Summary: Part 9 of our 1 Peter study

Wayfaring Strangers

A Study of 1 Peter

Part 9

“Someone is always watching”

I want to thank each of you for the warm and loving reception you gave to Brother Mark and Dee last week.

They truly enjoyed being here and were very complimentary about the entire experience

Patti and I were warmly welcomed in Jacksonville

And were blessed to be allowed to preach to Mark’s sheep as well

As Much as we both enjoyed it

I feel Mark is

And Know I am glad to be back at my home church

Surrounded by my sheep

So today after a short break

We are returning to our study of 1 Peter

We have seen repeatedly

That Peter in this short book

Is encouraging believers

Those who have place their hope and trust in Christ

And now are experiencing some distress

They are now strangers in places where they used to feel at home

This is what often happens to us as well

We accept Christ

And then really begin to live for Christ

Sometimes there is years in between

And then

We are no longer comfortable in place we used to be comfortable in

No longer comfortable doing the things we used to do

Or hanging out with the ones we used to run with

Or maybe

Suddenly you are no longer accepted

Maybe it is as simple as no longer being in the cool crowd

Or everyone gets quiet when you walk in

Things can get bad like they did in the early church

And we can also face all sorts of persecution

But at whatever level

Things are now different

So, Peter tells the early church

And us in the process

The dangers of going along to get along

And challenges us to take a stand for Jesus

It is amazing how Mark’s message from last week from the Old Testament Book of Daniel

And our message from 1 Peter from the week before spoke the same take home message

Confidence of who you are--- in Christ

And today’s text will once again build on that foundation

I know this may come as a surprise to some of you

Especially if you only know as Brother Randy

I am not typically loud, I can get that way

Especially around a squeeze chute

Or outgoing

Often times in a group

I get quiet

And simply sit and listen

It is absolutely amazing all the things you can learn when you stop talking and listen

Last year at Camp WOW

God gave me an illustration

That I knew I would use one day

But was unsure when

Today is the day

Each day we would have free time

We fortunately had enough sponsors that each kid

For the most part could spend their free time doing what they wanted

There were obstacle courses

Rope courses


Basket ball

Gaga ball



And many other activities

One of the activities

Was riding behind a jet ski on an innertube

--- Lots of fun---

With a but

the line would eat all of the free time away and the kids would not get to do anything else

Most of the kids chose to skip it


Rose and Sierra really wanted to ride

So, we tried

Day one

They backed out due to the line

Day two

When went to the lake

Me – Little Rose and Sierra

And no matter what we were determined to get the girls on that tube

Please bear with me

I promise this does have a point

And an application

As I said

The line was long

The temperature was hot

So, I found a spot in the shade where I could keep the girls place in line

And let them go and play just a little

Sitting there in that little patch of shade for what seemed like hours

I did what I often do

I got quiet

Opened my bible

Read a little

And listened to the world around me

The problem was

The shade was small

And I was sharing it

I don’t recall the church

I don’t know the names of the people involved

I would not or could not say in good coconscious even if I did

But right there in the Oklahoma heat about a year ago

I got the illustration for our teaching today in 1 Peter

As I sat there

There were two young women

I would say in their upper twenties

To early thirties


Over the course of a couple of 3 hours

I heard every detail

About every person in their church

From the Pastor who I did not know

All the way down to the newest person in the church

These two women

Spilled everything

For anyone who happened to be sitting quietly to hear

It was actually ,sort of ironic that they would key on this one or that one

And talk about how they were such a gossip

I can tell you

I think maybe I should have said something


They were not talking to me


Often times we have the right to remain silent

But not the ability

But this time I did

I was not going to move from my shade

I was not going to make our girls miss the only thing they wanted to do

And I was not going to make a potential donkey of myself

So, I just sat in the shade and tried not to listen

Ineffectively I might add

You may say


Why are you telling us this?

Here is my point

We were at Church camp

I was surrounded by Christioans

These people who were disturbing the silence

Were church members

To hear them tell it

Good church members

And there I sat

Also, a believer

Listening to this junk


If I was not a believer in Christ

This conversation would make me want to never be one

If I had been sitting there seeking Jesus

I would have only found conflict

And hatred on that afternoon in Oklahoma

And what it did was really make me think about

How we as believers are supposed to act

And it also made me think

That we must always be aware

Of the fact

That there is always someone watching


And when they find out you are a follower of Christ

They are listening to see if you walk what you talk

I can tell you honestly guys

I prayed for those ladies that night and in the days to come

I should have prayed with them- right then and there

I know all it would have accomplished was for someone else to hear all about how that

Red headed preacher with the big mustache had disrespected them

So, I can say I think I did it right

At least I can sleep with my response

My point is

These women

Were simply going on with their idea of life

With no clue someone was watching or listening

And no thought what so ever for the appearance they were giving of Jesus-

The church in general

Their Church

Or themselves


I only told you this as an example

Because quite frankly

We have all been guilty of similar actions


You and every other Christian alive

Maybe not gossip

Maye you blew up when your appointment was canceled

Or the part you ordered did not come in

Or your truck wasn’t ready at the time

Maybe someone cut you of in traffic and you gave them a big Texas on finger salute

Maybe you said something

Or did something to hurt someone’s feelings

Accidently or even on purpose

Maybe you were rude

Inconsiderate, uncaring

Maybe you were just in the wrong place

Doing the wrong things

With the wrong people

And forgot others were watching

Listen I did not tell you this story to bash those women

If I had, I would have used their names and the name of their church

I pray they hear this message one day from me or someone and see themselves in it and make changes

I did not tell this story

To make you or I Feel bad about our mistakes

And misjudgments and failures

I told you this so

We can use scripture as it is designed

As mirror

We are to look into scripture

Identify our weaknesses and faults

And use God’s word

To, make course changes

Make repairs

This is where I want to get to today

Please open your bibles to 1 Peter

Chapter 2

Verses 11-12

11 Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. 12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world.

Peter again begins this section


The words


Or temporary residents

Wayfaring strangers we call them


Followers of Jesus Christ

And he says

I warn you

To keep away from the worldly desires that wage war against your very souls

Every battle we have as believers is against good and evil

Satan wants to steal kill and destroy

Render us ineffective

Take the joy of our relationship with God

And he will use every tool at his disposal to accomplish this

But the ones he uses best are the ones we give him

And Peter tells us

We must identify those things in our lives

What things cause you to act ungodly?

I can tell you for me it’s anger

For you it may be








Maybe your love for others, cases you to do unloving things to people who hurt the ones you love

There are so many other possibilities

Peter says we must identify those things

Then we must

Keep away from them

Run from them

Get them away from us

Because these things

Can cause us to lose our joy

And very quickly lose sight of Jesus

And all that he brings into his relationship with us


Peter gives us another reason in verse 12

Keep away from these things


Well let’s read verse 12a again

12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors.

Live properly?

Live by the book

God’s people in some parts of the world are called people of the book

We are called as believers

To live by God’s word

All of God’s word

Not just the parts we like

Not just the parts we can change to suit us

We are called to live proper lives

And here he says that we are to do that among

The unbelievers

This shows us again

That we are just wayfaring stranger—this is not our homes

But also shows us we are to be” in” the world

But not of the world

Why is it important to live proper lives in front of the lost?

Verse 12 b

“Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior”


As believers we are going to be accused

Most the time I Pray the accusations are unfounded

Unfortunately, a lot of the bad things that the world says about Christians are true

The church is full of hypocrites—That is a fact

Many Christians

Act just like the world they live in- That is also a fact

The only difference in their lives and the lives of the lost

Is they don’t take God’s name in vain when they cuss

And they put those little fish stickers on their cars


WE are called to be different

When we are called to be people of the book

---We are called to be people of the book

When we accept Christ as savior

Jesus says if you love me

Follow my commands

Do what I say

And we live by this book

Peter says

That when you keep away from the evil desires we all struggle with

And live by the book

That when the lost accuse you

They will see that they are wrong about you

And in your honorable behavior

You will bring honor to the one to whom honor is dues

Verse 12c

and they will give honor to God when he judges the world

They will give honor to God


They will see that you are different

Want what you have

And find Christ for their own lives

So, what does all this mean for us

Let me break it down

Peters advise sounds a lot like Jesus’ very words from the sermon on the mount

--It should Peter was a good student—

Both Jesus and Peter say

When your actions

Your reputation

Your integrity

Your words

Your lifestyle

Your everything

Is above reproach

That means without guilt

When you line yourself up with the word?

Even those who are hostile to God

Hostile to the word of God


Anti- Christian

Anti- Church

Will see the difference in you

They may well end up praising God though your actions

They may end up getting the chance to accept Christ for themselves because of your model of proper living

Because you

Are different

So I want to encourage you today

Peter’s book is about encouragement

I want to encourage you to

Identify your weak spots

Address the issues

And make the changes needed to live a life that is pleasing to God and that lines up with his word

I want to encourage you to be a light for the lost

In your actions

Your words

And your love

I want to encourage you to

Walk the walk if you talk the talk

I want to encourage you to always remember

When we accept Christ

We have a responsibility to live like Christ

I want to encourage you to also remember that others are watching

Judging Christ by what they see in you

I want to encourage you if you are already a believer to become a person of the book

And if you are not

I want to encourage you to open your heart and realize your need for salvation

Close from the heart


Wayfaring Strangers

A Study of 1 Peter

Part 9

“Someone is always watching”

I want to thank each of you for the warm and loving reception you gave to Brother Mark and Dee last week.

They truly enjoyed being here and were very complimentary about the entire experience

Patti and I were warmly welcomed in Jacksonville

And were blessed to be allowed to preach to Mark’s sheep as well

As Much as we both enjoyed it

I feel Mark is

And Know I am glad to be back at my home church

Surrounded by my sheep

So today after a short break

We are returning to our study of 1 Peter

We have seen repeatedly

That Peter in this short book

Is encouraging believers

Those who have place their hope and trust in Christ

And now are experiencing some distress

They are now strangers in places where they used to feel at home

This is what often happens to us as well

We accept Christ

And then really begin to live for Christ

Sometimes there is years in between

And then

We are no longer comfortable in place we used to be comfortable in

No longer comfortable doing the things we used to do

Or hanging out with the ones we used to run with

Or maybe

Suddenly you are no longer accepted

Maybe it is as simple as no longer being in the cool crowd

Or everyone gets quiet when you walk in

Things can get bad like they did in the early church

And we can also face all sorts of persecution

But at whatever level

Things are now different

So, Peter tells the early church

And us in the process

The dangers of going along to get along

And challenges us to take a stand for Jesus

It is amazing how Mark’s message from last week from the Old Testament Book of Daniel

And our message from 1 Peter from the week before spoke the same take home message

Confidence of who you are--- in Christ

And today’s text will once again build on that foundation

I know this may come as a surprise to some of you

Especially if you only know as Brother Randy

I am not typically loud, I can get that way

Especially around a squeeze chute

Or outgoing

Often times in a group

I get quiet

And simply sit and listen

It is absolutely amazing all the things you can learn when you stop talking and listen

Last year at Camp WOW

God gave me an illustration

That I knew I would use one day

But was unsure when

Today is the day

Each day we would have free time

We fortunately had enough sponsors that each kid

For the most part could spend their free time doing what they wanted

There were obstacle courses

Rope courses


Basket ball

Gaga ball



And many other activities

One of the activities

Was riding behind a jet ski on an innertube

--- Lots of fun---

With a but

the line would eat all of the free time away and the kids would not get to do anything else

Most of the kids chose to skip it


Rose and Sierra really wanted to ride

So, we tried

Day one

They backed out due to the line

Day two

When went to the lake

Me – Little Rose and Sierra

And no matter what we were determined to get the girls on that tube

Please bear with me

I promise this does have a point

And an application

As I said

The line was long

The temperature was hot

So, I found a spot in the shade where I could keep the girls place in line

And let them go and play just a little

Sitting there in that little patch of shade for what seemed like hours

I did what I often do

I got quiet

Opened my bible

Read a little

And listened to the world around me

The problem was

The shade was small

And I was sharing it

I don’t recall the church

I don’t know the names of the people involved

I would not or could not say in good coconscious even if I did

But right there in the Oklahoma heat about a year ago

I got the illustration for our teaching today in 1 Peter

As I sat there

There were two young women

I would say in their upper twenties

To early thirties


Over the course of a couple of 3 hours

I heard every detail

About every person in their church

From the Pastor who I did not know

All the way down to the newest person in the church

These two women

Spilled everything

For anyone who happened to be sitting quietly to hear

It was actually ,sort of ironic that they would key on this one or that one

And talk about how they were such a gossip

I can tell you

I think maybe I should have said something


They were not talking to me


Often times we have the right to remain silent

But not the ability

But this time I did

I was not going to move from my shade

I was not going to make our girls miss the only thing they wanted to do

And I was not going to make a potential donkey of myself

So, I just sat in the shade and tried not to listen

Ineffectively I might add

You may say


Why are you telling us this?

Here is my point

We were at Church camp

I was surrounded by Christioans

These people who were disturbing the silence

Were church members

To hear them tell it

Good church members

And there I sat

Also, a believer

Listening to this junk


If I was not a believer in Christ

This conversation would make me want to never be one

If I had been sitting there seeking Jesus

I would have only found conflict

And hatred on that afternoon in Oklahoma

And what it did was really make me think about

How we as believers are supposed to act

And it also made me think

That we must always be aware

Of the fact

That there is always someone watching


And when they find out you are a follower of Christ

They are listening to see if you walk what you talk

I can tell you honestly guys

I prayed for those ladies that night and in the days to come

I should have prayed with them- right then and there

I know all it would have accomplished was for someone else to hear all about how that

Red headed preacher with the big mustache had disrespected them

So, I can say I think I did it right

At least I can sleep with my response

My point is

These women

Were simply going on with their idea of life

With no clue someone was watching or listening

And no thought what so ever for the appearance they were giving of Jesus-

The church in general

Their Church

Or themselves


I only told you this as an example

Because quite frankly

We have all been guilty of similar actions


You and every other Christian alive

Maybe not gossip

Maye you blew up when your appointment was canceled

Or the part you ordered did not come in

Or your truck wasn’t ready at the time

Maybe someone cut you of in traffic and you gave them a big Texas on finger salute

Maybe you said something

Or did something to hurt someone’s feelings

Accidently or even on purpose

Maybe you were rude

Inconsiderate, uncaring

Maybe you were just in the wrong place

Doing the wrong things

With the wrong people

And forgot others were watching

Listen I did not tell you this story to bash those women

If I had, I would have used their names and the name of their church

I pray they hear this message one day from me or someone and see themselves in it and make changes

I did not tell this story

To make you or I Feel bad about our mistakes

And misjudgments and failures

I told you this so

We can use scripture as it is designed

As mirror

We are to look into scripture

Identify our weaknesses and faults

And use God’s word

To, make course changes

Make repairs

This is where I want to get to today

Please open your bibles to 1 Peter

Chapter 2

Verses 11-12

11 Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. 12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world.

Peter again begins this section


The words


Or temporary residents

Wayfaring strangers we call them


Followers of Jesus Christ

And he says

I warn you

To keep away from the worldly desires that wage war against your very souls

Every battle we have as believers is against good and evil

Satan wants to steal kill and destroy

Render us ineffective

Take the joy of our relationship with God

And he will use every tool at his disposal to accomplish this

But the ones he uses best are the ones we give him

And Peter tells us

We must identify those things in our lives

What things cause you to act ungodly?

I can tell you for me it’s anger

For you it may be








Maybe your love for others, cases you to do unloving things to people who hurt the ones you love

There are so many other possibilities

Peter says we must identify those things

Then we must

Keep away from them

Run from them

Get them away from us

Because these things

Can cause us to lose our joy

And very quickly lose sight of Jesus

And all that he brings into his relationship with us


Peter gives us another reason in verse 12

Keep away from these things


Well let’s read verse 12a again

12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors.

Live properly?

Live by the book

God’s people in some parts of the world are called people of the book

We are called as believers

To live by God’s word

All of God’s word

Not just the parts we like

Not just the parts we can change to suit us

We are called to live proper lives

And here he says that we are to do that among

The unbelievers

This shows us again

That we are just wayfaring stranger—this is not our homes

But also shows us we are to be” in” the world

But not of the world

Why is it important to live proper lives in front of the lost?

Verse 12 b

“Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior”


As believers we are going to be accused

Most the time I Pray the accusations are unfounded

Unfortunately, a lot of the bad things that the world says about Christians are true

The church is full of hypocrites—That is a fact

Many Christians

Act just like the world they live in- That is also a fact

The only difference in their lives and the lives of the lost

Is they don’t take God’s name in vain when they cuss

And they put those little fish stickers on their cars


WE are called to be different

When we are called to be people of the book

---We are called to be people of the book

When we accept Christ as savior

Jesus says if you love me

Follow my commands

Do what I say

And we live by this book

Peter says

That when you keep away from the evil desires we all struggle with

And live by the book

That when the lost accuse you

They will see that they are wrong about you

And in your honorable behavior

You will bring honor to the one to whom honor is dues

Verse 12c

and they will give honor to God when he judges the world

They will give honor to God


They will see that you are different

Want what you have

And find Christ for their own lives

So, what does all this mean for us

Let me break it down

Peters advise sounds a lot like Jesus’ very words from the sermon on the mount

--It should Peter was a good student—

Both Jesus and Peter say

When your actions

Your reputation

Your integrity

Your words

Your lifestyle

Your everything

Is above reproach

That means without guilt

When you line yourself up with the word?

Even those who are hostile to God

Hostile to the word of God


Anti- Christian

Anti- Church

Will see the difference in you

They may well end up praising God though your actions

They may end up getting the chance to accept Christ for themselves because of your model of proper living

Because you

Are different

So I want to encourage you today

Peter’s book is about encouragement

I want to encourage you to

Identify your weak spots

Address the issues

And make the changes needed to live a life that is pleasing to God and that lines up with his word

I want to encourage you to be a light for the lost

In your actions

Your words

And your love

I want to encourage you to

Walk the walk if you talk the talk

I want to encourage you to always remember

When we accept Christ

We have a responsibility to live like Christ

I want to encourage you to also remember that others are watching

Judging Christ by what they see in you

I want to encourage you if you are already a believer to become a person of the book

And if you are not

I want to encourage you to open your heart and realize your need for salvation

Close from the heart
