Summary: Part 3c of our real people real problems series from 1 Samuel

Real People- Real Problems

A study of 1 Samuel

Hearing God- Part 3c

“Benefits of Hearing God”

1 Samuel 3:10

Happy Father’s day

Recognize Fathers – Oldest- Youngest- Most-est

Today we are going to take just a little different approach to father’s day

On Mother’s day we celebrate Moms

We glorify them a bit

Make them feel special

Which they are


On Father’s day

Typically we mash on Dad a bit

We talk a lot about how we as men of God




Love and lead our Kids

Every once in a while you will get a sermon that makes a Dad glad he is a Dad

But mostly

Men get a

You can do it better sermon

And yes we all can


Today instead I am going to simply continue on in our series

In 1 Samuel about Real People with Real Problems

And more specifically with the series in a series

About Hearing God

I chose to not change directions

Not do a special Father’s day sermon


I believe God’s word

Speaks with more authority than I do

I believe he has a far better plan than I do

And I find that where we are in this series in a series

Has direct application on how to be a good and Godly Father

And for you girls

How to be a good and Godly Mom

In the first of this miniseries we discussed

Through the story of Samuels call

How God speaks to us

Remember the Different ways the wranglers at Bishop called to their animals----

Same with Us

God uses many ways to speak to his creation

To recap

God speaks directly to our hearts through the Holy Spirit

God speaks to our minds though his written word

God speaks to our ears through his church

God speaks to our senses through his wonderful creation- in so many ways

I could spend vast amounts of time telling you about the wonderful way he speaks in the small things of this life

But he has spoken in this time and still speaks to us though his Son Jesus


The voice of God in the person of his Son Jesus shows us

True love

Shows us how to live a sinless life

Shows us True self sacrifice

True forgiveness

Jesus shows us the perfect example of how we should be striving to be

So we saw that God does indeed speak today in many ways


As we studied the next week we often have trouble



And responding to God’s voice

I told you last week how inexperience can be a barrier

It was originally a barrier to Samuel

He did not recognize God’s voice

Because he had never heard God’s voice before

Or maybe he had heard the voices but did not understand they were God

I showed you how we develop experience by reading and studying God’s word

By seeking to hear his voice

By praying and asking his guidance and direction

We talked about the responsibility of those believers with experience to help the inexperienced gain the necessary experience- praying with and for the lost and new believers

Giving good Godly council- being available to answer questions

Next we talked about the lack of expectations

Samuel did not know it was God at first who was speaking

Because he was not expecting God to speak to him

He was a boy

He had no experience

He had no maturity

He was not a priest

He was Just a regular guy

But we saw how Samuel began expecting to hear the voice of God

And as a result

God began using him in mighty ways

And we discussed how God can and does speak to us

And that when we learn to get up every day expecting to hear God

He really begins working in and through our lives

Next we talked about wiliness or better yet


When Samuel finally realized it was God speaking

He said

“Speak Lord, you servant is listening”

In simple terms

He said

Use me Lord

As Isaiah the prophet said

“Here I am send me”

He was willing to step up to the plate

He was willing to climb over the back of the chute sit down, slide up and nod for God to use him from a cowboy perspective

And we saw how we and those around us often don’t hear the voice of God

Or don’t respond to the voice of God

Because they are unwilling to hear or unwilling to respond to what they hear






And so many more things can be the root of this unwillingness

But ultimately they miss the blessing of God

By missing the sound of his voice

Through the unwillingness to listen

To hear

Or to respond

Next we saw how sin can be such a huge barrier to Hearing God’s voice

Sin is often a sore subject in the world today

But is a reality

And a real problem in many areas of our lives

Hearing- Listening and responding being some of the biggest

There is no mention in this passage of Samuel having sin in his life

But we know that God’s word tells us we are all sinners

So the fact that Samuel had sin is not up for dispute


Samuel did not let


Create a barrier to hearing

I will tell you there is no evidence that Samuel had any blatant sin in his life

But I can assure you he was a sinner, as are we all

We discussed how sin is such a huge barrier to listening and hearing the voice of God

That it can lead to a huge wall of separation

Not a loss of salvation for those who have accepted Jesus

We have covered this many times

But definitely a loss of fellowship

A loss of closeness

A loss of intimacy with God

Hearing God is important to our Christian Growth

Hearing God is critical to our redemption

Responding to what we hear from God is imperative to our sanctification

Becoming more and more like Jesus

Growing in faith and Matuturity

Becoming Bona Fide in Christ

And Hanging on to him in the good and bad times

Through thick and thin

Today I want to focus on what we get when we learn how God speaks

When we learn how to recognize his voice

When we learn to seek him

And better yet when we learn to either prevent the barriers to hearing or remove them if they already exist

Please open up your bibles again this morning to 1 Samuel 3

I just want to read one verse initially

One simple verse

When Samuel heard the voice of God

And recognized the voice of God

And responded to the voice of God

That response started a chain of events that would change his life

The life of the nation of Israel and the lives of all believers in all times

He simply said in verse 10b

““Speak, your servant is listening.”

“Speak your servant is listening”

And he received many, many things for his wiliness to not only hear

But to respond to what he heard

It is my goal today to show us how we can do the same

How we by, listening and hearing

And responding

Can become better Fathers

Better Mothers

Better parents

Better friends

Better Disciples of Christ

Hang on tight

Because it is going to be a heck of a ride

There are literally thousands of benefits of hearing and responding to God’s voice

And possibly millions of trickle down benefits

Some of those I will discuss in my closing as we address the practical application part of today’s lesson

But I believe if we boil all of them down to just one and expand on it

We do a good job of identifying the thousands in our own lives

Hearing God, Listening to God and Responding to God

Shows us our purpose

Every person ever created is looking for the meaning of life

Most seek it in the wrong places

Most listen to the wrong voices

Samuel responded to God

And God


Immediately began the process

Of showing Samuel his purpose

You see

Samuel listened

And responded

And then acted

God gave him a message

And Samuel delivered the message

In the years to come he would be elevated to the position of Judge

He would be respected


Verse 3:19 through 4:1

Show us the beginnings of this purpose

We will study much more about Samuel and his part in God’s plan in the weeks to come

Verses 3:18-4:1

9 As Samuel grew up, the LORD was with him, and everything Samuel said proved to be reliable. 20 And all Israel, from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south, knew that Samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the LORD. 21 The LORD continued to appear at Shiloh and gave messages to Samuel there at the Tabernacle. 4:1 And Samuel’s words went out to all the people of Israel.

When we like Samuel

Hear God

Learn to recognize his voice

Grow in relationship with him

Seek to serve and to please him

And act on what he shows us and tells us

We begin unwrapping the secret that the whole world seeks but few find

We begin to find our purpose

And we begin to find the meaning that we were created for

There are two types of purposes in God’s plan

General purposes- the common ones all who believe share

We will discuss these here

And Specific purposes – those that are unique to each individual believer- those you will have to figure out on your own with directions from God


We all have a purpose in the kingdom

God does not make mistakes

And he does not make Junk

We all have an important purpose in the kingdom

You purpose in the long run may be different from Samuel's

It may be different from mine

Or the person next to you

But our common purposes are the same

God shows us our

First purpose by calling us to salvation

We were created to be in fellowship with God- that is our first purpose

---God created man so he could show his love---

And God desires that fellowship!!!!

And I tell you the truth

Every person ever created

Is seeking that fellowship as well

They may call it seeking their purpose

Finding themselves

Seeking the meaning of life

But what they are seeking is God

And many have no idea

We all have a God shaped hole in our hearts

And only he can fill it

Apart from God we will never find peace

We will never find purpose

So our first purpose---------

Is a restored relationship with God though Jesus Christ?

Sin separated us from God from the beginning- From the sin of Adam

One man

Jesus restores us through his sacrifice and our acceptance of that sacrifice

One man

Our next purpose is to

Glorify our creator

We were created to bring honor and glory to God

Though our lives

We do this by listening to

And learning’

God’s word---His voice

And by responding

Moving towards the sound of his voice’

Craving to hear and act on his word

Living for the Lord

Bringing Glory to the one who made us

We are his custom made creation

And he loved us so much that he gave what he loved most to redeem us

Satan and The world tell us

We are not good enough

Not faithful enough

Not strong enough

Not pretty enough

Not smart enough

Not rich enough

The voice of truth----God almighty

Tells us we are wonderfully made

He tells us we are forgiven through Jesus

God tells us we have worth and value

That we are his prized possessions

And he tell us that because of that

Because we are loved

Because we are forgiven

Because we are blessed

Our purpose is to

To live for him

Obey him

To seek him

To serve him

To Love him

And be loved by him

We are to show his glory in all we say

And all we do

How we live


How we love

Let me make this real for you this morning

Let me give you something to take home

Something to use tomorrow and the next day

The first year I was here I preached on Father’s day about old dogs- some of you may remember

I told you how I have owed many good cow dogs in my life

But have never trained one

My old Dog ---Butch

Did the training for me

You see

He listened

He was obedient

He was loyal

He knew and loved his purpose

And he desired to please his master

And as a result

He showed the young dogs

By example --how to be obedient

And in doing so he showed them how to find their purpose as well

When we as Father’s


Role Models in whatever capacity that is for you

Learn to recognize God’s voice

When we learn how to understand what he is saying

When we learn how to respond to the sound of his voice in obedience

----We learn our purpose- general and specific ---

And we as a result of that knowledge

We find the peace we are seeking

We find the meaning we are seeking

In short

We find the secret to life --- eternal life- abundant life

And we also show the way to that secret by our own lives- how we live and love

And by our relationship with God

Curly in the movie City slickers said

Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?

[holds up one finger]

Curly: This.

Mitch: Your finger?

Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don't mean nothing

Mitch: But, what is the "one thing?"

Curly: [smiles] That's what *you* have to find out.

Curly was right---But Curly was wrong

Curly implies that the secret is dependent on you

On your wants

There is one thing that is the secret to life

There is one thing that is the secret to joy

There is one thing that is the secret to peace

There is one thing that is the secret to security

There is one thing that is the secret to contentment

Just one thing

One thing---

The deepest need for all people

All people

---Is to know and love the God who made them---

Let me repeat that

“The deepest need for all people is to know and love the God who made them”

How do we know God?

We listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus as savior

Jesus says – I am the way- the truth and the life- no one comes to the Father except though me

And receive the promise Holy Spirit

God in us

That teaches us from the inside out

How do we know God better?

Listen to his voice

His spirit

His word

His church

His creation and his Son

How do we love God?

Jesus said

---If you love me obey me----

James says don’t just listen to God’s word

----Do what it says-----

Listen and respond

Don’t harden your heart

Let him lead, guide and direct you

And then

You will find your purpose

And then

You can give your sons and daughters

Your grandchildren

The ones God places in your path

The best gift that they will ever receive – the greatest Gift of all

You can give them directions as to how they too can find their purpose

How they can find the meaning of life

You can give them directions to Jesus

Though your love, through your words

Though your life and through your purpose

Are you hearing?

Are you listening?

Are you responding?

Are you fulfilling your purpose?

Or are you just going through the motions?

Matthew West sings a song about this very thing

After I close it will be playing

Listen to the words

------ Apply them to your life--------

Close from the heart


Matthew West

Song---Going through the motions