Summary: Greetings fellow brothers and sisters in Marriage. We have come together these couple of days to center in on our Marriages. Wow! What a task!

"I Do, I Do - Because I Love You!"


Greetings fellow brothers and sisters in Marriage. We have come together these couple of days to center in on our Marriages. Wow! What a task!

I honestly believe that everyone here at this Couples' Seminar is here because they want to enhance their marriage. They want to make to it better, stronger and more fulfilling. Their heart's desire is to either reignite their passion for one another or to strengthen their passion for one another.

I would like you to take a moment to have you reflect back to that very special day when you made a commitment to your spouse. You know, "The Big Day"! All the presents, glamour, songs, fun, anxiety, excitement and especially when we were asked to say, "I Do!" That was the beginning of your journey into marriage.

It started with He saying "I do" and she saying "I do". They both made these commitments because "I do", "I do", equals, "I Love You".

Since the beginning of Kathy's and my marriage, we have learned a few lessons about this incredible journey or should I say "adventure"!

I have learned to say "I Love You" in many ways. Here are some examples:

1. "I Do."

2. The song I sang, "I Could Never Promise You On Just My Strength Alone!" I realized the best way to say I love her is to first and foremost tell God that "I love Him with my whole heart and soul first". Then I have prayed and continued to pray, "Lord help me love my wife like Christ loved the Church!"

3. Praying for her.

4. Saying to her that I love her!

5. Navigating the bedroom without turning on the light when she is sleeping.

6. Giving her love notes with my love graffiti on them.

7. By saying, "I'm sorry!"

8. By filling her car with gas and checking the oil.

9. By not getting mad at her when she neglects the car.

10. Helping around the house!

11. By doing shopping for her.

12. By supporting her and telling everyone how smart she is!

13. By letting her pelt me with snowballs.

14. By truly listening to her when she speaks to me. This means shutting the T.V. off.

15. Saying, "thank you."

16. Saying how great a cook she is.

17. Creating a romantic evening.

18. Not spending too much money.

19. Spending time at her mom and dad's house.

20. Sharing my feelings with her when I'm down. Has its limits though!

21. Doing the repairs around the house.

22. Believing in her.

23. Holding hands together.

24. Hugging her.

25. Starting new traditions.

26. Enduring her frigid feet in bed on a cold winter's night.

27. Going hiking together.

28. Holding the door open for her.

29. Learning to laugh more at her pranks.

30. Giving her flowers.

31. Giving her a new ring and re-asking her to marry me.

32. Calling just to hear her voice.

33. Going over to say "hi" when she is teaching.

34. Taking her to lunch.

35. Cooking dinner once in a while.

36. Taking her out to eat because you know she is tired.

37. Knowing when I should be quiet.

38. Reading books and going to seminars to enhance our marriage.

39. Warming the bed for her on a cold night.

40. Breaking an irritating or unhealthy habit. (Still working on some!)

41. Warming up her car.

42. Flirting with her and always telling her how beautiful she is.

43. Cleaning the bathroom.

44. Laughing at her jokes.

45. Dating her regularly.

46. Listening to her talk late at night when all I want to do is sleep.

47. Giving her the chance to go back to school.

48. Learning to listen with an open mind.

49. Learning how to be romantic.

50. Snuggling under a blanket on the couch.

51. Giving her a hug when she doesn't expect it.

52. Learning how to ask directions when I'm lost.

53. A special smile across a crowded room.

54. Trying to keep a good attitude when the little ones have exhausted me.

55. Learning to listen to her advice about child-rearing.

56. Supporting her decisions with the kids.

57. Being protective of her.

58. Walks together.

59. Taking her to Hawaii.

60. Telling her everything.

How do you say “I Do?”

This list can go on indefinitely because each day I learn new ways to say "I Love You!"


I DO! I DO!" -- Because I Love You!

Outline of Sessions 1-3

I. COMMITMENT THE KEY TO A LIFELONG HAPPY MARRIAGE: Marriage is an adventure that takes continual work and planning. We must intentionally concentrate on keeping the romantic flame burning in our hearts, but we must meet each others emotional, physical and cognitive needs. Yes, We need romance and sex in our lives. But, we also need companionship, respect, fun and laughter in our adventure.

II. UNDERSTANDING THE NEEDS OF YOUR SPOUSE AND HOW TO MEET THEM: Men and women are not only physically different but also mentally and emotionally different. We as couples, need to learn the motto, "I choose to lose", to God and my spouse. I need to focus on my better half's needs rather than my own selfish needs and wants.

III. THE NUMBER ONE REASON WHY MARRIAGES START TO SPLINTER APART: The super-glue that holds marriages together is Communication. We will learn the Do's and Don'ts of Communication.

Day 1: Oct 32rd 9-11am

9:00 A.M. The party begins with wonderful food. Read over the many ways to say, "I Love You!"

9:10 A.M. What are you looking to gain from this marriage refresher?

9:30 A.M. Our Story Kathy and P. Mike

9:45 A.M. Your Story (5 min each or less)

10:15 A.M. Session I - "Commitment-passion-intimacy"

• Drs. Les and Leslie Parrot

• Kathy

• P. Mike

Do exercise #1 and #2 together over next two weeks

Day 2: Oct 17

9:00 A.M. – Feedback from Exercises #1 and 2

9:15 A.M. Session II

• His Needs – Kathy

• Her Needs – Mike

• The Tale of Two Brains – Mark Gungor

Do Exercise #3 and #4 together over next two weeks

Day 3: Oct 31

9:00 A.M. – Feedback from doing Exercises #3 and #4

9:15 A.M. – Session 3

• The Do’s and Don’ts of Communication

o Kathy

o P.Mike

* The Reset Button – Forgiveness – Mark Gungor

In the next week have do exercises #5 and #6!


Complete each thought with a few sentences expressing your deepest feelings about ____________________________.

1. The first time I met you . . . . .

Her response:


His response:


2. I first knew I loved you when . . . .

Her response:


His response:


3. My favorite memory with you is . . . .

Her response:


His response:


4. My favorite thing about you is . . . .

Her response:


His response:


5. The thing I've always wanted to tell you but never have is . . . .

Her response:


His response:


6. My expectations for this Seminar are . . . .

Her response:


His response:


7. The promise I make to you today with regard to our future is:

Her response:


His response:


Exercise 2:

Needs Questionnaire

© 1986, 2012 by Willard F. Harley, Jr.

Name________________________________________ Date________________

This questionnaire is designed to help you determine your most important emotional needs and evaluate your spouse’s effectiveness in meeting those needs. Answer all the questions as candidly as possible. Do not try to mini- mize any needs that you feel have been unmet. If your answers require more space, use and attach a separate sheet of paper.

Your spouse should complete a separate Emotional Needs Questionnaire so that you can discover his or her needs and evaluate your effectiveness in meeting those needs.

When you have completed this questionnaire, go through it a second time to be certain your answers accurately reflect your feelings. Do not erase your original answers, but cross them out lightly so that your spouse can see the corrections and discuss them with you.

The final page of this questionnaire asks you to identify and rank five of the ten needs in order of their importance to you. The most important emotional needs are those that give you the most pleasure when met and frustrate you the most when unmet. Resist the temptation to identify as most important only those needs that your spouse is not presently meeting. Include all your emotional needs in your consideration of those that are most important.

You have the permission of the publisher to photocopy the questionnaire for use in your own marriage.

Needs Questionnaire

Affection. The nonsexual expression of care through words, cards, gifts, hugs, kisses, and courtesies: creating an environment that clearly and repeatedly expresses care.

A. Need for affection:

1. Indicate how much you need affection by circling the appropriate number.


Scale 0 I have no need - I have a moderate need - 7 I have a great need for affection

2. If or when your spouse is not affectionate with you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy not to be shown affection

3. If or when your spouse is affectionate to you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy to be shown affection

B. Evaluation of spouse’s affection:

1. Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s affection toward you by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3 I am extremely dissatisfied- 0-I am neither – 3- I am satisfied

2.I like the way my spouse gives me affection. Yes No

If your answer is no, explain how your need for affection could be better satisfied in your marriage.


If your answer is no, how often would you like your spouse to be affectionate:


My spouse gives me all the affection I need. Yes No

C. Sexual fulfillment. A sexual experience that is predictably enjoyable and frequent enough for you.

1. Indicate how much you need sexual fulfillment by circling the appropriate number for a week.


2. If or when your spouse is not willing to engage in sexual relations with you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy not to engage in sexual relations

3. If or when your spouse engages in sexual relations with you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy to engage in sexual relations

4. Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s sexual relations with you by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3 I am extremely dissatisfied 0-I am neither 3 I am extremely satisfied

5.My spouse has sexual relations with me as often as I need. Yes y No

If your answer is no, how often would you like your spouse to have sex with you?

______ write number of times each day/week/month (circle one).

6.I like the way my spouse has sexual relations with me. Yes No

If your answer is no, explain how your need for sexual fulfillment could be better satisfied in your marriage:


C. Intimate conversation. Talking about feelings, topics of personal interest/ opinions, and plans.

1. Indicate how much you need intimate conversation by circling the appropriate number.


0-I have no need 3-I have a moderate need 6-I have a great need for intimate conversation

2. If or when your spouse is not willing to talk with you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy not to talk

3. If or when your spouse talks to you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy to talk

4. Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s intimate conversation with you by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3 I am extremely dissatisfied 0- I am neither satisfied dissatisfied 3-I am extremely satisfied

5. I like the way my spouse talks to me. Yes No

If your answer is no, explain how your need for intimate conversation could be better satisfied in your marriage:


If your answer is no, how often would you like your spouse to talk to you ____________________?

6. My spouse talks to me as often as I need. Yes No

D. Recreational companionship. Leisure activities with at least one other person. Rate Your Need for recreational companionship:

1. Indicate how much you need recreational companionship by circling the appropriate number.


0 -I have no need 3 - I have a moderate need 6- I have a great need for recreational companionship

2. If or when your spouse is not willing to join you in recreational activities, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy not to have my spouse join me

3. If or when your spouse joins you in recreational activities, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy to have my spouse join me

4. Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s recreational companionship by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3 I am extremely dissatisfied 0-I am neither satisfied 3- I am extremely satisfied

5. My spouse joins me in recreational activities as often as I need. Yes No

If your answer is no, how often would you like your spouse to join you in recreational activities?

________ (write number) times each day/week/month (circle one).

________ (write number) hours each day/week/month (circle one).

6. I like the way my spouse joins me in recreational activities. Yes No

If your answer is no, explain how your need for recreational companion- ship could be better satisfied in your marriage.


E. Honesty and openness. Truthful and frank expression of positive and negative feelings, events of the past, daily events and schedule, and plans for the future; not leaving a false impression.

1. Indicate how much you need honesty and openness by circling the appropriate number.


0 -I have no need 3- I have a moderate need 6- I have a great need for honesty and openness

2. If or when your spouse is not open and honest with you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy that my spouse isn’t honest and open

3. If or when your spouse is open and honest with you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy that my spouse is honest and open

4. Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s honesty and openness by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3 - I am extremely dissatisfied 0- I am neither satisfied 3- I am extremely satisfied

5. In which of the following areas of honesty and openness would you like to see improvement from your spouse? (Circle the letters that apply to you.)

1. Sharing positive and negative emotional reactions to significant aspects of life

2. Sharing information regarding his/her personal history

3. Sharing information about his/her daily activities

4. Sharing information about his/her future schedule and plans

If you circled any of the above, explain how your need for honesty and openness could be better satisfied in your marriage.


6. Physical attractiveness. Viewing physical traits of the opposite sex that are aesthetically and/or sexually pleasing.

F.Need for physical attractiveness:

1. Indicate how much you need physical attractiveness by circling the appropriate number.


0-I have no need 3-I have a moderate need 6-I have a great need for physical attractiveness

2.If or when your spouse is not willing to make the most of his or her physical attractiveness, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy he or she does not make an effort

3. When your spouse makes the most of his or her physical attractiveness, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy to see him or her make an effort

4.Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s attractiveness by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3 - I am extremely dissatisfied 0-I am neither satisfied 3-I am extremely satisfied

5. In which of the following characteristics of attractiveness would you like to see improvement from your spouse? (Circle the letters that apply.)

1. Physical fitness and normal weight

2. Attractive choice of clothes

3. Attractive hairstyle

4. Good physical hygiene

5. Attractive facial makeup

6. Other ____________________

If you circled any of the above, explain how your need for physical attractiveness could be better satisfied in your marriage.


G. Financial support. Provision of the financial resources to house, feed, and clothe your family at a standard of living acceptable to you.

1.Indicate how much you need financial support by circling the appropriate number.


0-I have no need 3-I have a moderate need 6-I have a great need for financial support

2. If or when your spouse is not willing to support you financially, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy not to be financially supported

3. If or when your spouse supports you financially, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy to be financially supported

4. Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s financial support by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3-I am extremely dissatisfied 0-I am neither 3- I am extremely satisfied

5. How much money would you like your spouse to earn to support you?


6. How many hours each week would you like your spouse to work?


7. If your spouse is not earning as much as you would like, is not working the hours you would like, does not budget the way you would like, or does not earn an income the way you would like, explain how your need for financial support could be better satisfied in your marriage.


H. Domestic support. Management of the household tasks and care of the children—if any are at home—that create a home environment that offers you a refuge from stress.

1. Indicate how much you need domestic support by circling the appropriate number.


0-I have no need 3-I have a moderate need 6-I have a great need for domestic support

2. If your spouse is not willing to provide you with domestic support, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Happy not to have domestic support

3. If or when your spouse provides you with domestic support, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy

b. Somewhat happy

c. Neither happy nor unhappy

d. Unhappy to have domestic support

4. Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s domestic support by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

-3-I am extremely dissatisfied 0-I am neither satisfied 3-I am extremely

5. My spouse provides me with all the domestic support I need. Yes No

6. I like the way my spouse provides domestic support. Yes No

If your answer is no to either of the above questions, explain how your need for domestic support could be better satisfied in your marriage.


9. Family commitment. Provision for the moral and educational development of your children within the family unit.

A. Needforfamilycommitment:Indicatehowmuchyouneedfamilycom- mitment by circling the appropriate number.

0123456 |||||||

I have no need I have a moderate need I have a great need for family commitment for family commitment for family commitment

If or when your spouse is not willing to provide family commitment, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy c. Neither happy nor unhappy

b. Somewhat unhappy d. Happy he or she is not involved

If or when your spouse provides family commitment, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy c. Neither happy nor unhappy

b. Somewhat happy d. Unhappy he or she is involved in the family

B. Evaluation of spouse’s family commitment: Indicate your satisfaction with your spouse’s family commitment by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 |||||||

I am extremely I am neither satisfied dissatisfied nor dissatisfied

family activities?

________ (write number) times each day/week/month (circle one).

________ (write number) hours each day/week/month (circle one).

I like the way my spouse spends time with the family. y Yes y No

If your answer is no, explain how your need for family commitment could be better satisfied in your marriage.

y Yes

If your answer is no, how often would you like your spouse to join in

My spouse commits enough time to the family.

y No

I am extremely satisfied

_Harley_HisNeedsHerNeeds-Guide_LS_kf.indd 58 10/24/12 11:11 AM

Emotional Needs Questionnaire

10. Admiration. Being shown respect, value, and appreciation.

A. Needforadmiration:Indicatehowmuchyouneedadmirationbycircling

the appropriate number.

0123456 |||||||

I have no need I have a moderate need I have a great need for admiration for admiration for admiration

If or when your spouse does not admire you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very unhappy c. Neither happy nor unhappy b. Somewhat unhappy d. Happy not to be admired

If or when your spouse does admire you, how do you feel? (Circle the appropriate letter.)

a. Very happy c. Neither happy nor unhappy b. Somewhat happy d. Unhappy to be admired

B. Evaluationofspouse’sadmiration:Indicateyoursatisfactionwithyour spouse’s admiration of you by circling the appropriate number.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 |||||||

I am extremely I am neither satisfied dissatisfied nor dissatisfied


________ (write number) times each day/week/month (circle one).

I like the way my spouse admires me. y Yes y No

If your answer is no, explain how your need for admiration could be bet- ter satisfied in your marriage.

y Yes

If your answer is no, how often would you like your spouse to admire

My spouse gives me all the admiration I need.

y No

I am extremely satisfied

Ranking Your Emotional Needs

The ten basic emotional needs are listed below. There is also space for you to add other emotional needs that you feel are essential to your marital happiness.

In the space provided before each need, write a number from 1 to 5 that ranks the need’s importance to your happiness. Write a 1 before the most important need, a 2 before the next most important, and so on until you have ranked your five most important needs.

To help you rank these needs, imagine that you will have only one need met in your marriage. Which would make you the happiest, know- ing that all the others would go unmet? That need should be 1. If only two needs will be met, what would your second selection be? Which five needs, when met, would make you the happiest?

_______ Affection

_______ Sexual fulfillment

_______ Intimate conversation

_______ Recreational companionship

_______ Honesty and openness

_______ Physical attractiveness of spouse

_______ Financial support

_______ Domestic support

_______ Family commitment

_______ Admiration

_______ ______________________

_______ ______________________

Suggestion: Go snuggle or go do something fun together. Focus on each other!

Ideas for date nights: A hike or walk and hold hands! Swimming and hugging together! Kissing! Remember the dating "Make-outs!" Snuggle in your room. "Need I say more?" Sit around the fire and remember the fun and romantic times.

Session 1

You may have noticed that a wedding is one thing. A marriage relationship with commitment is a whole different experience. Marriage is reality:

The reality is clear to all! Marriage takes work and a continual commitment to the marriage. It is not a one time commitment but an everyday lifelong commitment.

Therefore, let's look at what the intent is when we say "I do!" This is called:

Our Declaration of Intentions

C Christ-centered relationship

O Openness in our commitment

M Mount full scale war against the one who would try to tear us apart. Note this is not each other.

M Maintain awareness of the state of our relationship.

I Intentional attitude is to be taken in the application of skills learned through various resources.

T Teamwork is our goal. Both of us are essential to the team to make it work and flow.

M Model to our children and grandchildren and others the attitude and love of Christ.

E Encourage each other to keep our focus on eternal things not temporal things.

N Nurture one another spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally, culturally, psychologically.

T Train every day for the adventure ahead and remember the athletes motto, "No pain, No gain"

The key we are after here at this marriage seminar refresher is that the Marriage of two partners is God ordained as the Family, the greatest of all institutions. It's a man and woman who willingly make a life-long commitment to one another.

What is a Key to a happy Marriage?

Les and Leslie Parrot famous marriage counselors and teachers say it’s commitment:

They use the triangle of Love to explain this:

Definitions: From Saving your Marriage Before It starts pages 35-45

Passion: The biological side of the triangle is passion that spine tingling sensation that moves us toward romance.

Intimacy: The emotional side of love often called the soul mate connection of one person to another.

Commitment: The cognitive and willful side of love! It looks to the future and says, “No matter what it is until death!” Commitment creates the island of certainty in the swirling waters of uncertainty in life. It’s the foundation of Biblical love and marriage. Commitment says, ‘I love you because you are you, not because of what you do or how I feel!”

Hear are a few definitions of marriage I heard this week from movies:

Quote: Marriage is for the purpose to have someone witness your life “Shall We Dance” movie

Quote: Marriage is when you hang out with someone and button their buttons that they cannot reach on their own “Sabrina”

When we talk marriage we must look at God’s view of marriage:

Remember, Eph. 5:31:"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”

These two take a vow and make a promise to intentionally love and support each other no matter what obstacle comes their way. This means that our commitment is something that we work at diligently every day.

This Marriage Enrichment Seminar is a place to help us focus on our tremendous task of refreshing our marriages daily.

However, it will only be able to deal with a few elements of marriage. To truly make a marriage takes the where-with-all to say, "I do" every day because, "I love you!"

We also need to be reminded that unfortunately, the marriage commitment has come under attack by our society and its evil forces. Today we hear of many marriages splitting apart because of the unwillingness of spouses to work at their marriages. We now have the redefinition of marriage not between male and female but between two or more beings which can be the same sex.

It is not surprising that in our society today this occurs. We live in a society that is hung up in the "I syndrome" the "Me first" attitude. I know best not God!

Our mindset needs to change if there is hope for our marriage far beyond the "I Do's".

The Bible makes it clear to us that God intends marriages to be an example of His relationship to the true Christian Church.

Note: Eph. 5:22-23 "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior."

We now get a glimpse as to why the Enemy is seeking to destroy all marriages. Let's not let that happen to ours.