Summary: Part 11 of our 1 Samuel series

Real People- Real Problems

Part 12

“Waiting on God”

1 Samuel 13: 8-14

As we continue our sermon series on the great book of 1 Samuel

And our look at Real People with real problems

We come to a problem that is so common to almost every person in the world


Or better yet

Not waiting

I know that I am not alone when I say I hate to wait

We all want what we want

And we want it now


Patience is a virtue and often times it is a virtue that we lack

Sometimes I think I was out buying snuff when the patience was handed out

All kidding aside

We also know from out prior studies that patience is a fruit of the spirt

So that means we have within us the ability

The gift of patience

If we are believers

If we have received the Holy Spirit in our hearts


like any of the amazing gifts of the spirit

We must first open them and then learn to use them


Waiting is tough

As a matter of fact

In the culture we live in

Being people who typically make things happen

Waiting on someone else is very difficult

Many times, in my own life

On a personal level

If I had waited until someone did what they said they would do

I would have grown old and gray—er

And quite possibly what I was waiting on would no longer be needed by the time they got around to it

So- believe me when I say

The problem for today affects me just as much as it does some of you


Also had a problem waiting

In today’s passage

Samuel has stepped aside

And Saul is now the official leader of the people of Israel


Samuel has not gone away

He is still serving as the spiritual support for the nation

He has changed roles as we covered last week

In the days of Samuel and Saul

It seems as if ever body in the world wanted to beat up on Israel

Every time they turned around

The Philistines

Or the Moabites

Or some other group

Was trying to take their freedom

Their land

Their lives

Their identity in God

And so today once again the army of Israel is about to engage in battle

Please open your bibles to 1 Samuel chapter 13

Throw your bulletins in there as we will go back there quite a few times this morning

Reading from 1 Samuel 13

Beginning in verse 1 down through verse 7

Saul was thirty[a] years old when he became king, and he reigned for forty-two years.[b]

2 Saul selected 3,000 special troops from the army of Israel and sent the rest of the men home. He took 2,000 of the chosen men with him to Micmash and the hill country of Bethel. The other 1,000 went with Saul’s son Jonathan to Gibeah in the land of Benjamin.

3 Soon after this, Jonathan attacked and defeated the garrison of Philistines at Geba. The news spread quickly among the Philistines. So Saul blew the ram’s horn throughout the land, saying, “Hebrews, hear this! Rise up in revolt!” 4 All Israel heard the news that Saul had destroyed the Philistine garrison at Geba and that the Philistines now hated the Israelites more than ever. So the entire Israelite army was summoned to join Saul at Gilgal.

5 The Philistines mustered a mighty army of 3,000[c] chariots, 6,000 charioteers, and as many warriors as the grains of sand on the seashore! They camped at Micmash east of Beth-aven. 6 The men of Israel saw what a tight spot they were in; and because they were hard pressed by the enemy, they tried to hide in caves, thickets, rocks, holes, and cisterns. 7 Some of them crossed the Jordan River and escaped into the land of Gad and Gilead.

Saul as we have studied was selected by God

Anointed in private by Samuel

Accepted and appointed by most of the people

Then accepted by all when he started doing what he was called to do

And now in this passage he is serving as their king

In those days warfare was common

And one of the biggest responsibilities that a king had was to lead the army

According to scripture is was against God’s plan for a King to serve as priest


The king had military leadership

Official leadership

But the spiritual leadership was still to be carried out by a man of God

In this case it was still Samuel


let me paraphrase this passage just a bit

The Philistines were intent on conquering the nation of Israel

If you will remember Israel had taken the land from them as well as others when they crossed into the Land God had promises

And they wanted it back

And they wanted revenge

As a result of that they gathered a huge army to fight against Israel

Saul and his army had won a huge battle against King Nahash of the Ammonites and they were feeling their oats a bit

And both sides had come to battle

Fired up


The Israelites never


Went into battle without the blessings of the Lord

These blessing included prayer

And sacrifices

Which could only be done by the spiritual leader


So here they are on the front lines

Waiting on Samuel

The Philistines are growing bolder

The Israelites are growing discouraged

As each day passes their confidence wanes

And soon they start leaving

They Runnoft

And Saul is quickly losing his army

This is where we come to today


Tied of waiting

Takes matters into his own hands

And in doing so

Disobeys God

And sets the bar for the rest of his rule as King and for the generations of his family to come

Open back to 1 Samuel 13

Let’s pick up in verse 8

Meanwhile, Saul stayed at Gilgal, and his men were trembling with fear. 8 Saul waited there seven days for Samuel, as Samuel had instructed him earlier, but Samuel still didn’t come. Saul realized that his troops were rapidly slipping away. 9 So he demanded, “Bring me the burnt offering and the peace offerings!” And Saul sacrificed the burnt offering himself.

Saul waited

And waited

His men were turning yellow

And leaving

7 days passed


I can hear Saul

Because I have been in similar situations

Not war with the Philistines

But spiritual battles

Emotional battles

And even Physical battles

So he says

“ I have got to do something”

And he makes a terrible mistake

He tells his men

Bring me the burnt offering

“ I’m tired of waiting”

Nothing is happening

So I’ll take care of it myself

And that is what he did

He stepped into the role of priest

And sacrificed to the Lord

Against the will of God

You see

God as we have studied in scripture over and over again

Wants our obedience as a sacrifice

Not meaningless sacrifices—it is obedience that he most desires

Verses 10-11

10 Just as Saul was finishing with the burnt offering, Samuel arrived. Saul went out to meet and welcome him, 11 but Samuel said, “What is this you have done?”

Samuel had told Saul to wait

He never gave him a time line

He said wait

But Saul could not or would not wait any longer

Took matters into his own hands and just as he was finishing

Samuel showed up just as he had promised

Saul when called on what he had done --started making excuses

Verses 11b-12

Saul replied, “I saw my men scattering from me, and you didn’t arrive when you said you would, and the Philistines are at Micmash ready for battle. 12 So I said, ‘The Philistines are ready to march against us at Gilgal, and I haven’t even asked for the LORD’s help!’ So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering myself before you came.”

I can hear Saul once again in my mind

“You weren’t here “

“We were fixing to get stomped”

“ I had to make a decision”

And so I just went ahead without you

He kind of tries to blame Samuel for not being there shifting the blame- passing the buck

He tries to blame the enemy for not waiting till they were ready

What I want you to notice here is he never takes the blame for himself

Verse 13-14

13 “How foolish!” Samuel exclaimed. “You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you. Had you kept it, the LORD would have established your kingdom over Israel forever. 14 But now your kingdom must end, for the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart. The LORD has already appointed him to be the leader of his people, because you have not kept the LORD’s command.”

Samuel whacks on him a bit here

He says in real common terms

Hey knot head

You had one job to do

Just one

Keep the army together till I got here

And then We would have gone into battle

With 100% of the Lord’s blessings

Had you done this

The army would have won quickly

And your family would have experienced the blessing of God for many generations


Since you took it upon yourself to disobey God

You will lose your position as king and your family will lose its place of royalty.

The rest of Chapter 13 and into 14 tell the details of the battle

And give us a great story of Saul’s son Jonathan and his courage

This is another sermon for another day

For today

I want to focus on the problem of not waiting for God

Not waiting on his timing

Not seeking his will in our lives

Saul made a decision

And he went with it

He refused to wait

Which is disobedience any way you slice it

And it cost him plenty

We will see in future studies the torment and trouble that Saul dealt with as a result of his disobedience



We are just as guilty as Saul

We often have trouble waiting on God

And many times, refuse to do so

Sometimes not even realizing that we should have waited


You may be asking


Just how do we not wait on God

And why is this such a big deal

As I have said many times

God does not want sacrifice

He wants obedience

1 Samuel 15:22

But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.

God desires our obedience

In fact, if we want all that he has for us

All that he planned for us even before we were born

Then it is imperative that we obey him

Jesus said

If you love me, obey my commands

Do what I say

There are many areas in our lives where we don’t wait on God

Today we will look at just a few

Guys I am preaching to us

Not you

I have the same problems myself

I am tempted just like everyone

One area where we fail to wait on God is in our relationships

This is so common in the world today

God designed sex to be an amazing experience that is to be enjoyed by two people who have come together in holy matrimony

Two married people – male and female

As he designed

But we as humans

Living in a wicked society that places little value on God or his word

Have decided that marriage is just old fashioned

That sleeping with someone is simply like trying on a pair of boots to see if they fit

So we fail to wait on God and his timing

In today’s world the term dating and sleeping together often mean the same thing

And we have the free will to do as we please


It we do as we please

Why do we cry so loudly when we don’t get the blessings we want?

We can’t put the cart before the horse and expect to get where we are going

Or should be going

And listen to me

I’m not judging

I’m am simply preaching truth from God’s word

God does not bless the cart before the horse

If this applies to you and your life is in a mess and you can’t figure out why

Look at your choices

Look at your obedience

Make a commitment to wait on God’s timing

His plan

Then you can find his blessings

How about money situations?

When we don’t seem to have enough

We simply work harder

Work more

God says that when we are obedient we will be blessed

And he says that we should give our tithes and offerings with a joyful heart

He does not say” if” you give

But when you give

So have to mash hard here

What part of not tithing do we consider to be obedience?

God simply allows us to use his money and possessions

And when we charge full steam ahead

Acting like those things belong to us

Or that we deserve them

Like he has no part in them

Why would he want to bless us?

Listen to me

And you will just have to trust me

You can disagree if you like- but I am still only the messenger

--Not tithing is not trusting God--

God loves a generous obedient heart and he loves to bless that heart

But we try and do it our way instead

We kick and shove our way through life

Instead of waiting for him to make the way

Let me ask you

What possible chance would the nation of Israel have had in crossing the red sea and escaping the army of Egypt

Had they not waited for him to part the sea?

Finical wrecks can be as overwhelming as the red sea

And as scary as the Egyptian army

If they waited on God

Should we not as well?

How about matters of

The plans we make for our lives and our futures

How about dealing with conflict- in relationship and in the church Conflict

Discipline- doing it our ways or God’s way

I could go on and on

But here are just a few more areas where we must learn to wait




Worrying about things- when we worry we are telling god we don’t trust him to keep his promises

Trying to fix things ourselves- doing God’s job

Even salvation

Before Jesus we try desperately to save ourselves

After we try desperately to save others

We can’t do either

It is in God’s timing and his plan that anyone comes to salvation


Listen to me

Most people

Christians included make decisions in their life as if God does not exist


People do not seek God’s will

Or advise

Or even his opinion on any area outside of their church life

Many don’t even seek those things in that area

They just run out ahead of God

Dong what feels good

Or what the world says is right

Or what someone told them was right

Listen we fail to wait on God in so many areas of our lives

And failing to wait on God is disobedience any way you slice it

God desires to be Lord of your life 24-7 -365

He desires to be part of your major decisions

He desires to be part of your minor decisions

He desired to be part of the things that you may consider insignificant

He wants us

You and me

To get still

Get quiet

Listen to his voice

Know he is God

And rely on him in all situations and circumstances

He wants us to trust in him fully

To seek his will for our lives and those we have an impact on

We fail to wait on God in so many ways

We seek peace







In all the wrong places

Trying desperately to fill the hole in our hearts

With something


Instead of waiting for God to fill it

Disobedience will only even bring pain

So what’s the big deal preacher

Why do I need to wait on God?

Well not waiting builds a wall between you and God

Not waiting causes, us to rely on ourselves

Focus on ourselves

Even worship ourselves

Not waiting can cause a distancing from God

Not waiting causes further disobedience on our part

Not waiting costs us plenty

--Not waiting is not trusting---

And not trusting can lead to a loss of a chance at salvation

We must get to a place of surrender in order to cry out for salvation

When we try and save ourselves

Not waiting on God

We will lose

We can lose rewards

Not waiting on God equates to taking what we can get

Instead of receiving the great things God has for us

We must learn to wait on God

He has the right answers

He has the right plan

And it is amazing

Close from the heart
