“Walk the Talk” #3
(Get Rid of 5 Deadly Sins)
S-2 A realignment with God, and His sacredness, and majesty!
Sometimes we must get rid of things as a part of the alignment.
S-3 I Peter 2:1-3
S-4 Getting Rid of 5 Deadly Sins
1. Malice: deliberate ill-will
2. Deceit: The intentional misleading or beguiling of another. (Using your charm in a deceptive way)
3. Hypocrisy: Claiming something with your lips but acting in a different manner.
4. Envy: Jealousy over the blessings of others.
5. Slander: A false charge to ruin a reputation.
S-5 & 6 I Peter 2:4-7
S-7 Changes because of Jesus
1. Spiritual house: the core of your life is Holy Spirit centered.
2. Offering Spiritual sacrifices: Putting others and the God’s Kingdom before your desires.
3. Shame is removed: No condemnation.
4. Anchored by Jesus: Stability in trusting God with an outcome. (Not matter what the outcome.)
S-8 I Peter 2:8-9
S-9 Obedient Life
1. Royal priesthood: We become mediators between God and others.
2. Holy Nation: A distinctive that says we belong or have been set apart for God.
3. Characterized by light: A special or peculiar people who are transparent about God.
S-10 I Peter 2:10
S-11 Mercy
1. Mercy: not getting what you do deserve in punishment.
2. The mercy you give will have an impact on the mercy you will receive. (Matt. 5:7)
3. The withholding of punishment because you’ve seen the punishment sin has already done to people’s life.