Summary: Part 8 of our study of 1 Peter

Wayfaring Strangers

A Study of 1 Peter

Part 8

“Who are you”

Today after a 2 week break for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday

We are returning to our sermon series

From the book of 1 Peter


Wayfaring Stranger

Before we dig in

Let me ask you a question

I will tell you

It is a rhetorical question


I already know the answer

But I want you to open your minds before we begin todays study

How many of you have ever felt

Less than Perfect

Less than adequate

Less than valuable

Less than good enough

Strong enough

Less than smart enough

I could go on and on

We all at some time in our lives feel as if we don’t measure up

To whatever standard we using to measure ourselves by


This is exactly where the wayfaring strangers of Peter’s time found themselves

They had given up their old lives

Their old beliefs

They had accepted Christ

Shown that though the first act of obedience

Which is baptism

A public confession of faith

And suddenly they were told that they were lacking in something

That they were no longer good enough

Holy enough

Righteous enough

Many had been ostracized by their families

They had been abandoned by former friends

They had lost Jobs


To make matters worse

The Jews saw them as traitors

The Romans saw them as the potential leaders of a rebellion


They were neglected


Treated unfairly

Even tortured and killed for their beliefs

On top of that Satan was using everything he had to tear down their new faith

To render them ineffective at spreading the word of Christ

Old slick

Used fear





And many more tactics against these people of faith

In an attempt to stop them

To stop their faith

To make them hide

Or go back to their old ways of life

He tried

But he was unsuccessful

We know he failed because God’s word persevered

It is still changing lives today

But make no mistake

It is still being attacked by Satan and this evil world

All that is evil

Wants to stop

All that is good


I know

Because he whacks on me as well

That Satan

Will make every attempt to stop you as well

He will use every trick in his sack

Every tactic he knows

To make you feel less than what you are called to be

He will wage war

To make you doubt yourself

Your own worth

Make you doubt God

Make you think you are not good enough

Clean enough

Holy enough

Righteous enough

That you are somehow less than standard

And when he is able to accomplish this

He can sit back and grin

And work on the next ones

Because he has rendered us ineffective

He can’t take our salvation

But he can take the joy of our salvation

He can keep us from using our salvation to help change the lives of others

For us to combat these forces of evil

It is imperative that we understand his tactics

And them it is even more imperative that we understand who we are

Please open your bibles to

1 Peter chapter 2

Beginning in verse 4

It is my intent

To show you who

You are

And whose you are when you have accepted Christ

I need you to hear me on this

It is much more important whose you are than who you are

So for the first part of this message

I am speaking to believers

Those who have on purpose


To place their faith and hope in Jesus Christ

Listen to me

I am not talking about walking an isle because everyone else did

I am not talking about agreeing to be baptized

Joining this church or that church

I’m not talking about those who said a prayer and never experienced change in their hearts

Change in their minds

Change in their lives

I am talking about those who have understood that they are sinners

Understood that the sin in their lives separated them from a Holy God

Those who understood that without a savior they would get what they deserved

Which is eternity in Hell

Those who cried out to Jesus Christ as Lord

And received the gift of salvation

And the gift of the Holy Spirit filling their hearts

Right then





If that describes you

Then the next few minutes of this sermon are for you

If you are not in that category

It is not too late

Listen to this message


Your minds

Your hearts



Because everyone who calls not the name will be saved

And everyone means you


It is vitally important to know who’s we are

Let’s see what Peter has to say

1 Peter 2:4-8

4 You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor.

5 And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests.[a] Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. 6 As the Scriptures say,

“I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem,[b]

chosen for great honor,

and anyone who trusts in him

will never be disgraced.”[c]

7 Yes, you who trust him recognize the honor God has given him.[d] But for those who reject him,

“The stone that the builders rejected

has now become the cornerstone.”[e]

8 And,

“He is the stone that makes people stumble,

the rock that makes them fall.”[f]

Here Peter show us an image of whose we are

Verse 4

4 You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor.

The cornerstone

God almighty

The creator of the earth

The redeemer of our souls

The bright morning star

The truth

The away and the life

Peter shows us

That when we accept Christ

We are building on a strong foundation

Pullin from a strong corner

We are building on the only thing in the world that will withstand the test of time

The only thing that will overcome evil

Our savior

Our rock

Our anchor

Our strong foundation

Jesus Christ

The one accepted by the few

And rejected by the many

This is who we are

We belong to


So, when Satan and the evil world start in with the negativity

The mental


Spiritual warfare

The tactics

Of discouragement



And agony on me

We know whose we are

And so now we must see what he see’s and

Use this as our

Place of strength and refuge

So, who are we in Christ

Let; back up to verse 5a

5 And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. .

Jesus Christ is the cornerstone

But here Peter shows us that we are living stones when we are his

Part of his Church

His Body

His temple

Listen the church is made up of the people not the building

When we belong to Christ

We become Living stones

In his temple

And listen

Each and every stone in a building is important

They all have great value

They are all of use

You are a living stone

Verse 5b

What’s more, you are his holy priests.[a] Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.

This doctrine is sometimes called the priesthood of believers

Sometimes we as preachers

Try so hard to wow people with knowledge

And speak chruchanize

Like Mike Morrow always says

That we forget that we need to speak plain English

The priesthood of believers means


When you accept Christ

You have direct unrestricted access to God

You don’t need a priest

A prophet

And angel

The virgin Mary

To mediate for you

You can access God anytime

Any place

For any reason

And furthermore

You have the authority to offer your own sacrifices

Which are not burnt offering

Not the blood of cows and goats

But the sacrifice of obedience


I pray for each of you

And will continue to do so

But you don’t need me to access God

You are a Holy Priest

Not because of who you are

But because of whose you are

Verse 9b says it again

“You are Holy priests”

So, we as believers

Are Living stones and Holy priests

Let’s see what else Peter has to say

Verse 8-9a

8 And,

“He is the stone that makes people stumble,

the rock that makes them fall.”[f]

They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.

9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.

Those who are not his stumble over him

Which simply means they don’t get it

Cause they can’t or won’t see

So, they won’t obey

But Peter says

You as a believer are not like that


He says you are a chosen people

Hand picked

God chosen

Holy Spirt Convicted

Jesus cleansed

Child of the living God

He goes on to say in verse 9b

That we are

“A holy nation”

Once again

No longer lost or outcast

But Part of the family

Part of the body of Christ

Verse 9 d continues

“God’s very own possession”

Custom made into a new creation

By the hands of the master craftsman

No longer left to the desires of our hearts

No longer drifting though life

But once again

A priceless , prized possession of the king

Once again not because of who you are

But because of whose you are

Peter says in verse 10a

10 “Once you had no identity as a people;

now you are God’s people.

That we are his chosen people

Listen in the Old Testament

The Nation of Israel was God’s chose people

People of other nations had a hard time coming to God

It happened but it was rare


Since the temple curtain was torn into

We when we accept Christ

Are his chose people

We have become part of the very family of God

Not by Birth

But By rebirth

Here’s my favorite part

I guess

Because I lived

A less than perfect past

Because I made a lot of bad choices

Made lots of mistakes

And even did a lot of worthless things on purpose

That I am so thankful for God’s grace

His amazing grace

That saved a wretch like me

Peter says that when we belong to the cornerstone

The strong Foundation

Jesus Christ

The Lord Almighty

That we are forgiven

Verse 10b

“Once you received no mercy;

now you have received God’s mercy.”[

Grace means not getting what we deserve

Mercy means getting what we don’t deserve

Grace means we don’t get the hell we deserve

Mercy means we get the forgiveness

The love

The joy

The compassion

The contentment

That we don’t

Mercy means God loves us in spite of us

So, what do we do with all this

Peter tells us we are living stones

We are royal priests

Chosen by God

Have become his people, a holy nation

His prized possessions

And recipients of his mercy

Once again not because of who we are

But because of whose we are

So, what do we do with that

Many simply sit back and wait on heaven

That does not please God

Peter tells us what we should be doing in verse 9e

Because we are his

Because we have received mercy

Because we are chosen, royal priests

God own people and nation

His prized possessions

We should Verse 9 e

As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

Because we have been called out of the darkness

We must let our light shine

Live like Jesus

Love like Jesus

Forgive like Jesus

And tell everyone we can about Jesus

Let me close now to those of you who may not belong to Jesus

You have never made that decision to follow him

Go back to verse 8 with me

8 And,

“He is the stone that makes people stumble,

the rock that makes them fall.”[f]

They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.

Jesus is the corner stone

He is the way the truth and the life

And no one can get to heaven

Get to the Father expect by accepting him

Failure to do so is stumbling over Jesus

And stumbling right into Hell

That is the fate that awaits those who reject the Cornerstone

It is not my intent to scare you

I don’t believe I can scare anyone out of Hell

Simply to tell you the truth because I love you

Like Christ loves you

And I do believe I can love you to heaven

And I want for you

What I have

I want you to change the fate laid out for those who refuse him

Close from the heart
