The Touch of Deliverance
Mark 5: 24-34
As we continue through Mark’s gospel, we come to a woman who faced great difficulty in life. This account takes place within the intense moments for Jairus as he waited for Jesus to make it to his house and heal his young daughter. As we examine the situation, we will discover the woman had exhausted every available avenue for healing, and yet she was no better. In fact, her condition continued to deteriorate. As she dealt with one disappointing failure after another, she was left with one final option – faith in the Lord. She was desperate and sought the Lord by faith. This act of faith brought the solution she so desperately sought.
While we may not be able to relate to the exact circumstances of this woman, her life stands as a tremendous testimony of the benefits of walking by faith. When faith was all she had, she discovered she had all she needed. Life is difficult, and walking by faith alone is never easy. However, time and again we find in the Bible that God honors faith. We may be unable to resolve the difficulties we face, but we serve one who can handle any problem we have. Like the woman in the text, we must seek the Lord in faith if we are to experience victory.
As we consider the struggles she faced, I want to discuss: The Touch of Deliverance. Her journey of faith should encourage us to continue by faith.
I. The Difficulty she Endured (25-26) – These verses reveal the great difficulty she faced. We discover:
A. Her Infirmity (25) – And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years. The only identification we have regarding this woman was that she had endured an issue of blood for twelve long years. Her name is not mentioned; she is identified by the infirmity she endured.
While most cannot identify with such despair, her suffering was not limited to the physical aspect of her infirmity. That alone would have created great difficulty, but her physical condition contributed to several other factors. She would have suffered socially as well. In that day, she was considered unclean and would have had very little, if any contact with other people. She lived a life of isolation as a social outcast. She also suffered financially, having spent her life’s savings in hopes of being healed. Her disease had literally brought financial ruin. All of this no doubt led to emotional suffering. Most cannot imagine dealing with such adversity for this length of time. I am sure there were times when she gave up hope and felt as if she would never be healed.
B. Her Disparity (26) – And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. She had been to many doctors, trying one remedy after another, enduring great suffering in the process, and yet she was not better. In fact, things had not improved at all. The longer she continued in this situation, the worse it got. She had tried everything imaginable, and yet her suffering continued. She was desperate for healing.
Many today are much the same. They exhaust their efforts and resources searching for real joy and peace. They spend their lives seeking that one thing that could satisfy. Sadly, most of the time their lives don’t get any better, but they continue to worsen with time. The endless search continues with little or no comfort. The search will continue until they meet the Lord. He alone has the power to transform our lives and give us that we so desperately seek.
This woman’s plans and attempts ended in failure. You will never possess what you need in life apart from Christ! There may be some small victories and joys, but Jesus is the only answer for the cares and troubles of life. She traveled from one doctor to another. Many today try one vice or pleasure after another, but what they seek is not found. Faith in the Lord is our only source of hope and peace.
II. The Determination she Possessed (24, 27-28) – Although her condition continued to worsen, she had not completely given up. She was determined to receive healing. Consider:
A. The Challenge (24, 27) – And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him. [27] When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. This encounter happened during Jesus’ year of popularity. Everywhere He went, great crowds followed him. He is on His way to the home of Jairus to heal his daughter of a deathly illness. It would have been easy to have become discouraged by the crowds and the difficulty of getting to Jesus, but she was determined to get to the Lord. She pressed through the crowd, keeping her eyes on Jesus. She had to overcome the obstacle before her if she wanted to get to the Lord.
This world doesn’t want you to get to Jesus. It has no use for Him. I can assure you that if you are sincere in getting to Jesus, the adversary will see to it that there are obstacles in your way. He will place all he can before you, in hopes you will focus on the difficulty, the storm, or the crowd. By faith, keep your eyes on Jesus with a determined resolve to get to Him!
As the body of Christ, we are here to exalt the Lord and point lost sinners and hurting saints to Him. We are not here to be seen or heard. We are not here for our own agenda. (Illus. the preacher, the portrait behind the pulpit, and the little girl’s response.) We must not get in the way of those who need the Lord.
B. Her Commitment (27-28) – When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. [28] For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. She had received word somehow that Jesus was in town, and she believed He could heal her. She had faith that merely touching His garment would suffice.
She had known great disappointment before. She had spent twelve years and all she had on empty promises and no healing. But somehow this was different. She knew that Jesus was not like the rest. She was confident that if she could just get to Jesus she would be made whole.
Do we possess that kind of confidence? We talk of faith and know that God is able to meet our needs and yet many times we live defeated lives. We sing of a risen Savior who is alive and well, but often live as if He were not. Great faith is needed if we are to experience victory and the healing we desire. This world doesn’t have the solutions or the power, but Jesus does!
III. The Deliverance she Received (29-34) – Here we discover the great deliverance she received from the Lord. We find:
A. It was Powerful (29) – And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. As she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, her healing was immediate. Just one touch of the garment by faith brought complete healing. She knew she had been miraculously healed by the Lord.
The woman received physical healing, but our Lord is not limited to physical needs. He possesses all power, and is able to meet whatever need you may have. The greatest need He meets in the lives of individuals is complete transformation in salvation. He lifts us from the bonds and deadness of sin unto eternal life in Him. If you are in need today, come to Jesus by faith!
B. It was Perceived (30) – And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? She had but touched the hem of His garment and immediately Jesus knew someone had touched Him. The crowds were thronging Him; many wanted to get close to the Lord and likely desired some miracle. No doubt Jesus had casually brushed up against many during those few moments, but this touch was different; this was a touch in faith. Jesus knew that someone had touched Him by faith. He knew that someone had believed in faith!
When you get close enough to touch the Lord by faith, I assure you, He will know and He will respond. He will not let a touch of faith go without notice. Psalm 37:5 – Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 1 Peter 3:12a – For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers.
C. It was Proclaimed (33) – But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. She came before the Lord and acknowledged to Him and all who stood around that she had touched His garment and received divine healing. The woman made a public profession of what the Lord had done for her. She maybe had hoped to slip in, receive her healing, and slip away, but she was compelled to tell all the people of her healing.
We too must be willing to proclaim the goodness and grace of the Lord. There have been many times that He has met specific needs in my life. The least I can do is publicly praise Him and acknowledge His goodness. As the Lord responds to our faith, and we share those encounters with others, we encourage them to walk by faith, trusting the Lord.
D. It was Permanent (34) – And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. Imagine the peace and comfort she felt at this moment. For twelve long years she had dealt with this infirmity. There had not been a day of peace and rest for years, but this day was much different. Her faith had brought immediate and lasting healing. No more would she be forced to live a life of despair and suffering. One touch from the Master and she was made whole. Her life would never be the same from this day forth. Her walk of faith had proven beneficial. Jesus had met her need and sent her away with confidence and hope.
This remains true today. There is nothing like the touch of Jesus. I was eleven years old when He saved me. I haven’t always been what I should’ve been, but I’ve been saved since that time. He immediately transformed my life from condemnation to glorious life in Him. By faith, healing and hope can be found in Jesus.
Conclusion: Things were desperate for this woman, but by faith she received deliverance. With a crowd this large, I am sure there are varied needs among us. Our Lord is not limited to one particular need. He is able to provide healing, offer hope, restore strength, and save from sin. He is in the midst today. Are you willing to come before Him and receive the help that He alone can give? Had the woman not received a touch from the Lord, her infirmity would have remained. There is help for you today, but you must be willing to come to Jesus to receive it. Why not come and find the help you need!