Summary: part 3 of our 1 Peter series

Wayfaring strangers

A study of 1 Peter

“By his grace”

1 Peter 1:3-5

Today we are going to continue our ongoing sermon series on the great book of 1 Peter

As we have seen over the last 2 weeks

The Apostle Peter, one of Jesus’ boys

And the unofficial leader of his rag tag bunch of Apostles

Has grown into the name Jesus gave him

Cephas- the rock

And has stepped up to help people grow in relationship with God

And learn how to live in a world that is sometimes hostile to the believers of Jesus

The first week was an introduction

Last week we looked at how God views us

How we are


Set apart as Holy

Cleansed by the blood of Christ


Through the words of Peter, to the first century Wayfaring Strangers

We will see exactly what it means to be born again

And more importantly why this is important

Please open your bibles to 1 Peter 1:3-5

3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, 4 and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. 5 And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.

Listen. Peter got excited about God’s word

I am excited about God’s word

And I want you to be excited about God’s word as well

How do I know Peter was excited?

He could have simply laid out the facts

He could have written in a monolog, matter of fact manner

He could have written in less than inspiring manner

He could have simply listed the points of his message

But he didn’t do that. Peter begins his letter with an explosive statement of praise!!!!

Look at verse 3a

3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

All praise to God


Yea haw in cowboy terms

Peter was excited about what he was about to tell his listeners

He was speaking from his heart

Out of his love for Christ

The way he begins his letter tells us how we should read, study and proclaim the word of God.

With excitement!!!!

Biblical preaching should always touch the head and the heart.

It should educate

But it should also inspire feelings of great thankfulness

Joy, peace and so on


It is never enough for a preacher to say, “Well, at least I covered those four verses today.”

Covering scripture is important

We need to be students of scripture

But we must also convey the truth from the heart to the heart.

Get it from our heads to our hearts

This goes both ways

From the way I preach

and to the way you listen.

We must not be content with merely spewing out facts

Spitting out scripture, facts and figures and such

Using big words that we don’t understand

We must not be content simply to gain biblical knowledge.

The goal is life transformation through God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit

We should not be satisfied with anything less.

So, in an effort to apply God’s word

Anytime we listen to preaching or teaching we should ask these questions

Is the speaker, preacher, teacher speaking truth? If not you should RUNNOFT

Does the topic matter to the one presenting it, are they excited about God’s word, if they don’t care, if they are not excited why should we be


Why should I care

The first question is vital because preaching based on anything other than the truth of Scripture is dangerous and misleading.

Adding to the work of Jesus on the cross for salvation says the blood and death of my savior was not enough and that is unacceptable

Changing or misrepresenting scripture to promote your own personal views or doctrines is both irresponsible and dangerous


It is not my job to entertain, I pray that my sermons are engaging and even sometimes entertaining, but I am not an entertainer

My job is not to tell stories, I tell stories to enhance the scripture, to give visuals that we can relate to , but the stories should always enhance the material and apply to it , a joke or a story that does not apply to the word being taught has no place in a sermon

My job is not to give opinions, we all have opinions

You care for mine about as much as I care for yours it is God’s word that matters

My job is to teach God’s word

From his word

In context!!

The second

Is does the one speaking



And apply

What they are preaching

If not

Move on

And Third,

We should make it clear why we

The listeners

should care about the truth the proclaim.

I told you all of this to tell you this

Peter says


“I am excited”


“this matters”

He is calling us to praise God because of what God has done for us.

So, in order to fully understand this topic or any topic in scripture

And to apply it to our lives

We must ask a couple of more questions


We must each ask ourselves

Do I want to know what God says? Or am I content being told what to think and believe


Am I willing to be changed by the truth I hear?

You see

Peter begins by saying “Blessed be God” because the truth has changed his life.

I want to touch briefly on the topic of preaching and worship before we move on

Preaching and worship go together.

They are both important parts of our service

The worship service – song service

I believe that we should worship God with all we have

Our hearts

Our voices

And even bit of twang

Worship- that Is the singing and listening to music

Prepare our hearts for the truth of God’s word

The songs cause us to look at ourselves

And get into the right mindset of worship

Everything we do from beginning to end is part of the worship service.

The prayers, the music

The preaching

I will go so far as to say the hugs and handshakes

The fellowship

even the coffee and donuts are an important part of our worship

We worship through singing the truth


We worship through hearing the truth.

It is possible to sing without worshipping

It is possible to preach or listen to preaching without worshipping God.


It’s good to say, “I went to church today

But the real question is but did you worship today?

William Temple penned this definition of worship:

“Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness, nourishment of mind by His truth, purifying of imagination by His beauty, opening of the heart to His love, and submission of will to His purpose.”

What he means is

Worship is the total response of who we are to all that God is.

Seen in that light, worship is not really a “service” we attend, it’s a way of life

A part of who we are in Christ

So why does all this matter?

“Are we making too much of just one verse, actually just part of a verse

My answer is no,

I’m not making too much of it because this is the way Peter begins his message, so it must be extremely important.

Praise is key to the whole book.

We know that I Peter was written to persecuted believers scattered far and wide across Asia

We know they were far from each other and far from Peter himself.

Living as strangers often even in their hometowns

We know they faced numerous trials and much persecution

And we know that all of it was about to get worse


Here is what I love

Peter does not start off talking about problems and solutions

He starts by talking about who God is


what God has done for them and for us

God comes first with Peter

God should come first with us

And when God comes first

We will praise his name.

When we start with God, we see our problems in proper perspective, but when we start with our problems, it’s often hard to find God at all.

Many ask

Where is God in all this trouble

I will tell you honestly

If you can’t see God in the trials and troubles

It aint’ God who moved

Get still, get quiet, get in the word

Take a hard look at your life

Your choices

And try discovering what God is telling you

Then address the changes that you and I need to make in our lives

If you do this, you will soon see that God has always been there

You simply lost your focus

And that brings us back again to Peter’s main point:

Verse 3 again

3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation

Praise God who caused us to be born again!

Everything else in verses 3-5 circles back to that main idea.

There are five things we should learn from this passage of scripture

1) We have experienced God’s mercy—v. 3a

2) We have been born again—v. 3b

3) We have a living hope—v. 3c

4) We have a guaranteed inheritance in heaven—v. 4

5) We are kept and protected by God’s power—v. 5

And all five points go back to the main idea of this passage

God “who has caused us to be born again.”

In the text Peter explains the great blessings that are ours through Jesus Christ.

And he wraps it around one phrase—"new birth.”

I can tell you honestly

There was a time n my life when I had no idea what that meant

In Jr. High -a time when lots of young people become aware of God

Aware of their need for salvation

I had no clue

I grew up in a church where such things were not discussed

My friends would ask me are you saved?

Are you born again?

I had no idea what they meant

So, there may be someone here who is dealing with those same feelings

What does this mean

God has given us new birth and now we are new people.

It really is simple

He has given us a new start, a fresh beginning, a do over, a reride in cowboy terms

Born again

Means we understand that we fall short of God’s desires for us

That we have asked Jesus to rule our lives

And we are forgiven of our past sins and mistakes

But I want you to notice how Peter puts it, because this is important

Verse 3b

“ It is by his great mercy that we have been born again”

That’s a very strong statement about God acting on our behalf.

We did not cause ourselves to be born again.

You didn’t “cause” your spiritual birth any more than you caused your physical birth.

Peter looks at our new birth and says

“God did it!”

It was him not us

Sometimes people want to take credit for their salvation by saying things like, “I had faith, so God saved me.”” I found God”

I, I , I

But that’s not the way the Bible puts it.

Ephesians 2:8-9

One of favorite verses reminds us that it is the grace of God that we are able to receive salvation

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Listen to me-- Even the faith to believe is a gift from God.

God gave birth to us. He “fathered” us by an act of his own will

John 1:12-13

12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. 13 They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.

God acted on our behalf to rescue us while we were yet sinners and his enemies, estranged from him, going our own way, and rebelling against his holy decrees.

He did not save us because he had to

He saved us because he wanted to.

Because he loves us

So, he and he alone gets the glory for our salvation.

So, the question is

How do you know you’ve been born again?

When we ask people about their salvation we often get answers like

I was baptized ---

I went forward in church---

I prayed a prayer

I grew up in church or I go to church

My somebody was a pastor or elder or deacon or Sunday school teacher

I’ve always been a Christian


All of these things are good

We should be baptized as an act of obedience

We should go to church as an act of worship

We should make a public confession of faith


If you are blessed to come from a Christian family- amen

But I need you to hear me on this

You could do all those things and still be unsaved.

The only real answer is this:

“I know I’m born again because I have the life of God in my soul.”

There has been a change in me!!!

Once I was blind, but now I can see.

Once I was lost, but now I am found.

Once I had no hope, but now I have a living hope.

Once I was guilty, but now I am forgiven.

Once I was an enemy, but God made me his friend.

Once I was a rebel, but now I am a servant of the living God.

Once I was dead, but now I am alive.

I am not who I used to be

And God did it!

As the old hymn states

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.

Thank you, Lord, for making me whole.

Thank you, Lord, for giving to me, Thy great salvation so rich and free.

If you think you accomplished your own salvation, you will no doubt feel good about yourself.

But if you think God caused you to be born again, your heart will be like Peter’s—bursting with praise.

It’s the difference between a self-made faith and a God-created faith.

Everything else Peter says in these verses flows from this truth:

Verse 3b

“It is by his great mercy that we have been born again

God caused us to be born again.


We have a living hope – verse 3c

“because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation,”

Because God saved us through the death and resurrection of his precious

One and only Son

We have hope

We have the expectation of eternity

We have the promise of eternal life


We have a guaranteed inheritance

Verse 4

4 and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.

We are saved though the power of God

Gifted with hope for the future and promised an inheritance from him

We are promised this inheritance because we are now in his family

We are children of God not children of the world

Because of what he has done

Not what we have done

And then

We are kept and protected by God’s power

Verse 5

5 And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.

We must always realize this

We are secure in our salvation by God’s power not our own

We can’t do anything to earn it and as a result we can’t do anything to lose it

If we do anything good, it is God who enabled us to do it.

If we accomplish anything great, it is only by God’s help and God’s grace.

So why does all this matter

Remember that I Peter was written to Christians facing open hostility in the first century. Because they didn’t go along to get along

Because they stood up for their beliefs

they were mocked



Some were imprisoned

Some were put to death.

Some in ways no human being should ever have to face

And this is Peter’s message to them and to us

Hard times are coming and in fact are already here.

Some of you are in the middle of a storm right now

You need to know, more are on the way.

But it is important to remember what God has done for you.

He caused you to be born again.

Your future is eternally secure because it rests on God himself.

No one can take from you what God has given to you.

If you know what God has done for you, everything else is just stuff

Around the world there is a great and growing divide between believers and the powers of this world

We are called to be salt and light in a world that does not understand us, often opposes us, and in some cases actively hates us.

Hard times are on the way for Christians

And now is the time to get your faith firmly planted in the right place.

Now is the time to stand on the rock called God.

Now is the time to put your faith into action.

We should not be surprised when hard times come.

That’s what we signed up for when we became a Christian.

Here is where we hang our hats

We have experienced God’s mercy.

We have been born again.

We have a living hope.

We have an inheritance in heaven.

We are kept and protected by God’s power.

Close from the heart
