responsibility for our sin

David in 2 Samuel 12 when Nathan called him on his sin

Said” I have sinned against the Lord”

He admitted it

No cover up

No press conferences saying:” I did not have sex with that woman”

No lies

No conspiracy’s

No blame shifting




He said yes

I have sinned



Listen to me

All sin is against God

He holds us to his standard and his holiness

And even though we may sin with someone- Bathsheba

Or even have someone be the recipient of our sin- Uriah

The sin is against God

Verse 3 and 4

For I recognize my rebellion;

it haunts me day and night.

4 Against you, and you alone, have I sinned;

I have done what is evil in your sight.

You will be proved right in what you say,

So, the first step of repentance is Taking responsibility

Next David shows us that we must cry out for God’s mercy

Verse 1

Have mercy on me, O God,

because of your unfailing love.

Because of your great compassion,

blot out the stain of my sins.

Verse 11`

Do not banish me from your presence,

and don’t take your Holy Spirit[d] from me

Lord, I know I have sinned

And I know I have sinned against you

And I know that the wages of sin is death

And I know I deserve whatever you want to give me

But Lord I am seeking your mercy

And because of your unfailing love, I know that I can receive it

So, David admitted his sin

Came clean

Cried out for mercy

and asked God to change him

Verse 2

Wash me clean from my guilt.

Purify me from my sin.

Verses 7-8

Purify me from my sins,[c] and I will be clean;

wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

8 Oh, give me back my joy again;

Verses 9-10

Don’t keep looking at my sins.

Remove the stain of my guilt.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God.

Renew a loyal spirit within me.

And then and only then did he seek restoration

You see most people do it wrong

They sin

Make excuses

Cover it up

Shift the blame

Justify their sin

And then when that does not work they admit it

And skip right to the please forgive me

And please restore me part

They never cry out for mercy

They never seek cleansing

They want to just kind of wipe it off

And expect God to bless them

But you see David knew what God wanted

He wanted true repentance

He wanted David to cry out in his brokenness for spiritual healing

This is what God wants from us as well

Listen to me

God does not desire for us to be broken

When we are living accoriding to his will and his word

He wants us to be whole and happy

But apart from his will

He desires us to be broken

It is only in our brokenness that we see the need for change

That we see the need for deliverance

That we see them need for salvation

In order to understand salvation

We need to know what we are being saved from

What I mean by this is we are incomplete

When we are living outside of Gods will

It should hurt us in our hearts when we sin

And we should know as David knew

It is God we are sinning against

It is He we are disrespecting


Cheating on

Stealing from

Hiding from

Even running from

And in that state

We should be broken

Verses 16-17

You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.

You do not want a burnt offering.

17 The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit/(heart.)

You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

You see many try to do penance

Make a sacrifice

God if you forgive me I’ll go to church more

Or give more of my time, my money, my talents

I’ll pray more

Read my bible more

I’ll, I’ll I’ll

Trying to buy God’s forgiveness

Trying to buy his love

Trying to make a sacrifice to receive his mercy

Instead of repenting to receive forgiveness

I love what comes next

We see a true key to repentance from David

A picture of the word repentance itself

One so many miss

A turning and going the other way

Not as a get me out of this deal

But as a result of God’s grace

Verse 13-15

Restore to me the joy of your salvation,

and make me willing to obey you.

13 Then I will teach your ways to rebels,

and they will return to you.

14 Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves;

then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.

15 Unseal my lips, O Lord,

that my mouth may praise you.

Because I have repented

Not in order to repent

Lord give me back the joy of my salvation

Give me the desire to follow your word and not repeat the same sins

Let me praise your name

Verse 8

Oh, give me back my joy again;

you have broken me—

now let me rejoice.

Let me tell of your mercy and grace

Let me share the truth of your goodness

These things we do because of forgiveness

Not to get forgiveness

Works and good deeds are a result of our salvation not a path to salvation

Listen to me

David was forgiven

He was restored

He was renewed

Listen to me this part is hard

Lot’s of preachers don’t want to talk about this part

David was forgiven but he still suffered the worldly consequences of his sins

The son he had from the adultery with his now wife Bathsheba died

His family disintegrated around him

One of his sons raped one of his daughters

Another son killed that son

His kingdom was in turmoil

His life was a mess

You see receiving God’s mercy deals with our eternal life

And deal with our spiritual revival

We still have to pay the piper sometimes for our actions here on earth

Simply put

When we do stupid stuff

God will forgive us when we repent and seek his forgiveness

If you choose to sleep around

Don’t cry to God when you get aids or pregnant

He cares

And he may heal you or comfort you through the pain and hardships

But you are suffering the worldly consequences of your actions

One has nothing to do with the other

Repentance goes past being sorry for sin

Or sorry you got caught

It goes beyond asking for forgiveness

Or even receiving forgiveness

Repentance is taking head knowledge

Knowing right from wrong

And turning it into heart Knowledge

Doing right not wrong

Stopping whatever it is

And going the other way

True Repentance cleanses us

True Repentance reconciles us

True Repentance restores us

True repentance leads us to trust in God for everything at all times

True repentance removes our selfish pride

Our arrogance

Our disobedience our guilt

Our shame


True Repentance leads us to spiritual revival

Revival is more than repentance

Much more

But without Repentance

There can be no revival

Close from the heart
